Saw this yesterday on TV in gym.
30 days to remove about 1500 of their e-scooters from the city
Want to know what people think.
But it looks cool. Just needs a frappuccino in one hand
Doctors treating them afterwards don't consider it cool though…
And a dog with leash attached to scooter
They're not e-scooters.
Yeah f those people. Hated them riding at full speed down the crowded docks at new years.
Shouldn't they at least be only using bike paths?
More like dumping them anywhere and so creating obstacles and safety hazrads
Great photography
Camera man was riding an e-scooter.
Very sad for a city council that professes to be so "GREEN".
But if people act irreseponsibly and dump them everywhere as they do with rental e-bikes they become a real "hazard"
Surely the answer would be to build parking docks for e-bikes and scooters and make it illegal to dump them anywhere.
Just as applies with any vehicle.
RACV tried that years ago and it failed as you had to go out of your way to find a dock which diminished the time saving. The big selling point of the dockless system was being able to be jerk and park anywhere. I can see it appealed to a lot of people.
The main reason was safety concerns about riding practices on hire scooters, not the parking.
Sounds good to me.
Every time the government looks to ban something, businesses always roll out the ‘it will force consumers to use illegal operators’.
will force consumers to use illegal operators
like who ???
In this case the current providers say it will force people to use private e-scooters that have uncapped speed. Reality is they can do this today anyway
say it will force people to use private e-scooters
private e-scooters are not affected.
that have uncapped speed.
they are not legal
The vast majority of problems, complaints and injuries are due to the hire e-scooters at present…
@jv: Nah. Private ones in our area are ridden extremely poorly, at speed and completely ignoring regulations. A danger to other road users and pedestrians
What about this guy who seems to ride up to 70km/h with no repercussion?
It doesn't matter if its legal or not… People will just be doing whatever they want and keep on endangering others…
It doesn't matter if its legal or not… People will just be doing whatever they want
The hire scooters will no longer be available, so they will not be able to do whatever they want on them.
@jv: The thing is, banning the commercial escooters are easy, but banning the unlocked private scooters/euc/ebikes are not easy.
You probably saw the recent police chase in the UK trying to catch the phone snatcher on a 60 km/h ebike. It wasn't easy and they needed so many police cars just to catch this one guy (out of 2).
banning the commercial escooters are easy,
Yes, that's why they did it…
but banning the unlocked private scooters/euc/ebikes are not easy.
That's up to the State Gov, and not the council.
@jv: Regardless whoever is doing the regulation you will almost need to apply the same import bans as e-cigarettes to be able to prevent these unlocked bikes.
Although, it still doesn't prevent you from unlocking it yourself. I know there are widely known hacks for Shimano EP8 and Bosch motors without having to flash firmwares (just mess with the magnetic sensor instead).
@jv: I know, of course.
I was replying to your bolded comment about uncappwd private escooters being not legal.
and they needed so many police cars just to catch this one guy
I hope they beat him to a pulp when he got caught.
like who ???
Bikies Scooties
Unfortunately, there's a subsegment of the population that are fwits who are irresponsible and ruin it for the rest of us. I've seen cyclists and electric scooters on roads without helmets and riding dangerously. With the busier traffic and narrow footpaths in the major cities it is a recipe for disaster. Cyclists riding on footpaths and cars exiting driveways have always been a bit dangerous but the likelihood would increase with more electric scooters and poor education.
Honestly those uber eats bikes are probably (even) worse than the escooters.
I decided not to comment on it as I would have gone on a longer rant… I've almost killed a few due to their own stupidity.
They get around the road rules in weird ways because they're technically not classified as a motorbike despite the fact that they're often entirely motorised and the pedals are almost for show.
Regulating them seems like a bit of a nightmare and it would probably screw over a lot of those uber/doorrdash/menulog riders, but they already get shafted by low pay and worker rights anyway so what else is new for em.
@Falkner: They ignore (not 'get around') the road rules with impunity because they're not adequately enforced.
Found the hungry panda drivers the worst offenders in the CBD, the amount of times they cut people & traffic off is insane.
Are we free to collect the scooters and strip for motor, controller and battery now?
I remember when that red or yellow ebike company went bankrupt and they were "free" property in Sydney. They cleared off the streets quicker than I could get my ute out lol.
Are we free to collect the scooters and strip for motor, controller and battery now?
No, they will just be moved to other suburbs.
Ban is only for the 'City of Melbourne'
Ahh yes that's true. Dammit lol
Need to be speed limited to "walking pace"
They are not allowed on footpaths.
That is one of the reason they are being banned in the CBD.
That should be true of anything that shares space with pedestrians.
what about joggers?
Joggers are essentially faster pedestrians.
How about sprinters?
E-scooters/bikes are supposed to be limited to 25pkh but can easily be modified to do 75+kph. It’s pathetic.
Yep it's a Big Problem. But it is NOT a problem for hire scooters. Those hire scooters are unmodified, are geofenced and tracked and have AEB (Autonomous Emergency Braking) that jams on the anchors if there is something or someone in front of them.
Sure there are idiots who illegally ride on the footpath and vandals who leave them lying about where they get in the way. But deliverers on e-bikes are far worse for both of these in the Melbourne CBD and it is notable the Council is not game to ban them.
There's no chance the delivery riders' bikes meet several of the already existing rules, nor do they operate them within the road rules.
It's an enforcement issue.
Only escooters with bigger motors can go that fast. Mine is stuck at 25 KMPH with full power
That would be the speed of mobility scooter which is 8km/h
They should’ve used something like a dash cam. Look at the footage, see who hired it, then ban them. Banning a few offenders from the get go would’ve made it look like they were trying to get a handle on the problem.
I’m not sure banning is the answer but these guys better get their act together with Yarra council to prove they are on top of this. Otherwise they won’t be operating here either.
its all via app, so they know who was driving it.
Yup, sorry if I was unclear. I meant they could coordinate the camera data with who hired the scooter at that time.
They've had lots of time to do that, but they did nothing, so it's the e-scooter companies own fault. that they are now banned.
@jv: The trouble is baby out with the bath water. However, I agree the eScooter companies should've been more proactive.
I remember oBike left Melbourne years ago. Now e-scooters …
I wish all public transports are free in Australia, not only free tram zone in Melbourne CBD in VIC and none in NSW lol (I am in Sydney now). So, less cars on the streets, better air quality and less traffic too. Faster delivery ;-)
I remember oBike left Melbourne years ago. Now e-scooters …
The ban is just for the CBD…. They will still be in the surrounding inner suburbs.
A lot of them are geo locked to only operate in the hoddle grid and inner metro area though, so I'm curious how their range will work in these suburbs now.
Also since it's not a blanket ban, you're now going to have uninformed and also morons riding them into the CBD anyway, which means the same problems will still happen and more people will just get fined.
Basically free pub transport in Brisbane right now
50 cents is not free and only temporary. Or you mean in Brisbane CBD only?
note the word 'basically'
I’m surprised they are being banned. In environmental circles personal e-vehicles are seen as a “gateway vehicle” and one of the steps to break the chain that is I.C.E vehicles.
Any alleged issues are worth it as young people will slowly become conditioned to expect limited range capabilities and will be happy to rent an ev car instead of buy an I.C.E. car in the future.
I’m surprised they are being banned.
I'm not..
The majority of people on them that I've come across act like they own the road or footpath..
No wonder people are getting wiped out by em and surprised it too that long to ban em..
Sounds like you see the e-scooter and instantly hate them no matter how they're riding.
"Get off my lawn" sort of grumpiness. It's very common. Maybe you saw a couple of wrong-doers, now ALL of them a wrong-doing in your eyes.
Lets put it this way.. I've seen more doing the wrong things than I've seen just living like a normal person.
Good. Too many fkwits zooming around on them in the city.
"Oh no! People are zooming from A to B in the city using their own emissions-free personal transport!"
So what? Most of the time they're not a problem. The complaints remind me of people who move into apartments next door to pubs, then complain about the noise.
Now let's get rid of those stupid delivery bikes that ride on the foot paths and run red lights.
those stupid delivery bikes
They are all illegal….
Not sure why the government and/or police are not doing anything about them…
I think they've had a blitz on them, they don't seem to be riding on the footpaths as much and are also running fewer red lights. They still get along without having to pedal, so are in effect an illegal motorbike.
so are in effect an illegal motorbike.
so therefore not insured if they cause an accident.
Many of those delivery ebike riders are on Visitor Visa (tourist visa) who will log onto an app that belongs to a local (citizen or PR). So that is why you see so many desperate riders with no knowledge of the local laws.
Some of them even ride on the wrong side of the road! I nearly crashed into them on the bike path!
rubs hands together… WHAT CAN WE BAN NEXT GUYS? !!
If people used e-scooters in bicycle lanes there wouldn't be a problem. But no, people want to use them on footpaths. You wouldn't ride a bicycle on footpaths, so why is a scooter okay?
Because they were mainly used by young idiots with lazy legs as an alternative to walking.
If people used e-scooters in bicycle lanes there wouldn't be a problem.
Even on the road, they are riding without helmets and travelling with passengers…
The problem is no one enforced the rules, so why obey them. I've seen people fined by the cops for cycling on a footpath, but never saw anyone do anything about the scooters after living in the CBD for 3 years. I suppose it's easier for the council or whatever to ban them.
In our area, the police would need a supercharged e-bike to have a chance of catching the idiots. They won’t stop just because the police tell them to; they’ll just ride up an easement.
Crazy to me to think to ride a bicycle on a road, when I was taught to use a footpath as a child. Seriously doesn't make sense, everyone just needs to be more mindful.
Oh no!….anyway…….
Do you need counseling?
About time! Worst thing in the city since the damn hire bikes. Nothing like walking out of southern cross and scooters lying around everywhere.
This is why we can’t have nice things in the city!
Me walking around the city: why tf would you park it in the middle of a footpath?
Exactly. 8am hundreds walking out and trying to side step scooters dumped like people jumped off the scooter mid ride to rush to a train.. worst!
which reason why