This was posted 11 years 10 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

5kw Solar System for $9980 + 25 Cents FIT [VIC]


I saw this offer on an ad:…

You might need to call them but make sure you do it soon. It's not a bad offer providing the hardware is semi-decent but the FIT will make you some extra cash. (Usually 8 cents but they pump it up for 3 years)

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closed Comments

  • This could be good if you could leave it all to export otherwise go to solargain for a cheaper offer. (Around $8500)

  • +3

    I usually don't like deals with many variables. The biggest variable: Will the company be long enough (3 years) be around to pay you out.
    Why not make it a better price in the beginning …

    • +3

      The worst thing about solar is the amount of uncertainties.

      No one will tell you what a system will output they will only tell you what they recommend for certain typical households.

      I want a solar company to say -

      • This 5kw system will give you atleast 'x' kwh over spring/summer/autumn/winter or we will pay you 'x' per kwh under the amount.

      • Given 'x' kwh per period is expected your system should pay for itself in 'y' amount of time, If it hasn't then the refund delivered due to our guarantee will mean that is has paid for itself.

      It's easy for them to give rough ideas but the issue I have is the unpredictability of everything and that's why I'm unwilling to spend $10,000+ on a system that I don't know. I also realise that I can search "the googlez" for information but I want a written guarantee from a company and not from 'Steve' on the interwebs.

      • +2

        They can't control the weather. They should, however be able to calculate how much a system should generate and give you copies of their calculations. It depends where which direction the panels face and their angle, and obviously also if any of them are blocked at certain times of the day. They certainly won't guarantee an output - a rainy summer will make your average output down from what it usually would be.

  • -5

    hey victorians - you need sun for solar to work.

    • rotfl…come on down today Altomic…38°…my solar is push out the electrons

      • lol

  • +1

    25c for 3 yrs isnt alot to help pay it off,

    • If it works out, it could cut the cost in half. The real concern is the quality of what your getting, as its in their interests to use less efficient panels, that may be rated at 5kw, but only produce that in perfect conditions.

  • Be wary of these "bonus feed in tariff" schemes offered through specific solar retailers.

    In all the cases I have looked into, the specific power retailer offering the bonus charges the solar retailer a fee to cover the cost of them paying the higher feed in tariff - so the "bonus" is built into the price of the system - a gimmick.

    The higher feed in tariff offered to all customers (no matter where the solar system was purchased) by the likes of AGL and Origin are genuine.

  • +1

    I got 64c FIT on my 1.8Kw system ($2450 installed 2 years ago), it paid itself off under 2 years!! Yeeee-Haaaa!, and now I get cheques! good amounts too!! now the FIT is 8c, dunno why the poster is saying 25c.

    • Since the company is adding a bit. I'm also on the PFIT at another property.

  • I was hoping this would be a mini model of the Solar System with floating planets and all.

  • This is probably horrible from an environmental point of view but letting that $10 000 gather interest in a bank probably pays off more in a reasonable time than waiting to break even.

  • "Sunburst Solar will pay a maximum of 17c/kWh as an addition to your current tariff up to a total maximum payment of 25c/kWh"

    So if you use say Red Energy who give 16c FIT, that means you only get 9c FIT from these guys. Also there's no guarantee that 8c FIT will stay in Vic either, it's based on the wholesale price, which apparently is trending down.

    • The FIT will be going up every so often according to the CEC.

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