This was posted 7 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[PS5, Pre Order] Astro Bot $80.10, Astro Bot DualSense Controller $111.60 Delivered (Everyday Rewards Required) @ Big W

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Must be logged in to account and have everyday rewards linked for coupon to apply.

Controller is limited edition and likely to sell out.

Both release on 6/9/24

Update (17/08/24): game back in stock

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Great! Just cancelled my Amazon preorder. Was on the fence about the controller, but went for it! Thanks

    • Never really makes sense to cancel an Amazon pre-order early since they only charge you after it's been shipped.

      It also means you get their pre-order price guarantee which gives you the lowest price the game was at any point from the date you placed your order up until the release date.

      This might not sound like much at first but considering there's been numerous times where they randomly match someone else's price with a coupon, or even a random blip in their pricing algorithm, means you get to keep that lower price. I've pre-ordered games from Amazon on multiple occasions which randomly got discounted below the cheapest release date price because of this. The most notable was getting TLOU2 when it first came out for ~$29 because of a pricing error in their system which must've occurred at some point early on in the listing (I had placed the pre-order the day it opened on Amazon).

      • It depends on how much free time you have. Some people (myself included) would probably forget the amazon preorder and nekminit, the order has been shipped :|

        • Then you just return it for free - not a real biggie

          I can definitely agree with Shekster, Amazon pre-order price guarantee is really, really sweet - I had a pre-order placed in 2022 for Stalker 2 Collector Edition that randomly dropped to $99 sometime since then and their system automatically locked my order in at that price. Ever since then, I just chuck down pre-orders on whatever looks interesting to me on Amazon and just leave it to see how low the price goes before release.

          • @jjsu: Not always free return. Again, for time poor, it's messaging amazon support, get label printed, get a box, stick label on securely, go to a dedicated drop off point.

            It's just a lot of time for the time poor where it's just not worth the effort.

            Also, amazon is a terrible place to buy if you want to play soon after release date. Most gMes release on Friday and amazon may ship on the day but most likely later which ends up being Tuesday. That's one less weekend to play and wondering where your game is in transit.

            So that begs the question, if you are not playing it day one, why preorder? I'm sure there are plenty of exceptions but do you really need the game or are you buying high only to regret later when it goes on sales at a later date?

            • @azngamer: I am definitely always playing it on day one. Must have something to do with where you live then, since Amazon dispatch the night before release to ensure you receive on the release date.

              I've only ever had them miss the date once, for which I was then reimbursed $10.

              Also as previously clarified, definitely am not buying it high as it's always either the cheapest available price or equal to it.

              Perhaps I may just be the minority but have definitely always had positive experiences with using Amazon for games/pre-orders

              • @Shekster: I get a lot that dispatch after the release date. Like Saturday or even the following Tuesday.

                Reimbursement is not guaranteed and can end up lots of phone calls just to get $10 and have game come late.

      • That's the only thing I hate about Amazon is they don't charge you until it's shipped like what if I don't end up having the money when it releases? They'll just cancel the order because you couldn't afford it even tho at the time of pre-ordering it you could afford it. They should just charge you straight away so no issues happen in the future then refund the difference if the price goes down like most stores do.

        One time I made an order from Amazon and I had the money for the item but then several hours my bank charged me for something else and so I couldn't afford the item anymore and because of Amazon not charging me for the item straight away they cancelled my order on the day of shipping… They really should give Customers an option to pay early.

        • +1

          After ordering, you can purchase an Amazon gift card and use that to pay for the balance of the pre-order before it ships.

          You just have to go into the order itself and it should give you the option to apply gift card balance. Not sure if you can do it within the mobile app, I've done it before on the website.

          • @jjsu: Wow first I've heard about this… Still stupid tho. If they can make a gift card option they should do the same with a credit card.

            • +1

              @RocketToSpace: Maybe gift cards are non refundable so it keeps the money in their system if something goes wrong with the order and you want a refund. Perhaps they will just put the refund back onto the gift card again rather than cash or CC refund. Not sure though.

  • +3

    Thanks OP.

    I'll cancel my EB games on release date in case Big W fails to deliver for whatever reason.

    I doubt this will sell out.

  • +1

    Is the only difference on the controller how it looks?

    • Most of the limited edition controls are just skinned varient. If you need specialty controls it won’t be through sony but other controller companies.

      • +4

        Or, you know, the Edge

        • +1

          Ah yes the pro 😅… $109 vs $339 ✌️

    • +2

      PS5 controllers have 3 revisions with the oldest one having the most issues. You can check your version at the back of the controller. This will likely be the newest revision

  • +1

    Thanks OP almost preordered from Amazon earlier, couldn't say no to this one.

  • Does the AstroBot game come with the preorder incentive like Amazon? I can't see it mentioned on their page.

    • +1

      What? Is this a thing? The box is printed that the game is sold separately though.

    • If you're talking about Amazon's pre-order price guarantee - No, Big W doesn't offer this.

      • I did mean the DLC. So yeah we'll see

    • From what i've read online, all physical copies of the game will have the poster and "pre-order" DLC inside the box.

      I'm just wondering if there'll be an upgrade path to the Digital Deluxe version to get the additional DLC that has.

  • +2

    Very much looking forward to this game.

  • +1

    Okay I forgot 0.5% topcashback. Learn from my mistake!

    • Do codes invalidate the cash back?

  • +3

    decent price, but I avoid buying from BigW as they put their stupid stickers on everything!

    • +2

      I remember this comment last time with the recent 13 Sentinels deal.

      Mine was absolutely clean, now I'm curious what these stickers look like and how bothersome they are..

      • +1

        sometimes you can get lucky, but more often than not I've found you get security stickers stuck on them and they are not fun to remove… i even had some from bigw ebay purchases which really pissed me off

        • Got my Luigi's Mansion preorder from them - no stickers or anything. The box wasn't wrapped, though.

          • @Azro: yeah it is actually pretty common for switch games to not be sealed for some reason

        • Damn fair enough.

          In my case I just wanted that cheap 13 Sentinels as trade fodder since I already own it digitally, and I walked literally 50 meters to the EB Games in the same shopping complex a few stores over and traded it right then and there.

          Glad I didn't get a whole bunch of tape on mine in hindsight 😅

    • I must be lucky. I've bought several games from them and not a single one had any of their stickers… but yet again that's just the games. I've never bought a controller from them so this is my first.

      The only thing I hate about Big W is that brown paper garbage they put inside of the boxes. I wish I could opt out of that paper garbage. Bad enough I have to destroy their boxes with a box cutter before I can put them into the bin but the paper is just extra annoying.

  • The controller will increase in value and the game will decrease. I just opted for the controller and wait for the game to drop. I have too menu in my library 👍

  • Why is this controller so much more expensive than a normal controller?

    • +3


    • +2

      Exclusivity. That's it.

  • +1

    Code not valid for Woolworths team members lol.

    • +1

      How does it feel getting screwed from both sides

      • +2


  • +2

    Perfect. Will go cancel my pre-order at Amazon!

  • +1

    Thanks OP.

    Looking forward to play this game a lot!

  • +2

    Postage estimated between 13th and 19th sept! Kills it

  • +1

    I'm getting a "Sold out" sign for the game now.

    Had it in my cart and ready to go, annoying.

    Didn't realize the BigW Everyday Extra Rewards is actually a generic code you can use though as opposed to a Perk for being an Extras member.

  • Thanks OP. I did not realise this existed. Looks cool, and will go nicely with my growing LE controller collection.

  • +1

    This game will be fun.

  • Any good games for adults / mature themes for ps5 to look forward to?

    I've been playing GT7 and Uncharted on repeat (…and not complaining)

    • +3

      You might like God of War.

      • Thats on my list. What else?

        • FF 16 wo long, nioh

        • +3

          This game unfortunately has been covered by controversy but it's a solid game, I've finished the game and really enjoyed it.

          Stellar Blade - are you after a combat game between hack and slash and souls like game where you feel badass and at the same time feel like you are not button mashing? This is your game.

          Platforming part of the game weak though.

          Story has been criticised as weak or non-existent but I argue it's there as side quest. Is it as good as Nier Automata? No, director acknowledged he is not good at storytelling but I have to say I was surprised. Nier Automata is a masterpiece but I don't think Stellar blade is any bad either. Stellar blade story wasn't jaw dropping but it does leave some philosophical questions for you to ponder. That's why I would argue there is no good or bad ending.

          Music wise, it's nier automata + replicant level personally. Maybe doesn't reach the same highs but I think on average it's better.

          Graphics wise, well, that's controversial.

          I played Korean dub with English sub and I got a PS5 for this game after watching the two BTS interview with the game director on how he created the game, with clay to model enemies and bosses as well as his interview with Yako Taro (director behind Nier series). No regret buying a PS5 for this game.

          If you have not played Nier Automata or Nier replicant, could potentially add those too but those are PS4.

          tl;dr great combat and amazing music (S tier). Overall, a joy to play and felt badass with combat without it being a cakewalk. Bosses were a great joy to fight against and new updates allows you to fight any bosses in a boss rush mode.

          Weak: story not as amazing as nier but I think it's pretty solid if you look beneath the surface. Platforming not great.

          Final note: my gosh, what a great variety of enemies and bosses! And really fun parry, witch time equivalent for perfect dodge, dash behind enemies for their blue circle attacks, backflip to expose their weak spot for their purple circle attacks.

          Thanks for coming to my TED talk

    • +1


  • +1

    Game seems to have sold out?

  • +1

    I was waiting for Big W to get the controller as I still have my 10% code not used :D.
    Then next month on September 1st I'll pre-order the game and use the 10% again.

    I would bundle both now but can't afford to do both right now.

    Pre-orderd :D

    EDIT: I just realized Big W put this controller under the Switch Controller range. No wonder I couldn't find it under PS5 Controllers.
    Good job Big W.

  • +2

    why would it be out of stock? it's a pre-order? can't they just make more from the Bluray factory?

    • It's Australia what do you expect? We get left overs of pretty much everything on the market. Everything on sale here are made overseas and shipped to Australia. It's whatever country these games are made in choosing which countries get the most and what gets less. America of course gets the most because they are a bigger country compared to Australia.

      Games sell out pretty fast here compared to America… Why companies refuse to give Australia a fair amount of anything is beyond me.

      Why you think we don't have Playstation Now here in Australia? Because Playstation thinks we ain't worth their effort… and if that's what they think of us I can just imagine what other companies and businesses say about us behind the scenes.

    • +1

      Big W probably just chose an allocation for pre-order as that’s how many they’ll have in the first week or something.

  • +2

    That controller is sweet! Too bad I already have two PS5 controllers and don’t need a third. Do I want a third though… must fight temptation…

    • +1

      I’ve got four controllers. I’m gonna go the trade route and also trade in my OG white controller.

    • Of course!

      Sony rarely releases a descent special edition controller.

      I also have two, will just trade in one of the older ones.

  • +1

    Damn I got too excited and forgot to use the code, or sign up for flybuys.

  • +1

    Wow this controller is selling out fast across stores in the US. Won't be long until Australian stores will sell out.

  • The code worked but went back to full price at checkout! I was charged $133 with $9 postage. rip!

    • Big W has a live chat option at the bottom right corner. Should of spoken to someone instead of paying… Also $133 for the controller what? it's $124 and $9 shipping? When it should of been free (Which is what I got). Sounds like you were ripped off. Really should of spoken to someone.

      • I did chat to them. They said the code wasn’t for preorders and refused to believe it said free shipping since it charged me $9. I cancelled the order.

  • +1

    Also, in case anyone doesnt know, JB HiFi have a deal for the Astro Bot game, get it for free when you trade in 2 selected PS5, XBOX series X or Switch games, i swapped in 2 pokemon games this morning for it, unfortunately i pre ordered yesterday at EB for the 2 games and $39 deal, paid a $10 deposit, not sure if i will get the $10 back but still cheaper through JB HiFi either way

  • Has anyone else had issues with the code not working on pre-orders? Just curious after what @Bankyy said. It's very odd that they didn't let him/her use the code on their order and even had the nerve to charge him/her delivery.

    Has Big W caught onto this and now denying the code to be used on pre-orders? I'd check but my order went through without issues (code worked and everything).

  • +1

    Game back in stock just ordered

  • +1

    awesome :) ordered both the controller and the game for 191$

    thanks for this post OP

  • Preordered controller and game from this deal (thanks OP!) and also preordered another controller from JB Hi-fi!

  • My order got cancelled :(

  • My order (for the game) got cancelled too :-(
    Bruh. KLPD

    • +1

      Damn that sucks. I’ve got a Couriers Please tracking number for my game order.

      • Same! They just shipped my controller a couple of hours ago and being delivered by Couriers Please too.
        Looking forward! I already got the game from Amazon and I'm enjoying it.

  • +1

    My package for the controller arrived, it was delivered by Go People.

  • Just got my controller. I'm surprised it didn't come with a USB charging cable (which I was expecting) so I would hate to not have a charging cable on hand. For $124.95 it should of been packaged.

    Besides that the controller feels awesome compared to your normal white daulsense controller. Got this feeling it's gonna be my new main controller.

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