It is not the cheapest. I posted it just in case someone is looking for one.
This is a 4000Pa model and one of the most popular cheap robot vacuums on OzBargain. I personally use this, and it has been going well for the last nine months.
It is not the cheapest. I posted it just in case someone is looking for one.
This is a 4000Pa model and one of the most popular cheap robot vacuums on OzBargain. I personally use this, and it has been going well for the last nine months.
Care to elaborate?
Your comment is absolute junk unless you back up what your are saying with cold hard facts.
I'm actually very curious whether these stack up at all against the favourably reviewed yet far more expensive devices and comments like yours are just such a waste of time.
Please mate do better.
We think ours is great, navigates a big complex floor plan and does a good job of sweeping up and light mopping,
That's not backing up your comment.
That's saying it's trash but go find the proof yourself. Most comments here right now are pretty positive on the vacuuming front bar it not really getting into corners and the mopping isn't great. But it's a $220 device. The urguable king the Roborock Ultra Max V 8 is at LEAST 10x that amount.
Do you actually own one or have used one? If it's junk please send it to me I will try it out.
Thanks anyway for getting back to me.
Go find previous posts, mate and the story will be there.
A lot of ozbargainers here did the same like you, never tried never owned and said they are junk or they compare it with $2000 unit.
@Wiadro: How about you prove it with a picture of your model with a picture of your username on it? Otherwise I call bs on it just because you got called out.
Some foolish people equate price to quality. I get the same unenlightened comments when $99 commercial blenders come up when people think they need to spend on a Vitamix for quality which is laughable.
There's expensive
There's inexpensive
There's cheap
There's value for money.
They're all different things.
In my opinion if it does a job of vacuuming, and your house is generally cleaner than it was before the vacuuming, then for $220 it's value for money, not junk. Junk is paying $220 and it actually just does not work at all.
I agree clubhonda. To be fair if the poster actually owns and uses one and explains why they think it's junk it's a totally different story.
I disagree.
I have left comments and reviews elsewhere. Please check if interested.
I bought one of these last November, and liked it so much I bought another one for my upstairs level, and a third for my elderly parents, who also love it. Incredible value, reliable and does a great job. Highly recommended.
Mines been awesome. If it broke tomorrow I’d order another asap.
If it broke tomorrow I’d order another asap
If you bought from Amazon, chat with them to refund it before you order another one.
Anyone used this with the separate self empting dock? Any good?
yeah, i got them both a couple of weeks ago and so far so good. I used to fill up a Dream V11 twice while vacuuming my place (lots of dust) but now i only fill it up about 1/3.
The vacuum hasn't failed to find its dock yet, and the suction on the dock seems strong enough to clean the vacuum out. It did clog up the first time I did a full house vacuum but that's only becaus there were so many dust bunnies in places that I can't normally hit with the handheld. Hasn't clogged since.
What is it's mapping like skooter?
Does it clean the same parts multiple times or miss out certain areas? Obstacle avoidance? Can you set it to clean the kid's rooms after mapping and be pretty assured of a clean kids room after it's finished for example?
You can set it to clean once or twice.
Mapping is good. I've seen complaints about it screwing maps up but you can save a map and restore it if that happens (and it really only took like 30 mins to map my place)
Obstacle avoidance is pretty good. LIDAR and a bumper on the front. It has gotten stuck a couple of times but they're mainly my fault (stuff lying on the ground)
No it doesn't clean the same place twice unless you tell it to
Yep it's been good. The vac doesn't have a sensor to know when it's full though, and if it overfills it can't get sucked off properly by the dock. I now just do selection cleaning and set it for a couple of rooms at a time so it goes back and shoots its load into the dock before it gets full.
You use colourful language
Same exactly for me. About 4 rooms then let the dock suck it out.
We got one for my wife's studio and it always stops inches in front of the dock.
That said, she's not tried moving the dock yet.
The dock needs a certain amount of space on each side.
It says something about this in the manual.
Yeah - it does have that space but it might need a bit more
This is correct. I had similar issues when I changed the dock to a different spot, as there was a chair nearby, and the whole kinematic envelope was constrained. Once I moved the dock away from the chair, it worked OK.
I have self-emptying docks on both my units. They work great.
Love my lublullu and dock. Insane value for such a good robot. Had to throw out my$700 robot one for breaking too much and this one is cheaper and better.
Does the SED ever go on sale?
We've had this combo since black friday last year. It works well once you learn to save back up copies of maps.
No pets In our house so cannot comment on how effective it is with hair.
Our house is just under 300m2, mostly carpet. The vacuum can manage about half on a charge. It works effectively but doesn't quite get into the corners
The mop function does a great job of spreading the kitchen and bathroom muck on the floor out evenly. I usually have to get the steam mop out to finish the job.
All in all, it has served as an excellent introduction to robovacs.
Online support from lubluelu has been excellent also.
When I wrote combo I meant the vacuum plus auto empty docking station.
I can’t seem to figure out how to save the map…..
Open the Smart Home app on your device
Open the LuBlueLu device in the App
Tap the three dots … above "Settings"
"Room Map Manage"
Click "Save" under the current map. That should create & save a copy. Name it accordingly.
I keep TWO maps of each level (Zone) in our house. I found that from time to time the current map gets corrupted, which confuses the vacuum. Then I go into Room Map Manage and tap "Use Map" on the backup copy.
If you want the vacuum to remap the house I was told all stored maps need to be deleted.
Done. Thank you
I got caught out not saving the map - now I'll do it periodically just in case it decides to forget (annoyingly the old maps appear in the cleaning history but there's no way to restore from there)
(annoyingly the old maps appear in the cleaning history but there's no way to restore from there)
You can save several maps and use whatever you want.
Just go to settings, Room Map Manage, that is how I select map for upstairs and downstairs
Yeah, I forgot to save my map the first time and it forgot it for some reason so no way to recover - even though the old maps are visible in history. Now I make sure I save the maps to hopefully avoid the pain of having to set up everything again.
I've had this unit and the auto empty dock since March. My first robot vac.
It's not failed me. Used every day ground level and every now and then on second level.
Haven't replaced brushes yet. According to the app, they've still got 20% life left on them.
Have dogs in the house and it picks up hairs no problems. Have it mop every now and then and honestly it's impressive for the price.
This is a great bit of kit.
My experience is the same with both mine. Great unit for the money.
If you want the dock also, is this a better deal?…
Where does $260 come from?
$360 I presume: $400 - 10%.
I think they meant $360 - there's a 10% off voucher available.
Yes was a type of it’s $360 ish after the discount.
Is it the same model ? SL60plus vs sl60Dplus
Yes as far as I can see it is the SL60D. See the image down the bottom "What's in the box"
That's what I reckon. I just bought the combo with the 10% voucher for $360—about $30 less than buying separately.
I also got $12.60 cashback tracked from cash rewards
Would this be better value for $20 extra? not sure if it is record low…
Interested to know too. Seems way better-specced for just an extra $20.
Single brush only
Just be aware that this model is not compatible with the auto-empty station.
Can I ask if this can be setup as vacuum only or mop only? I own an expensive one but always Mop and Vacuum together which is annoying.
Yes. You can.
Great machine for $220. Use it daily. Paid something similar. Highly recommended unless you’re looking for more features.
Wish the battery can last a bit longer or fast charging.
we set ours up to do 2 rooms in morning and 2 in arvo so never have issues with battery
Wow.Set up? Is there a timer or something I didn’t know?
There are so many Lubluelu models available on sale at Amazon:
SL60D - $220
SL61 - 231
SL68 - $238
L15 - $206
L20 - $240
There is also one Dreame D10s for $375.
Which one would be ideal if upgrading from a 4 yr old Ecovacs? Would prefer auto-empty station as well. Thanks
Great for a small house that is all floorboards. Ours has paid itself off if I consider my hourly wage vs time spent usually vacuuming/mopping the house. Still need to get the dyson out every few weeks to do some corners/behind doors but generally this thing does a sensational job
is there a risk of too much water with the mopping mode?
You can limit how much water comes out, or turn it off totally. You can also adjust this by area/room. It's not perfect (sometimes a bit of water still gets through in 'no water' areas, but it's mostly pretty solid especially for it's price point.
How's the mopping function? Is it effective? Do you add cleaning solution or use plain water?
You can't add cleaning solution
Any robotic vacuums that use a flat mop are going to have the same effectiveness as you pushing a flat wet mop around your floor without muscle.
Most people want more then that but the only way to get that is to spend $1200+
How's the mopping function?
Very basic with clean water, never use it.
If you give your floor a good manual mopping and then run this very often in mop mode it will help maintain it. But it won't effectively clean from scratch, it just limply drags a damp cloth around.
I don't bother because I can't be arsed filling/emptying the water compartment and putting the mop cloth on and off.
I squirt antibacterial hand wash on the floor before mopping and it seems to do the job. This way it won’t damage the vac.
Thats a great idea.
Thanks for confirming, was just wondering due to the price difference.
I never try mop, what about some area with rugs? I have to manually set which area can mop?
You can, but the mop will still be damp from mopping earlier, it just won't add more water onto the mop.
Is that mean I should vacuum first, change to mop and select which area to mop afterward?
@superforever: Yes that would be best.
I'm just realising that you might be able to select the order it does the rooms so it doesn't wet the mop until it hits the mop areas.. I need to try that.
I cook & bake a lot. No fast food in our town.
The tiled ktchen floor gets messy and needs cleaning daily with an additional heavy duty effort once or twice a week.
I fill the robovac's watertank, attach the mop, set cleaning mode to sweep- & mop, and cleaning to 2 times.
The thing sets off sucking and dragging its arse around in a Y pattern- forward and back twice. Once it finishes it repeats, this time at 90 degrees to the first sweep.
Once it has finished about 20-30 minutes later the loose dirt on the floor will have been sucked up. The sticky stuff will have been spread around evenly ;-) . I then go over the floor with a steam mop.
This is OK, but I'm looking forward to the next Black Friday. I feel an expensive proper mopping robovac coming on.
My floor is mopped infinitely better than before I bought this.
I have the SL-68 slightly more powerful at 4500ha I got it about 4 months ago for around $229. It is absolutely value for money.
Large 280ml Mopping Water container and all in 1 container/ Dust bin this was the biggest factor for me as I just need to pull out 1 tray refill and clean the mop brush. I wanted an entry level device before upgrading on the next one and can recommend the product.
I have the SL-68
Did you find any issue with only one brush
Have you researched on which model will be ideal for the next upgrade?
I am looking to upgrade my old ecovacs with something around $1000.
The Roborock s8 ultra is a good choice, ton of replacement parts on amazon/aliexpress. I've done 80 hours in mine in 3 months and its been faultless. Self cleaning mop and auto dust bin work a treat. If i hadn't had my hardwood floors polished recently I'd go a cheap model.
Wow, those are over $2k.
Is it MaxV Ultra or Pro Ultra?
@rahuahuj: S8 Pro ultra, best mate works at retail shop. Got it for under $1488. Lot of mark up on it. I've emptied enough vacuums and stick vacs in my time. Bags are under $2 each for 2 months daily usage and a fully hands off experience with hair clogs and I've got 2 cats and 4 children including my wife.
We purchased this as our first ever robo vac, more as a trial than anything, before we were willing to spend double the price on some of the other brand names.
Hasn't missed a beat in 6 months. Overall does a great job of keeping the house free of pet hair (including under couches/coffee tables where we would otherwise struggle to vacuum), as well as a general light mop. The map management/restricted areas can take a bit of getting used to but once set up it's perfectly fine. We have it navigating like a charm around pet water bowls, some floor cabling etc.
Just purchased the additional accessories/replacement pack for the brushed and extra mop cloths. Won't be changing or 'upgrading' anytime soon.
These are great,We have our come out every Mon,Wed & Fri & seriously can't believe how much fine dust it collects, I have purchased them for my 2 sons & have friends that have purchased it from our experience with it.My wife & I both work full time & it is so good to come home to cleaner floors & we have not used our built in vacuum since purchasing this over 9 months ago. Have had to get it to do a remap twice since owning it as the map had gone out of wack in the app.Just looked in the app & it has nearly covered 5000 square metres ;-)
we have not used our built in vacuum since purchasing this over 9 months ago.
I still need my vacuum for stairs 😆
Does any of you wonderful folks have one of these with a slate tile floor? I’ve got an around 30 or so sq/m of Indian slate tile floor that is uneven and I’d like to know if anybody can comment on how it would perform on such a surface?
I have the 4500pa version:
Works well, but you need to spend some time setting up.
Mine gets caught on my clothes hanging dryer sometimes. And no slippers.
Got caught on a small bump in the house so had to create a wall barrier.
Doesn't collect everything, can still see some hairs but good enough.
Dust bin isn't the biggest compared to other brands.
Need to clean the roller for hair. If you have a lot of long hair, consider different vacums desgined to suck up hair.
For 220, its good.
This one seems to be having more suction power in comparison to the above model.…
Single brush and no empty station compatible
I'm guessing double brush means more area covered per sweep, i.e. quicker job, or is there more to it?
double brush means it can "grab" from wider area but unsure if it factors that into its path