• expired

Tesla Powerwall Home Battery $10,400 + Gateway $1,700 (Total $12,100) + Delivery & Installation Costs by Quotation @ Tesla Au


*Price includes GST. Does not include delivery, installation, or other costs and fees. Final price will be provided by a Certified Installer.

Keep in mind this price is before installation and delivery.

That said, in the US the PowerWall (PW) 2 and PW3 have been the same price. Yet the PW3 includes an inbuilt inverter.

PW3 has 11.5kW of continuous power and 13.5KWh of capacity.

Once the NSW government battery rebate hits on 01.11.24 the price of these could drop to around $11k installed, which seems to be reasonable since most people are pretty much giving away their solar to the grid now.

The other thing to keep in mind is that you can recharge from the grid. So if you use OVO you can recharge from 11am - 2pm for free (though that’s when you solar will be pumping) and you can also recharge the PW with offpeak power from 12am - 5pm.

The downside of the PW is that it’s not modular, unlike the other two which are highly rated by Solar Quotes, the SolarGrow and BYD home battery systems. Where you can add a few KWh of storage easily and (potentially) make use of falling battery prices.

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closed Comments

  • +98

    In China, LFP battery wholesale price has sharply dropped by 50%+ this year. Let’s wait, it will soon reflect in the retail price in AU.

    • +38

      These things seem way over priced compared to the cars. And the cars can actually take you places.

      • +2

        That's because they are

          • +6

            @MagnamoniousRex: I don't know what gave you that idea, but it's incorrect.
            The Powerwall batteries contain brand new cells.

        • -1

          Elon's gotta eat bro…he's still making repayments for twitter

    • +1

      Will depend on which company passes of those savings. Given the high amount of roof top solar in Australia, once the rebate kicks in I think there will be some downward pressure on prices. Maybe I’m dreaming.

    • +6

      Waiting for PW3…!!! ,, Hope they will arrive before the end of the year..

      • +2

        Same. I’ve gone down the rabbit hole of different manufacturers and the PW3 seems like the one for us too.

        • +1

          What's so good about PW3? I'm yet to go down the rabbit hole for solar batteries… I don't suppose it uses BYD blades in them?! Lol, I just read an article saying Tesla has started putting BYD blade batteries into Tesla Y's in Germany so far with good results. And there's a good chance I'd buy one just for that in the future if no other new battery tech gets released by then. BYD blade batteries are just that good I believe.

          • +1

            @Ultraman: When I was doing a look into batteries, I found out that the batteries in Tesla's are LFP (not necessarily blades) in the standard range and NMC in the longer range models. NMC batteries are more energy dense so they can take up the same amount of volume but provide a better range.

            • +1

              @Caped Baldy: NMC have a significant risk of turning into a fireball if something goes wrong.
              LiFe have far less risk of turning into a fireball, and charging to 100% doesn't degrade the battery.
              The new tesla powerwalls in the US market are LiFe… NMC is going to die a fiery death like plasma TVs in most applications.

          • +2

            @Ultraman: Pw3 is lfp. Pw2 is NMC. Lfp charges to 100% with less degradation than NMC. Powerwall is at 100% a lot of the time

            • @aka nioh: Nodsnods.. funny how tesla is tossing NMCs. Defenders of the technology say it won't burn up if the monitoring system works correctly.
              Critics say LiFe won't burn up because it doesn't need an active cooling monitoring system.

          • +1

            @Ultraman: I just read PW3 will be cheaper and have inverter built inside compared to PW2.

      • +1

        They likely will be, PW3 is the way to go

      • +1

        Ive just read this and started researching now and see the PW3 has an inbuilt Inverter.

        I'm just wondering what benefits do you gain if the solar battery has an inverter when you already have a standalone inverter (mine is a fronius)

        is the inverter part in the pw3 self sufficient or does it also require grid power to run it meaning if you lose power youre still only going to have power if you have some charge in your battery?

        how can this be cost efficient if the battery also includes an inverter since my inverter alone was a few grand I guess won't that make the battery even more expensive?


        • +1

          To be clear, the PW2 has a built-in inverter (DC to AC), any AC-coupled home battery does. Another component not usually advertised is the battery charger (AC to DC). These components make them independent of solar system.

          The PW3 has a "solar inverter", this just means it can take solar input (DC) via what is usually called (MPPT) charge controller. This component isn't nearly as expensive as your usual stand-alone solar inverter. The PW3 can be connected directly to your solar panels, there are some advantages doing this:
          - Efficiency: AC coupled battery system: solar panels (DC) -> solar inverter (AC) -> house switchboard (AC) -> battery charger (DC) -> battery banks/cells (DC) -> battery inverter (AC) -> load (AC); while PW3 is just: solar panels (DC) -> PW3 charger controller (DC) -> battery banks/cells (DC) -> battery inverter (AC) -> load (AC).
          - Oversizing: PW3 can take up to 20 kW of panels – which should be allowed under Australian ‘oversizing’ rules because it can reportedly also deliver 5kW direct to the battery. To be clear, any DC coupled battery will allow this, but you will also need a compatible hybrid inverter.
          - Simplifying installation/design, less components, less points of failure.

          Both PW2 and PW3 needs the Gateway to work independently of grid power.

        • Theoretically, less loss, so higher efficiency.

          Every time you convert from DC(solar panels), to AC(external inverter), to DC(charge battery), you lose a few percent of energy as heat. Also, if they are replaced by one device, it is able to react slightly faster to changes in solar generation and household load.

          In terms of component cost, any battery system already has an inverter in it,
          to convert the battery's DC into AC to drive your home appliances.
          What the PW2 didn't have in it was the MPPT and DC to DC charge controller.

          Time will tell which is more reliable; seperate components, or an all-in-one (hybrid) inverter.

    • +4

      interested in this LFP, lets see if its around 5k for this capacity ill bite

      • NMC batteries are good for that. You'll be wasting your dough if you want an LiFe battery to warm your residence by fire.

    • +1

      The current wholesale price in China for cells is ~$50/kWh, for the total of 13.5KWh of cells is about $1k AUD.

  • +28

    Spent $12k, save $100 :)

    • +1

      I’m not sure about your power bills, but ours are unfortunately much bigger than $100/month.

      • +1

        With solar?

        • -8


          • +10

            @Ellllllys: How much research have you actually done?

            You should 100% get solar before a home battery. Charging a battery with off peak rates will have a very long pay back period.

            • +1

              @Caped Baldy: Hey, waiting for PW3 w inverter to get solar at the same time.

            • +2

              @Caped Baldy: Unless you are on a plan like Ovo where you get 3 hours of free electricity when the sun is shining

              • +1

                @Trojan: Or you’re with Amber Electric during the summer, where other houses are overproducing and you can just harvest the overproduced energy and ACTUALLY GET PAID FOR IT.

            • @Caped Baldy: There's an argument that if you don't have solar you should get both at the same time, as it's unlikely that the inverter you get with any solar system is compatible with a battery system you decide to add later.

              • @Piers: Yeah, that seems fair. I'll chalk that up to the batteries being unaffordable when I was researching a few years. From OP's initial comments it seemed like they were getting the battery without solar. They've clarified they'll get both which is good.

      • My power bills are no where near $12k

        • It might be worth it for localhost, depending on how many 4090's it has mining in the background.

        • +2

          You will break even by 2039.

          • +3

            @Mydc5r: assuming energy prices remain the same… they will not. they're going to increase.

      • Bro mine is $100/week 💀

        • is that because you only eat roots shoots and leaves… or is that the other chap?

    • +4

      Spent $12k, save $100 :)

      Sounds like most posts
      On here before 30 June…

    • +13

      at current battery prices they have never been an economical choice to save money they have only ever been added if you want convenience to still have power when the grid goes out

      sure your bills will be lower but not low enough to pay the price of the battery

      • +1

        Depending how much you pay for your battery.

        LFPs are going to be a lot more affordable in no time

        • +2

          Just need this price to be passed on by a reputable company that’s safe, efficient, effective and has a decent app.

          • @Ellllllys: Yeah good software integration's gonna be the killer

            • +1

              @0jay: Yeah tbh it’s what’s pushing me towards to PW over other (slightly) cheaper options. TBH at the moment they’re all about the same price. So going with the big dog with the good functionality and app makes sense.

              • @Ellllllys: I hear what you're saying, it'd be my dilemma too if I had property myself.

            • @0jay: I agree, but I hope Home Assistant gives us better battery diagnostics and allows us to control our battery through a standard interface.

          • -2

            @Ellllllys: I tried to use Tesla's app but all I get are racist shitposts from ketamine fueled memebots

      • +13

        ROI on (domestic) batteries is garbage, correct. Hopefully we start to get bigger community batteries sometime soon.

        And that's made worse when the supposed "deal" is on a Powerwall.

        Batteries are for if you have constant power outages, not otherwise.

        • -2

          ROI on (domestic) batteries is garbage, correct.

          incorrect, mine with pay for itself in under 9yrs.(assuming power prices dont increase). So after that it's saving me a fortune. .

          Hopefully we start to get bigger community batteries sometime soon.

          Yep, but it's not in the grid companies interest to have local storage. they should have been connecting compressed air/gas turbine storage years ago. But maybe we'll all get those magical SMR that Nuclear Pete is promising in every suburb. I mean just because there's only 3 in existence in our good friends Russia & China, surely we can whack a few together.

          Batteries are for if you have constant power outages, not otherwise.

          they're handy that's for sure. although I don't believe Powerwalls work during an outage, do they? Most domestic configurations don't because you need a grid isolating inverter otherwise when the power stops in the street so does your inverter & battery. Neighbours found that out the hard way late last year 5 days without power and mine was the only house in the street with power

          • +10

            @M00Cow: But after 9 years of constant daily use, how much capacity will be retained, and is it enough to offset the compound interest accrued from the initial cost of the battery (assume you paid for it in full upfront) over those 9 years, and do you need to replace it soon?

            Without the answers for those questions I found it hard to justify the batteries still.

            • +5

              @GreenRomeo: LG guarantee 90% capacity at 10yrs

              • +1

                @M00Cow: That’s impressive I think. Would be better if the warranty is more than 10 years as well.

                • +6

                  @GreenRomeo: My car warranty was 3 years. still going strong after 11.

                  it's strange how lots of armchair experts (like WattEver on Whirlpool) Claim that after 10yrs they're worthless & need ro be replaced. But there is absolutely no evidence of this. If LG has a 90% capacity on 10yrs, that would indicate they're pretty confident that they'll laat at least that long.

                  I just noticed powery power charges have goe up.from 23.5->28.5c/kWh, so that'll reduce the payoff time, but around another year.

                  • @M00Cow: I don't think that's due to battery degradation necessarily, but more due to overall system reliability. Less than 8% of batteries tested lasted more than 8 years without failure according to this study: https://www.solarquotes.com.au/blog/battery-testing-final-re…

                    No doubt the tech has improved since 2022, but it seems dangerous to assume your battery will outlast its 10 year warranty.

          • +4

            @M00Cow: Mine paid for itself in less than 7 years. I installed a 12kWh LiFePO4 battery setup 7 years ago. I didn't go with Tesla because they didn't use LiFePO4 batteries. In the first 6 years I only paid $11 (total) for electricity. The past year (since feed-in rates dropped) has cost me $158 for the year. I had my setup installed so that if we had a blackout I could switch over manually, disconnecting all external power and using the battery (normally you lose all power if the external power is interrupted).

          • @M00Cow: How much does a grid isolating inverter add to the cost of a system?

          • +2

            @M00Cow: You mean those magical SMRs that have been powering the US Navy for 60 years? But I thought only 3 were in existence?

            • @ruskibear: So, the US navy is now handing out highly enriched uranium reactor designs for public use? Shesh AUKWARD

        • +1

          Good for power outages assuming they have a backup capability, some won’t operate in a blackout.

        • It really depends on your set-up, plan and individual usage patterns but I found this video provided a good overview of the variables to help you work it out if interested.


      • +2

        Quite a basic comment I'd say. There would be plenty of situations where people have huge bills (my family included - old house, poor insulation, 3 very young kids, etc) that a battery can help. Surely the task is to sit down, crunch the numbers and figure out the net gain/loss of getting a battery.

        • +13

          Which MANY people have done, discovered it doesn't make sense, and then people come along and ignore that via vigorous handwaving and whataboutiing.

          • +8


            Which MANY people have done, discovered it doesn't make sense

            So ?

            It doesn't matter one jot whether the numbers worked for those people.

            What matters is how the numbers look for you.
            If they're good, get a battery.
            If they're bad, do not get a battery
            It's that simple - other people's numbers are utterly irrelevant.

          • +1

            @mickeyjuiceman: That's their issue I think - id argue that plenty have sat down and figured out its worthwhile and with year on year increases in costs of power (excluding the tiny drop recently) there is the possibility the ROI improves. Admittedly it will also improve as battery costs decrease (but Ive been hearing that for 10 years)

        • I don't think its as simple as running the numbers, otherwise people wouldn't buy a lot of things.

          • @Tardvark:

            I don't think its as simple as running the numbers, otherwise people wouldn't buy a lot of things.

            For 99% of people, the only reason to consider solar and/or battery is to generate more money than it costs.

            And for any financial investment that you want to make a profit from, of course you're going to run the numbers. Trying to make a profit without running the numbers, would be madness - you might make a loss !

            This is completely different to buying "a lot of things" - the solar/battery only exists to make money, and can only do so based on the result of "running the numbers".

      • when you did those complex calculations… how many battery years/ recharges were you using for your calculations?

      • +2

        I’m not sure about that. Had a pw2 installed March 2021. Bill used to be circa 2k/yr. Probably more actually. I haven’t had a bill since then, am currently at $1800 credit. This winter I’ve been using my ducted AC throughout the night, which runs the battery empty by about 4am. Despite this, it’s stilll saving me money.

        Cost about 12k. Savings so far 6k minimum of bills plus almost 2k credit. So 3 years in 8k “paid off”. On track for a 5yo payback period.

        I have a pool, large (35kw) pool heater (heat pump), ducted AC and a decent solar system (15kw). The key is a big enough solar system to pump charge into the pw in winter. Plus automation.

        September to May, my pool varies in temp between 29 degrees and 33 degrees (I like it warm lol). The only behaviour I have modified is to ensure I don’t exceed the pw2 5kw output limit between 2-8pm for which one moment of excess consumption applies for an entire months charges.

        Point is, plan it and do it right. It can work out financially viable pretty quickly.

        • How do you charge the battery in winter when it’s raining/ overcast? Off peak?

          • -1

            @Jono05: I think you missed the 15KW Solar system. Even on a cloudy day, it's going to generate close to enough to fill the Powerwall.

            The weather needs to be spectacularly bad to drop the output close to zero.

          • @Jono05: Sometimes you can’t avoid it, the system gets depleted and there simply isn’t enough solar to charge the battery or even to use at all. Generally speaking, bad days I can generate 20ish. A good day I can generate 130kwh. If the weather is so bad that I can’t charge, I reserve whatever I can for peak use to minimise charges there, and fall back to the grid. It has happened once, and because I’m so far in credit, I still haven’t had to pay. Some nights I opt to leave the aircon on all night, once the battery is depleted, I use from the grid.

            Automations and planning will cover and offset 99.9% of usage. I feel for redundancy and never needing to rely on the grid a minimum of 50kwh would be needed to be ok and cover a rainy week/really shitty dark weather.

  • +18

    Where is the bargain?

  • +28

    How is this a bargain?

    • +13

      Has Tesla in the title 👍
      Saves on typing recommended retail price.

      • +2

        Lmao!! Same as Apple.

  • +25

    Not a dime from my pocket goes to felon

    • +25

      Consumer ➡️ Elon ➡️ Trump. Pass

      • -1

        It's hard to think of a more terrible candidate for POTUS than Trump but I think Elon would probably edge him out.

        • +7

          I think he was saying (correctly) that Elon is pumping $45m a month into Trumps campaign.

          • +8

            @BlahBlahBlaah: You're expecting her to make an alliance with russia….. to grab every man on the poossy…. to go for an unbeatable world record for crimes while in office…. to incite insurrection….. or do women scare you?

            • -3

              @rooster7777: Go jack off over Kamala then. Get your excitement up before she flops and you see Trump in power for the next 4 years.

        • +4

          Given that Musk was born in South Africa, he will never be a candidate for POTUS. Phew!

          • -6

            @Cheapskate Paul: He probably doesn’t want to anyway. He’s a lot more intelligent and productive than Kamala Harris!

          • @Cheapskate Paul:

            Given that Musk was born in South Africa, he will never be a candidate for POTUS.

            Never say never. Things can change pretty fast. There was a time we thought felons couldn't be candidates yet here we are.

            (For a while, while he was a Kennedy, I had suspicion Arnie might be the first to challenge the born in the USA rule.)

          • +2

            @Cheapskate Paul: Funnily enough, the most successful African-American

    • -1

      Weak. I donate any excess I have to Elon. It helps offset the hot air from haters rofl.

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