My Dutch friends and Amsterdam lovers rejoice. Get in quick before they sell out.
Chocomel Chocolate Milk - $4.99 @ ALDI

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Pretty thick compared to those.
Can have hot or cold too
Yes. Its thicker and actually tastes like chocolate. Made in Belgium too.
Harris Farms seems to also sell it for the same $4.99 price (when it is in stock).
I am surprised at the only 1.7% Coco content.
Brings back memories of Amsterdam coffee shops!
I can't remember anyone drinking coffee in those. Although those memories are a bit hazy to me now.
I have no memory of Amsterdam coffee shops.
You must of been on contiki tour where holland was complete blank to you except photos
Such a blur 😎
ALDI will likely sell bongs and cone pieces in their special buys section
If not I'm sure they'll have an avocado, an ice pick and a snorkel.
Trust me, bro. I've made bongs with less.
Showing up as only 4.49 when I click the link? Still won't buy, dutch chocolate powder isn't anywhere near as exe
Yeah I thought same. In store was 4.99
In store? Since when does Aldi deliver?
Price advertised online v price in store. Nobody mentioned delivery.
@banana365: How can you advertise a price online and then not have it in store for that price? Isn't that false advertising? Aldi has national pricing, so where is it only 4.49?
@Jackson: Sure, if they value their ten minutes they'll spend trying to argue their case at 50 cents, go for it!
@banana365: People on here have done more for less, between public BBQs and washing up using your neighbour's hose
Chocomel is the BOMB and some sort of cheapo imitaiton is a waste of time
Link for one shipped from Amsterdam cheaper please?
Don't understand why you compare the price in au to nl. Why don't you take into account the refrigerated air transport that got it into Oz, tarif, trucking, people to lug it and deliver it into stores?
Sounds terrible for the planet to be flying milk around.
I occasionally hold in my breath to limit my Co2 emissions.
@Rick Sanchez: Everyone?
Anyways, you are the less ballsy version of “I don’t like you so I hope you kill yourself”.
Stay mad lol.
Youre not wrong, but not as bad as shipping water in bottles around the world.
Why don't you take into account the refrigerated air transport
It's UHT milk in an air tight Tetra Pak
It doesn't need refrigeration during transportation.
It also isn't sent with air freight.
trucking, people to lug it and deliver it into stores?
Those costs are also incurred to sell it in Amsterdam
I take your point that it doesn't need refrigeration nor air freight. Still, you are comparing price of something close to its place of origin vs exact opposite side of the globe.
Yes agree it's terrible for the environment. Not sure why they can't just make it here. We have very good milk too.
Still, you are comparing price of something close to its place of origin vs exact opposite side of the globe.
I'm not comparing costs only pointing out your overstating the freight costs and that there are similar distribution costs incurred in the Netherlands to Australia.
Still, you are comparing price of something close to its place of origin vs exact opposite side of the globe.
Sometimes it's actually cheaper to buy the same product on the other side of the globe compared to its place of origin.
Not sure why they can't just make it here
We make lots of chocolate milk in Australia, just not this particular one because it's made by a Netherland based company and the demand for them to stand up a processing facility here mustn't make financial sense.
Never heard of this before but keen to try it, would this be in the refrigerated section?
No, it's in the middle section.
Yeah depends on your store, not every story layout is the same. I found it at my local aldi shop in a new special buys section of different snacks and stuff.
A lot in carnes hill NSW
No need for refrigeration, it is just in the middle section
A lot of preservatives, it means?
Nah, it's the high temperature they use that kills any lurgies
UHT milk. Ultra heat treated -> longlife.
Not sold at Aldi camberwell
I got in Yangebup store (Perth) if that helps someone out
Amsterdam, waar ligt dat dan?
It's Aldi. Only 1L, I expect 2L for that price in Aldi.
Not that many people want to buy chocolate milk 1L for $5 lol. That's why Chobani chocolate oat milk 1L is now $3.5 in Coles with oat too, not just chocolate milk (was $5).
Let's see how long 1L chocolate milk ($5 or more) can survive in Australia market in this high inflation, high living cost people say.
Agreed. It’s the cost of novelty though, not the product itself.
Just bought it, it's okay and for the price your better off with Chobani chocolate oat milk which has a thick consistency like this one but more flavourful imo. This tastes more like a thicker version of a cocopops cereal milk but not in a great way
Yeah same just tried it, it’s not bad , made in belgium I guess so no harm trying 😅 not sure if I would buy it all the time at $5 for 1L though 🥲
Now I’ll have to try this chobani milk 😆
These short run, themed specials aren't there as competitors to the more local alternatives. They are partly novelty and partly to appeal to those from the country of origin. When things like packets of Penguins appear in the middle aisle, you can bet that I'm grabbing a load, even if the superior Tim Tams are within reach.
100%, I'm Dutch and I buy this stuff by the bucketload when Aldi has it. Its the taste of my childhood and I LOVE IT
Sadly ones I got have Best Before of Oct 2024. Drink up!
None anywhere near me…
XXXImpulse bought some today. Glad its supposed to be good! wouldve got a couple if Id seen it here.
Now Colesworth need to sell it so I can grab some. Since Aldi isn't nationwide.
Harris farm used to sell chocomel so maybe there is a chance. Although, no idea why it was removed.
Colesworth sell the Sanitarium oat chocolate milk which is very good and close to chocomel, and on sale at Woolies for $2.60 a litre.
It was removed maybe because less sales. Proof that Australia population is small if compared with America. No wonder Clear said Aldi isn't nationwide. If Australia population is as big as America, maybe Aldi will be nationwide and Harris Farm still sell it. Australia is a big continent … Not small island like Singapore.
Sanitarium oat chocolate milk $2.6 a litre in Woolies is more reasonable price for 1L with oat.
It probably did not sell too well at Harris Farm, and this maybe due to the packing or not being a well known brand. It sure was delicious so good to see it again.
Price may also have been a factor. It was about $6 a litre at Harris Farm, so its one of the highest cost per litre liquid.
Someone please bring in Puhoi from NZ or even whittaker. Man their chocolate milk hits differently.
Lewis Road Creamery? It's so good
Coach house dairy is pretty similar to them.
Managed to 5 grab here in Sydney. Just wish they sold Fristi as well, now that! Is some liquid cocaine right there
I wish they would bring Febo here. I was addicted to it for all the four days I was there this year.
Bethune chocolate milk is insanely good and made here, owned and operated in Australia. I highly recommend it. Harris Farm Markets stock it and lots of regional shops in Victoria. you share pricing at Harris Farm please?
$5.40 for a 300ml glass bottle. Expensive, but really good.
Too expensive especially in this high inflation high living cost, people say. Chocolate milk is a niche market. Most people only buy normal white milk.
Imagine if Lindt and Ferrero sell chocolate milk too :P
This was nowhere to be seen in my suburban Sydney Aldi.
Couldn’t find it either
Found it at Ashfield Aldi today. If it helps, there was only two boxes of 6x 1L, so it maybe easy to miss in many stores, and possibly sold out due to how good this product is and that it is a limited time sale item.
Hearing too much double Dutch here….
They put it out at 7pm at my local with the electric bike, I grabbed a choc milk
If you're trying to get your hands on some in SE Melbourne and don't mind paying a bit more, EuroFood Moorabbin have a bunch in stock for $5.90. They have a storefront so you can just walk in.
Very few Aldi stores are stocking this, unfortunately. Managed to get one. Not bad, but I wish it was cheaper.
It means it maybe just a seasonal product or maybe Aldi wanna test the market. The price difference between this 1L chocolate milk and 1L normal white milk doesn't make sense. Unless if Lindt or Ferrero sell chocolate milk :P
So, chocolate milk is a niche market if compared with normal white milk as most people only buy normal white milk.
You didn't get it right. It's a Dutch product and Aldi had Dutch food items in its center section last week. It's neither a seasonal product nor a 'test the market' product. It's simply a weekly special catalogue with different themes that Aldi has every week.
Agreed. The last time I saw chocomel was 3 years ago. That's why I do the stock up
Oz bargain - the ultimate chocci milk demographic.
People just wanna try or maybe for nostalgia … Chocolate milk is a niche market. Most people just buy normal white milk.
i drank a bit at room temperature and I've tasted better, gonna refrigerate in hopes it will taste better
Yes, best refrigerated or as a hot chocolate (just warm it up). Lekker!
is it better than the chocolate milk woolies and coels sell?