Back on sale again, RRP $25.50
Also same/half price at Coles.
Cenovis Multivitamin And Minerals - General Wellbeing - Supports Energy levels And Healthy Immune System, 200 Tablets, Mostly Green (Pack of 1)
Back on sale again, RRP $25.50
Also same/half price at Coles.
Cenovis Multivitamin And Minerals - General Wellbeing - Supports Energy levels And Healthy Immune System, 200 Tablets, Mostly Green (Pack of 1)
Which iherb multi vits are the best?
You personally used any of these?
I've tried swisse and Blackmore's many years ago, and the taste was so horrible that I really struggled to use them.
Finally settled on the Costco version as I could easily stomach it.
I really need something that has no horrible taste (it might have been the fish).
@ad62623: Yeah. Ive been using 21st century for a while.
They have really good reviews everywhere, reasonable price and apparently iherb is supposed to lab test these routinely for purity
@easternculture: What about taste specifically though. I know it's subjective but would you say it'ds a strong flavour?
Id rather a less potent tablet that I take everyday, than a good one I subconsciously avoid.
@ad62623: Its a tablet. You swallow it. Should give you an after taste. Havent noticed anything to be honest
@elektron: Haha no chewing, I couldn't imagine that.
Just the taste of having the tablet touch my mouth for both Blackmore's and Swisse is something I still remember 8 years later.
The Costco version didn't have that taste, and I was able to have them daily with no issues (or taste).
@ad62623: We are very different. I take quite a few vitamins and minerals, don't have loyalty to a particular brand and have no idea what any of them taste like.
@elektron: I have no loyalty, I just don't want to have one that tastes horrible. When it tastes bad I will subconsciously avoid taking them daily. A fact I only realized after swapping to a better tasting.
Bought some 21st century to try out.
@elektron: I take them to boost my current vitamin and trace element levels. I do know they are working because i feel more energetic, better memory function, sleep better and more in the REM cycle (notable by vivid dreams and also can remember my dreams now), etc.
Talking about memory, pregnolone really has a notable positive effect on brain function and sleep.
@easternculture: That's very interesting, as I struggle with getting good REM sleep and hardly have any dreams. Might give them a try.
@elektron: When i tried pregnenolone 50mg, cannot really describe how pleasant my sleep was and how my memory and attention span had improved dramatically.
It would feel like i was dreaming all night and would remember my dreams all day long . I guess it attributed to that it is a neural steroid.
Unfortunatly stopped it as i felt i was getting mentally addicted to it due to its pleasant effects on my brain. Im trialling DHEA now as its also a neural steroid but not as potent or extreme as pregnenolone.
@easternculture: Any thoughts on these from Amazon? The NOW brand has a good reputation and I've bought quite a few supplements from them.
NOW Daily Vits,250 Tablets
@elektron: They seem to have reasonable amounts of individual ingredients. I think NOW is also a reputable brand on iherb
@ad62623: These days the capsules are tasteless carriers of the ingredients. There is no taste unless you swirl it round on your mouth for ages. Put in drink gone.
These all have Vit A (beta carotene is preferred as excess is not stored), synthetic vit E (not natural), low B complex, poor forms of selenium & zinc. Way too much iron in one of them, the other has a bit too much as well.
Nice try sneaking in your referral lol
@easternculture: i just copy pasted from the app that I am not logged in on. Not everyone is trying to make 2 bucks
Edit: Here’s the link that I posted above
Usually when you share your referral link, your referral code is listed where it says “any?”
You're usually better off getting specific vitamins and not a multivitamin. Main ones are multi B, D, zinc, A and magnesium.
For example my stack would normally be: Multi B, D, A, C, K, magnesium mix, zinc, coq10/ubiquinol, NAC, taurine, glucosamine sulfate, acetyl-l-carnitine, creatine. (Good to cycle on/off for certain ones).
Magnesium is hard to get in multi complex and good form. For example, the NATURELO recommended above has it in a bad form and not sufficient amount. If take in specific one component form may be another issues. Coq10 gives me headache in this way, but okay in complex packs.
Nobody ever evaluates bioavailability of the vitamins, and it often makes them useless. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are the fat-soluble, therefore eat them with fats, but do not eat the other vitamins with them as they negate each other and don't digest.
Requiring all these must mean you have a really crap diet. They are a supplement not a replacement
@Geoff01: Not necessarily. Some people have bad absorbtion of vitamins due to GI issues or genetics. I had a friend that was unable to absorb vit B and K due to the above
@Geoff01: Or just easier to get what you want/need especially when certain foods cost a lot of money to get those vitamins - similar to how protein powder works for people who need 200g+ protein and want a more calorie and cost efficient delivery method.
@donman92: 100% agree on this. I consume 1g per pound body weight of protein per day so i need over 200grams. Food is too expensive so taking a protein shake in morning and post workout while getting other from food sources is cost effective
@easternculture: Finally gets rich enough to buy 2kg of steak a day. Realises he can't eat that much steak sustainably coz of the macros 🤣
i was just about to write something similar, this is absolute bottom of the barrel multi, also the spectrum covered is poor and severely under dosed.
for a top tier multi check out the Life Extension one, though it says 2/day due to its potency most go with 1/day
check out the Life Extension one
Eg these?…
Yes that one, it's so potent i actually had to take 1 a day on and off or else id get acne due to the massive dose of B12 so one bottle would last me ages, but YMMV.
I wouldn't take this one purely as it has selenium yeast (partially inorganic) which can affect its absorption in presence of high levels of vitamin C. You don't want unabsorbed selenium floating around your system. Selenomethionine is the best organic form.
it's also another reason why many says multis are a scam because of cheap crap like this which literally does next to nothing if you only take 1 or 2 a day, yeh you get what you pay for
Although iherb ships from overseas and min $80 spend for free shipping, so a bit of a tradeoff.
I buy in bulk, usually 6 months supply of what i need at a time
can you share your shopping list with us? please…
You do realise they are designed to supplement your food intake not replace it and most multis exceed what the body can absorb so most is excreted during the day so basically wasted.…
Been taking these. Piss looks like nuclear waste but they seem alright. Need a big meal to take them with though as they give me nausea otherwise
Too much fat soluble Vit A (beta carotene is preferred as excess is not stored), synthetic vit E (not natural), too high B2 (excess goes out coloured in urine) as well as some other B's, poor forms of selenium & zinc, too much iron.
Do you have any recommendations on a good one or an alternative in multiple separate for a decent price?
$10\month are where the decent ones are at the moment. if you pay less, you get less and\or they cut corners (as per above).
Swisse when on special (currently their 120 tabs equate to $9\month) at CW.
Budget: Microgenics ($7.50\month), maybe a little too high on the B complex, and lower on vit D, but ok:
General: ($11\month today's pricing), only come in 60 tabs though.
No vit D which is a very strange omission.
Start from there and compare nutrients depending on budget. As a guide: dl-tocopherol is synthetic vit E which is an indicator of an overall poor formulation, sometimes even seen in pregnancy multi's). You want d-tocopherol which is natural.
@aumacca: Where does Cenovis fall down compared to Swisse (or any of these others)?
It has d-tocopherol like Swisse.
It has the same type of selenium as Swisse.
It has betacarotene like Swisse.
It has less B2 than Swisse.
It only has 2mg more iron than Swisse.
@vetopower: original post is looking at this one:
2 tabs per day: so effectively you halve the amount of total tabs to get a price comparison, or double their listing to compare nutrients.
i think you're comparing another multivitamin.
@aumacca: So the Swisse men’s multivit 120 tabs is a good choice ? Wondering as it’s the one I take.
@aumacca: What do you think of these? Good family owned brand that I've bought many other supplements from and the price is very good for 8+ months of supply. Is there a catch?
NOW Daily Vits,250 Tablets
I have Prime, so the international delivery is free.
@aumacca: I disagree. They have reasonable quantity assuming you have a well balanced diet. Over 50% of RDI is pretty good for the price range from a local seller
@easternculture: depends on your activity level. for athletes in regular training the RDIs are woefully inadequate. training generates a tonne of free radical (oxidation) potential which damages muscle. antioxidant intake from food and concentrated nutrient form can help offset this. vit D and magnesium are commonly deficient in even sedentary individuals.
for athletes in regular training
Your talking about a specific group that probably is less than 5% of ozbargainers. So for the majority here, those ingredients are more than enough.
@aumacca: Thanks for taking a look. To me that's more of an advantage, as I already take complex B and D separately. I get plenty of C from fruit - much more bioavailable than the synthetic C in the vitamins). And is 9 mg of iron really too much?
@elektron: High levels of iron have been associated with an increased risk of heart disease. That level is pretty high for a multi, especially for males.
@aumacca: In aware of the dangers, and appreciate you pointing it out, as I haven't picked this up. However, from what I understand, isn't supplementing with 8-10 mg of iron considered safe for men?
@elektron: iron needs are highest in teenagers, women and especially pregnant women (where they can get doctor's advice). males would need around the amount listed in that supplement daily, but would get that amount from the 'average' diet alone (as compared to veg & vegan who can absorb less iron from plant sources). there's no point doubling it - risking elevated LDL (bad) cholesterol and higher oxidation. vit C, even in multi amounts, along with iron (ideally very few mg) increases that iron's absorption. less is best for males.
@aumacca: Thank you, I appreciate the detailed explanation. I've always had elevated LDL, regardless of the diet or exercise regimen, so wouldn't want to take that risk. Will try to cancel my Amazon order.
Any suggestions for a better alternative greatly appreciated. I have no idea about this stuff
pls see above, thanks
LOL @ taking a multivitamin with B12 as cyanocobalamin in it.
Care to elaborate?
Methylcobalamin is the far superior form of b12.
What's your source for this?
As a dietician, every study I've read regarding the two has stated that the difference is negligible for 99% of people.
Cyanacobalamin is synthetic compared to methyl being natural, however a healthy persons body is able to convert the synthetic version into a usable (natural) form.
after my own research in the field of supplements, I have come to avoid synthetic ( made by chemical synthesis, especially to imitate a natural product) vitamins wherever possible when natural are available - I always research for the "best form of vitamin … " and look for those supplements that are synthetic and have higher rate of absorption - so I have one less doubt that is/sn't working
if you seriously think that you are deficient in some type of vitamins or minerals and it is affecting your life - you can get a test done and go from there
also always look into dosage amount needed to take (taking recommended daily value for a deficient person likely will not bring them up to speed for a long time depending upon vitamin especially vitamin D and B12), when is it best to take morning or evening, with or without food, vitamins s to take together or avoid taking together for best results/personal side effects
at the end your intention should always be to bring your vitamins /minerals levels up and then move to natural foods sources ( where possible) not processed foods which do more harm with the sugar/hidden sugar names/chemicals synthetic vitamins they have in them etc
best of luck
How does this compare with other Australian brands?
If you want something good quality and Australian look at Ethical Nutrients. Expensive but not overpriced in my opinion.
If you want to buy a brand that is average quality and spends millions in marketing go for Swisse or Blackmores
Cenovis is the same level as supermarket home brand.
If you are happy to buy from overseas, Life Extension, Jarrows, Solgar, Now are good brands
and Thorne
I had bad experience with the Now.
So weird the garlic horseradish bit C is still not halved.
I had to go price match with Coles at CW 2 bottles 2 days ago
Hmmm, take two tablets
So really it is just 100 doses
hmm discussion about iherb is intersting but too bad free shipping over 80 only.
maybe after i cleaned up all my vitamins i can try buy from them in bulk
Combine with weight loss, or something else unnecessary. Or just order with friends.
Why are Aussie multivitamins so weak compared to US ones… Is it a regulation thing?
Competition and regulation.
The companies that make products based on modern recommendations (rather than RDI% from 50 year old textbooks) charge very high prices or only sell through naturopaths. Consequently these products don't sell well, and noone bothers to compete.
Regulation comes in, not in preventing higher dosage products being made but in preventing advertising direct to consumers. There are only a handful of ingredients that cannot be sold direct to consumers locally but are available overseas. However the USA is one of the only countries in the world that allows any ingredient to be advertised, including prescription medicines. This has allowed a very large market in 'complimentary' medicines to develop, often with dubious effectiveness- regulation only focuses on harm.
I take these and I get heartburn. Is this normal
that question is fully loaded with not enough information to work with.
Unless you have a real deficiency, multivits are a waste of money as confirmed by pretty much every meta study of all time. All they do is line the pockets of the people who make and market them.
Thanks for listening
Im sure most people today have a deficiency of one vitamin or another due to the busy lifestyles we live and the food we eat
how much vitamins does KFC give?
Still, taking blood analysis let's say every 4 months to find out if there's lack of anything will be more expensive than just any random $10 per month Multivitamin complex. This way you will be sure that 99% of vitamins are covered regardless of your food, lifestyle, weather, job, etc.
True. More GPs are now billing so this will cost a consultation of at least $60 which would cover you for most essential vitamins for 4 to 6 months
The cost per table seems to be cheap but not per vitamines containing in each. Had a quick comparison last time and found other multivitamins like Swiss has 3-5 times more. Amazon sold Swiss Teen Multi for very cheap last Prime sale, tho Swiss Men/Women Multi could be better buy.
Swiss are obviously better, but there others, even better than Swiss. You get what you pay for, Cenovis is the cheapest.
Swiss are only cheap when Amazon's doing heavy discounts on particular products. It's bank for the buck. Not sure of the taste as I just take them with water, but their nutrition % are compatible but the pricing is still high elsewhere. Cenovis is not the cheapest per nutrition % on this one tho.
Nobody knows real nutrition %. Rare checks tend to find fluctuations like +-500% from advertised in majority of supplements.
@Ozzster: Those % numbers on the bottle are the only source I have so I can't comment on the fact check. They do at risk of false advertising especially with the 5x times like that. Would be very nice to have someone validating these figures since we all rely on them. Same as products on the supermarket.
Coming up as $14, might be a prime deal. Was also going to say that it is also better to buy individual vitamins based on the deficiencies confirmed by a blood test report.
These are truely pathetic in terms of the amounts of individual ingredients they have in per tablet which stopped me from buying them when i saw these at coles. You would need to take at least 5 tablets to get the equivalent of what you would buy at iherb for a few dollars more