This was posted 7 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Breville BES980BSS The Oracle Coffee Machine $1800 Shipped ($0 C&C Limited Stores) @ MYER


Should be the cheapest for this year?
Local pick up from Garden City (WA)
Or online delivery available

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closed Comments

  • +3

    It’s a good machine but mine started to have issues after 2 years once the warranty ended

    • +7

      Luckily, I have a 10 years old one and still functional.

      • Ditto, mine's been flawless…
        Before I bought it, i did some research and there seemed like a lot of resources for repairs online and spare parts.. hope your issue isn't too serious!

        • +1

          Bought mine 9 years ago and sent it for service for the first time this year (pressure seemed to have dropped a little). Cost me $265 for the service and to have it couriered back to me. A++ would buy again =).

          • @jharsem: I got mine 3+ years ago. I snapped the steam wand when trying to clean it. Ordered a replacement part on ebay, and the service centre installed it for me and give the machine a clean. That was less than a $200 service and repair. A very good experience all-round.

            Plus I hammer the machine, usually gets used for 4 drinks a day.

          • @jharsem: Where are you guys servicing the machine?also to @serpserpserp

            • @beatsntoons:

              Where are you guys servicing the machine?

              Usually I bring it to the dining table for a service - prefer a bit more table space.

            • @beatsntoons: The breville service centre. I think there is one in most states

              • @serpserpserp: thanks. It's a third party store, right? I've taken my DB (in Sydney) to a 3rd party one for a service but always curious if there's more around.

    • +24

      I'd push for assistance anyway. Statutory rights are not limited to a set time period.
      Instead, they apply for the amount of time that is reasonable to expect, given the cost and quality of the item.

      I do not think it is reasonable for a $1,800 coffee machine to only last two years. Push and assert your rights under consumer law correctly, but always be polite.

    • What sort of issues have you been getting and have you been able to resolve them following a service?

      • I’m not sure exactly, but water is coming out of both the hot water spout and group head when pulling a shot. I’m still waiting on a quotation from Breville but they were quite firm and wouldn’t budge regarding warranty even mentioning reasonable time under Australian consumer law

        • Had the same probelm, and at the service centre there were a heap of Breville Oracle machines awaiting repair. The service technician said it is super common, and the new seals they replace with should last a lot longer. Mine was just out of warranty and they honoured it.

        • +1

          I'm a bit torn with this one. The seal if it's anything like the Breville Barista express is kinda a consumable part. It's not supposed to last forever. After we repaired the first via an official repairer we did it ourselves, once every year or two. The seals themselves are like $8.

          • @ozbs25: It is 3x the price…

            • @ajr5k: It doesn't matter how much the machine is. I just checked, it's the same group seal that goes in both machines.

        • The leaking is from scale build up in the valves.
          Put some descaler/ vinegar through the group head and water spout. Leave it in for a few hours, and every half hour purge a little bit, alternating between the group head and water spout.
          Flush it all at the end of the day.

    • I had the exact same problem. Breville still honored the warranty at 2 years and 2 months. The place I took it to said the seals and internal pipes are known to break after 2 years, it is easily repairable, but if it lasts 3 years without a seal or pipe bursting then you are very lucky.

      • but if it lasts 3 years without a seal or pipe bursting then you are very lucky.

        That is not what the guys at the Breville service centre say. Machines can last a long time depending on usage and care.

        • Machine yes, seal no.

    • Ours has been going for 6-7 years. It was leaking awhile ago and Dad took it apart and replaced a washer that stopped the leaking. We do have some trouble pulling the first shot so i just do a hot water flush first. Probably should properly fix it.

    • +1

      Hit and miss I guess. My boiler broke just few months before the warranty expired. It’s fixed and been good so far.

      • Not exactly an old boiler either!

  • +28

    Oracle Coffee Machine $1800

    Has anybody tried the SQL Server version?

    • +1

      Well played.

    • +3

      Loving my maria personally, getting much better performance with open source coffee

    • +8

      Nah because you’ll need Java beans

      • Some Arabian mocha java, on me.

    • +2

      When you are scrolling UP from the bottom of the page to read the comments, you see one, and instantly you know with 100% certainty who penned it BEFORE you even see the username.

    • +1

      Certainly not, its select ‘x’ from dual (boiler) for me

    • -1

      Oracle MySQL is too sh*t tho

    • -1

      That's really funny 😐

  • Whats the benefit of this machine over the newly released barista touch impress?

    54mm is arguably better than 58mm for extraction.

    • Have a barista express impress myself.

      The impress feature is such a godsend feature. So much faster with the auto dosing and tamper system. Fantastic for someone normally in a rush like me 😂

    • +3

      why is 54mm better? I have an old sunbeam that is reaching end of life and I am about to start shopping, so interested to know if this is something I need to consider.

    • 54mk not necessarily better .. I use a 21g 58mm basket so it's deeper and I get a really shot from the Oracle.

      • Its all about the depth ratio of the puck. A deeper puck gives higher/more efficient extraction.

        For 58mm basket, U will need more coffee to achieve the same ratio as a smaller basket.

        • Interesting comparison.

          I always thought that larger the surface area the better, because shallower puck means less chance of channelling (minimised). Also more consistent head space, i.e. plus/minus a couple of grams is not going to change the thickness of the puck as much.

          Manufacturers go with smaller portafilter because it is easier (cheaper) to maintain pressure across a smaller surface area.

          But he has a point about smaller/deeper baskets allow coarser grinds, which is preferred over very fine grinds.

          All that being said, his experiment was using a specialised and highly precision espresso machine.

          In practical sense, a Breville machine with 54mm portafilter is made to price point that is not comparable to another Brevllie machine made using better components.

          So, it is invalid to generalise a 54mm machine produces better extraction than a 58mm machine.

    • Dual boiler? I'm happy enough with my barista pro though.

      • Yea I think having a dual boiler is the only real difference. Potentially more stable temp and ability to brew/steam at the same time.

        For someone considering this deal, I would recommend considering the barista touch impress as well, which is slightly cheaper, has the newer baratza burr, a touch screen, ability to auto steam alternative milks and faster start up.

      • +2

        After having dual boiler on this I couldn't go back

    • +1

      This is a dual boiler. The barista express impress isn't

    • The difference between the barista range and the dual boiler range is significant. From temp stability to not having to heat or cool to go between milk and coffee and just generally more consistent shots. Having a 58mm machine opens you up to a whole new world of compatible accessories too

  • how does this compare to the DeLonghi Opera?

    • this is only semi auto it will grind, and auto tamp you need need to pull the shot and weigh it out but the milk is done automatically or manually you choice. The trick with this machine is to always have the hopper full of beens or you will get inconsistencies in the grind which will throw off your over all extraction. needs that weight to be consistence level let it drop below half. this machine is good for medium and dark roasted beans, don't even try light roast on this machine it destroys it.

  • +1

    Need dual boiler deal. Seems to be low supply of stock atm

    • look out for a deal on the smart duo (breville dual boiler + breville smart grinder pro) - i got a deal for the duo and sold the smart grinder

      • @tommynolips - What was the deal you paid for the duo dual boiler+smart grinder set, and how much did you sell the grinder for? The set is usually hundreds of dollars more than buying them separately when there’s a good sale on them. I paid between $900-$950 for the Breville Dual Boiler (I can’t remember the exact price I paid) and $269 for the Breville Smart Grinder pro in October last year. The Breville grinder is OK, but I wanted something better, so I just bought a DF64 Gen 2 Grinder yesterday… Definitely a much better grinder than the internal grinder that’s in the Breville Oracle machine.

    • +1, also waiting for the next deal to go under $1k

  • +3

    Surely go a breville dual boiler and the df64 advertised in OzBargain earlier today. Save yourself $400

    • +2

      Breville Duel boilers are quite pricey now from everywhere and very limited stock

  • +1

    Anyone has any idea as to how often one has to do a deep clean of a machine like this? Just curious. Thank you very much!

    • +2

      Dual boiler here, I replace the water filter every year and there’s a warning indicator to descale the machine, I believe it’s based on number of coffees maybe 500.

      5 years of ownership and going strong, if it does go, I’ll try and service it rather than replaced. There’s a huge knowledge Base on internet about it

      • @wlan11g sounds like a good idea. here I am think stretching water filter change to every 6 months would be the limit as the recommended is every 3 months. I guess depending on the water hardness?

        Is the descaling indicator similar to the “Clean Me” on the lcd screen?

        • If you're not keen on descaling — which generally isn't good for the longevity of a machine — or regularly replacing your water filter, you could try using non-scaling brewing water. RPavlis water is easy and cheap to make: you add 0.1 grams of potassium bicarbonate per 1 litre of distilled or RO water. You shouldn't get any scale buildup using it because it contains no calcium or magnesium. I've been using RPavlis water + no water filter in my BDB for a while now and have had no issues with scale buildup.

          • +1

            @NigerianPrince123: Doesn't it taste funny though? Those minerals are usually what makes water taste good and would imagine it affects the taste of the coffee

          • @NigerianPrince123: Make sure u only use spring water and change the water filter every 3 months u will never need to descale. Never descale a dual boiler unless u have a problem, as long as u keep the water at the highest quality u will be fine. NEVER use tap water.

      • +2

        Once a year?? Wow. I’m every 3 months

      • +1

        I replace the water filter every year…

        Not good enough. Even every 3 month with pretty good Sydney water still builds up scale.

  • +1

    Was already looking at picking up one of these, attempted to price match TGG, JB and HN with no luck. Ended up going for delivery with Myer - thanks OP

  • +1

    If you have access to TGG commercial, the black colour Oracle is $1789…

    • Does TGG commercial accept gift card

      • No.

    • Black is different wattage vs the stainless steel one?

  • -1

    Black model could have been had for $1540 delivered back in June.

  • Ozbargained

  • +1

    Although "temporarily out of stock" Amazon looks to be able to purchase for $1800 currently with free delivery:…

    • No Myer One points though.

  • Just got the notification email that orders have been cancelled, unfortunate

  • Mine broke in 6 months. Breville warranty policy is putrid.

    Spend your money on a better product like the Gaggia Classic Evo for $899 and Varia Vs3 grinder for $539. Or DF64 grinder for $580. Far superior combination and cheaper.

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