Been waiting for this to come down in price, tried the trial and it's an awesome player. Just could not bare to pay the RRP. Now it seems the wait has paid off! :D
Poweramp (Android Music Player) Half Price Sale Now $2.49

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Very handy for OzBargainers.
Has anyone used this compared to doubleTwist? I've been using it lately and want to know how it compares. TIA
This is a hundred times better. Try the 7 day trial before you buy.
A thousand.
It's embarrassing how much better poweramp is than the stock music player. DT is crashy and poorly designed, but probably the only other one worth considering.
I've tried both… but settled on a third option: GoneMAD Music Player. For me it has a 'file browser' feature which lets you choose your actual music files, it also reads cue files and has proper ICS lockscreen support as well. It was on sale for $0.99 during Black Friday, so too late now.
PowerAmp has a file browser, ICS lockscreen support (as well as it's own) and CUE file support. Try and do a little research at least.
The file browser in GoneMAD Music player is substantially better organized as compared to Poweramp in my opinion. (Long time Poweramp user, just tried GoneMad)
GoneMAD :
Poweramp :
I would love Poweramp to have the file browser display the folders in their original hierarchy, as opposed to simply listing any folder with audio files in them.
Have you tried (in folders view) changing the list options to Hierarchy. Menu button > List Options > View As Hierarchy?
Not sure if it's exactly what you want, but it sounds similar.
P.S. where'd you get that CPU monitor in the notification bar? What Rom/phone are you on?
I did say I tried it (a while ago though), maybe I couldn't play the entire folder & subfolders? Like if I had a "workout music" folder with a bunch of other music folders in it and wanted to play/shuffle everything. But whatever, I forget.
apologies for the late reply. The CPU monitor (it can monitor many other things) is called 'cool tool'…
Im on a Nexus S with "CyberGR-MOD|NS.NGN ICS v.14". Its kinda old but its done the job for me for a while. My next ROM will be the Fixed Jellybean rom from AOKP.
EDIT : Cheers, your comment on changing the view worked perfectly. However it is important to hit the settings key in the folder menu, which I foolishly ignored the first few times.
Yeah, I used to use DoubleTwist, but changed to Poweramp as it is a lot nicer, especially if you want tablet support as well. I also like n7player (which is also 50% off at the moment), but it gets a bit laggy when searching for songs sometimes.
I still have DoubleTwist on my phone as I use it for my alarms so that I can wake up to a random song, but it's my secondary/third player.
I couldn't bear to buy it at RRP either, but I just took the plunge and bought it with my remaining GP credit from my Nexus 7
Thanks heaps!!! I've been looking pretty much every 2nd day or so for a sale on poweramp.. and used to just install and back it up with titanium and re-install the apk when it was close to time running out (never had to do it too many times since SGS3 JB roms keep coming out with updates…
Hands down, simply the best music app on Android.
I've switched to PlayerPro. Loving it.
Awesome music player!
I am new to Android, just got my Galaxy S3. I am wondering how is Poweramp compared to the included free Music Player?
You can always install the main app which works for 7 days in evaluation mode, and see for yourself.
The list of features is staggeringly huge, but the one that stands out is the ability to control music from your lockscreen, FLAC and CUE support, folder-based library management, lyrics, advanced equalizer that you also assign to individual songs, better tagging support and so on.
Lock screen controls don't work on TouchWiz. But it is still totally worth getting.
HOWEVER it has an entire replacement lockscreen with controls. Sometimes plays up with the stock lock screen.
This is such a great app, and easily the most used app on my S3. Paid full price for it without any regrets.
Hey Guys for those listening to a lot of Audiobooks I'd strongly recommend [Mort Audio Book Player]…
Sorry couldn't get the link to work, Can anyone clarify how do I create a live link?
Apart from Quick book marking etc, it has one feature that's missing in a lot of audio book players.
It remembers the point of last play and you can set it to start with a 10 sec rewind so you get back better into the story.Also it has a folder based player, not just based on properties of the audio files.
Great deal. I picked it up last time when it was a bit cheaper but this app represents excellent value and is the only app I have ever purchased.
Thank you. Bought for my Liquid Metal.
Can it stream to and from DLNA?
Nope, Poweramp does no streaming, not even internet radio. It's strictly an "offline" music player. It does automatically download Album art though.
that's disappointing. one of the main features i'd be looking for
Cheers, just tried it for literally less than 2 minutes and decided I needed to buy it. I rarely buy apps but this was just that good :)
Funny, I've had the same experience and I rarely buy apps either :)
The lock screen controls were enough for me to buy it, thanks.
<dupe post>
Thanks for the post!
I've always used the standard music player but never been really happy with it. Tried a few out there and never liked them either. I've used this trial for all of 60 seconds and loving it, pretty sure I'll be buying it before days-end. It's so responsive and feature rich and I doubt I've scratched the surface yet.
Just what I've been looking for. thumbs up
thanks grabbed it
How does Poweramp stack up against Winamp?
Yes that was my question as well.. given winamp will sync with my iTunes library and playlists… but the winamp player seems little buggy and had issues with lock screen control.. if Poweramp will sync with iTunes then I would give it a go.
I want a player that can add a song from it's file browser to any playlist, or create a new playlist to add the song to.
Bought it. Any other app on sale?
Spoken like a true OzBargain'er
Got to spend the money that was saved.
Try Appsales App for notifications of Google Play price reductions.
My only problem with this app is that to turn my screen on I press the home button, but when poweramp is running it "closes" the lock screen and gives me the normal slide to unlock instead of the players lock screen. I'm sure there's an option somewhere to change it but I can't find it.
Nah, I'm pretty sure that it's just TouchWiz being silly.
Mine used to do that too. Not all the time mind you.I've just stopped using the PowerAmp lock screen.
Playerpro for me but that's only because after a few mods on the official s2 leaked JB rom I can skip tracks while the screen is off with the volume keys, like I could in cm 9/10. Probably put poweramp on the trusty touchpad so not a wasted $2.49 :)
Been waiting for this to go on special ever since I missed out on the $1.99 sale.
Now I can finally stop resetting my poweramp trial every few days lolBought it but can anyone tell me why the volume is so low when listening through my headset?
It's really low compared to all other music playersCheck the EQ settings.
Yeh I had a look.
You have to push Preamp all the way up to get it any where near normal volume. (still slightly lower than stock but at least I can live with it)
Nice one.. i've been waiting as well.. at one point it was $1.20 or something but was too slow to buy it..