Trump Covfefe Blend Coffee Beans 1kg $35 Delivered (Was $50) @ Coffee King


We are excited to announce this blend to coincide with the upcoming election in the USA.

COVFEFE consists of beans from three geographical locations in the world:


These beans are distributed at an equal 33% proportions in preparation for the roast.

Freshly Roasted on 17th July 2024

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  • +10

    Trump Covfefe Blend

    These must be very bitter

    Harris are a better blend…

    • +1

      Very clever jv!
      Will either blend make coffee great again?

      • +2

        The previous deal only expired 6 days ago & was meant to be a bargain at $45 but now it's $35.

        Those 4 members who paid $45 are going to feel ripped off.

        • +1

          So the ‘free’ gift from last post was worth $10?? Wow, on an already inflated price as mentioned by other users. Also negging for the rep’s comments to users on the last post

    • 😄 nice one

  • +7

    Here we go again…

  • +4

    I love that these guys give absolutely no shits. You have to applaud it.

    • give absolutely no shits.

      No civet coffee ???

    • +1

      Especially when all the neggers keep on bringing attention to the deal. They're doing more harm than good.

    • +2

      I think they give some shits about the "woke progressive left" who they believe are "ruining" their "rights". I think this product is meant to be inflammatory.

      • No sane mind in sight, just ordinary people enjoying the "rebellion" of the rich as if people were to gain anything from that.

        So, who got up at the daybreak today to work hard like the rich's great-grandparents?

  • +4

    Uhh. Really?

  • Again already?
    How about a package deal with: ?

  • +8

    Ok, store added to my blocked list.

    • +6

      Ahh did not know that we can do that.

    • Hold my cup, I am in.

  • +2

    I never even drank coffee until Trump Covfefe.


    • Nah, doubt he will be #47

    • +2

      I never even drank coffee until Trump Covfefe.

      But plenty of the Kool Aid.

  • There’s 3 groups of foreigner beans in there… where are the US only ones ?

  • +3

    Freshly Roasted on 17th July 2024

    So was Trump !!!

  • +1

    Now try a communist Blend …. It will sell out in Melbourne

  • +7

    Was $50

    is it ever or is that just an inflated rrp at this point?

    • -2

      You'd think we were Robins Kitchen.

  • +1

    How desperate can a business get lol

    • -1

      Na, he’s seemingly just rage baiting here and to your lot’s credit, you keep falling for it.

  • +3

    Inflated RRP, not a deal, just stop.

    • +3

      Exactly that.

      Previously it was "only 35 items available" to pressure potential buyers while more than 30 remained available for hours.

      Now it's "Freshly Roasted two weeks ago". Which is better than freshly roasted months ago, I guess.

      Anyway, nobody's buying it, it's clearly a political stunt.

      • It’s nothing but rage bait. That’s all it is.

  • Is this a dark roast?

    • It's from coffee experts for coffee gourmets who don't talk such details.

      $35, please, thanks.

  • +1

    ok look, I think the idea is somewhat funny….

    Posting the same "deal" every two weeks on the other hand…..

  • +2


    If Trump could point out these three countries on a map I'd eat my MAGA hat.

    • he called them so called "shithole" countries

      just buy nescafe 43

      it comes from an decidedly not 'shithole' place called 'gympie'

      • Trump: "Nicaragua, that's easy, that's a trick question cos it's not a country, it's a derogatory term for a peoples. Colombia, that's in South America, south of the border, where drugs and illegal aliens bring drugs to our country and steal jobs from our American drug dealers. That why I built a wall which Biden is tearing down. Ethiopia, that's a nasty place in Africa somewhere or maybe in the middle east, my previous opponent, who I beat, Obama was probably from there, herding goats and other non-Amercian animals carrying diseases like the China virus.

    • these three countries

      As per the OP, these are "geographical locations".

      Not to be confused with other types of location or other geographical entities

  • +7

    Posting this too regularly for it to be a deal. Reported.

    • Mods won’t delete it, it drives too much traffic on the site and bolsters engagement. It will just get marked as “no action taken” and a comment about how it’s the communities job to downvote deals…

      It’s obvious now that this is just rage baiting marketing and thus a troll… but, you know… whatever drives engagement I guess…

  • -1

    Mods are apparently blind, might as well allow adult products so people get their trump dildos

    • allow adult products

      No they don't.

  • +1


  • +1

    This is the normal price considering how often you post this

  • +3

    Mods are asleep at the wheel when it comes to this bloke

    • Users are over caffeinated at the wheel when it comes to this bloke.

  • "Freshly roasted" 5 days prior to the date mentioned in last weeks deal?

  • +2

    Spam, reported

  • +1

    Cackling Kamala blend?

    "Freshly roasted" two weeks ago. Did the last sale not do as well as expected?

  • The new Big Man Tyrone

  • +2

    Last deal you apparently sold 4 bags of coffee. I guess that's why you have to post again.

    Anyway neg for price, spam, etc.

    • As per the description, the beans are already freshly roasted 2 weeks ago.

  • +2

    Can you please stop spamming us with your fake outrage bait?

  • Exercising my option to downvote, hoping next election I won't have to vote anymore.

  • Unless these coffee beans have been partially digested by Tump himself, $50 RRP is a joke

  • This business always generates such hate lol

  • Yeah, this is just getting old now. It was funny the first 16 times, it’s just tired now. Get some new material.

    Not a deal. It’s a dupe of last week’s bait post. This is a troll, nothing more. Outrage bait marketing.

    Cheaper coffee available elsewhere and 2 weeks ago is not “freshly ground”.

    • -2

      It was funny the first 16 times

      Ohh really?
      Coz you negged their previous Trump post too.

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