Coles Dairy Tasty Cheddar Cheese Block 1kg $9.50 (Was $13.90) @ Coles


Coles have dropped their price on selected cheese blocks by $4.40.

Source so not sure if this is deal worthy. It's a 12 week special apparently.

Coles Light Tasty Cheddar Block 1kg and Coles Colby Cheese Block 1kg are also reduced to the same price. Coles Simply Cheddar Cheese Block 1kg is reduced from $9.90 to $9.

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              • +1

                @Igaf: So if i have never purchased the cheese before and in a week im shopping and walk past and see it, i go wow, cheese $9 and buy it, is it a bargain? NO

                If i walk past the same cheese on the same day and i go wow cheese and it says $13.50 discounted to $9.50, is it a bargain? YES

                So i agree with JV, its the normal price or price change.

                • @BatmanAU:

                  So if i have never purchased the cheese before and in a week im shopping and walk past and see it, i go wow, cheese $9 and buy it, is it a bargain? NO

                  I'm a bit slow, you'll have to elaborate.So your logic is that if you've never seen or purchased a product on sale previously therefore it isn't on sale? Are you confusing value with price?

                  Philospophically perhaps it a Schrödinger's cat situation? For you the reality is different from someone actually informed, despite the fact that the cheese is clearly marked as a significant (~30%) discount for a limited time.

                  Strange world.

                  • @Igaf: If it was a Schrödinger's cat situation, there would be no price until somebody observed it.

                    Price tags are too big for quantum physics…

  • +2

    Cheese is without a doubt my biggest gripe with the inflation of prices in the current year, it is consistently the most expensive product I buy that isn't meat.

    • +2

      Not buying EV olive oil then? :D

  • +1

    Servings per package: 40

    • +2

      Righto, more like 10 in my household!

  • +2

    Probably have a glut of cheese because nobody's buying it at that price

  • +1

    We've all had one of those situations. You got swept away one night with friends, plan something crazy, then you reflect "haha yeah that was a bit wild and ambitious ay". Like when you piggy back on an inflation crisis and double the price of a 1kg block of cheese, and then reflect like "haha yeah that was a bit cheeky of us. Swept up in the moment".

    • +3

      This story needs to happen with cooking oil.

  • How does coles tasty cheese compare with coles simply cheddar cheese?

    • +3

      Cheddar is the variety of cheese, “tasty” is the term to describe the age, texture and flavour.

      • +1 - can't believe how many people think "tasty" is a type of cheese.

    • +1

      It's not as mild.

    • +1

      Marginally but significantly more tasty imo. Eg on a scale of 1-10 basic might be a 5, tasty maybe a 6.5. Ymmv.
      Was it worth the premium before the prce decrease? Not for us. Is it now? Yes.

      • The Simply Cheddar is also down to $9 from $9.90 I noticed. But for only $0.50 more I would grab the tasty now.

        • Yep, well worth a dollar or so extra.

    • +1

      They're both crap. Made in mega-factories according to a cut-price recipe with unknown aging. If you want a good cheddar cheese, buy one that says how long it's aged for.

      Having said that, I still buy these cheap cheeses because cheese is too expensive nowadays, and they rarely have big discounts.

  • Does cheese freeze/store at all?

    • +1

      not freeze… unless you are just going to use it for cooking.

      you can use a vacuum sealer to extend it's best before date.

    • I get Costco cheese that's on the brink of the use by date and have had no trouble using it months afterwards. Cheese is a naturally aged product, and as long as it's kept clean, it'll keep maturing.

  • +2

    Coles: oh s### we inflated the price too much and people aren't buying our cheese anymore. Better reduce prices!


  • +2

    This is a decent and tasty cheese, unlike other homebrands eg Woolies, Foodland/Dakes/IGA and tasteless Devondale/Bega/Coon This is more tasty like Mainland NZ cheddar Yes noticed the price creep from $9 to 11 to 14$
    It reminds me of the original Dairy Vale 2KG block made in South Australia , Myponga (30-40 yrs ago) with great taste and great melting ability due to high fat content (aka Health Animal Fat, not toxic palm/canola aka rapeseed oils)
    Time to stock up!
    And BTW can't find any of the Coles Simply Cheddar 1KG in 5 Coles store metro Adelaide that I've visited

    • +1

      The Adelaide Cheese Hunt '24 is BACK ON people !

      • Someone in my office cut the cheese. Maybe you can check near here?

  • I go to Coles only to get their Tasty Cheese. Much nicer than the Aldi or Wollies brands which have no flavour. The Colby isnt bad either.

  • Aldi will soon follow with $9.40

  • Coles screwing the hard working dairy farmers into the ground once again.

    • The 12 week deal kicking off from Wednesday is fully funded by Coles to ensure dairy farmers are not out of pocket.

      • nooo, b-b-b-but colesworth bad :( duopoly :(

        • Except they are not really a duopoly, since about 99% of all corporations worldwide have shareholding by Vanguard Blackrock StateStreet etc and Vanguard has a large holding in Blackrock, and Vanguard is majority privately owned by undisclosed shareholders aka the globalists

      • -1

        This is what they preach to the consumer. It is not what is happening in relality. The duopology, but particulary Coles, has completely destroyed the dairy industry.

        • That might be true but doesn't appear they are screwing anyone with this deal unless you know something we don't.

        • It is not what is happening in relality


    • Nah mate, we make plenty, media just make out we don't. My family still has an active diary farm for many moons 70+ years (even have one on my place that I've shutdown).

      They are rolling and have for many generations.

  • Saw a headline but thought this was just the basic bitch cheddar block. It being the actual block has excited my lactose intolerant tastebuds :D

    Def worth paying the extra 50¢.

    • ?

      • Thought the "Coles Simply Cheese" or whatever they call it was the $9.50 - i.e. only going down 40¢ lol. Seems a trick out of both News and Coles' books.

        Glad to know it's the cheese actually worth buying that's gone down even if it's only short term.

  • Title needs to be changed to '$9.50 (was $6.90)'.

  • -1

    Which version taste the best?

    • 2.8

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