• expired

Boost Mobile $17 Cashback on $20 60GB 28-Day SIM (Ongoing $45 Recharge, 35GB from 4th Recharge) @ Cashrewards


Free Boost SIMs look to be a thing of the past now… Boost has recently discounted the 60GB 28-day SIM to $20. Combine with $17 Cashrewards cashback for a cost of $3 after cashback. No profit but still good for a trip to an area with poor Floptus coverage.

SIM must be activated within 30 days of ordering.

60GB on first 3 recharges for new customers. 35GB on 4th recharge. Activate by 5 Aug 24 and 3rd recharge by 7 Oct 24.

From 22 October 24, this recharge will increase to $49.

Edit: It appears Cashrewards/Boost is having tracking issues, as many users have reported their purchases are untracked here and in the comments below. Buy at your own risk.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3765)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores

Boost Mobile
Boost Mobile

closed Comments

  • Better than paying full price

    • +1

      However, did not track for me earlier this month on CR

      • Did they resolve it for you? My purchase hasn't tracked yet

        • -1

          Yes, processed a refund straight away

          • +1

            @Mortin: Refund from boost you mean? So you never got a sim with cashback?

            • -1

              @wavesgreen: Got the sim as well. Had hundreds of Boost sims so far

              • @Mortin: No my question was whether you got a refund from boost, or from CR which is what you said in your original comment. And then the second part was whether you got cashback on that sim that you got the refund on.

    • -1

      May be this post should be taken-down: 'NEW customer only' for 28d sims, ie existing-customers likely to have their money-back claim rejected-> https://boost.com.au/?utm_id=&utm_creativename=&utm_creative…

  • +3

    It is becoming a certainty for me these days that Cashrewards doesn't track and refuses to honor cashbacks.

    • Hmmmm I just bought one 30 mins ago but not tracked yet either. Thought boost tracking is normally very fast.

    • Their website is & always has been awful. The app has never failed to track for me.

    • …and refuses to honor cashbacks

      Reason, considering buyers have CashRewards-click-history-details that matches the Boost-invoice/email-details ?

  • 60GB on first 3 recharges for new customers. 35GB on 4th recharge.
    Activate by 5 Aug 24 to get 60GB

  • +2

    no more profit im sure many were abusing them before

    • They are getting abused more now.

      • The backbone of money-back system is IT & processes: it'll NEVER-be-perfect….likely that some-LEGIT-users WILL be caught-out & this take the shine of potential-savings.

        I have NEVER seen IT system & control that are 100%-perfect, even working @ Multi-national companies. These money-back companies are tiny & can't afford the big IT spends.

        Those who intentionally abuse these system, eg 2nd account…watch out !

        • -1

          ShopBack-Boost 2x SEPARATE-Purchases @ 30-Apr-24: 1 Month Sim-Plans
          2-Aug-24: sited money-back claims returnED to my bank-acount: what-a-relief !

          I have NO-control over these things & hence my money-back claims are always @ risk.
          1.Boost-system wrongly flag that I DIDN'T meet their criteria &/or tracking-issues (eg Boost-system DIDN'T track that that my-purchases were refer from ShopBack) & hence NOT-pay ShopBack.
          2.Shopback selective-scamming &/or tracking-issues & hence reject my money-back claims…despite I can provide Boost-invoice as proof of purchase.
          Potential-reasons are endless, all hidden behind their IT-systems & NOT-transparent to buyers.

          For those who are willing to endure the administrative-processes & time: credit to you.

          These money-back offers are FULL-of risk & yet people engage it……& some will find-out the hard-way in 3 months time?

          Some OzBargainer suggest that the whole process is easy & lure-NOVICE…look @ the comments @ this post & buyers' experience varies SO-much…including rejected money-back claims…regardless of who you're with: CashRewards, ShopBack, TopCashback etc.

        • Summary: if you get 1 fail money-back claim out of 10-purchases, you've done well !

          Assuming you did the right-things & meet ALL-criteria, you'll also need to be lucky that Amaysim/Boost IT-system correctly track your-purchases & hence can validate-claims from money-back companies. Providing invoice as proof of purchase is NOT-enough….hello !

          SOME-failed Amaysim-purchases are noted here, read the last few-months posts.

          Soon, we'll see failed Boost-purchases comments here also: Boost NO-longer give blanket-approval & will start checking: guide-only-> https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/15352360/redir

          6-Aug-24 Reponses from CashRewards
          'I'd just like to note as the eligibility for cashback is always a store decision and not one determined by Cashrewards, it is Amaysim who will approve or declined the cashback for purchases made with them. Unfortunately it is common for stores to decline cashback without providing an exact reason for why they have done so. As a result if you receive any declined cashback in your account we will always be happy to raise this with the store if the reason for the decline doesn't apply to your purchase.'

  • Can this be stacked with $5 bonus cashback (targeted offer) with $20 minimum spend to buy a second boost sim card with one currently active ?

    • Not sure if relevant to your question but I did this last month but with amaysim. Full cashback received (already an amaysim customer with active service) plus $5 bonus.

  • +1

    Good old days are gone.

    Still fairly good enough tho.

  • Data bank?

  • +1

    Recently CR has not been tracking, i missed one last week. I bought a $230 sim yesterday but no CR tracked.

    • +1

      My two orders today haven't tracked either.

      • i just sent email to CR, lets see.

  • Something went wrong. Try again later. :(

  • +5

    Cashrewards didn't track the Boost purchase I made a few weeks ago, but honoured the cashback after I contacted them about it. They didn't drag it out or ignore me, they got it done.

    ShopBack, on the other hand, has been diabolical on untracked transaction customer service. It took me 10 weeks and 7 ignored emails to get them to even engage with me on an untracked/rejected transaction with a different retailer.

    • Agreed

    • SB also gost cashback deals or missing claims if you dont keep a track. TCB seems to be the way to go

  • +3

    It would seem that cashrewards is going the way of shopback and failing to honor its deals They have failed to pay my last two offers so I can no longer trust them

  • will report if it not tracks for me,

    been like 20 mins and not tracked for me, i guess have to follow up with support again like others

    • Will not track then. With CR, if it does not track instantly then usually failed to track

      • -1

        With CR, if it does not track instantly then usually failed to track

        Pls share details, eg you bought CR-Amaysim 1-mth plan, UN-tracked & hence submitted a claim via Click-history with proof & then purchase shown as tracked: did CR rejected your money-back claim 90d later ?

        What is your prudent-practice for UN-track purchases via CashRewards ?

  • I think it is better to order with TCB and later make a claim on HCG

    • +2

      Did you see the Boost SIMs on TCB? Not stocked currently at TCB.

  • -2

    Interesting-comments above…may be if OzBargainers provide full & candid disclosure of their circumstances, others can help & assess the validity of their-claims?

    Sometime, I sense that wolves-in-sheep-clothing are among us…bias & predatory-behaviour.

  • Cashrewards Sucks. They keep declining cashbacks.

  • Hasn’t tracked.

    • Same. Ordered yesterday evening.

  • Has finally tracked.

    • Mine too! Looks like it's just much slower this time.

  • Wow, that took long to track, 2 days instead of the usual 2 minutes. But at least it went through now.

  • Is this deal really expired? Looks like it's still available?

    Also, shopback still has $14 cashback for this.

    • +1

      I've marked it as expiring in 5 August now - that's when Boost says their $20 deal is over.

      • Thanks I have now ordered. Hopefully it tracks.

    • no point getting it from cashrewards

      their system is sucking hard

      started of with my old post, and they still not fixed it fully

      • Did you get a tracking email yet? Mine ended up tracking two days after.

        • order 30 Jul 10 pm
          shipped email 1 august 4 pm

          NO TRACKING and cannot again rely on cashrewards support system again

          and BOOST CANCELLATIONS/refunds team ofcourse DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR ME. (except make false promises and NEVER EVER REFUND)

  • Churn-sim 1 month plans: looking for Sep-24 mobile-data plan, current-deals (NET-cost after money-back claim) is poor (OzBargain standard), for those who need 100GB data.

    Finger cross that Amaysim'll offer more-favourable data plans after 13-Aug-24 ?

    Are people game-enough to risk their money-back claim with Boost-deals ?


  • @Mortin $18 cashback from TopCashback now for Boost SIM.


    • +1

      New terms and condditions "must not be deactivated until your cashback is payable. If the SIM is deactivated prior, Boost may decline cashback"

      • +1

        The TopCashback Boost offer tracks :)

        • The a new trerm now

          • @Mortin: The new T&C seems to be from Telstra/Boost.

      • How long does TCB take to payout on Boost?

  • Mine just tracked now, ordered on the 2nd.

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