My dad's MG4 has been rear ended by someone talking on his phone while driving, some damages to the rear of the car and now deemed unrepairable write off. The person who hit my dad's car is a 22 year old P plater with no insurance. Insurance company has deemed my dad not at fault and no excess was charged. With settlement payment coming anytime now.
Now my dad is considering buying a Tesla 3
So the question are, for those who did the order with Tesla, once you paid the $400 deposit:
Is the sale binding with no chance to back out if there are major delays or anything?
What if 1 week before delivery the price of Tesla drops say $2000 on their website, does that mean my dad's order will also be $2000 cheaper? If not, how does the price drop works if the car has not been delivered?
Finally, when does he makes full payment? Before the car been delivered or the payment are to be paid in stages like house building?
He is shaking but fine as its a low speed crash. Thank you for your input.
1: Is the sale binding with no chance to back out if there are major delays or anything?
Generally forfeit deposit. But if you need an immediate MG4 replacement, choose an in-stock model.
2: What if 1 week before delivery the price of Tesla drops say $2000 on their website, does that mean my dad's order will also be $2000 cheaper? If not, how does the price drop works if the car has not been delivered?
So far they've been good about honouring price reductions, though once the final payment is made I'm not sure what happens.
3: Finally, when does he makes full payment? Before the car been delivered or the payment are to be paid in stages like house building?
No, payment is just before picking up (after you receive confirmation of the delivery date)