How Does Tesla Order Works Once You Paid The $400 Deposit?

My dad's MG4 has been rear ended by someone talking on his phone while driving, some damages to the rear of the car and now deemed unrepairable write off. The person who hit my dad's car is a 22 year old P plater with no insurance. Insurance company has deemed my dad not at fault and no excess was charged. With settlement payment coming anytime now.

Now my dad is considering buying a Tesla 3

So the question are, for those who did the order with Tesla, once you paid the $400 deposit:

1: Is the sale binding with no chance to back out if there are major delays or anything?

2: What if 1 week before delivery the price of Tesla drops say $2000 on their website, does that mean my dad's order will also be $2000 cheaper? If not, how does the price drop works if the car has not been delivered?

3: Finally, when does he makes full payment? Before the car been delivered or the payment are to be paid in stages like house building?

He is shaking but fine as its a low speed crash. Thank you for your input.


  • +3

    1: Is the sale binding with no chance to back out if there are major delays or anything?

    Generally forfeit deposit. But if you need an immediate MG4 replacement, choose an in-stock model.

    2: What if 1 week before delivery the price of Tesla drops say $2000 on their website, does that mean my dad's order will also be $2000 cheaper? If not, how does the price drop works if the car has not been delivered?

    So far they've been good about honouring price reductions, though once the final payment is made I'm not sure what happens.

    3: Finally, when does he makes full payment? Before the car been delivered or the payment are to be paid in stages like house building?

    No, payment is just before picking up (after you receive confirmation of the delivery date)

    • Ok thanks for the information.

  • I just did mine early this week, they will ask you to install their APP straightaway and from there, you will just have to action the step-by-step process. And yes, you have to pay 'FULL' before they deliver your car, you will also need to provide insurance during the process.

    Anyway, HAPPY DAYS this Thursday, can't wait for my Model Y LR, and will use my tax return to unlock the performance boost. YOLO

    • +2

      you will also need to provide insurance during the process.

      How odd. Why would Tesla care about that? A finance company definitely would but not Tesla?

      • Yeah, part of the process. Actually, at least they are honest that they will get % if you chose their partner insurer.

      • +1

        I purchased one beginning of the year and was never asked about insurance, must be new process by tesla.

        • I think A took a screenshot on my work phone before, this is step before the final payment.

    • Oh thats interesting to know. I might have to ask my dad to ask around from now

  • -2

    I wonder what happen to the P platter? Insurance ask him to pay for the value of Tesla or they will absorb the cost? If the p platter pays, does he keep the damage Tesla?

    • +9

      I bet that p-platter is a real dish.

      The insurance company will pursue the P-Dish for the pay-out value of the MG.

      The value of the Tesla the OP's Dad is buying is immaterial to the insurance process.

    • +1

      They'll probably go easy on him as he seems like the sort of bright spark that would be paying child support to multiple women.

    • Insurance ask him to pay for the value of Tesla or they will absorb the cost? If the p platter pays, does he keep the damage Tesla?

      Tell me you didn't read the post carefully without saying you didn't read the post carefully.
      Comprehension definitely in the Twilight Zone.

    • No nothing to do with Tesla, they just agreed to pay out the insured value of MG4 and once the money is received my dad can buy whatever he wants. In this case its a Tesla Model 3

      I guess since the P plater has no insurance, the insurance company will chase after him? His car has some front damage also

  • +3
    1. You will lose the deposit.

    2. If you haven’t taken delivery yet, you will get the price updated to the lower figure. If you have already paid but not taken delivery then they will arrange a refund of the difference.

    If the price goes up, they have been good and you keep your original price you ordered at.

    1. They need full payment 2 business days prior. I made my payment but it didn’t clear until 1 day before my scheduled pickup (due to the maximum limit per day set by my bank) so Tesla called me and pushed back my pickup date by a day.

    Best tip I can give though is to do a test payment of $1 or something early on, check that it reflects on your remaining balance on your account, then when delivery is scheduled you can feel a bit better about sending the full payment to the same account.

    • Thats a really good tip about the transfer thing. Thank you

    • Also in regards to the price deductions, does that mean its automatically done? Or do you need to apply for the price reduction?

  • Sounds like too much effort to buy a car

    • -1

      I couldn’t agree more

    • +4

      seems vastly superior and simpler than going to multiple dealers, over several hours and days, to "see what the finance manager has to say".

      • Finance manager has no say in anything? or you talking about the wife/husband?

        • LOL. Looks like you've never stepped into a dealership.

          • @websterp: I bought a brand new subie about a year ago. Never met any finance manager.

      • LMAOO

  • +3

    Hang on, your dad had a car crash and didn't post on Ozbargain to see what to do next? Wild scenes

    • +2

      It's the p platers obligation to make the post as they were the ones without insurance.

      • +1

        I swear the other half are 'in a not at fault accident, both comprehensive, what should I do?'

        • +3

          "I rolled gently into an MG4 while checking my crypto, which I bought with the savings from not needing comprehensive insurance, because my rego already comes with third party insurance. I was feeling pretty smug hiding my two pineapples from my three baby mommas. Always whinging to tap my golden arse.

          Anyways, I was expecting the bumper to bounce back, but it Pintoed itself into oblivion, crumpling like apple cores and old Chinese newspapers. Hey Deng Xiao Ping died.

          Now they say I owe this guy called Biff all this money, they're not going to give me the wreck, they're not going to give me the unexpired rego or even what's left in the fuel tank. Biff said that if I don't pay up, they're going to use my golden arse for another purpose. Is it too late to buy insurance?"

          • @Daabido: Beautiful. The I drive an EV and I am superior to other lifeforms Ozbargain ode.

        • +1

          I swear the other half are 'in a not at fault accident, both comprehensive, what should I do?'

          Except for the the one genius in the other thread who will repeatedly insist that that comprehensive insurance doesn't cover OP's dad because the P-plater wasn't driving the MG4 at the time of the accident.

    • Well he is fully insured and not his fault. He even has footage of the guy using his phone on his rear cam, whats to post as insurance already said he is not at fault been rear ended

  • +2

    What did your dad do in this situation?

    Were the Star Wars stickers a potential distraction to the at fault driver?

    • +3

      I think the first comment there was "prophetic", to say the least…

      • +1

        Lol. That is gold.

    • +3

      Are the Star Wars stickers salvageable to put on the Tesla, or does the insurance company keep them?

      • +1

        They will return them on a platter.

    • No he didnt end up doing the star wars thing at all due to the fact costs is over the roof. Would been cool if he did it though.

  • -1

    Are people seriously still buying Teslas?

    • +3

      Yes? It's still the cheapest non-Chinese owned EV. No one else is even trying to compete so why would I consider anything else? Mercedes, BMW, Audi are pricing theirs way higher. Toyota made their bed betting on hydrogen over EV.

      • I think Toyota made their bed selling millions of hybrids at a profit, laughing all the way to their bed stuffed with yen. Yes, they dabbled with hydrogen, but it is just a fling.

    • +1

      Yes despite concerted efforts.

      I have both a Tesla and Kia, and as much as I dislike Musk as a person, I have to say that Tesla still has the edge for the polish of their features, overall driving experience, slickness of autopilot and charging experience etc.

      People like to conflate their hate for the boss and the brand itself, but Tesla in itself makes good cars.

  • +1

    You can be bothered with that malarky.

    Lots of commenters saying to pay before you pick up the car. My advice is do not do that. Don't settle the car until you see it and are happy with the condition of it.

    Tesla are famous for being in unacceptable condition on pick up that there even is a tick off template available to help on pick up…

    • +1

      lol @ paying for a "Tesla pre-delivery checklist". This is peak Tesla ownership.

    • So Tesla allow you to view the car first, then pay up?

  • The guy who rear ended your dad was talking on your dad's phone??

    1: Read the T&C's? It will be in there somewhere.
    2: At worst, you cancel the order, lose the $400 deposit and reorder at the new reduced price, still getting $1600 off.
    3: Before the car is handed over usually.

    • No, talking TO his dad, saying he was coming up behind him.

  • +1

    How did someone talk on your dads phone AND rear end his car?

    • +1

      Stole his phone, rammed him after doing so to assert dominance.

  • -1

    You will get your deposit back, but you'll have to pay a cancellation fee equal to the cost of the car.

  • Supply shouldn’t be an issue, as they’ve been in storage yards off the ships and sitting unsold. Battery degradation from the extended sitting may or may not be an issue.

    • Current pricing is $61500 for a Hardware 4 in white. And no supply issue indeed.

  • 1: Is the sale binding with no chance to back out if there are major delays or anything?

    If your dad does back out, please check the rear vision mirror before doing so and avoid rush hour to avoid major delays.

  • If you are worried about Tesla adjusting price - dont get one for the next two or so quarters. Based on the results from this month, they will drop prices more. They've already taken about a 15% drop in margins per vehicle and will probably go further to meet sales expectations. The 85% increase in their share price since the start of this year had nothing to do with unit sales but because of it, they are likely to have made enough to be able to fund a sales campaign to meet targets before the calendar year ends.

  • Pee Platter should come here and pos his predicament

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