Aussie Broadband Spin-off Buddy Telco Offers Cheap, Fast nbn Plans…

Just saw this in my Google News Feed. I wonder whether it'll be an OzBargain favourite.

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Buddy Telco
Buddy Telco


  • +2

    Posted by Twix already.

    Whirlpool discussion

    Looks like there are a couple of downsides, notably you can't opt out of CGnat and there is no option for Static IP.

    • +3

      Urgh, no opt out for CGNAT, yeah that's a pass from me. Can't have that on with some of the stuff I host.

      • +1

        far from ideal but there are options for hosting services around CGNAT

    • Is there a list somewhere of who uses CGNAT and who doesn't ?

      • +5

        Telstra, Optus,TPG, iinet, More Telecom, Tangerine and Future BB don't use CG-NAT on nbn.

        Aussie BB, Buddy Telco, Launtel, Leaptel, Dodo, iPrimus, Flip, Belong, Spintel, Superloop, Exetel use CG-NAT for new nbn connections. All of them let you turn off CG-NAT or purchase a static IP address except Buddy Telco.

    • What is CGNAT and why do you guys want to opt out of it? I'm currently with Aussie Broadband - does it have CGNAT enabled by default and should care about opting out of it?

      • +3

        Your Aussie BB nbn connection is most likely using CG-NAT and it's not a problem for most users. If you have a static IP address you won't be on CG-NAT.

        Carrier Grade NAT can give you a strict NAT while gaming if you want to host online P2P games and break remote access to Plex, select security camera systems, NAS, servers, home automation, networked printers and more. If you can access everything remotely or don't do any of these things leave Carrier Grade NAT on. If you can't access things remotely or get a strict NAT while gaming get Carrier Grade NAT disabled.

        Cloud based security cameras can be accessed over CG-NAT.

        • Just to add to Twix's great answer on CGNAT, NAT is Network Address Translation. Not every device with internet access can get a public IP - the address space isn't large enough (we don't have enough IP addresses).

          The following explanation is my grasp on NAT / CGNAT. It may not be correct or complete, and if not feel free to reply with corrections (Cunningham's Law in action!)

          A good example of NAT is your home network - you have X number of devices, they don't all get their own publicly addressable IP. They (typically) share a single public IP address, which is managed by your home router (which typically gets told it by your ISP, generally DHCP these days). Any device on your network sending/receiving data from internet will appear to come from this same address, and where the returned data goes is managed by your home router. This is NAT.

          For CGNAT, apply the same principle but instead of your home network, this is the ISPs network. Each customer is a "device", and they may share a single public IP address where the ISPs router/s manage where the traffic goes, so that you get the "confirmation page" for your pizza order instead of someone else on the ISPs network who shares a public IP address with you (the public IP address is really the ISPs' router's IP address, not yours).

      • +2

        why do you guys want to opt out of it?

        Can impact remotely accessing your server, eg. home surveillance, plex etc…

      • +1

        What is CGNAT and why do you guys want to opt out of it?

        Apart from all of the home server and security things that can have trouble with CGNAT, it can also trip up the cheat detection of some games that don't allow multi-accounts. Another player and I live in different states, but are both AussieBB customers. We got flagged for cheating in-game by trading with each other. From the game's perspective it looked like we had the same IP address and were assumed to be one person running multiple accounts to boost ourselves.

        Most games have far better and more sophisticated cheat detection than that. This game is an 20-year-old web game that hasn't been meaningfully updated since creation but still staggers on zombie-like, waiting for one good blow to the head to finally rest forever.

        I'd never heard of CGNAT until I ran into this problem.

  • It's no Dingo Blue but it'll do.

    • +1

      Actually I change my mind.

      Those prices are average.

  • nothing to see here.

  • How annoying, yet another ISP offering 'introductory discount on first 6 months' deals, making customers switch telcos every 6 months. That practice is not sustainable for the telco nor the customer.

    Give us something to really consider, give us 12 month discounts.

  • good info, thanks

  • +3

    Does anyone here believe Buddy Telco will make a substantial impact? It's well-known how problematic Phil Brit's fail attempt to take over Superloop was, especially in response to Origin Broadband and others moving to Superloop.

    This led to a legal dispute over Superloop's own share terms and conditions. Such actions underscore a fiercely competitive landscape, perhaps symbolized by their dog mascot. If Phil Brit had initially pursued Buddy Telco, it might have appeared more strategic and decisive instead now it's purely done for a retaliation reason.

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