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[Prime] Oregon Q515061 Mesh Visor and Ear Muff Combination $25.47 Delivered @ Amazon UK via Amazon AU

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Lightning deal.

It's been a very garden-centric Prime week for me.

Trusting the Oregon name here — and it's $25 for earmuffs and visor. And the old set have seen their day.

Reviews are odd and uninformative, but suggest visor is steel mesh.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.
This is part of Amazon Prime Day sale for 2024

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Didn't know no needed one, but I ordered one. I'm sick of getting saw dust in my eyes when using the pole saw/ trimmer.

    • +2

      I use a stihl 1 like this for chopping trees and saw dust goes straight through the mesh, for the dust you need a plastic visor

      • +4

        Steel mesh (like this one) plus a pair of closely fitting safety glasses. Dust will drift in all directions so any visor will allow some dust past. The mesh does a great job if something chunky comes flying your way.

  • +1

    Looks the same as the one I have from Tool Kit Depot - https://toolkitdepot.com.au/maxisafe-mesh-visor-earmuff-comb… for $38.

    Fits comfortably, ear muffs do a good job of sound deadening.

    I just have to remember to raise the visor when I need a drink or to spit :p

  • +1

    I thought i could use it with this

    • Was thinking the same thing, for nosy neighbour.

  • +1

    Great for demonstrations.

    • Mesh, so won't stop teargas

  • +1

    Good for using with a whipper snipper?

    • +1

      Perfect use case.

      I use this mesh setup for all garden work, never had an issue.

      A plastic visor offers that little bit more protection, but you're forever lifting it up to defog and let the heat the out. The mesh just allows you to keep on going.
      Perfect for the whipper snipper.

      • Thanks mate, ordered!

  • +1

    Didnt know I needed this. Bought. Thanks OP

  • Great for Dexter, less mess

  • a bit full on, if i'm just lawnmowing this isn't really needed

    i do power edging but i have a glass/ear muff from aldi already

    so do i need this?

    • Do the glasses fog?

      • actually yes they do, i thought that was just me and my eyes or if im just not normal lol

        • +1

          I'm giving this a try at this price because my safety glasses get foggy if I am working at all hard.

  • +3

    I’m going in Boys

  • Thanks Op, need this for my paving project

  • If this was a plastic visor I'd be in.

    • Plastic will scratch. You can easily see through dark steel mesh.

    • plastic gets foggy and hot on hotter days.

  • This isn't safety glass standard right

    Edit…. Read its mesh

    • Anyone know if this be ok for woodworking as protection when using power tools? My current eye goggles fog up when used with an N95 mask.

      • Nah wouldn't count on just this with no other eye protection. The fine stuff could go through and hit your eye

  • Goes well with the machete deal!

  • Any deals on one good for chainsaw?

  • Does anyone have this? How heavy is it on your head? Looks decent quality but don't have any use case for it

  • If only it was red to match all the Ozito equipment!

    • Paint it!

  • Nice, mine has been cactus for a while now, be noice to get a new one.

  • +1

    Going into the next argument with the mrs wearing this.

  • Not very useful, bought one for when I cut onions… The mesh made no difference

  • Not only does it protect you from Covid, it helps to drown out the noise from the Trump supporters too. Win Win!

    • +2

      I don't think the earmuffs are bullet proof, though

  • I ordered then canceled after I found its mesh and dust particles will go inside my eyes.

    Can anyone recommend good face shield as my Googles fog up. I think we have lots of users looking for this option.

  • Terrific setup with the mesh!

    I have this and its great over summer, where a normal impact plastic gets way too hot and foggy.

    Unless you specifically need the plastic (like for metal grinding), the mesh is awesome.

  • I'm still using these for garden work and frying:

    • Couldn't manage to pick up mine. The staff said anytime. I asked if there was any stock of the gloves so to pick together then seems to lose contact until now. Bit of the distance and I also forgot.

  • Back to full price.

  • -3

    I'd roflmao if i saw a neighbour using this.
    I mow, edge, trim, chainsaw and have never thought I needed this setup. I usually just wear a pair of safety/sunglasses.

    • +1

      why bother scrimping on sunnies when squinting is free. ultimate ozb

  • Not on discount anymore

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