• out of stock

Free 50, 100 or 200 Packs of Face Shields + Shipping @ Medcart


Free Face Shields but need to pay shipping costs, looks to be calculated to your location. For shipping to Parramatta, it was about $20.
A couple of different-sized boxes, 50pk, 100pk, and 200pk of face shields.

50pk {SOLD OUT}

100pk {SOLD OUT}


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closed Comments

    • +61

      These do nothing to stop the spread of covid… Makes people look like race horses

    • +6

      Lol that's a joke right?

      • +2

        It's hard to tell these days. Some people lost their minds due to COVID.

    • How many did you purchase? Or are you the seller?

    • +2

      Personally I'd wear mine in the lab under the house.

    • dude just stop watching MSM news then you wont get covid lol

      • +1

        Not only that, stop watching MSM news and inflation doesnt exist, no one is dying and crime doesn't exist.

        • -5

          oh gosh its you again with that ugly pug face!. aww poor you worried about inflation? why? have massive debts?? its your fault for being so foolish, who told you to borrow too much? oh crime does exist regardless.you can only avoid covid by not watching TV, try it. it works lol

          • +1

            @sammyla: Lol oh its you again with your ugly blank white face and body on an orange wall, you look like everyone else. Such a clever 1000IQ comeback from you.

            I owe $1 after offset acc, so I pretty much own my house, but thanks for asking. Perhaps it's hard for some to understand what empathy is. I'm sorry if no one has ever shown you that.

            No crime doesn't exist, just stop watching MSM you brainwashed sheep. Flu, measles and floods also don't exist if you don't watch TV. Try it! Don't forget to come out of your rock and get some fresh air every now and then.

            • -3

              @Ughhh: lol you own your house outright and bought more investment property with its equity didn't you? hahaha you are in debt still unless you own all your property.i do have a mortgage and im not an idiot to live beyond my means.i dont have empathy for losers who borrow more than they can pay and i dont have empathy for losers who had 4 shots of MRNA lol. crimes floods common cold has been there since beginning of time fool. you are just brainwashed by the TV so you think they are extraordinary things lol keep wearing your damn mask and take jabs.you sheep listen to the TV news anchor only hahahah. i spend more time outside with my kids jumping in the trampoline riding bikes,hiking, tending to my vast buffalo loan, picking fruits from our own fruit trees, you on the other hand wear a damn mask and take 4 jabs and still get sick. hahahaha its quite funny when you tell me to get out more.happy new year by the way, hopefully you wake the fk up this year, oh and spoiler alert, another catastrophic pandemic is just around the corner lol. C YA!!

              • +1


                lol you own your house outright and bought more investment property with its equity didn't you?

                Have your ever thought about using your brain instead of just making assumptions?

                .i dont have empathy for losers who borrow more than they can pay

                I agree with this. But I never said anything about that, inflation isn't exclusive to borrowering money btw.

                I take it that you have a lot going on in your life deep down and you need to vent before you explode. Bringing up random stuff that's clearly been living rent free in your head. Making negative assumptions about others so you have a reason to be angry?
                Hope you get better and not so easily triggered.

  • +12

    Just tried, 500 pieces is $20 delivery fee to Mel. Maybe they are handy in doing some cooking though lol

    • +10

      You must be cooking some very spicy drugs food to need this kind of protection.

    • +3

      i agree with the deep frying cooking

    • +6

      Or changing nappies

    • Hey mate if you in western subs shot me a PM would buy a few for $5 if your local

      • Sent PM

        • Looking for some too in western suburbs please. Thanks

  • $12.91 shipping to Gold Coast ;)

  • Good for the home handyman to grind welds.

    • +13

      Haha melted plastic in face is a bonus!

    • +4

      I'm buying this for Scomo

  • -1

    Got 2 x 200 for $20.01 to Sydney Olympic Park

    • +3

      You can add another 100 for the same cost

    • -5

      Just hand these out to anyone disembarking a cruise ship or plane from China

      Hand these out and embark them onto next flight or cruise ship back to where they came from.

  • +40

    These are great for NERF wars with the kids. Legitimately.

    • +5

      literally the only thing it would be good for

  • +22

    Ah yes, the placebo protector to signal you're doing your part.

    • Not really a placebo in my case of use but if everyone thinking this is better than a facemask, I have no comment 🤦 🐑🐏🐑🐏🐏

  • +2

    Ah these orders going to be cancelled?

  • +11

    useful when chopping onions

  • +2

    Just be aware if you are ordering a few hundred these will take up heaps of storage space.

  • -3

    Thanks for your infos gents. You will be receiving SMS soon confirming you have won $10,000,000.

    • +5

      Already got that sms yesterday ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • +8

    I got one of these which are reuseable for a dystopian future

  • +1

    Just ordered 500 that should lasts me decades when cooking / welding etc

    • +1

      Yeah perfect for welding. Just have some dollars saved for eye surgery 🤦😂. U must be scomos brother https://youtu.be/BZatwnSfxFs

      • +1

        You were joking but Scomo's brother is someone far more sinister. Morrison’s older brother, Alan, serves as Chair of AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) Committee on Paramedicine and Chair of the government’s Health Services Working Group.

        In other words, he is Oz-Fauci. Scomo PM, whilst brother is OzFauci. Wonder if the public knew about that conflict of interest, would it have changed anything.

  • +9

    This is great! Now I can finally go clubbing again.

    • +3

      kylie monogue style

  • Shipping

  • +2

    This shield makes sense for food staff so they dont accidentally spit in the food while they talking

    • +3

      There are some food shields which were used many years ago, they are at the chin and point up, so you can still talk to customers but the shield protects below.

  • Also useful for less easily transferred illnesses. Mumps, Glandular Fever, Tonsilitis, etc.

  • Covid stuff aside these are pretty useful general PPE around the house.

  • +3

    Why not donate them to hospitals? In what scenario would an individual require 200 of these?

    • +1

      Yes. but there may be lot of red tape to go through?

    • +1

      Make additional profit for business. Nothing is free in this world. But I agree with your view. Why not donatin to hospital.

    • +20

      Hi Bonbi, this deal has been offered to organisations that need them before posting here. Medcart also operates a social enterprise called FRONTLINERS to support frontline workers. 2000 shields have been put aside to donate to an organization in need.

  • +2

    It's time for sexy time

  • +1

    Thank you. I bought some.
    Should be good for whipper-snippering too.

    • Just be careful, these most likely won't be impact rated

  • -1

    Thanks IP but the shipping seems to be in USD not AUD

    • +1

      Not sure where you got that idea, I was charged for shipping in AUD. And it's an Australian website.

      • I bought 2*200pc and it showed $32 for shipping to Geelong but I got charged $48.

        • Strange, shipping was estimated as $20.01 AUD for me and that's what I got charged.

          • +1

            @frugaljerk: Sorry my bad. I thought I ordered 200pk but must have accidentally clicked on the 100pk hence the postage difference lol The postage are indeed in AUD.

  • +1

    Bought 400 ( shipping was same for 200 and 400). Who knows, might come in handy one day.
    These were expensive as, during the initial phase when PPE gear were in short supply.

  • Fugly

  • +1

    Had to wear them at work for a stretch god I hated them haha.

  • +1

    Wow. Pandemic must be over soon. Ordered some. Thanks Op.

  • +5

    Fyi, these face shields are not a replacement for N95 masks. At best, they protect your eyes from fomite droplets.

    • +1

      only logic and sanity is a good replacement for masks

  • +1

    Would be useful in the hospital….

  • +6

    Thanks, bought 20,000.

  • 2 x 100 to Perth $24 shipping, ordered. They will make a nice wind - shield for seedlings (hope they last a month or 2 in the sun).

    • Hmmm. Mine is 42$ to Perth for 2 x 100

    • +7

      R U OK?

  • +22

    I still see people wearing these walking around in public and honestly don't get why. Unless you're a cameraman for bukake videos or looking to avoid similar projectiles in other scenarios, these are pretty much useless for airborne diseases and particles.

    • Occupational specific clothing.

    • +1

      Mysterious flying spoof

    • +4

      I've encountered people whose mouth is like a sprinkler when talking, and wished I had one of these.

  • +1

    Nice for restaurants staffs.

  • +1

    They make u wear these when visiting nursing homes

  • +2

    Picked up a bunch when they were 20c each from Bunnings a while back. Useful when spraying crap off with the pressure washer or hose. The amounts here seem a little over the top for that lol

  • +5

    Wear them when line trimming

    • +3

      What's exactly what I'm getting them for!

    • -1

      Better off getting something actually impact rated. Bolle Sphere or ProSafe Armadillo have been my favourites

      • Pretty sure this will do the job perfectly fine using a whipper snipper

        • -1

          It's your face, enjoy.

          • @OZKap: I already enjoy myself using trimmer without any face protection. Call me skillful, I've never had anything flick in my face the past 20 years without I'll be fine 😎 I use a grinder the same way and without the guard on, no injury till now. If you have common sense you won't need one, unlike yourself keep using the industrial facemask 🤣

  • Got 500 for $21.62.

  • +2

    Order 300 for garden and things like that. Thanks OP.
    $20 delivery to Melbourne.

  • +1

    bought 2x200 and 1x100 for $7.94 total to Brisbane

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