These lenses are already incredible value, and now a further 15% off the $789 RRP. I've had my eyes on both for a while, and haven't seen them on sale before. These are APSC lenses, but at f1.2, you're getting plenty of light and bokehliciousness :)
These lenses provide very comparable results to first party $1.5k+ primes, with very good reviews online. I haven't seen the f1.2s discounted before, and they're at an equal ATL according to the Camels (only been this low once before)
If only I could afford a camera….
Viltrox does not provide Australia local warranty. Any failure requires customers to send it back to China for repair at their own delivery expense. Considering that Fuji 23mm f1.4 2nd generation was on sale at a price of $849 last month, there is no need to take the risk of buying this brand of lens in Australia.