Cracking price on the PS4!
In the Box:
PS4 Slim Console
DualShock 4 Controller
USB Charging Cable
HDMI Cable
Power Cable
Quick Start Guide
Cracking price on the PS4!
In the Box:
PS4 Slim Console
DualShock 4 Controller
USB Charging Cable
HDMI Cable
Power Cable
Quick Start Guide
in 4 days
Thanks, seems I'm blind
It’s hard to see because it’s slim.
Wow. Haven't seen these prices in 5 years.
Yeah, last times was like 2019
PS4? That's too old.
If you're shopping for a PS4, better off getting the Pro. It might be old but has much better specs than the slim
Keep it boxed for 20 years and sell it as a collectible item for 5000$
…and still make a loss with inflation? ;p Anyway I don't think PSN will support a PS4 in 2044. There will be less collectors for a console that powers on but does nothing.
You have to use your hands? Its like a baby toy!
@Agileduck: What what what now? What body parts are we using to play our console games in 2024 exactly? :P
I don't like that 2044 is 20 years away and not the 30 some odd I thought it was in my head :'(
Easy - jailbreak it.
No it won't lol
God I hope the dollar sign still goes before the number in 20 years
i doubt it, i have my ps2 console. It's still sealed and the market (on ebay) isn't $5000.
But not brand new with warranty
lol look at this clown he doesn’t care about warranty, imagine buying one off Facebook and have it melt the next day, or blow up the following year, or simply die a silent death while you sleep. These are all extremely realistic outcomes and you can’t simply ignore and pretend that that they won’t happen. It is for this reason why paying extra for warranty is the way to go, this way you will have a peace of mind that while you’re out and about in your day you know if your ps4 gets hacked by Russian spies who uses it as a node to hack in to openAI and then use 5g and neural link to launch a nuclear bomb via Joe Biden brain, you know you will at least have warranty for the PS4
Is this still available?
Can I have this for free? I’ve already promised it to my son. I’m a single mother.
Yes, I'll deliver it as well.
Sons crying now thanks
Things do tend to be cheaper when used. That’s not a bug, but a feature.
I sold my OG day 1 PS4 on the launch of the PS5 for $260… I still own the ps5 and for some reason I'm considering buying this… send help!
What games are you enjoying on the PS5?
Elden Ring, Demon Souls, Spiderman 2, Cyberpunk 2077 have probably been the pick of them… also played a fair amount of Modern Warfare 2 when it came out and recently put 50 hours in the ps5 port of Fallout 4… also continue to play to much Rocket League.
The new AstroBot coming in September 2024 looks dope. I know it's a children's card game but it looks dope!!!
doesnt ps4 games work on ps5?
Not only do they work, they run better on the ps5.
No all games unfortunately, Bloodborn runs at 60fps on PS4 Pro. There is no PS5 patch
@Slurped: Bloodborne doesn't officially run at 60 FPS anywhere, including PS4 Pro. PS5 runs games with PS4 Pro enhancements where possible anyway. But there is no official way to play Bloodborne at 60 FPS period.
What firmware version do these have out of the box?
Be after 11.0
No deal then.
Fw <= 11 For life!
I doubt it will be after 11. 11.5 was only released in March. I'd hazard a guess these are old stock either way supply chain would proba take longer than 3 months
might be worth buying one to test it out to see if its under 11.00 or even hopefully under 9.00
i guess it could be returned if its more than 11.00
@f0d: Bro for sure. Let us know if you have any update. BIG W is laid back as long as you keep things in pristine condition. And thanks to this subthread i realized that one of the ps4’s im hodling onto might just be old enough for the recent FW 11.00 update. Would be nice to finally have a backup for when my 9.00 machine dies. Touch wood
Someone already received theirs, it has Version 10.01 firmware
What is the issue with the new firmware? Considering buying this for my 7 yo son.
Nothing wrong with new firmware. Firmware is only a consideration for users who like to do some tinkering with old versions. So yes, if its for your 7yo son, jump on this deal!
Cracking price on the PS4
Wow, only 50 more than Gamesmen sold mine to me for in 2019.
Ended up getting it for free due to a PayPal stuff up on top of it, but 250 is a joke. If you're clearing stock, knock another hundred off.
Yeah I miss when console actually dropped substantially in price. That’s how I ended up with PS1/N64/Saturn and PS2/Gsmecube/Xbox but now days I just can’t justify buying them all.
I got my N64 preowned for $30 from EB one Boxing Day sale. Still works now.
Where's the Dreamcast?
As a Saturn fan never getting a Dreamcast haunts me. But can’t justify the cost now considering basically everything got ported.
@PainToad: Shiess. I just checked prices on Ebay for used Dreamcast. I remember when retailers were clearing them out. I think $99 or maybe less. Those were the days. Great console.
Yep, he got a shitbox but not Dreamcast
now days I just can’t justify buying them all.
I do like owning original hardware, but the robust backwards compatibility between current consoles and the previous gen’s sort of reduced the need to chase or retain that gen of hardware.
Only practical (non nostalgic based) reason I could see for wanting an Xbox One now would be to hook up a Kinect for example.
HDMI in and the TV DVR stuff is cool. That's about it though.
But Gamesmen are pre-owned with only a taillight warranty.
Twas new in box and all.
@darkly: Yes, I know 100 years ago I could buy a pint for a silver penny.
COVID, and chip shortages from it, drove the prices of consoles up though, not the passage of time. Outside of this one off anomaly, games consoles are never more expensive 5 years down the line.
Can I buy this, play 3 games on it then return it for a full refund by saying it's faulty? Asking for a friend.
I miss when Video EZY rented actual consoles.
Were they on the shelf near the Betamax section?
I understood that reference
pauline haaaansen be like 'please explain?'
There was a post a few days ago where a guy was asking if he could do this with a PS5. He got clowned on by most the comments. Mods have deleted the post
@FireRunner: Dang, missed some OzB lore. Oh well, back to looking at high yield investment vehicles.
@FireRunner: And another one wanted to get private surgery without serving waiting period via paying private insurance. Lol
There's at least 10 people that got upset because they didn't get it.
Today I learned that they still sell these lol…
Seems kinda high to me seeing that it's not the pro.
And considering how low the PS5 goes on sale and that it’s backwards compatible.
Agree, this seems high to me.
So what price should this be? $150?
Haha yeh. Didn’t even know they still sold these. Original released over a decade ago.
Does this read all sorts of Blu-ray’s? Or are they limited?
They can only read up to 50GB discs, PS4 Pro is the same.
No 4K BD :(
Even the PS4 Pro can't read 4K BD.
Man, seeing this reminds me i should really sell my ps4
wanna switch for an Xbox? (see what I did there)
Hell no! That shitbox is so useless, just like the new shitbox
Where are all the switch haters saying "oLd tEk"?
Oh there are plenty of those around
Pretty good deal considering lots and lots of games still out there. Thought Sony stopped making PS4 but looks like they're still going..
That's not a valid reason to neg.
it's outdated and for a bit more, you can get a PS5.
Not everyone is looking for a PS5. Whilst niche, it may suit some casual buyers.
for a bit more
More than double is not a bit more.
@smartProverble: I hope that’s hah sarcasm and not being naive lol coz they all scams at that price ;)
A bit more? I think you're looking at 2-3x price.
I agree it's not the best value but if you're on tight budget, this is an affordable option.
That being said, I think you're better off looking at second hand at this price point.
You could pick up a base PS4 for cheaper or get a Pro.
Says $429?