• expired

MEGA Showcase Microsoft Xbox 360 (Building Brick Set) $119.99 Delivered @ Mattel Australia


Remember the good old days, when the Xbox 360 came out? When you were carefree, eating pizza and staying up until 3am playing bangers like Fallout 3 and Mass Effect?

Well, if you’re a (fake) Lego lover, you can now enjoy a bit of nostalgia with this Mega blocks replica of the Xbox 360.

Features lights and controller sticks that move and shit.

Note: I don’t think it comes with the red ring of death unlike the real thing.

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Mattel Australia


  • +14

    This is sick

    • literally what I said as I opened this deal.

      • +2

        I like totally vomited

        • I like totally vomited with excitement lol

  • +70

    You can get a used 360 for this price lol and actually play it.

    • +4

      Yep. I will never understand Lego people. Lego is fun as a kid using your imagination to build things. But I don’t understand the appeal of following simple predefined steps to make an inanimate object that’s serves no purpose. But if they get enjoyment out of it I guess 🤷‍♂️

      But who knows why little plastic cubes are so expensive.

      • +9

        I guess some people just don't find joy in meticulously following instructions to create a masterpiece out of little bricks. But hey, to each their own—some of us enjoy the challenge and satisfaction of turning those bricks into something amazing!

        • +2

          They could make cow pat out of Lego some people would still buy it 😂

        • +12

          I partly agree with @PainToad. Legos when initially came out it was a very good tool for kids and adults if you wish, to use their imagination to build things.
          Now Legos became these instruction of following thing, were imagination it's lost. You just follow the instructions to create something generic to add to your collection.
          It looks cool, but that's why these instructions following concept of Lego was created. Because people can now create things that look cool and nice without so much effort. People now collect all these which equals to higher sales.
          But if you have kids, I would recommend buying just the lego blocks and let the kids create whatever they wish.

          • +1

            @Scrooge McDeal: @Scrooge McDeal Most of the time my kids, two are 3 and one is 5, don’t/won’t follow the instructions and build want they want anyway. Used to really bug the crap out of my ADHD/OCD brain but now I just let them go for it as it’s great for their imagination. Wish I had that sort of imagination really.

            • @RhythmicJAY28:

              PainToad's original comment was about coke. It was dumb and unrelated

              What on Earth are you talking about?

      • I’ll never understand people who contradict themselves in the same post:
        “I will never understand Lego people”
        “ serves no purpose”
        “But if they get enjoyment out of it I guess 🤷‍♂️”
        Different people like different things, get over it. I’m sure you’re interested in something a lot of other people would say serves no purpose.

        • +14

          I’ll never understand people who contradict themselves in the same post:

          Nothing I said contradicts myself. I clearly said I don't understand it but so long as they get enjoyment oh well.

          • -2

            @PainToad: Your last remark “as long as they get enjoyment oh well” negates what you said previously because you’ve come to the conclusion and understanding that they probably get enjoyment from it lol

            Sorry if I come across all triggered, I see a lot of negative comments on these Lego posts about being expensive, could buy the real thing etc etc, but people buying it obviously find value in it. Just as people spending copious amounts of money on cars would seem like a waste of money to others, people still get enjoyment out of it.

      • But who knows why little plastic cubes are so expensive.

        not a lego fan here but it's widely known that all lego copies are subpar quality. So i guess they are charging the 'premium' for a reason

        • +1

          The consumer also has to pay a crap tin for the IP, eg Star Wars, Marvel, etc.
          Not to mention paying all the overheads. He must think LEGO create this stuff out of thin air then just sell it for a premium.

        • +4

          Recently some third party brands aren’t too bad. They’ve increased their quality.

          Lego still reigns supreme, but I’ve had and seen some non official sets that are nicer than the real deal.

          • +2

            @cnut: I agree, bought the old fishing store from AE for about $90 as I wasn’t prepared to spend $600+ on the retired LEGO one. Thoroughly enjoyed the build and I couldn’t tell the difference apart from not having LEGO printed on the bricks.

            • @Johnnysins10:

              I couldn’t tell the difference apart from not having LEGO printed on the bricks

              I've heard people saying that and the actual product was like ten tiems inferior to the OG.
              No disrespect to you, you may be right, but i take these with a grain of salt

        • +3

          Legos quality has been dropped over time, particularly in regards to color consistency. A fw alternative brands have started to use more printed tiles instead of stickers like Lego. Lego may have the brand recognition and customer service but they're not competing on quality anymore.

      • +5

        Building Lego is therapeutical for some. Just like some people who like to do puzzles or do Sudoku and when the Lego design is linked to a item of interest you have, be it cars, gaming consoles, architecture etc. it's an easy choice for some.

        If you don't understand thats fine, no one cares if you don't. At the end of the day their hobby any causing anyone harm so I dont see why you have such a negative view of it.

        I am not a big Lego fan however if people do have an interest in them it's their money and it's better than gambling, smoking, doing drugs or drinking alcohol in the long run.

        • This!

        • If you don't understand thats fine, no one cares if you don't

          Judging by all the butthurt people voting me down, clearly people do care.

          • -1

            @PainToad: What ever inflates your ego.

            • -5

              @SpeedRunnerLink: I don't actually enjoy getting voted down. It would have been nice if people could have simply had a civilaised discusion giving me another perspective.

              • +1

                @PainToad: I didn’t downvote you, but my 2 cents are that it’s like people collecting statues, or model cars or figurines or whatever.

                They just like the look of it and putting them on display. But with something like this, you can build it too and there’s something fun about the tactile feel of putting Lego together, whether it’s by your imagination or through instructions.

                • @cnut: Yeah, it's like this for me. I can switch off, watch some YouTube and mindlessly follow the instructions and get a cool looking piece at the end. I know it's pointless but so is most of things we love. I like it and I don't care.

                  • -1

                    @Darkscythe: So it's really therapeutic for you?

                    • @PainToad: Yeah, find it a good way to tune out everything and just focus on that (plus whatever I'm watching) - allows me to completely zone out. Been a very handy tool.

                  • +1

                    @Darkscythe: And you shouldn't have to care. What you're doing isn't harming anyone.

                    There are people who spend on far worse things. I see people buy or do things which I don't understand but I don't judge them for it as it's not causing me any issues.

                • -1

                  @cnut: Thanks. I get that for displaying actual classic game consoles, but not Lego version. But we're all different.

                  Sorry if I came across judgmental everyone.

                • @cnut: Yeah I used to love it as a kid but then most people grow out of it find more stimulating activities.

              • @PainToad: If you had worded your sentences more constructively rather than being so judgmental then maybe people would have replied to you as to why more nicely.

                People don't respond negatively out of the blue unless you have done the same.

                I myself I like displaying my gaming and watch collection which cost way more than these Lego's but there will always be someone who will not understand why. Not everyone is the same and have different reasons for their hobbies and interests. If we put that much effort into understanding every little thing someone does then you would go insane.

                • +4


                  If you had worded your sentences more constructively rather than being so judgmental then maybe people would have replied to you as to why more nicely.

                  Fair point. Sorry.

      • +4

        You've pissed off the nerds.

        • Do these angry nerds get pissed at people who collect ugly modern art?

      • I'm one of the rare people that loath lego also, its due to having to build so many of the damn things because my kids get given lego presents and I'm pestered into completing the horrible chore, only for them to break it again 15 minutes later. As a kid I loved the stuff now I don't wanna even see it…. what did life do to me.

      • people do jigsaw puzzles , some people build model planes, there is certain joy that comes building something, or fixing something , with so much of peoples time and enjoyment spent on virtual things, sometimes it’s nice to work on physical things.

        i’m not into lego but do like to build things around the house or fix things in my garage.

      • I actually agree with you when it comes to the price. Theyre plastic cubes. Should cost like $10 for the big ones. But again here we are paying for the "ingenuity". Lol im on holidays in eirope where i ijst bought some shoes for €9. Deadset back home these will have a brand and a $250 price tag for the R&D and status. Anyway end rant/

        • I do think they are pretty expensive but i can understand at least in part why they are so dear, as they are manufactured to very tight tolerances, have to often pay liscencing/royalties and have to ensure amazing QA not having missing peices etc as well as clear researched instructions - all of this over the years.

          Ie its not just simple plastic cubes

      • Its relaxing and sometimes produce nice results. I have a lego saturn V on the wall behind me. That said the three times I dropped it wasnt for a happy time.

        I have built a few lego things to decorate the home theatre as well, above the dvd/bluray storage fits in nicely (Mclaren, Hoarry Potter, Star wars walker etc)

        • -1

          Have you tried building a class A amplifier? Kits are available, but you usually need to purchase the enclosure separately and modify it to fit.
          Have you considered building a reflux still with bubbler plates? It costs about the same as a Lego set and is far more rewarding.
          Have you tried building a Japanese cedar wood fired bath or a sauna?
          If you like following instructions to the letter, remote control quads, planes, copters, cars all way more satisfying to build.

          Yes, they all require big boy tools.

      • Yes, I learned this lesson building the Bugatti, which even included a podcast. As a child, I used Lego Technic to build remote control cars without instructions.

      • I used to think the same before getting hooked. The way I see it now is it’s like Japanese plastic models but with less steps. Instead of separating the little pieces from plastic mold yourself, LEGO has done it for you.

        One thing I still can’t wrap my head around is the price though. $1000 for a LEGO? lol..

    • Go do it then

    • -1

      Bought my last 360 around 2016/2017. Paid 39 for it with 2 remotes, traded one into EB that same day for like 21/22 bucks. Still serves faithfully as the attic Guitar Hero machine.

      I'll buy this Lego when it drops below that figure!

      • +1

        They’ll be sold out by then and go for $500 as some bizarre niche item later.

    • I just sold my Xbox 360S with 2 controllers and a bunch of games for $50 last week.

    • You can get a used one for much less.

    • +1 on this. Even the very old systems like the NES or 2600 Lego packs.. I don't get what the value of it is if it LOOKS like it made from bricks but doesn't play anything.. (or at least have the option to stick a Rpi zero or something in there to emulate it).

      Then again, I don't really understand the allure of the other nostalgia Lego series either.. like the typewriter (just buy one second hand damn it so its actually usable and workable).

      • +1

        Dont understand the 2600 lego myself at all, you want nostalgia buy a real one!

    • More like it’ll have the red ring of death.

  • +18

    Does it come with different colour pieces so that you can change the green ring to a red ring 😝

  • Goddammit!! If wasn't NOW so sensible, eatin' two minute noodles, goin to bed by 8pm and not playing many games I'd be all over this…..it looks pretty cool

    • +1

      You go to bed at 8? Dont think I've done that since primary school. Sometimes I'm still having dinner at 8 lol

      • Just jokes, I'm still staying up late and doing lots of carefree things lol

        • +1

          Yeah, at least 8:45, right? We are rebels.

  • Wish is was 1:1 scale but still cool

    • +1

      Agree. 3/4 size would annoy me. Got cybertruck from them. Not a bad build. Bit different then LEGO. Especially instructions.

      • +1

        Was the cybertruck 1:1? Just messin' about.

        • Lol, it came with cracked screens :)

  • +2

    no but i remember eating doritos and drinking mountain dew while noobtubing kids at rust in mw2 and saying stuff on the mic

  • +1

    These will look great next to the Lego Nintendo and Atari

    • Agree but Pity it’s not made by Lego

      • Does the brand of the plastic cubes make any difference? Honest question…

        • I have a few Mega brand Hot Wheels and Pokemon sets. Definitely a slightly different feel from Lego, like the edges and corners are not as sharp. But they fit together and the clutch is as good as Lego.

          • @flagstones: I use to have some Pokémon sets and thought it was inferior to Lego

            Wondering if this X360 set will turn yellow over the years as Lego white and grey bricks have this issue

        • Not really. They definitely feel different but at a glance it’s similar enough to look like it’s part of the set.

  • Wish the 10% off your first order worked for this too

    • +1

      Yeah I tried and it didn’t unfortunately so I didn’t mention it.

  • +1

    i think, this is better deal

    • -3

      Yeh, nahhhhhh

    • +3

      If you can forego HDMI, it's 75% of the cost of the Lego version.

      That's like buying a Commodore for 7.5k, and then asking 10k for a Lego version.

      • -1

        I’ll buy the 10k LEGO version because unlike the Commodore in 10 years time being worth as much as a piss stained mattress, the Lego version will still have resale value.

        • -1

          I'm not sure you've seen the pre-owned car market post COVID.

          But even then, let's pretend your train of thought is apt,

          Keep the Holden for 30 or 40 odd years and it will be worth a cubic shitload more than RRP

          • -1

            @TheDukeOfNukem: @TheDukeOfNukem that logic is wild.
            First of all, the initial example was hypothetical.

            LEGO has always gone up in value, it didn’t take post COVID to make it more valuable, but glad the pre-owned car market got some love.

            If you were to take the initial arguement of a LEGO commodore, which would be a one of a kind LEGO set vs a commodore then you’re train of thought is far from apt if you think the commodore would be worth more.

            If you wanted to compare apples to oranges, take the amount of LEGO sets it would take to fill the same space as a commodore (you initially stated commodore but then used the generic term Holden which could cover any type of Holden, so we'll stick to the initial argument of commodore to be fair). You would have to find a place to store said commodore for 30-40 years while keeping it in pristine condition for it to be worth “a cubic shitload”. Then you’re assuming in 30-40 years you can still drive a car that uses fossil fuels. I can almost guarantee you won’t be able to. So basically it will have no “use” value other than sitting in a garage being looked at. Meanwhile LEGO can still be built or sold years later by collectors.

            • -1

              @Johnnysins10: idk where to take this tbh. It ends with "Lego can be resold years down the line bc collectors will want it" as though car nuts haven't been doing this literally since cars got mass produced.

              • -1

                @TheDukeOfNukem: Yeh but not a shit box commodore mate, that’s what you were banging on about and that’s what I was referring to. Both times now you’ve shifted the goalposts of the conversation to suit your own agenda. Keep buying your worthless commodores and keep them for 30-40 years. Good luck with that bro.

                • @Johnnysins10: lmao calm down.

                  I could give a shit less about Commodores, they were just the first car I thought of for the analogy. Did the head of Holden tie you down and tickle your pickle as a child or something?

                  Not only did you move the posts, you done do be bonkers, son. Chill out. You went to talk about Lego supposedly holding value in years down the line resale, as though cars don't also go up a shitload when looked after for decades. I said idk what you're driving at, and you ended up yelling about a Commodore.

                  I know you're riding the Lego dick hard, but this thread has done nothing to sway the opinion some have that grown ups who obsess with Lego are a bit cookoo.

                  • -1

                    @TheDukeOfNukem: I can tell by your appalling grammar and insults that it’s no use arguing with an imbecile such as yourself. No wonder this conversation went the way it did.
                    Maybe spend less time on forums and more time learning how to read and write properly. Less bongs, more learning. Then, maybe next time you’ll be able to properly construct your views rather than spew garbage on a public forum and make yourself look like stoner.

                    • @Johnnysins10: "Appalling grammar"

                      starts this whole thing off with "Yeh, nahhhhhh", will not be the last time we see "yeh"

                      "And insults"

                      the only insults thrown by either were the multiple you threw at Holden, before you, you know, call me an imbecile and try to lay into me further

                      "Maybe spend less time on forums"

                      Has written 380 words in this particular comment thread defending a children's toy to my (before this comment) ~230

                      "Read and write properly"

                      "Yeh, nahhhhhh"

                      Ignoring your juvenile bong and stoner comments (was there a stoner driving the Holden that touched you as a child?), let's actually go…

                      • Lego brick of item costs more than real item
                      • Guy points this out
                      • You say "Yeh, nahhhhhh" as was the fashion at the time
                      • I point out the price discrepancy as well by comparing the purchase of Lego to a car at the same price ratio
                      • You say that Lego will hold value years down the line
                      • I say the car would too
                      • You say the car won't even be driveable in 40 years (despite the Lego already serving no practical function, so if anything, that would make them more directly comparable)
                      • I point out car nuts buy old cars for big $$$
                      • You throw shit at Holden…again…and say I've moved goal posts and have an agenda (lolwut)
                      • I point out how ridiculous you are and explain the situation a little bit since you appear to have lost track of it
                      • You throw personal insults at me while accusing me of having done that to you first, as though you can't scroll up and see the opposite
                      • I spent 5 minutes on the toilet writing this bc that's about all it's worth

                      tl;dr ok boomer

                      • @TheDukeOfNukem: Lol your replies crack me up. Thanks for the in depth analysis.
                        You’re either a therapist or projecting your past on to others, I’m guessing the latter. I’m sorry you were inappropriately touched as a child, just remember, it’s not your fault.
                        Have a good day.

  • +1

    I'll add to the pile of unhelpful comments too,

    20 bucks and I'll bite.

    • +1

      Even free, i will not bite

      • +2

        It would be bad for your teeth

      • Free I would. 20 I'd honestly only grab solely bc of how much they were asking at full RRP.

        Realistically this sort of thing should be a fun little freebie chucked in with new console purchases in a launch window or something.

  • +1

    My Xbox slim still works, so does my Kinect, I used it to play fitness evolved 2012 occasionally.

  • +4

    It gives bricking your XBox a new meaning

    • +1

      It gives bricking your XBox Wallet a new meaning

  • +1

    Still do that
    Just now im in my 30's and with a series x
    Lifes good

  • Does it play Playstation 2 games?

    (That was a joke but it seems there could be room for a Raspberry Pi)

  • +1

    I actually have a working Xbox 360 with a drawer full of AAA and AA games that I love. I still play it when I get a chance. Last game I played was Lego Harry Potter Year 1-4.

    • Saw the AAA and AA bit while scan reading and was like "(profanity) me, he has a remote that takes AAA batteries?"

  • Thought this was a real 360 new old stock limited edition thing for a second and was like uhh yes. But no.

  • +1

    You too can build a large white rectangle.

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