This was posted 8 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Chery Omoda 5 FX from $27,990 Drive Away @ Chery Motor


Price has dropped by thousands of dollars for a new Omoda 5 FX. Like $6000 cheaper!

$27,990 is driveaway price (DAP) for MY24 FX model with no optional extras, for new vehicles ordered from participating dealers between 1 July 2024 and 31 July 2024, for new stock vehicles purchased and delivered from participating dealers between 1 July 2024 and 31 July 2024. While stocks last. Not available to fleet, gov’t or rental buyers. *Warranty and Capped Pricing Servicing T&Cs, and exclusions at

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Chery Australia
Chery Australia

closed Comments

  • +38

    Would it have killed them to stick another "r" in their name? Drives me nuts

    • +9

      I guess you’re only getting part of a car when you buy one hence the shorter name

      • +7

        I didn't realise they charged by letter now! That explains a lot. Going to go with a BYD then, even less letters :^)

        • +12


          • +9

            @Tleyx: This is why you always post before buying, always a better option!

            • +5

              @OZBMate8911: FYI

              the reason its called "CHERY" is that its a knock off of CHEVY

              ie,. Chevrolet

              anyway i had a look at the brochure and spec and i think this will kill the under $30k market


              because you get a lot of features for the money

              this car is usuable for a family… it has ok boot space

              it has a HEAP of features like keyless AND remote start

              the interior looks nice

              it has electric seats, Sony 8 spk, carplay AA, dual 10" screens, full safety and driver assists

              its not a stripped out council toilet like a every other base sub $30k shitter

              will it last? who gives a shit - sell it at the 5yr mark when it still has 2yrs left

              • +10

                @tonyjzx: Don’t think so buddy,

                Yin Tongyue, then a technical director proposed the name "Qirui" (Chinese: 奇瑞) in 1998, which means "unexpected and auspicious". Later, this name was romanised as Chery (initially "Cheery" during the 1999 brand launch).

              • +4


                will it last? who gives a shit - sell it at the 5yr mark when it still has 2yrs left

                The depreciation on this one would be quite large due to low resale value, no one wants to buy a 5 year old one.

                • +2

                  @DmytroP: i'd put it to you any car that you bought for $27,990 today is going to be worth shit in 2030….

                  • +5

                    @tonyjzx: Good luck buying this and keep it.

                    Or buy a Mazda2/Yaris and keep driving it until you kill 2-3 Omodas in their lifetime.

                    • +13

                      @nepalicurryinahurry: Beloved's 2004 yaris is up to 330K. I've done the maintenance the last 15 years…. which has been fluids and filters, and putting in about 6 ignition coils from the wreckers (being a 4 cylinder, no…not at the same time)
                      Mechanically, I reckon it drives as if it's new. Has a bit of cancer on the clear topcoat, so maybe a bit of vinyl wrap coming some time.
                      The only hiccups have been due to beloved's racing meerkat driving style… slamming tyres into kerbs.
                      (the thing must have done more than 4 billion gear changes in that time, as she uses the gear lever like an egg beater when on a road with bends…drives me quackers if I'm trapped in it)

                      • +2

                        @rooster7777: Sounds like my old's '94 E36 325tdi 5 speed, it made it all over europe, through every salt-ladened winter attack, gutter-hop and low speed mistake. It went on to outlast them both and is still going today, ~570k km and counting last time I their neighbour who loves it.

                        We need to put place quality of engineering and production above everything else on our shopping list, they are how to net real savings

              • +1


                will it last? who gives a shit

                The people who buy used cars give a shit, and they don't seem to want second-hand Chinese vehicles.
                Do you actually know anyone that has bought one? Genuine question because I've never heard anyone in my circle ever mention it. The odd person talks about getting new one, but not a single person ever talked about getting a used one.

      • -2

        Similar to how you get part of a device with the bitten apple

      • +7

        I asked BMW to beat this price, they kicked me out :'-(

    • +4

      According to Honda, adding a "R" by itself costs $20k. Maybe the capital Rs are pricier.

      • +1

        Same with VW

    • +2

      The name has nothing to do with the fruit:

      Yin Tongyue, then a technical director proposed the name "Qirui" (Chinese: 奇瑞) in 1998, which means "unexpected and auspicious"

  • -3

    Any 7 seaters?

    • +20

      Buy two and get 10 seaters

    • +1

      In China, Chery's legal team can forge fake evidence of 5 seater SUV into 7 seater SUV, 500RMB repair bill into 5200rmb repair bill just to get some one into jail(real story happened in Feb).

      If you want it to be a 7 seater, just ask their legal team.

      For the down voters, hopefully Chery's legal team won't forge fake evidence, deny your warranty and sent you to jail.

      I don't trust a brand that brags their legal team's ability of forging fake evidence and sent people to jail on Chinese Social medias.

      • Do share

      • +1

        Why would you need to "Forge fake evidence"?

        • Why would you need to "Forge fake evidence"?

          Well that how all fake evidence is created isn't it? Fake evidence is literally a forgery as opposed to genuine evidence which is authentic.

      • Never heard of this story. Bring your evidence.

        • -1

          Simply google 奇瑞(chery) 5200 事件

      • -1

        This is like saying Vater Woods is a convicted child sex offender who reportedly abused 200,000 children in his active time of offences.

        I honestly wouldnt trust him.

        Like comon mate, need to try a little bit harder than that

        • I apologize that you weren't taught how to use Google.

          • -1

            @Vater Woods: lol for a complete smart ass, you didnt think it to include a link in your original post?

            Pause for a moment and think about that for a second, from an external lense, as though someone else posted something 🤔

          • -1

            @Vater Woods: Hey man, on your recommendation i just googled it and it says the other driver was detained for smashing the hood of the Chery owner with his fists…

            The repair bill was at 5200. If someone smashed the hood of your car, whats your expectation in this scenario?


            • -1

              @ramb9: So you fell right into the lie and think you are smart.

              Ignoring the traffic police came out and clarified that the repair bill was infact 500rmb. the paint didn't fell off, the location of dent did not match up, the number of dents did not match up, the so called inspection report was done more than 48 hours after the incident, and was not witnessed by third party, Chery was the sole party wrote the damage bill of 5200, few days later they re-recorded a video showing another bill of 4200rmb after being called out, the 5 seat suv number plate some how got switched with 7 seat SUV, the Chery's own Dearest Grandma xu mao cai who caused all this to begin with, was also a person who did not pay her debt and was enforce by Chinese Court, permantly a person without credit, who was later permanently banned by ALL Chinese Social Media platforms.

              Yeah, she was also caught causing numerous trouble for other commuter, she was also caught using racial slurs against Xinjiang local, and almost pushed him off the moutian road.

              The fact she(her daughter, son in law) was BANNED by all Chinese Social Media Platforms should tell you something, but I guess your eye got in the way, or maybe braincells wasn't nourished enough to think a tiny extra step.

              Its always easier to fell for the lie, since it easy, and most people is reluctant and stupid and lazy.

              Also, what has the person "smashed" the car hood got to do what I said? Was what I said not true?
              Chery's legal team didn't brag about their ability? Chery's team didn't came out with 5200rmb repair bill? then another 4200rmb repair bill because of the uproar? Didn't Chery switched the 5 seat SUV number plate with 7 seat SUV?

              Also, "smashed"? With what? Hammer? Spanner?
              Let me correct you on that, is called Beat or slap or clap.
              And didn't Chery's own PR team immediately came start jumping, rolling, and bumping their own car hood to proof that a person can not make a dent on their car hood with a slap?
              Were your eye tired that you missed that part? Or not enough memory cells to remember it?

              • -1

                @Vater Woods: I dunno what you're rambling about bro, lol. Articles shorter than what you wrote about here. Chill

                So if im hearing you correctly, you agree that he was detained for damaging property.

                In your original post, you claimed he was detained because Chery gave fake evidence.

                Im not denying anything you wrote btw, you do you

                • @ramb9: 1, traffic police do not have the power to detain people in China
                  , only formal police does.
                  2, criminal property damage threshold in China is 5000rmb,
                  3, police acted on the initial 5200 report provided by Chery's legal team, which they bragged online that they deliberately set it over 5000rmb, so police will get involved.
                  4, in China there is time frame vehicle damage inspection, which is 48 hours, they were all over the time limit.
                  5, Xu mao cai while in the vehicle, shouted three times "run him over", her son in law actually did try to run him over twice, which triggered the slap.
                  6, Xu mao cai lied that she was the driver at the time to gain empathy and dehumanised the other party, her son in law had his driver's licence suspended for obvious reasons.
                  7,Both party settled on the spot, agreed to something and moved on, after the other party tried to call police, which was caught by port's CCTV. Xu mao cai was also seen making begging gestures.
                  8.Xu mao cai own previous video, where she almost pushed Xinjiang locall of the mountain, showed the dent was already there.
                  9, Only after everything was over, which was more than six weeks later, was traffic police allowed to release the actual official quote(my mistake in previous post, it was official quotel). Source of the damage? Unknown to this day.

                  • -1

                    @Vater Woods: Hey man, I hear you, the person is dodgy~ whatever - but if we look at this objectively (without all that innate hatred against Chery, wew)

                    It sounds like you're still agreeing he was detained for damaging property.

                    Like I dunno about you but last time I was involved in a car scruff, light scratches on a door, the insurance quoted about $5000 AUD inclusive of panel repair, paint, car hire etc. For a job that realistically cost about $500.

                    Like I get prices are different here and there but it's also no secret that car 'stealerships' overcharge and I honestly wouldn't be surprised they do the same in China

                    In essence tho, you're suggesting a conspiracy theory that billion dollar company is undermining all that for well… a dodgy individual

                    • -1

                      @ramb9: LOL, so the official quote of 500rmb missed your brain again? Which is nowhere near the 5000rmb threshold set by Chinese Law.
                      The 5200 was provided by single party, Chery, no third was was there to veriy it authenticity, which should be the standard procedure.
                      The 5200rmb quote was obtained more than 48 hours after the incident, which would nullify itself based on Chinese Law.

                      The parties settled on the spot, which would nullify the following event if wasn't for the lies made by Xu mao cai.

                      Which then lie after lie, and reinforced by Chery's 5200 repair bill. Police only became involve when Chery intentionally bragged about the 5200 repair bill.

                      And to top it off, that son in law was ex PLA, and nothing happened to him, despite driving without a valid licence, intentionaly driving into a person TWICE in a row.

                      Now, to get your brain into reality, Australia is not China, China's labour is cheap.
                      The same hood dent can be repaired for 200rmb in China, and at the time, hundreds of repair shop was willing to do it for 200rmb.

                      • @Vater Woods: Yo bro, read the article I linked. You talk a lot about believing the lies but this was the official statement or so it says:

                        Chery spokesperson Jin Yibo also posted on WeChat Moments: "Chery's Haikou dealer helped the user with the repair service and provided a replacement vehicle during the repair period so as not to delay the user's travel. Two repair options were provided: one was repair, which cost 600 yuan; the other was to replace the engine hood for a total of 4,100 yuan (3,200 yuan for parts and 900 yuan for painting, installation and other labor and service fees). The user finally chose to pay 4,100 yuan to replace the hood. The online rumor that the dealer deliberately set a high price of 5,200 yuan for the repair fee is misleading."

                        The man who smashed the Mercedes-Benz was administratively detained for 10 days and fined 500 yuan, which is the minimum punishment for road rage.

                        You keep stating 5200 and other stuff and you don't deny he was detained for aggression but you keep arguing all this other irrelevant stuff. What's the go bro. I'm enjoying the popcorn but you're kinda pushing the stupidity limit…

                        On that note, you seem quite knowledgeable on China laws - is there a time limit for how long it takes before you can't charge someone for a crime? Like mate, get a clue

                        • @ramb9: LOL, so your not here asking question, you're here to defend Chery's lie.

                          Just so you know, you can still google the original 5200rmb invoice, which Chery recorded themselves, which later deleted. But bad luck, people screen captured, also their own legal team REPLIED to the question asked by their fan, who asked if the invoice was made over 5000rmb, just to get the other party into trouble, they REPLIED, "Just over it, 5200RMB".

                          Keep defending Chery's lie, it only makes you a liar.

                          If Chery was right, why did Chinese Gov banned Xu's family from ALL Chinese social media?

                          • @Vater Woods: O.o whoosh?

                            The only question that was asked was for the source.

                            I'm not defending anyone here… I'm just saying the lad was jailed because he attacked someones vehicle, which you agree.

                            Everything else is legit just you going on a rant lol

                            • @ramb9: Still carrying on the lie are you.
                              Were there any proof the damage was caused by the lad?

                              He was sent to jail because Chery's legal team provided and reinforced the lie made by Xu mao cai(which was called out, later she admitted, her daughter admited, her son in law admited) by give fake evidence that the repair bill was 5200rmb(which they backed down due to the uproar by the netizens, by re-recording a video of the invoicing another 4000rmb invoice, but the 5200rmb damage was already done, as the lad was soon arrestted because the amount surpassed 5000rmb threshold).

                              Which part of the 5200rmb repair bill was the reinforcing factor that sent the lad to jail did you miss?
                              Or was it you just want to keep on lying, how much does Chery pay you per post?

                              Chery's attitude in China didn't get them anywhere better, carrying on the lie won't do them any better in AUS either.

                              Now, if you want to carry on the lie, don't reply, I have no interest wasting time with a LIAR, a big, fat, pretending to be smart ONE.

                              • -1

                                @Vater Woods: lol sorry should’ve picked up on this earlier. I found the road rager

                                • @ramb9: Xu's family admitted to the lie, Chery is playing turtle for being a complicit;
                                  But you, you choose carry on and defend that lie to attack people.

                                  What does that make of you? I don't think you have enough processing power to figure it out.

                                  And you also don't seem to understand the word, "Stop replying to me", I guess that is the way of your kind, Carry on and Defend your "Virtue".

  • +1

    The specs look very good for the price. What's the catch?

    • -1

      It's horrendously ugly, inside and out.

      • +23

        I couldn't care less what a car looks like from outside of it. That's everybody else's problem.

        The interior looks ok to me from the pictures.

      • +2

        While I think beauty is in the eye of beholder, the red lines on I some of the exterior of some of the range look a tad too douchey for my taste

      • +4

        The exterior is quite divisive, but the interior looks fine. Someone posted that the interior is horrendously ugly. If this is still considered ugly, I'd like to know what you drive.

      • +2

        I actually quite like the design, particularly outside. Different from the boxy, dated look of other budget brands like MG and Haval.

      • +1

        I would never buy a Chinese car while we have a choice not to, but this thing looks great. Pretty current models Hyundai-like (which I also love most of).

        • Yes, it reminded me of the Tuscon which I think is a great looking car. We considered the Chery recently before deciding to go with a Mazda for a few more $$$. Reviews don't seem too bad so you could do a lot worse I reckon.

      • +1

        Honestly it looks like a lexus, i dont get how it looks ugly?

    • +1

      . What's the catch?

      Where it's made?

      This is the problem with Chery and other Chinese automakers. The specs look ok but you cannot compare them to Japanese cars at all. It's not about how big the touchscreen is or how it looks on the outside.

      I've driven one of these. The ride quality is horrible, like a car 25 years old that's been driven 300,000km. And the quality of the interior is very very low.

      • +3

        Completely nonsense. I've driven some current generation Chinese cars and their interiors all far exceed their Japanese counterparts. In my opinion interior design where Chinese cars excel…

        • +12

          Chinese cars and their interiors all far exceed their Japanese counterparts

          Yeah, nah, not happening.

          Are they getting better? sure
          Are they at the level of Mazda, Toyota, Subaru? Absolutely not

        • +2

          Far exceed?? What cars are we comparing here?
          What they look like in the showroom compared to a few years use isn't the same though.

          The work LDVs are getting worse and worse to drive as they get older. I must admit though they haven't broken down yet though, engine wise that is

          • @DannyBoy: LDV isn't on the same level as a BYD. That's like comparing a Datsun to a Toyota Crown, even though they're both Japanese.

            • @clubhonda: That's not really a comparable pair. Datsun were credited for having made small cheap and cheerful cars along with some sports cars were as the Crown is the pinnacle of Japanese quality.

              Now what makes you say they aren't on the same level ? There are a bucket load of commercial LDV vehicles on the road. Despite the lack of quality they seem to be a reliable vehicle

        • +1

          I've driven some current generation Chinese cars and their interiors all far exceed their Japanese counterparts

          Which ones? That would be helpful.

          Also, OP talked about ride quality. How was that?

      • +7

        There are a lot of princesses that moan about the cost of living and housing being unaffordable, while expecting to buy something the same standard as their parent's final residence…. I know that's not you…. but when people listen to crap like this it can lead them into delusional expectations.

        Form over fashion is a solid basis for general purchases….. even for your underdacks, that few hopefully ever see.

        Stuff like fancy watches, gold rings, air bnbs and the like aren't really the essentials of life for most folks…. except perhaps for the worldwide sloan ranger movement.

        In an earlier post on this thread I referred to my beloved's 2004 yaris… not quite 25 years old, but over 300K. Still running like new with insignificant maintenance required, done at sod all cost by a relatively unskilled mechanic. I've owned and driven a lot of vehicles (admittedly vehicles costing less than $100K) , and it drives fine. The difference in ride quality between a (good condition) 50 year old car, and a 25 year old car…. is a lot greater than a 25 year old to a contemporary car, but it didn't kill the occupants. (apart from accidents of course)

        If people with fantastic expectations of quality/ fashion status ever lose the ability to maintain it (loss of money stream/ employment etc) what are they going to do…top themselves in shame because they can no longer afford something worthy of their status? People can and do live comfortably and happily without the final 10% or 30% of luxury.

        Is it ironic that many ozbargain posters appear to have significant disposable wealth, combined with a drive for the ultimate in form/fashion/status stakes, with anything below lofty standards being unacceptable? I mean… I'm all for a bargain, but I'd much rather have a broad range of useful devices/tools/assets of adequate quality, rather than bleed myself out for a select few which can truly reflect my appreciation of fine art.

        • +1

          Not quite 25 years old? It’s literally 20.

          • @HamesJoffman: 20<25 in my maths training.

            • @rooster7777: 5 year difference =/= “not quite”

              • -1

                @HamesJoffman: yeah, right! given my comment was in response to
                "The ride quality is horrible, like a car 25 years old that's been driven 300,000km" and I was quoting a 20 year old car that's done over 330K kilometres…
                good luck with your barcode collection

      • You are talking out ya butt. I had a Rav4 Hybrid Cruiser - Top of the range, it was a 'meh' at best. Actively annoying in many aspects (some of which have been fixed on new models but it now also costs 15k more)

        • +2

          I've driven your car and it's much better than a chery.

          Not sure what your problem is

          • @coffeeinmyveins: Given the price difference it should be much better than a Chery. Same as an iphone should be much better than a $300 phone. That doesn't mean that the cheaper phone or Chery (7 year warranty) won't be a good buy for someone on a smaller budget.

        • Actively annoying in many aspects

          This is my opinion of almost all new cars. I took a few for a test drive recently, including RAV4 and all the little beep, bloops and alarms and warnings was enough to make me keep my money in my pocket. I want to own the car, not have it own me.

          • @1st-Amendment: I drive a new Rav 4, and I can tell you it's nothing compared to how annoying a new Triton is. I drove one on the weekend and it's driver monitoring system was the single worst most annoying piece of shit I've ever come across in a car. It must have beeped at me a good 30 - 50 times on an hour and a half trip. It's also deep in the menu to turn it off, then it turns back on next time you start it.

      • That isn't what any of the reviews say.

      • ? I own a 2020 CX5 and drove a 23 MG ZST the other day.

        The MG ZST made my CX5 ride quality feel miserable.

        Not sure what you're comparing bro.

        Interior quality wise id say the Mazda is slightly better, minus the horrid UI/screen experience. But for every other vehicle in the segment and at these price points, the chinese offerings are far superior.

        You gotta be more objective bro, its kinda sad when you're pulling comments outta a**

        • ? I own a 2020 CX5 and drove a 23 MG ZST the other day.

          You're comparing a car that is built on a platform from 2017 and has had several facelifts since yours, to a car that is newer. Not really "apples to apples".

          You gotta be more objective bro, its kinda sad when you're pulling comments outta a**

          I've driven MGs, Havals and plenty of other cars. These are my opinions, but hey, you do you. go buy that MG ZST and come back in 5 years and see how it's going.

    • -1

      Only minor issue is the engine, the 1.6 litre one on Omoda 5 GT is much better dipite only 0.1 litre larger.
      For the price, I can't think of anything better.

  • +25

    This isn't a price slash, it's a new base model that's coming in and happen to be $6000 less than the next one up.

    • +5

      Yep all this is is a new model variant, not a bargain

    • It's a cheap Chinese car… Gotta upvotes it, that's the Reddit rules these days apparently.

  • +8

    $27.99 is decent

    • +1

      came here for this comment, lol.

    • $2.78 is better

  • +23

    Stupid brand name, stupid model name, stupid looks.

    • +4

      So what your saying is you like it?

  • +9

    Diabolically poor driver assist calibration
    Floaty ride and vacuous steering
    Will the company stick around this time?…

    OK, now we're getting somewhere.

    • +2

      The pros in that review pretty much sum up their target market in terms of what they're looking for.

      Low price and seemingly flashy tech. Just don't look deeper.

    • +2

      A lot of that was fixed in the 24 models I think. FWIW Chery has a 5 star ANCAP rating.

  • Back looks like porsche design.

    • +1

      Reminded me of Lexus or Nissan

    • More like a back of a sitting elephant.

    • *lexus

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