This was posted 5 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NSW, QLD, VIC] 1/8 Cow (25kg) $299 Delivered, Whole Lamb $250, Whole Goat $150 + Shipping/Free Pickup @ Farmer to Fridge


Buy wholesale, save money, support the farmer
I have linked the main page, as different states will have different farms, but prices are similar

1/8th Cow $299 Grassfed Free shipping except WA $50 Expired

1/8th Cow $299 Grassfed Free shipping NSW…

Goat Halal $150+$25 delivery($10 Delivery 2 Goats) or free pickup…
Whole Lamb Grass fed $250 $35 Delivery or Free delivery with 2 Lambs…

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closed Comments

          • @ghee: Haha holy bananas that was long haha. Permission granted for TLDR

          • +1

            @ghee: You make too much sense, which I feel will be simply dismissed by vegan ideologues by a wave of hand. Nothing in your response is hard ass, but logically reasoned and cogent. Wish we had more people like you in politics.

            • +1

              @findingbargains: That was a long response. Thanks for taking the time to reply and I am open to any information. In fact I would really love to go back to eating meat and not reading ingredients to check for gelatin and so forth. If it were true that a plant based diet were detrimental to my health I would love to go back. I'll keep searching for that evidence, but so far I've not found any and only come across more of the opposite.

              Refusing to support animal cruelty is in one way very easy to do, but I the hardest part is dealing with people (often those close to you) refusing to accept simple truths, spreading misinformation and mental gymnastics performed to avoid the cognitive dissonance. The way you describe vegans as emotional and cherry picking evidence can easily be used to describe meat eaters. People very much are attached to their meat eating and will do pretty much anything (including spreading misinformation and avoiding evidence) to keep it that way.

              Which of the facts in Cowspiracy do you disagree with? They are linked clearly on their website:

              I feed my dog vegan dog food:… - the vets I've spoken to all believe these to be nutritionally sound for dogs. Dogs need a high protein diet and like humans can be perfectly healthy on a plant based diet. One of the longest living dog in the world is vegan.…

              The mother who was jailed for starving her child was justifiably sent to jail for child abuse. It had nothing to do with the fact that it was a weird raw fruit diet. You've got carnivore parents who are feeding their babies meat and raw eggs who should also have child services intervene. But none of this has anything to do with the fact that a plant based diet is healthy for humans of all stages of life including infancy and pregnancy. Please show me some evidence where this is not the case. Humans are animals who need adequate nutrition. Look at the blue zones (Mediterranean and Okinawan regions) where the diet is predominantly plant based. These are the healthiest people on the planets. You're a salmon swimming upstream against a river of scientific evidence on the health benefits of a plant based diet. Swim harder!

              So much of what you stated is completely factually incorrect and misleading. B12 for example does not naturally exist in meat, it is a supplement that is injected into animals and then you consume it second hand. Why not just take the supplement yourself - one multi-vitamin and you're done?

              There is an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence of meta-analysis showing that a plant based diet is optimal for human health. You have to dig around very selectively to find anything to the contrary.

              Who cares what our grand-parents ate? Why do you want to keep things the same, when we can do better? Our grandparents never ate the amount of meat people consume today. Heart disease is our number one killer of humans. The number one cause of heart disease is cholesterol. The number one source of cholesterol is meat and dairy.

              I think that you agree that consuming meat, eggs and dairy is cruel. I think you probably aren't aware of the health benefits of a plant based diet and believe that consuming meat is healthy. I think if you were to look at the evidence a bit closely with an open mind, you will find that there is no reason to consume it. And if that's the case, your ethics should drive you to make the right decision. I hope you do.

              • +1


                B12 for example does not naturally exist in meat

                Yes it does.

                it is a supplement that is injected into animals and then you consume it second hand

                That is not true. Wild game naturally contains B12.

                • @mapax: Sorry your reality is not welcome according to vegan doctrine. Don't eat brain foods, don't eat fertility foods. Eat the dross. Just follow the scrolls and dogmatise your consciousness you peasant!

                  • @ghee: Yeh vegetables, fruits, grains… Leave that dross for the veegoons! They won't last long without their fertility foods anyway. Whatever that is….

                • @mapax: By meat, I meant the meat that 99.9% of people consume. Which contains no B12 naturally because it's factory famed in unnatural conditions and is injected with B12 supplements.

                  • @deejaygrub: Thanks for keeping it fun DJ.

                    Healthy animals with healthy lifestyle choices don't need B12 supplements.

                    We can speculate, or make wild claims, or we can go and visit farms and observe reality. I have done this plenty. I suggest you do to. Maybe then, and only then, will your 99.9% factory farmed supply theory on Australian red meat be remedied. You might even learn that the majority of these animals are actually living in their ideal conditions, with farmers that take very good care of them and see to it that they thrive. Or you can equate all meat as being the same and continue to point to other countries and cooked statistics from documentaries made by people who have decided how they want you to think.

                    It's fun. But rationality is harder to make fun of than irrationality.

                    • @ghee: You’re wasting your time. Anyone who thinks that 99.9% of Australian meat is factory farmed is either completely brain washed by the propaganda or knowingly spreading disinformation.

              • +1

                @deejaygrub: Ah shrug. If I were close family I too would try to avoid the cognitive dissonance :D

                Re: Cowspiracy - water wastage equating a specific amount of water wasted to meat produced. They made it up.

                Re: Game Changers - J Cameron and wife invested $140m in some plant based protein shite before making the film. Ideologically committed and financially incentivised. Makes for good science.

                I'm sorry for your dog. Not being mean, it's just true of human-canine relationships. You can look for evidence to support a belief in feeding cats and dogs vegan, or can look to reality and the inevitably sad anecdote in the making. And perhaps the irony in the cruelty of feeding an animal food that it has not evolved to eat, like the junk grain/soy/vegetable oil feeds that farmed chickens and salmon and other grain stuffed farmed animals were never meant to eat, the foods that they would never eat in their ideal environments, the foods that make them sick. Sadly I know people with vegetarian dogs. There seems to be one thing that stays consistent. When I sneak them some meat they suddenly change their look from "I beg for euthanasia" to "you are my new jesus, my new leader, I will follow you into the dark my king" along with some sad short lived hope. The owners are like "wow he really likes you, oh wow why is he your favourite now?" Maybe as wolves evolved eating meat scraps alongside campfires what they really wanted was pea protein isolate and synthetic vitamins all along? Definitely what nature would have provided if nature wasn't getting it wrong for so long.

                With regards to feeding children. You are saying things that are wrong and dangerous. The example I was giving relates to a case in France and an infant not receiving milk because his parents subscribed to the same food church as you. If you want to really look at facts, look at the development of the children that are eating meat and eggs, their faces, jaw structure, immunity, bodily development and juxtapose that with the poor souls born into veganism. If you haven't already, read Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A Price. He was thrown out of the American Dental Association because he figured out the true factors that determine dental health. When he presented his findings the first question was "but what will happen to our billables?"

                When you continue to regurgitate other people's ideas as if we have all never heard their propaganda before, like the Med diet and Okinawa, and we all know what lovely compelling books these persuasive arguments are contained in, I feel less of a hard ass for my previous comment in saying that nothing you are saying is of any surprise as it is simply contained within a mantra of an ideology. Was the best you could come up with in all human history of diet as an argument for "plant based" the Med diet and Okinawa? Every country in the Mediterranean values meat the highest. The history of Okinawa lends itself to it's diet, while meat and seafood were also highly valued, poverty and war determined the diets of many. I suppose diets were also plant based during the great depression when a family would share a potato. Arguing that omnivores that highly value animal foods did eat plant based at some point in time is pretty stupid, and ignores the glaring reality that there have not been a people who have thrived on a vegan diet in history.

                I'm the salmon? haha. Well if the river is a vegan propaganda river I will gladly swim out of there relaxed, as there are only some gaunt pale anemic bears that don't eat us any more because they've gone vegan. Their teeth are falling out and they have no mojo but they're still convinced because the bears have the studies that make them correct. Those studies were funded by the truth council, and if something is a study then it is a fact, that's why around 30% of studies later prove to be false, but while it's still the current dogmatic fact you should believe it because it cost a lot of money to fund that fact, oh shoot.

                Excellent nutritional rebuttal. You got me. B12 doesn't exist in meat naturally. Right. I supposed you won that argument too, and won it so well that we can ignore reality and go supplement shopping. Yay! Apologies for the sarcasm.

                Cholesterol… oh man. I really wish I could do a hand over face emoji right now to convey my disbelief. Do you know what your brain is made of? I assume vegan studies doesn't lecture on myelination. I suppose this might explain the differences in our conclusions. Not eating brain food seems to be a clear case for that winning thinking. Apologies for the sarcasm again I know it's rude and my mum taught me better than this.

                I don't agree that consuming meat and dairy is cruel, and I have explicitly stated this. Are you aware of your missionary activity? To try and group me here or there. With us or against us. Brain starvation makes people behave more tribally. We see that happening more and more today, everything is political. I think there are more meaningful things to choose rather than starving oneself, believing humans are inherently bad and subconsciously hating oneself, and trying to convince other people to do the same. No thanks, I will never join any food fascist group.

                I'm kind of annoyed that as expected the intransigence auto side steps all the contradictions I've listed. You haven't really addressed anything I have said. From experience, it goes with the territory.

                Wishing you the best on your journey. I hope you keep nutrified to the max, and somehow achieve a bargain doing it, and when it all falls apart you can reply here and tell your story, and your poor dog's, so others don't have to go through the initial feel good vegan fresh wave fasting cleanse followed by a slow sink into the vegan illness abyss. Seriously wishing you well :)

                I hope you don't bait me again and this can be my final thesis. Who knew being off work for a couple days could be so much fun! Peace and love and let the truth prevail above all else.

                • @ghee: Ok. I've just eaten a steak to get enough energy to reply to this. My brain was suffering from too much fog caused by lack of whatever it is in cows milk that is imperative to humans to consume, especially babies. This explains why India is still a third world country - nearly half are vegetarian! We need to get the people in southern India some dead animal carcases right now!

                  Now that I've woken up from my fog, I gave my vegan dog a piece of chicken and just like you say, he followed me around all day praying at my feet. He also asked me for a cigarette which I thought was weird. But he was craving it so it must be good for him.

                  Can't believe they made up numbers about water and the inefficiencies of meat production. Definitely sounds too churchy and peachy to be true. Gotta be funded by big broccoli… Water falls out of the sky you veegoons! I'm just feeling so good off this dog meat, I never want to think about the plight of trillions of animals killed every year for taste pleasure. It's worth it! Thanks for all your truthes… Keep telling them to yourself and everyone else. This way we can keep things just like they are. Inhumane but delicious…

                  • @deejaygrub: Sounds great :D not quite sure what you're on about with cows milk or India or smoking dogs but it all sounds fun.

                    Sounds like you want to change the whole food system because of some bad exceptions. I think we should just change the bad exceptions. Have you ever weeded a garden, or do you only turn the whole lot? Ideologies have a wonderful way of stopping people from thinking straight.

                    I hope you do get that steak. Your dog too. Did you know that you could get some that isn't "factory farmed".

                    Maybe go visit the farms from this post and see how things really work? Pretty different from shock docos I'd say. You'd be shocked in a different way.

                    • @ghee: Yes we agree. Let's change the bad examples where animals are exploited and killed simply for taste pleasure.

            • @findingbargains: Too kind. May the bargain be with you <3

    • +1

      Meat = Carcinogen? Ha, ha. Maybe in some parallel universe.

      • The link between red meat and cancer has been well documented for some time, but maybe not well known.…

        • +1

          Misconstrued. Sure, if you look at sensationalist headlines it does. But if you look at the science then very much not the case.
          This doc explains it better than I can.

        • deejay you seem like someone who likes studies. I encourage you to read this: "Why Most Published Research Findings Are False" a 2005 essay written by John Ioannidis, a professor at the Stanford School of Medicine.…

          If you're smart enough, you will be able to grasp that scientific studies are actually very malleable, and not everything should be taken as fact.

          The glandular cancer epidemic can be attributed to systemic halides (in water/food/fabric/buildings etc) displacing the body's minerals that are essential chemical signalers for apoptosis. I believe that as a result it is difficult for dietary iodine to replace displaced iodine. Selenium also essential.

          For example in Japan, on average 100X the RDI of iodine is consumed daily. Japan has very low rates of glandular cancers.

          The cancer council seems to operate more as a business funnel, I knew someone on the inside. Jack all is researched for prevention. Everything is geared towards early diagnosis = scare people easy sell = early treatment = money. If you truly wanted to stop something you would put effort into prevention, which me a washed up keyboard warrior just spelled out in the first couple of sentences.

          Not to mention that diagnosis usually involves i-131 radioactive iodine isotopes that the body will store unknowingly and make things worse. Even with it's relatively short half life of some months maybe a year. So a person low in iodine who is struggling to battle something is given something that makes it worse. Second scan oh it's gotten bigger.

          How about instead, don't get fearful, take iodine and selenium, adjust diet/sleep, get some sun and de-stress for 6 months, go back and watch the oncologists face as he starts to learn that the body does indeed have its own systems of repair, and the financial asset that is a cancer patient has been lost.

          • @ghee: I understand that it can be difficult to find balanced unbiased reliable information and very easy to find sensationalist echo chambers especially in the internet.

            Sometimes I wonder if this vegan thing is all nonsense and I'm going to die of protein deficiency. Then I watch a carnivore diet low carb video or something from that Bart Kay guy and get to see what crazy really looks like.

            It's not easy discerning scientific studies especially as a lay person. But let's just say that all of the studies are wrong and all of the recommendations from all the major health authorities and incorrect in recommending a reduction of meat consumption and eating meat is healthy. Why would you choose to spend your money supporting industries that cause untold amounts of suffering to sentient beings when you don't need to?

            You can ignore all the studies showing meat consumptions and poor health outcomes but you won't be able to ignore any studies showing vegetables are bad for you because they don't exist.

            Just admit you love the taste of meat and you don't want to change. It's ok to tell the truth.

            Then you can realise that your taste pleasure doesn't justify the suffering of others. Doing the right thing eases your cognitive dissonance. Give it a try, you'll see..

            • +1

              @deejaygrub: @deejaygrub Fully agree on bias and echo chambers.

              Good to hear there is a voice in there that asks questions. I think this topic is a good example that as usual the truth doesn't exist at the polar extremes.

              Studies. Good start is look at the funding and the funders political angles. The methods. Any impartiality, if it exists at all. Reckon vegan researchers need to declare a COI? :D

              No studies showing vegetables can be bad?… you say you explore antitheses however this suggests otherwise. Heard of oxalates… phytates… lectins… phytoestrogens? I always told my vegan friends that their raw kale/spinach green smoothie "health tonics" would eventually provide negative health outcomes, thyroid, iron, hormones etc. They never seem to listen to me at the time because belief is a hell of a drug. I get a call every year or so saying some problems developed and they've quit green smoothies.

              It would be nice if you'd finally concede that not all farming methods create "untold suffering", as we have repeatedly covered. I know it takes thinking to form a reasonable argument and a lot of people just prefer using what was in the start up pack. Are you aware of how many "sentient" "innocent" "untold suffering" animals die when producing monoculture plant crops? As in thousands of mice and native rodents? How does a thousand mice stack up with a couple of dozen cows for "poor innocent sentient souls" lives lost? How do you rate the importance of their cute souls? Are they worthless because they are small or because you don't see them on the labels of your soy/oat/almond milk? Sipping that soy latte with a smirk just for some "taste pleasure" without any guilt or remorse. Coffee is of course guilt free too. This stupid taste pleasure argument, I think it just gets weaker with repetition. I primarily eat for nutrition. The ultra-nutrient dense foods I eat also happen to taste great as expected.

              You are also welcome to ignore all of the studies on why meat is good for you. But I know you know that I know that you know that your inner voice knows and does indeed want to stop trying to avoid gelatin etc and share that phat steak with the dog.

              How do you think tastebuds developed? To lead us to what is bad, guilty and shameful? When I was studying food science they taught us the basics of what and how sensations were hijacked by manufactured products. It's quite simple really. One good example is how MSG makes the body think it's getting specific amino acids that are usually found in meat, umami flavours. The MSG replacements (flavour enhancers / yeast extract) probably do the same. Did this human taste-reward mechanism evolve to arrive at as you suggest guilt and shame… or is it an innate perfect seeking mechanism for highly bio-available nutrients?

              One more giant queef I'll let fly. The vegan mantra arguments, while to it's subscribers seem powerful and infallible because of it's quasi-virtuous positioning, these are not new revolutionary ideas. The origins of this thinking originates in the vedas (have some friends who choose that as their doctrine, and love to share verses), written in ancient times where spiritual types would get high on a triple drug cocktail and share their insights. Some people on drugs would then write it down, some people would follow, some not. It has some merit. This coincided with caste systems. Systems of heirarchy that seem to be held together by these two contributing factors. The disenfranchised were led to believe that they were born into the life of a serf as destiny, or based on karma, and their diets were encouraged away from virility. This is achieved in part by eating simple vegetarian food, restricting "raja" foods such as alliums or almonds or anything that will increase virility. This is often then furthered by regular consumption of hormone regulating isoflavones/polyphenols/phytoestrogenic teas etc. The result is a person who is placid, peaceful, would never fight their oppressors or cause a stir and subserviently accepts their place at the bottom of the hierarchy, to their own detriment. Certainly someone who aspires for utopian ideals could take their hat off to that idea and think wow if we all did that it would solve all the world's problems. That's cute if you forget about the hierarchy. If we all help breed the fight out of each other then our masters will be so very pleased :)

              Unsure why you keep using the words "cognitive dissonance" it has no bearing on me. I've noticed over the years that part of the vegan missionary pack they hand out indicates to the new punter that all meat eaters are uncertain dumb-dumbs who know nothing about nutrition or health and make for easy converts to veganism. Bit misleading I think. I clearly understand why I believe what I do.

              When you cognate in your coconut is there a little dissonance about the cashew nuts your militia uses to make "guilt free" vegan cheesecakes? Myself as a meat eater won't eat them and many things for ethical and nutritional objection. I think a bit of domestic cream cheese carries less of a burden than semi toxic nuts picked by slave children in Vietnam and India where the highly alkali sap burns their hands while the primary producers get pennies on the dollar. Then those nuts get container shipped (emissions anybody?) to Australia where the import would be refused unless it gets irradiated/fumigated. All so that someone in North Fitzroy can blend them up smooth with some blueberries shipped from Chile with a similar story, and agave syrup from one of Mexico's nearly obliterated national parks due to wild harvesting, chia seeds the Quechuans can't afford anymore and some California medjools. Hashtag clean eating guilt free. Hashtag eco. Did I just have a Good WIll Hunting moment? But the vegan sign up missionary pack said that we could just rollover and lambast meat eaters because we hold the authority on food ethics… what's all this pushback?

              I have no moral quanderies in saying that I enjoy eating the most nutritious foods, and that my gustatory cells do not misguide me in the process. Yes meat is delicious and nutritious, and as you have so kindly still extended the invitation to join the vegan cult I too can present a warm hand to come back to the dark side where all us evil guilty shameful ones don't have to witness what happens to vegan mothers, and their children. When the time is right, I'll prepare for you my non-factory, suffering-free, dissonance-free, max-nutrition special. It will be good to have you back.

              But on serious note I'd encourage you to cease vegan missionary work. Sometimes that well meaning Aunty who convinces her nephew to be vegan through the same guilt and shame manipulations, thinking she's changing the world for the better, later her health falls apart and she goes carnivore for a while and restores it, reverting to omnivore. But little nephew continues vegan for another developmental 7 years. Aunty's propaganda immovable. He grows up without thriving, his adult teeth don't develop properly, mandibular hypoplasia, eyes sunken, plethora of health problems all nutritionally related. Aunty's "benevolent" propaganda did this.

              And please, if you are going to hold a canine pack animal in solitary confinement just for your own companion-pleasure, at least feed it the diet it is supposed to eat. Most of the vegans I know feed their dogs meat. Martyrdom is one thing. Food fascism against animals is going too far.

              • -1

                @ghee: Oh so close! You nearly checked off all the anti-vegan propaganda out there. You just had to add "plants have feelings too though…" and we would have had a bingo!

                You got the plants are poison one. You got the crop deaths one in there. You do realise that 70% of crops are fed to animals. So if you were worried about crop deaths you would stop eating them. Veganism is not about eliminating harm. By existing you are always going to cause some harm. Veganism is about reducing the amount of harm to sentient beings. Sentience is on a scale and is difficult to measure exactly, but I think we could agree that a dog, cat, pig, cow and even fish are closer than an insect. By eliminating meat and dairy, we could free up around 80% of farmed land. This could be re-wilded, or improved in however we would like.

                I don't know how to untangle all your logic - it's too much! You say feeding my dog a healthy nutritious plant based food that provides him everything he needs and is recommended by his vet is animal cruelty when you pay for countless sentient animals to suffer and die for your "nutrition". You pay for animals to be breed into existence when you can get all the nutrition you need without taking their lives away, but it's extremists who ask you to reconsider? You might not think that you have the strength to go vegan. It's not easy fighting for what you believe in, especially when you are the minority. But if you don't live for something, you die for nothing. It's not utopia we're searching for, it's just a slightly world where pigs who are smarter than 3 year olds are not sent to gas chambers. Cows are not forced into pregnancy over and over until they are spent and sent to a slaughter house. All of this because "that what we've always done".

                Sure there might be an example where a coffee bean grower doesn't get a fair wage. You can do your best to buy fair trade or whatever. It doesn't mean you need to murder a cow. Why not just do what you can? You have a choice. The animals forced into slaughter don't. Why not try to make things slightly better? It won't make much difference to you. You will still be perfectly healthy (despite the lies you've been regurgitating - and I'm not sure you really believe everything you say, it doesn't take much of a google to find that Dr Chaffe's "plants are trying to kill us" has long been debunked). But it will make a big difference to the animals. There's enough suffering in the world without you adding to it. Give it a try…

                • +1

                  @deejaygrub: @deejaygrub I like how you consistently avoid responding to things.

                  You won't be perfectly healthy, and hopefully you won't figure this out too late or be too entrenched in your beliefs. It's like you think that we can only choose between vegan wonderland and mega industrial animal agriculture right. Nothing exists in between, and if it does and it contradicts the doctrine, better ignore it. Veganism is simply one form of extremism.

                  Your dog is sentient and does not have a voice. Maybe go ask a few more vets if they think that vegan food is the optimal diet for a dog to be physically and mentally healthy. You are abusing that animal whether you clutch onto whatever sicko agreed with your proposed diet or not. Who is this vet that you say encouraged that diet? Do they have a name? Think they'd go on the record to say they primarily recommend owners feed their dogs vegan? Show me a dog breeder who has bred three or four generations of dogs on a vegan diet. Maybe you will realise that some stupid experiments only result in lose-lose scenarios.

                  It's like… my biologist expert, appeal to authority fallacy, also recommends all cats and sharks eat vegan for optimal health. You see they proved it by their expert opinion so therefore that's settled. Animal food for cats and sharks have been debunked you see. They can get everything they need from seaweed, grass and sticks. Look I am waiving the authority flag which I use to support my beliefs so any opposing arguments must be on shaky grounds right!…

                  I love vegans because they care and they mean well, but I loathe them for their lack of certain aminos, lipids and cholesterol required for a fully functioning frontal cortex.

                  "Sure there might be an example where a coffee bean grower doesn't get a fair wage" lol you serious. That's all you have to say about my vegan cheesecake monologue. The ethics of which I am sure you were definitely already clued onto because you work for the food ethics police and obviously already know all this stuff. No chance you heard it from a shameful ignorant meat eater sufferer-maker who buys 90% of his vegetable and animal food direct from local farms. Due to a drought in "cognitive dissonance", he doesn't even need to frantically google rebuttals and outsourced thinking. His beliefs have been rigorously pressure tested and are solid, and he has a great snag too.

                  I hope you discontinue starving your SENTIENT live-in slave companion animal, making it SUFFER while simultaneously preaching to others about food and animal ethics. Hopefully the contradiction is realised before the poor dog's health deteriorates too far.

                  With regards to my logic, yes I am sorry. Perhaps it was too much. Filtering out the truth and grasping reality requires logic, that's why a lot of people just prefer to follow a doctrine, whether it is logical or packed full of lies. Doctrines are easy because they essentially replace thinking with telemarketing scripts.

                  Veganism is new to you, not me.

                  I'm not adding to suffering. Look after your dog properly.


                  • @ghee: I will continue to search for any evidence that a plant based diet is not healthy. So far I have only found information in support of it being healthy. I do regular blood tests and health check-ups and so far, so good. I would recommend everyone do the same, regardless of their diet. I think in terms of animal suffering and exploitation, the best amount of suffering is the least amount. This would involve abstaining from killing and eating the happiest of animals from the most local of farms even only once a week. I'm not sure what middle ground you are referring to. Any amount of animal abuse is animal abuse. Just try to do the least…

                    Could you explain your cats and sharks point again? I think I have a little too much brain fog to see any meaning in that. I don't think that anyone is suggesting that sharks or lions follow a vegan diet - they are wild animals in a survival situation. If you were in a survival situation like "Society of the Snow", I'm sure it would be vegan to consume your fellow passengers if your life depended on it. But you are living in a modern country with plenty of options. Cats are obligate carnivores, however we are able to create food that includes all the nutrients (like taurine) that they require to be healthy. Dogs are omnivores and we have a great deal of evidence that a carefully planned vegan diet can be optimal for their health. They need a very specific diet that is high in protein which can be formulated from plants. Not hard to find plenty of evidence on this:… - every vet you speak to will tell you the same. They sell vegan dog food at the vet clinic…

                    My dog is perfectly healthy - thanks for your concern. Perhaps you should consider extending your concern to other non-human animals too? Such as the ones you have enslaved and murdered for you taste pleasure?

                    I'm not really aware of these doctrines that you speak of. I just think that it is wrong to abuse animals. So I don't. If you are consuming meat, you are responsible for having animals bread into existence and killed for that choice. Your choice has a victim and I don't think you can say that is not adding to their suffering. It clearly is. You will either have to live with that, or stop doing it. I think the best choice is obvious.

  • +1

    I would be interested, but I won't buy anything because you are also selling halal meat. This should be forbidden, and it's really a shame that majority of people don't know what does it mean. Better to stick to the local, non halal butcher.

    • -1

      Good luck eating Lamb in Australia, all of it is 100% halal slaughtered.

      Stick to Pork

    • +1

      majority of people don't know what does it mean

      How about you explain to us what the issue is then?

      • +5

        Basically, part of Halal slaughtering is that the animal can't be "sick" when being killed.

        In normal meat processing, the animal is stunned which renders them unconscious, and then the animal is killed. With Halal, they don't stun them so the animal is blead to death (slit throat) while being conscious. Based on what friends/family who have witnessed it (in the animal research field), it can be a painful way for an animal to die.

        Read a bit more at RSPCA. I think they are trying to move to reversible stunning which I guess complies with Halal.

        For these reasons, the RSPCA is strongly opposed to all forms of slaughter that do not involve prior stunning of the animal.

        Our understanding (as of 2020) is that there are 9 abattoirs and poultry processors in Australia with approval to conduct slaughter without prior stunning:

        New South Wales – 2 abattoirs
        South Australia – 3 abattoirs
        Victoria – 4 abattoirs

        • +1

          Thanks for clarification. That is horrifying.

        • It's also like a protection racket with hefty fees paid to the shonky halal certifiers.

        • +1

          Thanks. Yeah i think that’s something we can all agree on, the “humane” slaughtering of the animal is priority. Well, most of us anyway.

  • +1

    Showing $330 delivered qld. No longer $299. Deal expired?

  • I tried a smaller 5kg pack so lets see

    As an aside, if anyone has any other good experiences with online butchers or ones in SE Melbourne i'd be keen to try them
    I'm over supporting Woolworths Coles

  • I just received my two lambs from (total - $400 - deal no longer available). Trying the roast lamb tonight ( I'll see in the coming weeks how it compares with (which is who I have used in the past - Mudgee is fantastic (especially their Hogget) but definitely a bit more expensive).

    • +1

      Value wise I filled in my usual spreadsheet. Cost was $400 - value of that same meat from Woolworths / Coles (excluding offcuts) would be around $516.

      • Flavour seems good. Two roasts, ribs, and chump chops so far.

  • Why only HALAL?

    • Halal is just the way they slaughter.
      Say "in the name of God", cut the carotids and allow all the blood to drain

      Its no different than other meat taste wise

  • for those genuinely wanting to support local farmers and the environment, i encourage you to check out and consider:

    find local producers via Open Food Network Australia

    VIC examples:

    • Any suggestions for a provider of beef or lamb from CSA @tonester?

      • Lakey Farm as above do CSA? :)

        • Thanks for sharing. Fair to say their prices are a little more than I'd like to spend. :)

          • @mjwills: maybe search open food network for cheaper alternatives?

            • @tonester: I searched around. I didn't see anything even close to what I got from halfacow (i.e. $200 for a lamb).

              • @mjwills: i'm not too surprised, as at that price it would've likely already been fully subscribed, given that i've even come across a CSA waiting list that's 20 years long!

  • Buy wholesale, save money, support the farmer

    Interested but how much is the saving? $30 shipping for me.

    • +1

      Mind you $200 was a good price for lamb - now the best deal at that seller (sheep wise) is Hogget for $285. Which is a good price, but not cheaper than Coles etc. The quality is a bit better than Coles etc.

      If you want a half way solution - Costco sell bulk lamb packs (that include some chops, cutlets, roast etc) for quite reasonable prices (from memory about $15 a kg).

      If I was buying another batch (which I can't at present since my freezer is so fill) I think I'd get .

      • Unlucky the Half Cow EOFY deal is not available to my location.

        I find Coles has discounts on some buck packs + points, making it around $15/kg and under, that's where I get my meat lately.

        Costco is not near me and that is out of my option.

        I visited Harris Farm last night. They do have some cheap on like chicken breast and some others. Good to have an alternative. Bad is it taskes 15min drive but ok since it's close to South Bank.

        Direct farm is more suitable when I need 1/2 or whole a lamb/goat for party I think. I'll give it a try later deal/pary.

        Thanks for sharing the tips.

        • +1

          Coles has some meat for $15/kg - sure. But it won't have prime cuts for that.

          That being said, if you are on a budget - buy a sous vide machine. Then you can buy the cheap cuts and cook them slowly and get the flavour and experience of an expensive cut for the cost of a cheap cut.

  • At least one of them has escaped from being slaughtered after truck crashed into rail bridge…

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