Car Ding on Brand New Car from Car Parked Next to Me

I was at westfields and got a car ding from the backdoor of the maroon car next to me. i can even see a bit of maroon pain on my door and it is fresh as my car is dirty for not washing it for a week. and that ding really shows well from the uniform film of dirt on my car. also if i would follow the door travel of the back door to my car, it lines up perfectly. so i know it is the car that parked next to me. probably their kid just swing the door open and jumping out.
no one was around and i had to leave as my parking time is about to run out.

what do i do in this situation? i got their license plate, make and model and took pictures.
is this just an insurance claim, or don't bother and just get a touch up?
i wouldn't mind really if i had an old used car, but my new car i only had a few months and purchased brand new. so it hurts paying so much for something nice only to have a crappy car next to me hit it. i can tell they are a bad driver, it has scratches on wheels from curbing it from parallel parking, scratches on all 4 corners of the car from cutting to early or too late around bends or other cars, etc… they definitely don't care about their car.


  • Has the damage from the other car broken through your paint or just caused a dent? If it hasn't scratched through the top coat get a Paintless dent removal done, there are lots of people around who will do it on site. Generally repairs are around $200 if not too large. Pay for the this, then forget about it.

  • Westfield*

  • +1

    Do you have a dashcam? If not, might be tough to get the police to cooperate and give you the other driver's details since you didn't get them all yourself. You'll need their name, address and contact number to get your excess waived if you make an insurance claim. You can always make an insurance claim and pay the excess first while awaiting the other party's details and then be refunded later when you can provide them to your insurance.

    I had a similar situation with a car smashing it's door into mine so hard that it triggered my dashcam (in parking mode) to save the event. Left an obvious long dent on my door. The other party denied fault but the police and insurance were easily convinced from the loud sound of the impact in the dashcam recording. The cost of the repair + hire car for the time was easily more than my $900 excess at the time so it was worth it for me to make a claim. Being not-at-fault, I was refunded any costs and it didn't affect my insurance costs afterwards (tested across multiple different insurers).

    • Did police helped you to obtain the contact info of the other party?

  • It sucks but you’ll get over it.

  • +1

    I suppose you went back with an old key to look for the maroon car?

  • A car is not new once driven from the dealer. It's a used car.

  • Username checks out

  • -1

    Sometimes you wish you bought a Tesla, this is probably one of them

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