This was posted 8 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 24 Months (VPN Required, Converted from Game Pass Core Digital Code) US$83.80 (~A$125) @ Codekie


I saw the other CJS CD Keys deals and some people had posted about Codekie being cheaper. I followed the link but got 404 as they were not available. So after searching their site found this deal and it worked a treat for me :)


Instructions are (all in their email):

Buy the digital code version.
Verify your account from mobile
Reply CONFIRM to the email

Use Chrome and install UrbanVPN
Set VPN to the country of origin of keys (mine was India)
Redeem 6 keys
Then change VPN to USA
Redeem last key (Ultimate)

And now you have 2 years Ultimate :)

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closed Comments

  • Could i buy and wait till December to use?

    • +1

      That's a good question. I'm not sure. You could try their help live chat!

    • +14

      I'd personally wait if I were you.

      Microsoft could change their conversion terms as they've already done in the past, these keys from (slightly) dodgy sites can expire or have issues, and suspect you'll have a hard time fighting it 7 months from now if there's an issue.

    • +4

      With places like this I don't really trust them not to try resell your codes, I have zero evidence they do this but it's just something I feel some of the grey code market can do.

    • +1

      I wouldn't trust keys from grey market sellers. I would redeem them straightaway to check that they worked, if it didn't then I can try and claim it back via the credit card. If you wait until December, it may be more difficult to claim from your credit card if the key has been redeemed by someone else.

  • Wonder if it's slightly safer for if they clamp down on this converting with an Australian Ultimate subscription rather than USA? Imagine once it converts it would just be seen as a regular Australian subscription, rather than Turkey, Egypt, etc?

    Maybe there's no tangible difference though.

  • -1

    Got one last week for $123

    • +3

      Exchange rate I'd assume.

  • Any ideas for people still with a subscription? Mine expires in Jan 2025. My 3 years are almost up! Cheers

    • +2

      You need to wait for it to expire.

    • +3

      Or create new account, set as home box and use existing account to access

    • +13

      Then maybe its not for you? The majority of games I play are game pass games!

      • +1

        Just started playing still wakes the deep, surprisingly good and the setting is reasonably accurate.

    • +6

      I've actually stopped buying the amount of games I used to since Game Pass. It scratches my itch and every now and then I'll grab the latest Assassin's Creed or something else I'm committed to. For me it's a great service!

    • +1

      The AAA games that I personally would have bought day 1 haven't really been coming up in Gamepass in the last few years, despite MS owning so many cool studios and publishers. I think Starfield not being good really shifted my feelings about the Gamepass value equation. But we will get a new Perfect Dark game and others eventually.

      • +1

        I think Starfield not being good really shifted my feelings about the Gamepass value equation.

        Yep. Starfield being meh and Redfall being 💩 was the point when I really starting questioning it.

        But we will get a new Perfect Dark game and others eventually.

        Probably next gen at this point.

  • +2

    used to be 36 months around this price…

    bought 2 years ago

    till today played like 3 hours?

    • +3

      A lot of things were cheaper 2 years ago…

      • +5

        Pretty much everything except toilet paper.

    • You buy 36 months but now gold converts 3:2 to ultimate.

  • +2

    Perfect timing. Mine runs out today

  • +1

    Seems risky. Probably will work though.

  • +1

    Just to be clear, the link says you are buying a "24 Months -Digital code", but what you actually get is "codeS" as in multiple codes?
    7 to be precise - as your instructions are 'redeem 6 > redeem the last one'?

    • +5

      6 codes for 6 months GamePass Core each and 1 code to upgrade to Ultimate and convert GamePass Core into 24 months Ultimate

      For more details, see my comment:

      • Cheers. Yeah just avoiding confusion with what looks like "buying one code".
        So overall, sounds similar to the 'normal' methods from years passed, only you're not manually buying multiple codes yourself :P

      • +1

        Thank for that and providing a better description than I did! :)

  • Just worth mentioning as always that this is against their ToS and is grounds for your account being permanently banned. Will it happen? Probably not. Could it? Yes. Would you have a leg to stand on to get your account back? No. Not worth the risk to use your main account for IMO. Make a second account for this if you are going to do it.

    • Legit question I have

    • Whoever downvoted has no idea.

      Microsoft changed their conditions and it is indeed something you can get banned for.

  • -2

    Tempted to downvote…

    I purchased this, the first 6 keys activated fine. The last key did not activate, so I emailed them. They told me to get surfshark on my mobile, which I did, still did not activate. Then they said they'd acidentally sent me a canada code instead of US. Multiple attempts to activate failed, after which it finally went through on a Canada VPN via Surfshark.

    So, it worked in the end, but set aside some time to do it, chat with support, and be aware that if it doesn't work out you likely have very little recourse.

    • +1

      Sorry for your experience bro. Mine worked fairly easily as did others on other OzB threads. Glad you got it sorted!

      • Mine the 7th code didn’t work, I just emailed them awaiting response. Was I supposed to set the region to US of my account before redeeming the 6 codes?

        I just left region set to Australia since it said if in turkey etc change to US… not sure if that’s messed it up now…

        • Yeah I left region to Aus - but got stuck on the 7th key, it said "converting 36 months to 1 month and recurring billing" which was a bit confusing, so I emailed support, they came straight back to me.

          I had to add a payment method, then it went through and all is good.

          Good post! I hope I don't get banned for it though.

      • Oh Nvm I just switched the VPN to Canada after reading and it worked too now, yayyy.

        Seems like a common mistake

        Edit: to other Aussies in confusion, leave region as Australia

  • +12

    I followed the instructions here to get 25 months for A$118.99 (Expiry on July 30, 2026). Here's what I did:

    • Bought 6x 6 Months Game Pass Core (India) from g2a for A$100.04 (bought only 1 at first to test if it activated, so I got hit with the 10c transaction fee twice) and got all the keys in a few minutes.
    • Activated VPN and set to India (I used NordVPN)
    • Redeemed all 6 codes on my microsoft account here
    • Turned off VPN
    • Went to the XGPU page and bought 1 month of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for A$18.95 (I've subscribed before) which then also converted my 36 months of Core to 24 months of Ultimate.
    • 24 months from conversion + 1 month purchased = 25 months.
    • +1

      Thanks for the heads up, worked for me. I had a 1 month XGPU code lying around which converted it too, expires July 31st 2026.

      Only had a small hiccup with g2a… the seller (ultimate_choices) removed the items when I was about to pay so I had to buy a more expensive one, then it came back at the cheaper price after I paid for that one. Site just seems so dodgy overall. Still got the codes instantly though. $110 for 25 months so can't complain.

    • +2

      awesome - this worked a treat! Super easy with your steps and cost me $116.47 for 25 months total. $4.66 a month

      • +2

        Thanks heaps, followed your simple instructions and links, $AU115.61 total for me for 25 months total. Codes come through instantly, used NordVPN set to India for the redemption. All working nicely. (Previous XGPU expired 2 days ago).

    • +1

      Price went up a little ~ $133AUD now but can confirm it all still works. Used FastestVPN (crappy), so I'm assuming most VPN services will work. Thanks for the post!

      In the past I've been able to purchase a month of GPU for $1 or so, but didn't want to mess around with that.

  • Too much effort for some

  • Anyone else getting this problem after adding the 6 codes in India successfully and then trying to add the 7th / joining gamepass ultimate in either the Canada or no VPN?

    Change your Microsoft Store region
    You currently have a subscription from a different region. If it still doesn't work, please contact customer support.



    Thu, 27 Jun 2024 11:27:54 GMT

    • Did you change the region of your Xbox account after redeemed the 6th code?

      • Could you please clarify what you mean by change the xbox account region?

        I followed the instructions and connected to a Canadian VPN through my Nord VPN. I made sure the xbox website domain was the /en-ca/ region for canada, and the pricing on gamepass us in CAD. But it still has a problem with my region?

        Is there a step I'm missing?

  • -2

    Lord I hope I can get this in three months time so I can have a repeat of Starfield, wait 18 months for Fable to come out and be very disappointed…

  • Even though this is a price rise due to the new conversion ratio, it is still good to see it cheap.

    However the last 3 years have been kinda shit. Prob won't renew.

    • Good price. Gamepass itself has been meh.

  • so after you get this do you still need the vpn to use it?

    • No. After the process you don't need a VPN.

  • I did this back in 2019 and then have been redeeming Microsoft rewards for topping up my account ever since. As much as I don't play it loads a few minutes on my phone a day that I'd likely be looking at crap anyway made this a bargain. Currently got gamepass extended to June 2027 and have enough points for 300 more days at the current exchange rate. Not bad for $150 up front 4½ years ago.

    • I've never really looked at the MS rewards side of things. What activities must you complete to get enough points to keep topping up your account in just a few mins per day?

      • +1

        The daily Bing searches via browser and mobile, and daily logins are generally enough to get continuous "free" XGPU. They nuked the way Bing searches work though, before I had 40~ searches bookmarked that I'd open and refresh by mashing alt+tab and F5. Took about 15 seconds. Now it no longer works so I gave up accumulating points. You could probably script it relatively easily.

        • +1

          Yeah I believe they've capped it to a certain amount of searches per seconds that give out points. If you can automate a 10 second delay between searches it should be enough to get the points automatically.

      • +3

        So the magic number right now is 300 points a day for gamepass of you already have it by converting the points to gamepass core 3 month codes that turn in to 50 days of ultimate.

        You can pretty much reach this if you:

        30 desktop+20 mobile bing searches-150 points
        Read news in the start app - 30 points
        Daily tasks - 45 points

        Then there's stream bonuses and Xbox quests that also add up. I'm not going in to it all as it has daily weekly and monthly elements but it's things like open app, play a game for 15 minutes (or just leave one open), 250 points of you play 5 days a week, 150 points every 10 days if searches.

        They definitely have nerfed the plan but doing the quests in offer my points are definitely going up not down and gamepass is covered for years. It's definitely made me want to play Xbox more than my switch as if I have to open a game for points I may as well play it.

        • great info, and has peaked my interest. Thanks for that!

        • Just saw how many points you can get, without doing achievements every day (only enough to get the 1000 point monthly quest) I ended up with 14472 which averages to 482 points/day so far more than the needed 300 a day to keep gamepass rolling over. If I was purchasing new now I'd probably convert 3 years core to 2 years GPU then just pour every point in to 3 month core codes to try and get the sub up to the 3 year mark until they nerf it further.

  • edit: initial error resolved.

    I am getting a "This code can't be redeemed. It was purchased in a different region from your account"

    Codes received are from India, Microsoft account region has been set to India and UrbanVPN is set to India. Is there a step i may have missed? Any help is appreciated.


    • +2

      This is from the Codekie email, good chance it's relevant to you as well.


      -MAKE SURE your account doesn’t have any active Xbox subscription

      DONT change the region of your Xbox account to India or Turkey or Argentina or Mexico OR UAE. If the region of your account is under these region and please change it to US, otherwise you can't receive full 24 month subscription

      • +1

        The issue i had was with UrbanVPN, when i switched over to Windscribe VPN it seemed to work OK. Codekie support also mentioned to me that UrbanVPN sometimes has issues when trying to redeem codes via India.

        Thanks for the information

  • +1

    Used the Codekie linnk from OP… worked fine.

    I went through Paypal and it came out to about $130 AU. Still pretty good at just over $5 a month.

  • -1

    Too risky, wouldn't be surprised if they start banning people for this. Not risking the Xbox account I've had since 2004

    • I've been using Turkey, Brazil and now Indian codes since GamePass launched and still going strong. Including when I bought the X Series from Telstra. Can you point us to an article where this has happened?

      Not hating, just saying that there's like hundreds or thousand of people doing this out of the MILLIONS of people who subscribe to GP.

      I don't think MS truly cares that a bunch of tight arses like us found a way to circumvent the rules…

  • Could you add to your unexpired account? You'll miss only the one month extra on conversion. My gamepass expires in two weeks

    • no

      • Thank you. I'll wait for my pass to expire. It'll be in 2 weeks

  • +1

    Just got a notice that Xbox game pass ultimate is going up from $19/m to $23/m

    • yep.. brought me back here.

    • Ditto.

      Unfortunately my current sub won't expire for 4 months.

  • I have spoken with Codekie sales support and confirmed their selling price will also increase soon. That's sad. :(

  • Does any country VPN work? and then we dont need to keep use ongoing?

  • I am not sure about my account had previous game pass or not.. can i just buy for 14 days and then buy this one after 14days one expire..

  • +1

    Y'all raised the price juuuust enough times that I'll go back to the tried and trued 10 day EB rental system whenever a game I want drops.

    So basically, maybe Indy. Maybe.

    No real regret in letting my sub lapse a good while back. I'm a big ol' Xboxsucker this (and last) gen, but the games on GP just aren't that great a value to me personally, especially with what you can get on sites like Eneba for a fraction of the full RRP. Only thing in the last couple of years I can think of is Bluey and even then that's just bc the 18 month old boy likes the show, there hasn't been anything on GP I actually wanted in forever, oh well.

    Wonder how long the 14 day trials will last when COD is on the service.

  • how long does it take to be sent out?

  • Anyone had this problem before? I applied the first 6 keys fine with an Indian VPN and then changed over to USA VPN and input the last key. The key seemed to be working fine and I got to the next screen where you input your credit card but then I got this message-

    "Get a new code This one's already been redeemed".


    • I contacted codekie and they sent me another key and it worked this time.

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