Great price direct from Optimum Nutrition store, sure you can get cheaper but this stuff tastes great.
Or you can get the 2.27kg (5lb) for $109.95 or $98.96 S&S
Great price direct from Optimum Nutrition store, sure you can get cheaper but this stuff tastes great.
Or you can get the 2.27kg (5lb) for $109.95 or $98.96 S&S
A lot of people (myself included) prefer the mixability and taste of brands like ON and International etc. and prefer to pay a premium for this. Then you have amino profile etc. to consider too.
This :-) Aminos and good texture when mixed into stuff.
ON was placed much lower on labdoor 3rd party lab testing. The Amino profile dont vary much from brand to brand. Unless you buy some crap brand.
Will mostly agree with you here - VPA and Bulk disclose theirs and it seems great. Mostly mixability and taste people care about (espeically in the long run, everyone can sink bulk nutrients at the start lol)
@thiccglutes: I generally avoid whey with lots of additives and artificial sweetners and stick to raw whey, add some milk, half a banana and half an apple and blend. Forms the tastiest whey protein shake ever.
got links to these tests?
Ya for some reason, branded ones always taste better.
Fair enough. I’ve never understood the taste part. For me it’s down the hatch unless it’s sickly sweet. In fact I prefer no flavouring with VPA. Each to their own I guess
I use Myprotein and Uprotein. Both are awesome. Yet to try VPA. Also look how amazon does not show the labels to not disclose protein percentage. I feel its shady practise right there.
I quit using this product from Optimum Nutrition in 2019 after using it for 2 years, the smell from my farts when I was consuming this product was one of the worse smells I’ve ever smelt in my life, and my bosses and work colleagues from 2 companies I worked for during this period who suffer through it will support this… It’s a smell we will all never forget. When I switched to their isolate whey protein the problem went away.
Are you lactose intolerant?
My doctor didn’t believe so at the time, but I have since discovered that I am. It was thanks to Covid that it was confirmed, which is pretty much the only positive that came out of the Covid lockdowns for me… When gyms closed during Covid I stopped using protein powders altogether, and other symptoms with stomach problems I was having at the time when away… Just as Covid was starting I was advised to have colonoscopy to try to work out what was causing the problem, but couldn’t get a booking because Covid was taking priority, luckily I didn’t have to go through that. I can take lactose in small doses, for example if I have 1 or 2 lattes a day with full cream milk I’m generally ok, but I do often use a2 lactose free full cream milk nowadays.
I just take lactase enzyme and dont worry about it. Always have them handy at my desk, kitchen and couple of them in the wallet too.
@akplayer: I guess it's a supplement but most people already have it
The human body uses lactase (which is an enzyme) to break down lactose and digest. People with a lactose intolerance lack a sufficient amount of lactase to digest it properly.
Though, there are varying levels. I'm technically lactose intolerant but I'm fine with just a protein shake by itself. Other people who can't tolerate more than a glass of milk will probably find stuff like lactase pills very helpful
Just wait until there's a good Aminoz/my protein deal for the best bargain.
Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey 100% Whey Protein Powder 4.55g (10lb) $210.87 ($189.78 S&S) Delivered @ Amazon AU
4.55g of protein powder for $210.87?! That's highway robbery!
That's highway robbery!
HighWhey robbery 🥲
$210 😅😅😅😅
Is ON really worth it over Bulk Nutrients or AminoZ ?
Both BN & AZ are locally made/ sourced and - from what I understood - regulated by the Australian TGA for safety & quality. (ON is US made/ sourced, and it’s FDA regulation is all over the place - relatively speaking.)
You’d be surprised where BN source their protein. I think they changed a while back from Aus or NZ
I think it mostly comes from the USA, at least that's what my pack says.
AZ (the raw wpi) is sourced from the US I'm pretty sure - just processed and packaged in Aus
If you buy from a reputable brand then quality is similar. More expensive brands can have better taste but I've been extremely impressed with Aminoz. Mixes great with water.
No, this is a wpi/wpc blend. better off waiting for ~$40 AminoZ WPI deal, which gets cheaper if you consider the store credits that they provide
isn't a 'good deal' on these roughly around $140-150 delivered? or am i quoting pre-inflation-covid prices
short expiry date?
3 months to expiry, 149 serves.
Even if you drink it 5 time a week it will be gone before it expires.
Consuming expired protein powder is fine, as long as its not too old or smelling funky.
What’s wrong with paying less for VPA?
Australian or NZ sourced.
COA for both heavy metals and protein levels.
Win win