Apple MacBook Air 13.6" M2 Chip 8-Core CPU 8/256GB $1349 + Delivery ($0 C&C/ In-Store) @ JB Hi-Fi


Great price, less than education store. Remember to use gift cards to bring the price down further šŸ˜‰

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    • -1

      it's so annoying lol…most people don't even need more than this but people get so caught up on it.

      • -5

        No, you're just being disingenous.
        If they don't need 8GB/256GB, then they don't need to pay $1.3K+ for a laptop.

        • -2

          Disingenuous even lol…Macs is not just efficient but also far more durable compared to a similar Windows laptop with equivalent specs. I understand if you haven't used a Mac beforeā€”no judgment thereā€”but as someone who prefers laptops, I find Macs tend to last much longer.

          Your argument is similar to comparing RM Williams boots to a regular pair of shoes.

          • +2


            but also far more durable compared to a similar Windows laptop with equivalent specs

            Total nonsense. Thinkpads are designed with durability and travel in mind, not Macbooks.

            Macbooks main advantage is battery life, but even that advantage is diminishing with the releases of ARM laptops and more efficient x86 chips. There is also the Apple ecosystem, but much of that is bottlenecked by 8GB ram.

            • +3

              @Riceplate: bottlenecked doing what? Graphic design, opening 500 tabs, video editing yeh sure but majority of people don't do this.

              when you travel, battery life is important and that's what macs are good at.

              • +3


                bottlenecked doing what? Graphic design, opening 500 tabs, video editing yeh sure but majority of people don't do this.

                And the majority of people don't need to pay an overpriced premium for a Macbook Air.

                • +2

                  @jasonxc: I like MacOS. I'm happy to pay more to use it - if by "more" you mean "I'm still using the same Macbook I bought in early 2018, and it's fine"

                  Sorry this triggers you so hard fren

                • +1

                  @jasonxc: lol the fact you made this comment just really speaks what kinda buyer you are. You firstly negged the deal claim 8GB this and that and now you shifted to ā€œnobody needs to buy this and thatā€.

                  Iā€™m sure you have items you donā€™t need but bought anyway

                • @jasonxc:

                  And the majority of people don't need to pay an overpriced premium for a Macbook Air

                  Then why are MacBook Airā€™s still being produced and sold? Youā€™re the tech equivalent of those Christian preachers in front of Town Hall station who yell at people claiming theyā€™re going to hell if they donā€™t accept Jesus Christ as their lord and personal saviour. People donā€™t need your permission to spend their own money.

          • -1


            Macs is not just efficient but also far more durable compared to a similar Windows laptop with equivalent specs

            Um, not really. It depends on the model.
            Macbooks have an aluminum finish which is better than cheap plastic on lower-end consumer grade laptops, but there are far more durable windows laptops with equivalent spec and lower price.

            • @jasonxc: ok what models are we talking about here? Deal is M2.

            • -1


              but there are far more durable windows laptops with equivalent spec and lower price.

              Yet for some strange reason you can't name one…

                • @Riceplate:

                  Here you go scrub:

                  Lol… exactly my point…

                  • @1st-Amendment: You don't have a point, champ.
                    You asked for a "far more durable laptop", I gave you a whole catalog from Dell, and now you claim "exactly my point".
                    You're hopeless :). Next time try not debating topics that are clearly well out of your league.

                    • -1


                      You don't have a point,

                      Well I did, you clearly missed it though… it's probably because you're just so damned smart…

                      I gave you a whole catalog from Dell, and now you claim "exactly my point".

                      Yes because your examples were ugly as sin and completely irrelevant to the market we are discussing . You seriously think that the target market of MBA would consider a Dell Rugged as an alternative? Maybe that big brain of yours isn't as big as you imagined?

                      Next time try not debating topics that are clearly well out of your league.

                      I always find the best way to work out if I'm smart is to tell myself that I am. Yep, that is the definitely how all the smart people do it…
                      Dell Rugged, the MBA killer. lol…

                      • @1st-Amendment: First someone claims Macbooks are "far more durable" than similarly priced Windows laptops.
                        That myth proceeds to get correctly debunked.
                        Then a fanboy like yourself demands to know of these Windows laptops that are supposedly more durable.
                        Examples are provided.
                        Then you claim "No! those laptops are ugly!"

                        Clearly you are not the brightest Apple fanboy around. Again though, it's already abundantly clear you don't know much about computers at all.

                        • -1


                          First someone claims Macbooks are "far more durable"

                          Nope. You can tell what was first by simply scrolling to the top of the thread.

                          But what is reading…

                          it's already abundantly clear you don't know much about computers at all.

                          I always find the best way to work out if I'm smart is to tell myself that I am. Yep, that is the definitely how all the smart people do itā€¦

    • +12

      It's justified. I'm a Mac user and think the 8GB RAM is ridiculous, Apple has stretched this spec out way too far. For basic tasks like Office apps and web browsing sure it will be fine. However add in video calls and some other work related requirements and 8GB is quickly not enough.
      More importantly, it severely limits the longevity, which shows the utter hypocrisy in Apple's supposed love for the environment.

    • +4

      Has anyone seriously tried using an 8gb m series mac? What is the use case that people seem to assume ā€˜suits most peopleā€™? Just browsing the web with one or two tabs? You can easily do that on a 10 year old computer or even the first gen ipad for less than $100. It is completely unnecessary to spend this much on a laptop, if the standard is that low. I couldnā€™t stand how laggy the 8/256 m1 became with a few tabs open, a word processor, an image viewer, and an audio playing in the background, which I would consider a usual case scenario.

      I upgraded it to a 16/512 and it made a world of difference. I am even satisfied with its 4k video edit performance. It starts struggling with dual channel 4k footage, but it still gets me by, which is amazing really.

      Itā€™s very difficult to understand the psychology of Apple fans who seem to equate their self worth to that of a company, feel hurt and upset when it is criticised, and engage in sophistry as if to redeem their own self esteem. They find it reasonable for a company to go to extreme lengths to give consumers as little as possible while trying to get from them as much as possible, but find it unreasonable and become highly dismissive when customers want to do the exact opposite, as if these fanboys themselves are not customers at the end.

      • -4

        cool story bro

        now do gpus and how nobody really needs those framerates

        cos you post the same tired wanky rants in PC gaming posts here, right

        • Apples and oranges. Grow half an intellect first to put forth something remotely sensible before you deserve a serious response.

      • It's all because Apple is first and foremost a lifestyle company.

      • -3

        What is the use case that people seem to assume ā€˜suits most peopleā€™?

        I used to work at a school ans 100% of the owners of MBA's suited them. They did everything they needed and they were all happy with them.

        It is completely unnecessary to spend this much on a laptop,

        Why do you think you get to decide how other people spend their own money?

        Itā€™s very difficult to understand…

        So you having difficulty understanding things is somehow the fault of other people?

        to give consumers as little as possible

        Here's the part you seem to be struggling with:
        Different people are different, and they want different things. You want as much ram for the dollar, other people want other things. Does it also upset you're at a restaurant and people choose things on the menu that you don't like? Do you shout across the room at them 'The Rib Eye?! But the Rump is half the price and there's more of it!!!'

        • Have you even read half of what I wrote? It is very poor form on your part to selectively quote what I wrote, especially when there are qualifying statements that immediately follow in the exact same sentence. Youā€™ve largely replied to a figment of your own imagination. It is this type of idiotry that fanaticism of anything begets.

          • -2


            Have you even read half of what I wrote?

            Yep, I read the whole lot. You were basically having a whinge because Apple makes a product that you don't like, so then extrapolated your dislike of it to the whole population. This is the exact same flawed argument every Apple hater use every single time.

            It is very poor form on your part to selectively quote

            You made many points, I snipped them to address each one to help give context.

            Youā€™ve largely replied to a figment of your own imagination

            Heh, ironinc…

            It is this type of idiotry that fanaticism of anything begets.

            I'm sure this made sense in your head when you typed it out. Imagine if you actually addressed the points raised rather than going for childish insults… But you do you…

      • I think the one aspect that makes a Mac sellable is it's build quality. They have that nailed down well. I still agree that base specs need to have a bump up, but the Mac will last quite sometime if purchased now.. in saying that 8gb will limit this device if someone does plan to hold onto this device for quite some time

    • +1
    • Ah dang 8gb and 256gb only.

      my next phone probs will be more šŸ˜‚šŸ“±

      i wanna get an macbook arm chip laptop at somepoint, never owned a mac before.

      the fanless and same performance as plugged in vs out is def a good factor compared to my current lenovo x1 carbon which also has 8gb soldered šŸ˜­

    • Something something dell outlet is cheaper for a higher spec model

  • +1

    Almost makes me want to switch from my Wintel laptop.

    • +6

      To upgrade to 8gb RAM?

  • Best place to purchase suitable giftcards at the moment?

  • good enough for lightroom and premier pro editing?

    • +5

      Simple answer yes, complicated answer - it depends. You should do research based on your use case, if you are a professional that uses it daily you should not be considering an MBA, but someone that uses lightroom or premier daily likely wouldn't be asking this question as they'd already know their requirements.

      • +2

        I mean, even an MBA would be ok if you're using it for work, but please for the love of god double the RAM and increase the hard drive space - 4k video is taxing!

        (The processor can easily handle it, but 8GB is not enough for anything more than light touchups in the programs you've mentioned).

        • +2

          Yeah 100%, that and rendering can be a bit of a hinderance due to the lack of active cooling. if you are rendering 60+ minutes worth of footage then a pro with active cooling would be a much better investment. MBA tend to fall off the cliff after about 30 minutes of extended load.

          • +1

            @doobey1231: I think I've heard my M1 non-pro Pro use its fans only once in two years! I'm not doing too much video editing, but I'm surprised at how capable, portable, and battery sipping it is.

            Also, the thing that made the fans spin up was opening Adobe Illustrator - who knew that editing PDFs was the most processor hungry job you could do :)

    • +2

      mine Air M1 with 8/256 was certainly struggling quite a bit editing photos and videos, I wanted to pass it on to my better half but she didn't want it and I returned it

      I got M1 pro with 1tb and 16gb around January and never looked back. cost me about $2530 from Apple Certified Refurbished store. can see that memory usage never pushes into much of disk caching

      for everyday use 8gb is just fine.

  • Hey guys, what kind of gift cards are you referring to?

  • +9

    it is a disgrace to the chip's computing power.

    • Just playing with its ambition!

    • tell that to all the M1/M2/M4 ipads out there… lols

  • +4

    You know why it's on sale

    • Is it the same reason bitcoin is still about the same price in USD it was on 12 November 2021, your highness

      • ECON101, supply and demand

  • +5

    Oh wow, those specs…

    I think my desktop had similar 5 years ago (SSD 256 GB and 16 GB Ram) worse SSD and better Ram but damn…

    • +15

      And this will run rings around it

      • +2

        Unless the Mac runs out of RAM.

        • The video card will take up a minimum of 1/4 of it just displaying anything useful

      • +3

        I should certainly hope so!

        Considering I was buying mid-range half a decade ago vs less than 2 years old tech

    • -5

      My 2013 MBP (still working fine!) is 16 GB and 512 SSD.

      Means roughly nothing.

  • +1

    8GB, better get XElite notebook

  • +4

    The M3 version of this is the first version that supports dual display (without display link) for people who cares.

    • +8

      But you can't use the laptop monitor at the same time! So, it's always two monitors, you just choose whether it's two externals or one internal and one external

  • +5

    We need this to come closer to $1k, when will they release M4 Air?

    • Yes

    • Sure

    • iM hOldInG foR M7 foR $200

    • They'll stop producing these before that happens.

  • Hoping to get a head start for a year 7 laptop for next year - would this be enough to last a few years or am I better off waiting till the end of the year for some further reductions potentially?

    • +2

      Defs wait, no need to buy an edge-specs laptop months ahead.

  • +1

    Even the MacBook Pro 14ā€ 512GB is cheaper at digiDirect than Apple Education lolā€¦

  • -3

    $1349 is not good value for an 8GB ram computer.

    • +7

      But rather good value for a light-weight and highly responsive laptop with 18 hours battery life. Windows users seem to enjoy crawling around on a floor looking for power in any long meeting.

      • -4

        No, you just have no clue.

      • +2

        Battery Life is the only advantage macbooks have, and it's diminished as Windows Laptops are adopting ARM chipsets, along with more efficient x86 chips.

        "Windows users" also get better modularity, better displays, more ram, more software compatibility, far more gaming support, dGPUs and more.

  • +6

    wen 16gb?

    • +5

      As far as Apple is concerned, you must pay $2000+ if you want more than 8GB of ram.
      Upgradability? Forget it. Apple doesn't like users upgrading their own hardware.

      • +1

        Upgradability? Forget it. Apple doesn't like users upgrading their own hardware.

        I hate to break it to you, but upgradeability and thin/light portable devices don't really go together.

        Sacrifices have to be made, and most people that buy computers aren't expecting to upgrade them at any point in their lifecycle.

        • I hate to break it to you, but upgradeability and thin/light portable devices don't really go together.

          Alright then, so why aren't the Macbook Pros upgradable either? Or those iMacs and Mac Pros?

          I recently bought a sub-1kg HP ProBook Aero 635 for $240. As light as anything, very thin, yet it still allowed me the freedom to upgrade the ram from 8GB to 32GB.

          • +3

            @jasonxc: Upgradable ram on a lot of newer laptops hasn't been possible with LPDDR4/5 until recently with LPCAMM

          • @jasonxc: Where did you get that laptop for $240 ?

  • +6

    hUrR dUrR i'Ve NeVeR uSeD a MaC iN mY lIfE bUt OnLy 8Gb RaM

    You'll replace a windows laptop every 2-3 years, this will last you ten and retain it's resale value long after you're flogging off your $2,000 windows laptop for $100 on eBay

    • +4

      Windows user rage intensifies

    • -4

      You'll replace a windows laptop every 2-3 years

      Standard diatribe from Apple fanboys like yourself.

      A laptop's longevity is not dependent on operating system. It all comes down to design and modularity.
      There are plenty of well-designed laptops with better specs and lower prices than this Macbook Air.

      And you know what you can't do on a Macbook? Replace components. On my Windows laptop I can easily replace the battery, ram, fans, trackpad and more. On a macbook, get ready to pay a premium.

      • +6

        There are plenty of well-designed laptops with better specs and lower prices than this Macbook Air

        Name one that lets me natively use MacOS instead of janky arse Windows or a Linux distro. You're comparing apples and oranges and these Silicon machines are more than capable even at the base model

        And you know what you can't do on a Macbook? Replace components. On my Windows laptop I can easily replace the battery, ram, fans, trackpad and more. On a macbook, get ready to pay a premium.

        You know what I've never needed to do on my MacBook? Replace components. I've never replaced the battery, ram, keyboard, trackpad, hell I don't even have a fan and it's bliss. Still runs and functions like I opened it yesterday

        • -5

          Just because you like MacOS doesn't mean others think it's the be-all-end-all operating system. Windows has much better software and gaming support.

          Also all components have a lifespan. Like it or not, it's better to have replacable components than components that cannot be replaced.

          • +4

            @Cmatthew: Oh it's only 8GB you can get better specs for cheaper
            Ok so how do I use MacOS?
            Oh you can't, just because you like it…



          • @Cmatthew:

            Just because you like MacOS doesn't mean others think it's the be-all-end-all operating system.

            Sshhhhh, there there. Nobody said that it is the be all and end all - except you about PCs, anyway. Nobody is stopping you from buying Windows. There isn't a global conspiracy holding you back. Are you OK?

          • @pizzip:

            Linux is borderline useless for work or school, so no thanks to that option.


            • +1

              @CrispyChrispy: Useless is probably the wrong term to use, but most people don't even know what linux is… so I guess it fits when you hand someone a linux machine and they subsequently can't navigate it.

              Most people want a OS that is generally compatible with everything. Sure you can use web apps for office or teams or try dual booting or whatever with software that doesn't run on linux, but most people don't want to do that. I know at my work, if you tried going to IT with an issue and you had linux, they'd be less than enthused and probably just tell you to install windows.

              • +1

                @pizzip: In other words, you have no idea, yet still belittle people for daring not to give a glowing recommendation for Apple.

            • @CrispyChrispy:


              I imagine it's because things like Photoshop and Premiere don't work, or, depending on your workplace security policies, they won't let you use Linux on their MDM of choice.

              Linux is a pain in the corporate world of Microsoft and Adobe, even though it can be incredibly solid in so many other scenarios.

      • +3

        The main reason people buy Mac is for the Apple ecosystem, the way it integrates with an iPhone or iPad is something you just don't get on Windows/Android.

        You can wirelessly send files from your device to your laptop with the press of a button, you can add your iPad as an extra screen, you can reply to messages that appear on your phone with the proper keyboard on your laptop. These are all useful features that could justify overpaying for hardware.

        • +3

          Cross-platform software has come a long way. I can do all that between my iPad and Windows Computer using LocalSend, SpaceDesk and KDE Connect.

        • You can wirelessly send files from your device to your laptop with the press of a button, you can add your iPad as an extra screen,

          Just an FYI that these are features that are also available on Windows/Android devices, and no you don't have to jump through several hoops to use these features

          • @CrispyChrispy: The hoops are unfortunately Android -> Mac :(


          • @CrispyChrispy: To be fair on Windows you have to choose to open Phonelink and set it up, whereas I think on Apple they are talking about Airdrop which is preinstalled and enabled by default, maybe that's what they are talking about, installing an app or having the choice to is too much effort?

            I much prefer Windows implementation of it though since you do not need to press a button everytime to 'drop' you can just use the PC to drag and drop files, photos, open any app on windows, etc.

            • @daniesaurs: I've been using the Google's Quick Share which is preinstalled/native to Android phones (at-least newer ones), I can't remember if it came preinstalled on my laptop or not but it's very handy

            • @daniesaurs: It's not that Airdrop is native, it's the fact that the alternatives for Android -> Mac are awful.

              Even using a USB cable, you need to do all sorts of crazy crap for your phone to mount.

              The Open Source MTP interfacing programs are ok, but awful for navigating your phones file structure, and often drop out.

              Google's own "Android File Transfer" app is very old (abandoned?), doesn't work most of the time, and now needs you to have disabled a whole bunch of things on your Mac to work - close Preview, turning off Google Drive, turning off OneNote, etc…

              Things like Local Send are amazing, but don't work in a locked-down wifi setting - i.e. my phone and laptop are seperate devices on the same network, and don't see each other.

              KDE Connect was a great alternative, but again, it doesn't work in a locked-down wifi setting.

              It's wild that you can't just plug in the Android and mount it as a drive, like you could in the past.

      • -1

        A laptop's longevity is not dependent on operating system

        You might want to check the Windows 11 hardware compatibility guide… Anything prior to 8th gen Intel is not supported…

        And you know what you can't do on a Macbook? Replace components

        You think the average laptop user is looking to resolder the RAM on their laptop mainboard? This is your winning argument?

    • I don't disagree that MacBooks hold their value extremely well and can be used for a long time, but who says I'm replacing my Windows laptop after only 3yrs of use?

      If you buy a $400 laptop, maybe, but then we're not exactly making an apples to apples comparison, are we?

    • +1

      Lol. Replace every 2-3 years. Is that what you tell yourself to justify the purchase price.

      Only unrepairable laptop I have had was a MacBook and that one still lasted a respectable 10 years. Current laptop is a 4 year old cheap Dell and it still runs everything fine.

  • Apple wouldnā€™t price match this, would they? Itā€™s more than 10% off their RRP of $1599 (10% off that is $1,439.10)

  • +1

    Windows Laptop Comments
    ā€œThe specs are good, but I want XXXX processor, not YYYYā€

    Apple Laptop Comments
    ā€œThe specs suck, I donā€™t care what processor they haveā€

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