EOFY Sale - Boost 365 Days Prepaid SIM: $230 170GB (Activate by 05 Aug) for $179.99 Delivered @ Lucky Mobile
SIM expiry date: 14/07/2025
This sale will end on 30 June 2024 or while stock lasts.
EOFY Sale - Boost 365 Days Prepaid SIM: $230 170GB (Activate by 05 Aug) for $179.99 Delivered @ Lucky Mobile
SIM expiry date: 14/07/2025
This sale will end on 30 June 2024 or while stock lasts.
To save everyone the headache, Officeworks refused to price beat for me last time as Lucky Mobile didn’t have the product code on their website
Also $180 delivered from Auditech if you prefer them instead
I was able to get it price match at my local officeworks, ymmv
I've never had luck at Officeworks matching SIMs. It's not worth the hassle unless you know a friendly store.
They seem to have sales on sims all the time with boost but what about recharges for existing customers. Are they ever discounted?
Gotta port out and back in again. Amaysim CR deal is the ideal sim to use for that right now.
Just recharged mine, they emailed targetted offer ~1 week before expiry, $200 (save $30) for 365 160Gb with additional 25Gb.
No offer here, just under 7 days out from expiry. $200 is good enough to not bother porting out and back in, so fingers crossed!
$300 sim deal when?
They have the $300 sim for $260 on the boost website.
I bought it a week ago and got $50 cash back through cash rewards so $210 essentially
I could never check out via the boost website, constantly got an error message. Tried different browsers, devices, payment methods, wifi, mobile internet etc. always the same generic error message and their support are useless.
Did you try go to the US Boost site (https://www.boostmobile.com) or the Australian Boost site (https://boost.com.au). Completely different businesses with the same name.
The US Boost site has an error for me, Australian one works fine.
How's the 5G? I hear it can be a battery drain and also capped at 150Mbit with most third party providers?
Boost runs on the TELSTRA retail network, this is a marked difference to wholesale - it is the same network coverage experience as a TELSTRA branded service. Battery drain is subjective, I suspect you're referring to scenarios where your device is on the edge of 4G / 5G and constantly 'swapping' - if you're in a true 5G area, you're not going to notice any battery degradation on standby.
Even going direct through Telstra speeds are capped at 150Mbit for their cheaper monthly prepaid plans.
Speed test results by me on Boost (with $200 or whatever it was SIM from last year) getting 372/44Mbps in January. Did a test again just now and got 275 down, upload was less than 1Mbps for some reason.
Don't seem to have a limit, or if I do it's very high.
@Alzori: wtf! It says on th……
Sorry I apologise, I realise where I went wrong.
It's boost plans that are mega cheap as well, I think the sub $30 and like 22GB (something low like that?) says 150Mbit cap.
Which plan are you on?
@hamwhisperer: I have the "Boost Mobile $200 Prepaid SIM Starter Kit" (one of the last ones before they switched their plans to $230/$300/$365) which gave 140GB data for the year.
@Alzori: Ok interesting, I hadn't considered prepaid bulk options, I'll ask some people who got some of the newer ones with the new pricing, see if it has the limit.
Does your one have a 150Mbit cap?
Plus $5 shipping.
Not if you choose domestic letter box shipping with tracking number
Free if using letter post option, $5.5 for registered
Boost is better than most prepaid providers, but I switched to boost from prepaid Telstra and I’ve noticed the coverage and speeds isn’t as good…. If that matters to you then pay for Telstra.
Since april Boost have throttled 5G to 150Mbps. Coverage should be full Telstra network.
Should be but it isn’t. Did a little test on my iPhone with the same route I take to work and noticed significant differences in coverage between the two sims. Even at home I get much better reception with Telstra over boost.
To me it seems that while Boost and Telstra have the same coverage technically the data part of the coverage is given more prority to Telstra Telstra customers over Boost Telstra customers. But in my experience the phone reception with calls is the same but the data can be a bit finiky in highly built up areas such as the cbd.
@NinjaGamer: This is my experience too. Same reception but lower priority/QoS against full fledged Telstra. At a concert (blink182), my wife’s Telstra sim was able to still function with data but my boost couldn’t even load a website. Same phones and location but very different outcome. 99% of the time it’s been fine though.
@FrugalityMaximus: I wonder if they're playing with the APN… but I suspect in the use case you've described this was more about different device than network, what device/s were you on?
@Ashburtonian: Mine was an iPhone 15 and hers an iPhone 14. I even restarted both phones to see if it made a difference but got the same result.
@JoeBogan Even at home I get much better reception with Telstra over boost, how could that even be a thing?
Presumably they are accessing the same tower which is operating at the same frequencies to provide the 4g/5g coverage so that seems a bit far fetched to me.
Boost advertises as using the 'full' Telstra mobile network, if it ever came out that Telstra were somehow gimping the service without the customers knowledge, I doubt Boost customers or the regulators would take it very well.
@shutuptakemymoney101: maybe a Telstra priority systems sends Boost users to a further away tower because the closer Tower was full with Telstra users
@bobvegas: If that was happening there would be a significant difference in signal strength at the same locations, frankly people just aren't seeing this otherwise it would be all over the internet.
@bobvegas: This isn't a technical possibility at a radio level. The more likely scenario is prioritising traffic on the Telstra Retail Network via APN. Historically, Telstra has not done/been able to do this - that is exactly why it runs TWO wireless networks - Retail (Telstra, Boost) and Wholesale - e.g. ALDI, Belong and Everyday Mobile etc.
Doesn't Telstra prepaid also have the same 150Mbps cap?
We have 1 x Boost and 1 x Telstra (corporate) … side by side we've not seen any difference in coverage (speed difference yes).
When one is sh1t coverage both are sh1t coverage. YMMV.
Mileage should not vary at all, unless the consumer hardware is different - they are the same network with the exception of the speed cap which you've called out
What's the reason it needs to be activated before 5 Aug if the sim expires in July 2025? Do you lose all the included data/minutes?
170GB before 5/8 or 160GB after
We don't know how much data for $230 after 5/8 yet. We will be informed about a week before 5/8. But Boost has been keeping their plan for 170GB for months.
Is it likely to be 160GB or some other amount? Could you provide an update when you know? My current plan expires a couple of weeks after so this would be helpful to know.
My current plan doesn't expire till end of the year can I still get this and activate end of the year?
With WFH vanishing slowly, need more data unless telstra plans to provide free WiFi in CBD.
Can I use this to recharge my existing number?
No, if you are currently with Boost, you will have to port your number out to another carrier, and then port it back to Boost by activating this SIM.
If my boost existing expiring tomorrow say, when should I port out from Boost? Should I wait till tomorrow evening or do it today only for safer side? thanks
I have done it with a Boost Sim bought from a third party by calling Boost and telling them it was a gift from someone (who thought it was a recharge) and I'd opened the package. They did it in the back end. I cannot say they would still do it or do it for others. YMMV!!!
Can I use this with my existing boost number or is this only for new users?
New customers only. if you are currently with Boost, you will have to port your number out to another carrier, and then port it back to Boost by activating this SIM.
bugger. Literally recharged $230 last night.
This is not recharg voucher, so you will need port out to non-telstra network first to use this kit
I know.
Hope you claimed your $50 cashrewards mate.
Is there a way to get this as an esim?
You can switch it from physical sim to esim via boost app.
Is there a way to do it without having to buy the physical sim first?
Probably not.
I switched from physical Kogan sim to Boost esim with needing a physical sim first.
@TozBargain: But did you get that eSIM at a discount like this price in this post? I was going to use the cashrewards $50 back to get the eSIM rather than buying this physical SIM but the process to get an eSIM is via the boost app, you can't seem to buy via the website and therefore no cash rewards or discount from this post…
Came from Boost to Kogan mobile at the start of the year, terrible decision. I get daily drop outs and coverage issues - will be going back to boost.
Vodafail. I noticed that my phone battery lasts longer on Telstra (boost) compared to optus (amaysim) or Vodafone (kogan). The less your phone searches for signal the more battery you save.
For the brains trust… can I purchase this and switch it to eSIM on my iPad?
Need less data please ==> cheaper one plz
Has anyone experienced any difficulty when porting from Telstra pre-paid to Boost?
None and it was done in 10 minutes flat.
Moved my dad's mobile plan to Boost, it worked like a charm.
Warning: Make sure you apply to port the number in exactly the same name as the Telstra plan, including middle names.
Worked perfectly for me and the missus last year, done in minutes.
Boost's 5g speeds are supposed to be capped at 150Mbps download,
Just did a Speedtest, using 5g Boost at 5:30pm in Sydney Suburbs
367 down
94 up
It could be the phone is IN LINE OF SIGHT of the Telstra Tower.
Yeah in my experience the 150 mbps cap is not really enforced most of the time.
Hey, does anyone know if you can change from prepaid Boost to one of these pay up front yearly offfers? Thanks
You can change to a 12 month plan through the Boost website which is effectively a recharge but as you are not a new customer you cannot use this 'starter' sim to achieve what you want to achieve.
Every year I buy a cheap Vodafone sim (coverage is good in my area) for around $7-ish and port over to Vodafone, after the month is up Iport back over to Boost as a new customer.
Why do you use Vodafone for this? They charge $8 just to port out. You're better off porting out onto a $2 Telstra Sim. I did this a few days ago. Ported to Telstra and then back to Boost and in total it took around 30 mins.
How do they charge a prepaid service?
@shutuptakemymoney101: Hmmmm. Maybe they only charge for postpaid porting. What Vodafone prepaid plan and/or starter pack only costs $7 though?Check out the $2 Telstra option next time you're looking to port out/in of Vodafone doesn't have a good option.
@Taiguile: It's the $30 (40GB data) prepaid plan, you can find them on eBay for around the $7 mark depending on the seller. I don't mind spending a month on Vodafone and getting the most value out of the plan before porting back to Boost.
Thank you🙂
damn! I just ordered one from Cellpoint back on Monday for $187.5, paid $2.99 for express shipping and the SIM has not been scanned into POST OFFICE system by COB of Wed. :(
During Sydney Vivid time, my Telstra network in Circular Quay didn’t work at all at 9pm during the drone show!
So didn't my optus
Currently with Boost, whats the cheapest carrier to port out to so i can sign up to this deal again?
Some people are saying $2 Telstra SIM but I like to go to a completely different telco during my switch over. Woolworths has the $12 Vodafone starter kits for ½ price down to $6 in this catalogue cycle.
Thanks bought 1
damn! just purchased one last night via CashReward!!!
same price via cashrewards
Is this only for new customers? Recently switched to Woolworths mobile but id switch my number back to boost for this price
Yes, you can port from Woolworths back to Boost using this starter sim.
How hard is it to port my Vodafone number? Thinking of switching as this is cheaper than my monthly plan.
from my past experience, 5 minutes work.
Boost has the easiest port-in process
it's easy, just get your ID and Vodafone account number (shown in your previous Vodafone bill) ready. Then follow the steps at Boost website.
do they still have nice operators at Boost that allow to use this to extend 12m compare to traditional porting out and porting back in?
If you need more data and are going to purchase the $300 SIM, possibly. It's still not as cheap as this deal though.
And there was no special on $230 SIM, so it depends if you want to pay the reduced price when purchasing, or pay full price and wait for the cashback. Plus you'll save 1 cent with this deal! ;)
Cashback is ineligible on recharges, phones, bundles, accessories, eSIMs, plans or products not listed in the cashback table of rates, use of codes not listed on Cashrewards, and purchases via the Boost app.
I'm currently a full Telstra customer, if I port to Boost, do I keep my Telstra account log in and access to added extras eg. cheap movie tickets, concert pre-sales etc?
Can other carrier’s $2 SIM be used to port out and port back in?
@Lucky Mobile would appreciate if you could have "Boost Mobile" in the title instead of "Boost" for when people try to search, it doesn't come up if people are looking specifically for Boost Mobile like I am. I almost missed this post because of that.
Good price in a while, without having to get stuck with the cashback sites