YouTube Premium Mex$139/Month (A$11.39), Mex$1390/Year (A$113.89), Students Mex$79/Month (A$6.47) - Mexico VPN Required


NB: For those not caught yet, YouTube has been cracking down on foreign accounts so most international countries are blocked for new signups, and they are cancelling Premium subscriptions once your current term runs out. And they know exactly what they’re doing because all of the countries with similar high pricing to Australia still allow signups. There seem to be pricing bands.

This is the only region I can find that is a worthwhile amount cheaper than Australia. Nothing like the past, but it’s something.

  1. VPN to Mexico (I used the cheap TorGuard deal).
  2. Navigate to YouTube Premium ( in the browser and sign up.
  3. I don’t know if this is required but for the post code I added an extra zero to the end of my Australia post code (which ends in zero) so it just looked like a typo. I used Revolut.

That simple. No special accounts required.

For those not caught yet, YouTube has been cracking down on foreign accounts so most international countries are blocked for new signups, and they are cancelling Premium subscriptions once your current term runs out. And they know exactly what they’re doing because all of the countries with similar high pricing to Australia still allow signups. There seem to be pricing bands.

I used Revolut

TorGuard deal:

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  • +2

    Is this for annual or monthly?

    • This is monthly, but annual MX$1390 (AU$113.89)

      • +11

        Youtube premium family Turkey is $5.50AUD a month?

        • +3

          It doesn’t work for me. Immediately says couldn’t verify my country. They kicked me out of Venezuela too. Are you sure new customers can get this? I did try Turkey. Most of these deals seem to have gone.

          • +1

            @bteq: I'd like to know if anyone has a workaround for this error. Wanted to sign my Dad up and couldn't.

            • @bboz: The lack of deals about this suggest no one has found one yet.

        • +12

          Nigeria is $1.87/month for family account.

        • +6

          Yt India about 24$ a year.

        • It doesn't work anymore, hence the description in this post.

        • doesn't work for me either. Tried 3 VPNs.

        • I paid around $2.5 a month in Turkey, personal premium.

  • +2

    I use Argentina I think still

    • Says nots available in country. Tried it. YouTube’s been booting out accounts not from the payment country.

      • Doesn't changing country of the account and using international cards like Wise help?

      • +3

        Mine still works. Although there was a substantial price increase over the usual ~$1.50/month when my last deduction came out the other week ($3 AUD). In saying that, they can charge me a bit more and I'd still happily pay it since it's still not AUD pricing or even close to it. I'd rather leave a good thing going and pay a small amount more if it keeps it active. Cheaper would be good, but given then low probability of successfully signing up again under a new country, I'll keep flying the Argentinean flag for now. 🇦🇷

        • +1

          i actually have turkey $5.46 this month
          under the radar as the payment comes from an acct which isn't under on the family acct

    • Argentina wouldn't work for me with an Australian card, even when I was in Argentina. Ukraine worked with a VPN though.

      • Ukrain price?

        • +1

          <$4 for single, <$6 for family

    • Me too - have separate payment profiles set up in Google (for my Argentinian holiday house, natch) and it hasn't missed a beat…

  • +8

    $0 for Android users:
    Google TV/Fire TV - SmartTube
    Android Mobile - NewPipe

    • Tried revanced? Bumped on a forum saying it's pretty good. Yet to give it a whirl

      • I have but I kept having issues trying to patch the YouTube app so I gave up with it.

        • You only have to patch once every few months. If you're really lazy, there are people who have precompiled the apk for you with the patch. It is a bit of a security risk though.

          • +1

            @User0001: You also only need to patch when something breaks, which isn't often. It's been a bit messy lately though as Google has been breaking random things. I pay for Premium but still use revanced for Sponsorblock and other great features.

      • I use Revanced. Definitely recommend. Having to compile the app yourself is a bit of a pain though.

        • That’s the gripe I had with it, setup is too much of an effort. NewPipe is heaps easier.

          • +1

            @1r4n14n: Have both, only use newpipe for downloading videos. ReVanced is basically the same as having a YouTube premium account + sponsorblock

            • @sogai: I enjoyed it when it worked. I’ll have to give it another try.

      • +1

        I've been using it for ages. Works great, no ads, and even has nice features thanks to SponsorBlock, like skipping useless parts of videos (intros, sponsors, self promotion etc.), or skipping straight to the highlight of a video. Massive time saver.

      • +1

        Revanced is good. Yeah it can be a bit of a process to install but follow the guides.
        And can also use it on Reddit, Twitter etc if you're that way inclined.

        • And can also use it on Reddit, Twitter etc if you're that way inclined.

          Please share more (what do you mean)? Thanks

    • I woke up to a “your membership has been cancelled” email this morning. After being nerfed from Argentina and now Pakistan I think it’s worth looking into the alternatives.

      Any recommendations or links to recommendations to devices?

    • For youtube music, youtube music vanced.

      For spotify, xmanager.

      • so is xmanager basically paid Spotify?

        • Yep, best thing ever.

  • Paying about $4.60/mo on philippines

    • Tried it. No go any more. Cannot verify country.

      • +3

        The cannot verify country comes down to if they’ve blocked your VPN or not. Try a different VPN, most free/cheap ones will be blocked.

      • +1

        I’m also via the Phillipines just under $6.20 for the family plan. I had issues with certain VPN’s I had luck with tunnel bear free plan and my anz travel rewards card

    • +1

      Also in the Philippines, howdy neighbour.

    • my Philippines just got cancelled this morning

  • +3

    Just paid $2.61 AUD/month (PKR 479.00) on Pakistani Youtube Premium. Have you tried?

    • No. TorGuard doesn’t have Pakistan unfortunately. Please do post the deal as that’s a very good price if it still works.

      • +4

        Try following these instructions (important to follow the instructions closely)
        In particular read the latest comments to see what others did, including what VPN, because the original instructions might be a bit outdated

      • I got Pakistan to work. I couldn't for the life of me get it to work on desktop. Using my phone I was able to. Nordvpn to Pakistan

      • CyberGhost has Pakistan servers, not sure if they'll be available in a free trial but might be worth a shot.

    • +1

      What card did you use? I know my CBA one got instantly blocked for another deal via Pakistan

  • Been on filos for about $3 pm on a family plan for ios

  • paying $3/M but forgot what region I have been in for a long time.

  • is it family or single price?

    • Single, but there is family too (priced accordingly)

  • +2

    Arrg! Me hearties. Come join the high seas with Revanced. Never see one of those "Adverts" again, get unlimited music and best of all - Sponsor block integration so even those pesky "influencers" can walk the plank. Arrg!

    • Does it even work properly? I tried patching the YouTube app but it would never work so I gave up. The last I heard, the dev abandoned it.

      • +1

        Yep. You must have had the wrong version. There were a few forks when the original went under the waves.
        Ozbargain admin will shank me if I post a link so find the community on Reddit.

        • Thanks mate, I’ll sus it out.

    • +2

      I just use NewPipe.

      Never stops working.

      • Agree, NewPipe is awesome.

  • -1

    I'm paying about $3.50/month with Pakistan…how is this a deal?

  • +1

    still with Turkey 115.99 TRY / $5.35 AUD per month.

    • Why so much? I'm on $1.79AUD with Turkey

      • Might be family plan which is what I'm on through Turkey which is roughly that price.

  • +1

    I use ad-blocker and wouldn't pay Google a cent :)

    • whats a good adblocker for android?

    • +3

      If you’re using anything Google… you are paying one way or another.

    • Revanced and never look back.

  • I swear we have gone from 5 seconds of ads to 1 minute in about 18 months.

  • -2

    ublock origin on firefox works on my laptop to get youtube without ads for free

    • +1

      Phone too

      • firefox for android has extension support, it should work but i haven't tried it

    • Brave browser too (ublock origin is included) can play YouTube in the background too.

      • -2

        brave browser used to be good until they added the stupid crypto thingy

        • +2

          Just disable the crypto thing. Normal as usual

  • +2

    I'm still paying ~$2.33 a month via India.
    Let's see how long this lasts

  • -8

    Paying $3.5 for family plan via India, it's not a deal sorry.

    Get a better VPN

    • Read the comments on previous deals, no VPNs work anymore for those cheap country rates.

      • -1

        I'll say it again, get a better VPN that is not blocked.

        • -1

          Suggest one that works then. Hardly any have India. But nah just keep posting stupid "get a better VPN".

  • My Pakistan membership got cancelled this morning. I’ll have to give it a crack.

    • My relos in Pakistan got a family membership, and it won't let me be added to the family…

  • +2

    India sub cancelled this morning. All the neggers saying "get a better VPN" - care to make any suggestions?

  • Russia is about $3-$4 a month. Been on it for years.

  • +2

    Indian sub renewed yesterday - still about $2 a month

  • i have been cought and they requested to update my payment or it will be cancelled probably 7 times, everytime i just ignore the email and message and they take the money and shut up. last time was 2 days ago. i am still on indian membership for the last 3 years. and still solid!!!

    • +1

      It’s different this time mate they just tell you to pay as per your country rates or you just won’t have more premium

      • since when? because as i said, i have just renewed my payment on indian rates 2 days ago.16th until 16th of July.

        i recieved an email saying you must update payment details or you'll lose premium, and i am getting it every now and then, i simply ignore it and it keeps going. they deducted 3.43$, just checked.

        • Since this morning, lots of people woke up with an email from YouTube saying so.

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