• expired

[Freebie] Durex Condom Sample


Speeds her up, slows him down. Try out Extended Pleasure Condoms for FREE. Interested? Click here. http://mutualclimax.durex.com.au/

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closed Comments

  • +19

    OP - if you changed your name to simply nike then this would fit beautifully…

    • Oh, I got it!!!!

      • +3

        I still don't get it :( I've looked at it honestly about 50 times

        • +1

          Nike - "Just do it".

        • +1

          dont worry young man - it happens to the best of us….

    • ^ at the negatives this is receiving..

  • -2

    Eh~~~ Sexy Lady

    • +37

      Too bad there's only one, otherwise it would be Oppa Gangbang style.

      • +5

        ヽ(゜∇゜)ノ Eeeeyyyy sexy laaaaaadyyyy

        ヘ( ̄ー ̄ヘ) Op
        (ノ ̄ー ̄)ノ Op
        (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜 Op
        〜( ̄△ ̄〜) Op
        (☞゚∀゚)☞ Open condom store!

  • +3

    Actual fulfillment of this offer "Try out Extended Pleasure Condoms for FREE" would include a recepticle of some description.

    Uh oh, I can hear the mods goose-stepping down the corridor and about to remove everything 'off-topic'…

  • +4

    "Enjoy waking the neighbors" hahahaha.

  • +1

    is it for 1 or a box? if its for 1 why bother..

    • +191

      because that's a years supply for some.

      • -6

        Or 3hrs for others!

      • +36

        This is ozbargain, I'm sure most of us just throw it in the wash with the rest of our stuff and keep using until it breaks. This is the true ozbargainers way.

      • +13

        I want to + gooddealmate's comment but it's on +69 votes…

      • +4

        90+ votes..

        Some men can only dream of this.

      • 129 votes on comment at time of writing - let's get it higher than OP's votes!

        • +155 and counting

      • This reply has now made it to the Epic Threads page for Most positive votes on a comment.

    • +3

      So you know if they're any good before you buy a box?

    • +16

      No silly, you just get 1 and you put it IN a box, for a test.

    • +2

      You can reuse them.

      • +4

        Yep. Just turn it inside out for the second go.

  • +2

    Please…I'm waiting for some comments for a LOL

  • Thanks, got mine

    • +6

      Cool …now order your free sample ;)

      • Did he mean just grown mine?

  • +16

    If we invert this prophylactic will it slow her down and speed me up?

    • Flip it inside out?

      eh prob best not to reuse it like the guy a few posts above suggests

  • +1

    "Sorry it looks like you have already received your free sample"

    Haha, no. It looks more like someone beat me to using the number '0400000000'

    • +2

      That is a Telstra number.

      • 0400… looks like a One.Tel number to me.

  • How is this different from every other condom?

    • +50

      This one's free.

      • -3

        They are free at the Semenary too.
        Of course I meant the "slows him down. " part. Or is that just me?

        • +1

          Well, thickened condoms are supposed to numb the sensation, thus making you last longer.

        • There is Stud 100 for that

    • +2

      It's free. That means no guarantee.

      • +32

        lol, that would be hilarious! The fine print might say something like 'free beta condom' please report all pregnancy bugs to [email protected]

        • +3

          or c/- The Shire @ ch.10

  • +9



    • =Bargain of the Year

    • +2


      • +20

        With a name like that I don't see why he would say no.

    • +3

      by party you mean thai buffets and by drunk girls you mean giggly lady boys? ;)

    • +8

      liar. hooker + self purchased alcohol + free durex condom = reality.

      • +9

        -free drinks at work xmas party?
        -hit on chick in accounts/front desk/custodian, get denied
        -Hit on bosses wife, get fired
        -go to a brothel, get kicked out for being too drunk
        -hit on women on the walk home, get arrested
        -made into someones bitch in jail; insist on using Free durex condom!
        = reality

        at least its safe sex

  • for me?!

  • +13

    Ribbed for her pleasure

    turn it inside out

    Ribbed for his pleasure

    • -3

      turning it inside out makes YOU the GIRL?? now THAT's handy.

  • +13

    Bout time i changed the one in my wallet!

    • Hopefully it's not getting to hot in their, I think heat destroys it's effectiveness :(
      Making babies is a big thing, we are just too populated. And it's a lot of work :o
      Poopey nappies, dare I say more… lol

  • +23

    Just in time for Santa, considering he only comes once a year.

    • +12

      yeah…. came down my chimney the dirty prick

      • +2

        Oh so that's why the snow got inside the house last year….

      • +2

        You found out what was in Santa's sack?

  • +4

    I like how when you are requesting this freebie, you enter by indicating that you submit.

  • +10

    Any single ladies interested to try it out with me?lol

    • +1

      all the single ladies! all the single ladies!

      • +1

        If you really want it then you
        Put a thing on it

  • +1

    Is it worth giving details to get an item that will be used in less than a minute?

    • +8

      When it comes to business time, 1 minute in heaven is better than 0 minutes in heaven.

    • -3

      too much information mate, we don't really want to know about your sexual performance.

    • +4

      according to the product spec, it's likely you will last more than a minute this time round. give it a go and post more than too much information here. :D

  • Awesome, now I can finally have protection from all them aids.

  • Really useful for schoolies around this time - one is definitely not going to be enough

    • +4

      Don't be ridiculous. Schoolies don't bother using them. Roaring trade in abortion clinics this time of year.

  • +9

    I laughed when I entered my suburb - "woody point'

    • +7

      I cringed at having to enter "Bald Knob" (in QLD).

      • +1

        Hehe mine was "Rooty Hill" (Sydney )

      • +1

        I win: "Iron Knob, SA 5601"

        —— seriousy 52km into the Nullabour from Whyalla

  • +1

    We just had a baby so I'm gonna need these now

    Oh it's been awhile, hope they are extra strong as I'm gonna go off like a firecracker!

    • +2

      We just had twins. I forget how we made them now…a free rubber isn't going to help!

  • +17

    Great, will do nicely to replace my current gladwrap + rubber band solution

  • +4

    look out for specials on nappies in a couple of months time

  • Satisfaction guaranteed

  • Too bad we cant send them with a message :(

    • +5

      Dear xx
      Please go get f**ked.
      Yours sincerely.

  • lol, sold!

  • +7

    Will these fit over the new iPhone 5? I've been looking for a cheap waterproof cover

    • -1

      surrrrrre you have, goatse man. surrrrrre you have.

      • +4

        Didn't Goatse have some song last year about someone I used to know or something?

    • Don't do that! It will make your iPhone 5 slower!

  • +3

    My god the horrible jokes and puns on here!

  • "Just did it". thanks nikey ;)

  • +1

    still got mine from the last giveaway. why are bananas never discounted on ozbargain?

    • It's not often someone loses their banana.

  • +7

    Wasn't as good as this deal for 10 free: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/84365

    • Lol at the number of positive votes on that deal

  • Do they come with an how to use video?

    • A video? Not unless this is the 80s…

  • +6

    I used my Ainol to take advantage of this bargain.

  • +1

    some might even say these came just in time

  • Not for me thanks - I'm sterile.

    • +12

      Even though you are sterile, doesn't mean you're immune to STDs.

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