This was posted 8 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS5, PS4, XSX, Switch] Hogwarts Legacy $49 (Current Gen) $39 (Prev Gen) @ Big W ($4 Del) / Amazon (+ Del, $0 Prime/$59 Spend)

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PS5 PS4 XSX XB1 Switch
Big W $49 $39 or deluxe $49 $39 $49 or with sticker sheet
Amazon AU $49 $39 $39 $49

XJUN2024 may work for another 10% off. Need to log in to Big W and have an Everyday Rewards account linked.

Related Stores

Amazon AU
Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • XSX Deluxe for $49 would be a bargain

  • +2

    Hogwarts Legacy on Switch eStore is $44.97 currently, or $49.97 for Deluxe Edition.

    • +2

      Is the Switch version a good port?

      • +1

        This review might give you the answer you're looking for.

    • Digital Deluxe on XSX is $59.97 for reference (50% off RRP)

  • +4

    There's a Director's Cut of Hogwarts Legacy coming that was revealed in a report by Bloomberg, apparently:…

    If you can wait a bit more, for more content, it might be a good thing.

    • +9

      So they can phase out the $40-60 price tag and put it back up to $99-119 again?

  • +1

    Was considering getting the ps4 version over Xbox x or ps5 but the loading times are up to 10 times longer on ps4 apparently

    • Are you saying loading times are longer even if you are playing with a ps5 but using the ps4 disc?

      • I’m not sure about that, I assume that wouldn’t be correct, I bought the Xbox series x version just in case haha

  • On big W - it says 90 days change of mind return. Is it possible to return if I don't like the game?

    • +1

      Better off ordering from Amazon if you’re not sure if you’ll like it - easier to return

      • Or just price match JB or EB - even easier to return

    • +3

      Not with big w. Bought a game on the weekend, the staff said once the seal and wrap taken off, it is used and change of mind policy void, unless it is faulty. There is a sticker saying that on the seal as well.

      • Thank you

        • -2

          Seconding this experience, bigw returns policy for games is rubbish

          • +10

            @twig: It's perfectly sane. You're just over-privileged due to EB (or Amazon fraud)

    • Price match at EB Games. They have a return policy.

  • How soon until Amazon price matches Bigw for GTA5 PS5 for $25?

    • Isn't it already $24 in Amazon? post

      • +1

        You're replying to a comment posted 5 days before Amazon updated their price.

  • +13

    So here's my problem, no action just therapy for me.

    I repeat the following over and over again, I am perhaps insane.
    1. See good deal on game I'd like to play, purchase game
    2. Have no time for game, add onto pile
    3. Continue playing current game/s until I finish
    4. Start on next game which was n-10 purchases ago
    5. Eventually get to Hogwarts by which time it's bargain basement prices, or I should get the PS6 version.

    • Hahaha same

    • This is exactly me. 😔

    • I am similar, however I find I go to play Rocket League as my go to. Usually when I finally get around to a game I play it for 30mins or so before going back to a few games of Rocket League and not going back to the game again. Though admittedley I usually wait for a game to be sub $20 (those jb 2 for $30 are hard to pass up).

      • +1

        Have same problem but during witcher 3 upgrade i bought it was like 15$ i think. From then, i finished it last month 100%. Now onto Cyberpunk and by the time i finish that there might be GTA6 release nearby and if not, i bought FALLOUT 4 GOTY recently so might go and play DLCs. There was time i play almost every AAA game released. Now, no more time plus social media reels ruined attention span.

  • +2

    Decided to get Spiderman 2 ps5 with the 10% discount instead.

  • Just a Reminder Price on the PlayStation Store is $55 until 13/6

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