Bottom Tier Brands - Are They good enough


What are your opinions on bottom tier brands such as

Bellini, Beko, Haier, Chef, Euromaid

Looking for a dishwasher and oven

For example

I see old deals on ozb that

beko dish washer and dryer Ozbargained/ oos

Euromaid fridge and rangehood ozb/ oos



  • +4

    if the price is right, why not.

    I rolled the dice on a chiq chest freezer like 4 years ago for a sick price on ebay good guys - i thought hell if it lasts 2 years im happy.
    4 years later still good. Runs 24.7. knock on wood

    • +6

      Is your freezer running?

      • +9

        Yes it is functioning properly

        ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

        • +4

          ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

      • +1

        can never manage to catch it

    • +1


      They are all made in China.

      But not all made the same.

      If your expectations are not high and price is low, why not?

      Big brands can fail as easily as cheap brands

      • Oh right

    • Thanks for the input

  • I've had a Haier front loader washing machine for a few years now. Works good enough. The brand snobs around here will neg vote you for recommending one though.

    • Nice

  • I have a Beko dishwasher and a Haier front loader washing machine. The Beko dishwasher is ok, just need to put it on a heavy cycle and use good quality dishwashing tablet and rinse aid for it to wash properly.

    The Haier washing machine leaks sometimes, not flooding my laundry leak, just water coming out of the bottom a little. It hasn't done it for a while though. I bought extended warranty on it initially for 3 years. At the end of the 3 years, the motor was really really loud when it spins, like a jet engine taking off so it was replaced before the warranty ran out. I am expecting this new one to last another 3 years.

    • Nice

      But wouldn't you also be covered by acl

      • Probably. The ACL path is murky at best, and I have tried to complain to OFT on another occasion, the resolution provided was drawn out for months, i don't my missus will appreciate not having a washing machine for some time. :)

  • I have these things without any issues,

    $488 Haier dishwasher, got few months ago, works great
    2011 Chef electric 4 burner cooker came with house
    $80 Lemair fridge, using for 6+ years got brand new, factory seconds or so
    $140 Simpsons washing machine, using for 6+ years, got second hand

    at last rental we had Euromaid electric 4 burner cooker with oven, it was alright.

    • Very nice

  • +1

    In my experience at AirBNB, cheap dishwashers still work well enough but are flimsy and noisy. But I always run it at the hottest cycle.

    I wouldn't expect it to last as long as a Miele or Bosch but still believe they should last 5-10 years.

    A cheap oven probable won't last that long, but you won't want it to last too long as cheap ovens are slower to heat up, thermostats inaccurate and do not evenly heat (hot spots).

    • Oh i did hear about that for cheaper oven gets annoying

      It goes 100% then pauses at 0% then back to 100% rather than adjusting consistently

      (The top cooker thing)

  • Why not Ikea?

    • Thanks they seem alright

  • I think it all depends on context.

    You wouldn't put a cheap appliances in a high end place any more than you'd put top of the line stuff in a dodgy flat.

    Equally, if it's a second TV, spare freezer in the garage, or similar situation, then consider the cheap. If it's your front line gear, I'd go for middle range.

    It's all about finding the sweet spot for both your home and the situation it's to be used for.

    • Thanks for the context

  • +4

    When your $1600 Bosch dishwasher fails after 4 years and is uneconomical to fix it has cost you $400 per year.

    When your $400 Haier dishwasher fails after 4 years and is uneconomical to fix it has cost you $100 per year.

    • +1

      Except with the Bosch you probably had clean dishes at the end of a cycle just about every time. With the cheaper brands I've had a much inferior experience.

      • Oh right

    • True

  • +2

    My comment applies only to appliances for your own home, used frequently. Cheap stuff is more easily accommodated in your cash flow at the time of purchase, but with labour costs so high you either incur high on-site repair costs or discard and purchase again, which some people do enjoy. Personally I prefer to pay more up-front hoping to get further down the road before confronting the repair/replace decision. My washer faulted for the first time after 32 years, condensor dryer 27 years - both Miele. Higher purchase cost, zero spend on preventative or remedial maintenance. If we were talking about motor vehicles there wouldn't be a wide disparity in viewpoint.

    • Good point

  • +1

    surely energy efficiency plays a big part in top tier brands vs bottom tier brands

  • -3

    Bottom Tier Brands - Are They good enough


  • +4

    If it is not Anko,
    you are paying too much

    • +1

      I'm so cheap I buy Anlo.

  • Have a Haier front load washing machine from Jan 2020 without missing a beat. Bought a Haier dishwasher 2 months back and so far its all good.

  • +2

    Impossible to get accurate comparisons on ozbargain.
    Everyone will just recommend the appliance they bought to justify their own decision.
    The brands you mentioned are cheap entry level items that if you get 5-10 years out of, then throw out and repeat. It’s like shopping at Kmart,Temu or MG, if you’re happy with that go for it.

    I’d rank Chef slightly higher than the other 4.
    If you could stretch the budget a little I’d go for AEG OR Bosch

    • Thanks for input

  • It all depends on what your comfort level needs are at end of day and how much money you have.

    I bought a 10 year old no-name brand washer for $50 that was going to be thrown out, and used it for an additional 10 years before selling it on for $50.

    Did it work great? Not really - but my clothes were generally clean. Using a newer and better washer definitely cleans the product better, but if I spend $1000 it's not going to clean it 20x better. Maybe 2x at best.

    That being said - no-one complained about work shirts or casual shirts etc., so it's not like it didn't work.

    For dishwashers and ovens - I can't really see it making that much difference. You may get a few more features (most of them will be junk though), but there are some things worth paying more for like if it's way more energy-efficient or heats up significantly faster than a cheaper brand. Your best bet is probably trying to buy a higher quality brand that is second-hand, so you're still getting a good discount but presumably the quality should be a bit better.

    • Thanks for input

  • I have had good experiences with cheap appliances. All bought new and at some super cheap prices.

    $380 Dishlex dishwasher coming up 9 years and still working perfectly. Will keep it til it fails.

    $220 210L Haier fridge. I had it for about 4 years before selling it. It did the job, mainly used as a second fridge. Freezer wasn't the best though as it would only get down to about -15c.

    $209 Essato 4.5kg dryer, 2 years old and works fine. It's a little annoying to clean the filter though, as its on the back of the drum. No plans on changing it anytime soon.

    $287 Seiki 6kg front load washing machine, worked perfectly. Just sold it and bought a 7.5kg Haier on sale for $394, which is a great machine. Very quiet, washes well. will keep it til it dies.

    • Nice

  • I tend to spend relatively more on appliances that require installation as labour costs $$$ so I'd rather minimise it. Things like fridges and driers I'm less concerned about as they're pretty easily replaced. I like to get the cheapest Bosch/Siemens made in Germany range - not too much more $$$ over cheap brands but decent quality and last a decent while in my experience.

    • Thanks

      Always wondered why german cars not recommended after warranty

      But german appliances more recommended

  • You pay for what you get. As one stated, energy efficiency would have to come into it. Probably manufactured by the Uyghurs in some province near Mongolia on $2 bucks a month.

    • Thanks

  • I've had many Bellini appliances, including dishwashers (Technika atm), ovens, and cooktops. Their longevity is fine, and I'm on my third complete renovation.

    Most of my dishwashers work hard, doing 1-2 washes every day, so if I get 5 years of service, I'm satisfied. I've had Fisher and Paykel draws in the past which had numerous faults. I'd rather keep the upfront cost low and replace after ~5+ years or so than repair pricier appliances.

    • Thanks for input

  • I normally went for a recognisable brand but bought a Haier freezer 4 or 5 years ago and its still running fine.

    I think any thing you buy these days you need to check out some reviews of the individual model your looking at a brand can have good models but also some rubbish in their range.

    Just because you like a particular brand doesnt mean all their stuff is good.

    • Thanks for input

  • my office has euromaid dishwasher for 10 years use it brutally daily and every morning we get clean mugs and spoons.

    So I can say they are cheaper because they have not played with your emotions to buy the best for once a lifetime.

    I had an LG washer for the last 13 years, and it is going good, now tired of same old washer and wife want a new washer, I had told her I would replace next day when one dies and I am waiting for LG to die and this machine is still going strong.

    It would be good to buy decent equipment at budget pricing and write it off once they die after 8 to 10 years instead of repairing the expensive ones for the price you can buy the new one.

    • Thanks i see

  • +1

    Quite a few brands trade on their old name.
    The chinese have bought up a number of western brand names i.e. Fisher and Paykel, Philips, Sharp etc. Or licence build stuff i.e. AEG.
    I'm not saying they are rubbish, but if you are 'buying the badge' are you sure its the real deal.
    Other brands in different product areas…MG, Volvo, Polestar, Milwaukee, Ryobi, Hykoki

    • Thanks

  • MG ????

    i doubt their brand reputation and quality.

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