• expired

[VIC] Electricity: Supply 54.29¢/Day, Flat Usage Rate 25.65¢/kWh Offer) @ Arcline by RACV (Citipower Areas)


Electricity Compare says these rates kicked in late March which means I just missed out when I signed up in Feb (it was 70.99c daily and flat rate was 26.92c, the same flat rate is now 25.65c with 54.29c daily)

I only use about a kWh per day so the daily charge's great for me, big families may well do better with another mob.

If you're with Arcline and on the old rate call in and switch

Rates for RACV members are the same so far as I can tell, referrals apply ($50 referrer and referree), just put referral number in the "how did you hear about us" field when signing up

Edit: Thanks theredrabitt — RACV members get $125 credit through this deal apparently still active

Referral Links

Referral: random (45)

$50 for both referrer & referee. Input the referral code when answering "How did you hear about Arcline?" during signup.

Related Stores

Arcline by RACV
Arcline by RACV

closed Comments

  • Thanks @alvian!

  • +2

    That's really competitive..

  • +5

    I save more with Tango,
    21.010 c/kWh
    Daily charge: 60.500 c/day

    • I scrape by about the same as on those Tango rates, if I used more I'd probly be better off with Tango

    • Nice!

      Tango is horrible for me:

      United Energy
      Daily charge (¢/day incl GST)
      Peak rate (¢/kWh incl GST)

      • Right, United seem to always have a steep supply charge.

        I have weird memories of Tango too (overcharge or similar)

      • Interesting, i have no idea who my distributor is, im in North Melbourne around bundoora

      • In sydney its more like 32c/kWh and 80c daily rate.

        • except Arcline don’t service NSW… who’s your retailer?

        • +1

          shop around. i managed to get it <30c/kwh.

          daily rate still around $1.

      • That's still good rates

  • +7

    The rate depend on the network, for those of us in SE melbourne, it seems we are in the most expensive energy network in VIC (for both elec and gas).

    • I'm inner Melb, Citipower/Powercor

      • Powercor (west) for me is giving 75c daily rate. How do you get 54c ?

        • -2

          I’ve made the assumption that Citypower & Powercore’s rates are the same for the same area (they use the same site for customers).

          I may well be wrong about that but also you could be in less densely populated zone. I’m in StKilda

        • I'm getting the same but 75c better than origin 110c

    • Ausnet

    • +1

      But SE Water is cheaper than Yarra Valley. Win some, Lose some

    • Wouldn't be so sure about that, out near Ballarat I'm paying $1.133 per day, 28c per kWh, best deal I can get and believe me I've even made a few calculators to compare and went to literally every company that can supply power to me and got a quote.

      Bit of a joke considering on average I export 3 to 4 times what I use and still pay thousands a year on electricity.

      • +1


        The way it works is vic gov publish default rate(max they can charge) for different zones/networks, and retailers provide some discount on that. The default rate varies for different regions and is updated every year. The rates for next year is about 6-7% cheaper, so bow retailers are lining to offer discount on current default rate to get customers. The electricity is going to to cheaper next month.

      • I export 3 to 4 times what I use and still pay thousands a year on electricity.

        Do you live in the biggest house in Ballarat ?

        If you have a big enough solar system to get a decent amount of export, there's something really wrong if you're still spending "thousands a year on electricity" unless you're doing something crazy like resistive electric heating 🤷🏼‍♂️

        • I have 2 phase power, double a normal solar system. Your right a little I misspoke "only" it's 2-3 times.

          My recent usages (kWh):

          2021 - Used: 6956.18 / Feed: 14411.00
          2022 - Used: 5646.34 / Feed: 13785.51
          2023 - Used: 7226.13 / Feed: 13672.66
          2024 - Used: 2446.67 / Feed: 5068.97

  • +1

    Unfortunately can’t get that rate in my area within VIC. Shame, that’s a great daily connection fee.

  • This rate is highly targeted. I signed up a month ago and don't have a flat rate. Having said that the credit is good

    • It’s looking that way, yeah

  • -6

    If this is considered cheap in VIC you guys are getting gyped

    • It's okay we're used to it haha

      • -3

        Ya just sucks probably caused by government

    • -2

      It’s not. It’s very expensive. You shouldn’t be paying more than 20c/kWh in metro Melbourne.

      Some of the cheapest rates in the country. No surprise Melbourne has the lowest cost of living of the big 3 capitals.

      • 8c 12am to 6am

        28c usually

      • Really it's that cheap?

        Adelaide pay double easily

        • Yep. Best deal going in my distribution area (Jemena - NW metro) is $0.17c/kWh. Lots of very cheap wind and solar as well as the old brown coal power plants keeps electricity prices in VIC low.

          The only downside is since it's a retail market there are times where the retailers haven't locked in cheap supply (usually around now just before the new FY). My usual go to retailer doesn't have a good offer at the moment.

  • +3

    I'm getting slightly different
    27.57 (c/kWh)
    53.61 (c/day)

  • Jesus why is NSW getting ripped off so much.

    • -2

      Climate change.

      • +3

        Corporate greed.

        • -1

          Global warming.

    • Are you in an Essential Energy Distribution Zone as well?

    • Long term Liberal aka free market government

      • +1

        "free" market. A real free market would prevent monopolies and use taxes to account for negative externalities. The Liberals seem to have an allergy to doing either despite despite their ideals. Really they are a big business party not a free market party.

        • +1

          Liberals’d disagree with your definition of free market. I’m not sympathetic to their politics but you’re misrepresenting the popular definition here

    • +2

      Sth Australia enters the chat..

    • Morons, greenies, ambition over ability people being voted / promoted to positions they should not have

  • +4

    so nobody is curious that OP only uses one kWh per day?

    • what y wanna know?

      everything except fridge is off at th wall

      • I definitely am interested.
        Tv, router, microwave?
        What level do you go to.

        • Yeh def everything bar the fridge. Router off overnight (can use mobile data at a pinch if sleepless and bored)

          • +2

            @0jay: Are you not at home 😜

            How in the world?? On a good solar day I'm pulling 3kWh from the grid, ~autumn/winter is game over, is everything of yours gas??

            For ozb's here's an unethical life pro tip… If you're with agl and don't want to go turning off standby appliances, they have an ev plan, 8c/kwh between midnight and 6am.

            You don't need to provide your rego on sign up 😉

            So can save on standby appliances and can re-jig heat pump hot water to heat while waiting for the sun to rise

            • +1

              @Kammi: I study fulltime, always at home.

              Single person household, small fridge/freezer, everything off at the wall.

              It’s not as bad as it sounds, I have switched powerboards within reach of whatever appliance and a 55” Sony from 2014 that uses about 70W, all lights are LED blahblah. Easy

              I think people underestimate the scale of 24/7 phantom loads

    • +1

      Now it's winter for us it's different but for 9 months a year we pull under 1kwh from the grid. For us it's thanks to a battery.

      I agree with all the naysayers though, not worth it (ROI wise).

      • not worth it (ROI wise).

        What’s the timeline until it’s fully paid?

  • +2

    Looks like this is still available (according to their website)

  • +1

    I work in energy, and damn these are competitive!

    • +2

      Any special deals for OzB folk??

  • +3

    Is there anyone in Vic that will let me steal their power? Prices in Brisbane are about 115-130c/day and our fixed rate is about 24-33c/kWh

    And to top it all off, just about everyone is now also introducing a demand charge, which is a great way for us to not know how much we'll have to pay until our bill comes through, so that's fun!

    • Are you renting? Those are tough rates to swallow. Upside I guess is no need for heating…

      • +1

        Nope, we have our own place. We also have a solar system that helps, but those rates are pretty average for Brisbane here unfortunately.

        • Solar with all that sunshine sweetens the deal. I’m guessing family home? Kids are tough to get to watch consumption

          • +1

            @0jay: Not a family home yet, but just power is super expensive here and there's not many places that have good feed in tariffs either - if you want a good rate on electricity you have to get a 5c FIT, but going to a higher FIT also increases your daily charge and general rate :-(. The solar has definitely helped - we cut our power bill in half with it - but I'm just sad at how much electricity keeps going up

            • @Opaquer: 100c + per day supply charge doesn't help….. Just ridiculous

              • @pointnlarf: I know right! No matter what happens, we still have to pay over $100 per quarter just for daily supply charge. It's brutal

  • +1

    I'd kill for those rates in sydney!

    • Probably not as bad as here in SA… a whopping 107.459 cent daily supply charge with a pathetic 12 cent feed in tariff for Solar. From July they'll only pay 12c for the for first 14kWh exported per day and 5c or less for the rest. Even with a Tesla battery, we're struggling to break even and not have to pay a bill.

      • Don’t really understand the SA market, I thought you guys are massively skewed to renewable

        • +1

          We are, and I think that's the problem. Just about everybody has solar here, and i'm seeing more and more batteries being installed on homes, so that all drives the feed in tariff down for everyone.

          I know people who installed solar systems a while back (much smaller in capacity compared to today), and they're fortunate enough to be locked in at a 45 cent FIT.

          Whereas, we got ours 5 years ago. It was 20 cents FIT for the first 2 years, then 18c, then 15c, now 12c.

          Even joining a VPP (virtual power plant) - that gives us a max of 13c per kWh and will no doubt drop each year. What makes it even worse is that all the energy providers are introducing tiers, so they're only paying out the higher rate for the first 14 kWh exported per day and the base rate which is currently 5c for each kWh thereafter, so on a day in summer where we'd export 35-40 kWh and used to make a tidy profit (we haven't paid a bill in 4 years as we've always been in credit), but with the lower FIT and tiers, it barely covers the daily supply charge. Power companies are evil.

          • @Graffin:

            with the lower FIT and tiers, it barely covers the daily supply charge

            Sounds like you’re sitting pretty sweet regardless, end of day.

            It seems a lot as though the market’s panning out in such a way that those with batteries or/and EVs will benefit by far the most moving forward

  • Lame usage rates for me @ Ausnet. daily supply charge is cheapest around I've seen currently.
    32.76 (c/kWh)
    73.63 (c/day)

  • You import 1kW per day. That's crazy. Even just running your fridge, cooking a night time meal, and watching a TV would use more than that.

    Say 10 hours a day where the solar doesn't cover everything (most likely more). That means base load is 100w/h and that doesn't include anything getting turned on and off.

  • I signed up via econnex to get $100 credit on first bill


    • Don't trust Econnex that easily ….
      PS: Self experience

      • 100%!!!
        They spammed me multiple times about this very deal. Bastards!!!

  • Do they do a credit check?

    • never heard of an energy company doing credit checks tbh

      • A lot do unfortunately :/

        • only for folks who've historically defaulted on a bill?

  • im getting:

    Time of Use
    Peak 43.12 (c/kWh)
    Off Peak 23.63 (c/kWh)

    Daily Supply Charge
    Daily Charge 76.71 (c/day)

    • Similar here, Ausnet Vic. Not sure if there's a way to get a flat rate only.

      • there is, you gotta call up the retailer, however it was like $50 or something to switch over to anytime rates.

        • What was the rate though?

          I currently pay this ovo:
          117.59 ¢/day
          29.81 ¢/kWh

  • Doesn't seem quite as good as my deal, I'm with Tango and get

    Peak : 31.812
    Off peak: 18.150 (all hours but 3pm to 9pm)
    Supply: 121.00

    In Geelong, Vic

    Average paid is about 21c/kwh, but I only get a solar feed in tariff of around 5c/kwh.

    The deal above was signed onto a year ago and no longer available but I checked recently and they did have a deal that for our home would work out nearly early as good called "value select"

  • +2

    Why is daily charge so cheap in VIC? WTF? QLD is like $1 minimum / day

    • +2

      In Adelaide power us almost $0.5/kw and $1.10 a day

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