Was looking around for some Seinfeld, didn't know this, 9now has 24/7 seinfeld.
9now Has 24/7 Seinfeld. Loving It!

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Giddy up
Michael Richards on Kramer, Seinfeld and the truth about being ‘cancelled’
Interesting read about the man behind the K-man, who has a new memoir out. I didn't know he was drafted during the Vietnam War (though apparently didn't get sent to Vietnam itself).
Larry David served in the U.S. Reserves too,
but he really does not like talking about it.
Time to grievances.
Festivas makes rants, thanks.
Serenity now!
Serenity now… insanity later
Woke merchant here. Is the woke in the room with you right now?
Woke merchant here
You’re the one selling it right? I’d like to browse your woke wares
Since ‘woke’ now just means ‘things I don’t like’, does that mean you sell liquorice?
Woke, woke, woke etc.
Grow up.
They have tried to cancel it actually.
Get a new word
Yeah i don't get it either but seems we're the minority.
It's funniest show of all time. Nothing comes close to being as clever.
Its great that it worked for you. In my opinion it was just ok.
As far as clever jokes are concerned I think Frasier beats everything else..I live Frasier, you can say it's my second favourite, but the situations don't come close to being as funny as the situations in Seinfeld.
Curb Your Enthusiasm is pretty, pretty, pretty good too,
and I would say can even equal Seinfeld, or even top it.There have been some interesting & funny comedies since Seinfeld,
Arrested Development
30 Rock
It's Always Sunny In Phildelphia
( I haven't watched "It's Always Sunny…" )IASIP is amazing. Definitely watch it.
@DontNeedThis: Everyone who's watched it tells me.
I have been slowly collecting the episodes,
but to think there's 16 seasons ahead of me
feels like a marathon ahead of me that i don't want to run, haha@whyisave: Luckily the seasons aren't long, 10 episodes each or something? It won't take long.
FYI, IASIP is similar to Seinfeld, except the main characters put themselves first, and always try and do the dirty on each other.
That's a pretty bold statement to make.
Me neither, most boring show and i cant even force myself to chuckle…
What is there to not get? It's merely a commentary on contemporary mores, a slice of life.
Your statement is correct but people saying it was the funniest thing ever is perhaps stretching it a bit.
You had to watch it live on TV in the 1990s, to appreciate that show.
Now tell us what you find funny.
The gold standard era of sitcoms. Friends is towards the bottom of my list. Will and Grace, Fraser, the nanny, just shoot me, Seinfeld are just so damn good!
I Love Lucy is the gold standard.
Where's the diversity in black sitcoms?
I don't see a white boy,…I see a damn FOOOL !
George has a lot of black friends, including the exterminator.
Don't forget Sugar Ray Leonard.
Great, I missed the dominant masculinity of the real men in this show.
I'm not sure how dominant they were, but they knew "The move"
For a short while, they were masters of their domains.
Iiiii'm out
You know, I'm glad Kramer got cancelled for the Laugh Factory thing. You shouldn't be able to weasel your way out of that.
Mate. That was 18 years ago. He’s apologised and gave a very nuanced reflection on how it affected him. He didn’t weasel his way out of anything. What more do you want/expect?
Or is it one mistake and you’re done for life?
Nah if you read his comments and explanations since then he always says it was their rude behaviour which caused him to do it. Which is natural I suppose when you get caught doing something terrible, it's natural to want to blame the victim to help justify it in the minds of other people. Nobody caused him to do it, he just did it. He's the master of his own domain, only he is responsible for his own feelings and actions.
jeez 17+ years ago, I thought 10+ lol……
no one, except you and few other halfwits, cares anymore about that. It's been 18 years ffs, get a life
i say the same thing about hitler. that was years ago ffs
@belongsinforums: lol are you seriously comparing someone who did systematic genocide killing millions with someone saying an offensive word during a standup comedy?
@liongalahad: Are you saying we can't equate Michael Richards' offensive words at the Laugh Factory in 2006 with the actions of the architect of the most genocidal regime in human history?
@RolandWaites: Of course you can, @belongsinforums just did that. It's the most idiotic thing one can do in this context, but yeah, you can. lol
Didn't you watch Michael Richards in Season 7 of Curb ?
They were all making fun of that, and it's water under the bridge for them.
Yeah that was cool. But in Comedians in Cars his explanation to why he did it was the table was being rude. And he looked like an emotional wreck, he looks like a ruined man now. The whole thing has permanently changed him.
Constanza not enough?
I can’t get nine now on demand to work on my firestick. Works on other devices though
Coat me in butter and feed me to Newman
And you wanna be my latex salesman…… classic episode.
I just want to be sponge-worthy.
Like the blonde with the blue sweat pants
It must be impossible for a Spanish person to order seltzer and not get salsa.
I wanted seltzer not salsa!
Don’t you know the difference between seltzer and salsa?
You have the seltzer after the salsa!all this time i thought they were saying salsa in both instances. finally makes sense lol!
Seinfeld is even funnier, when you watch it with English subtitles.
I cant wait to watch this with my 17 year old girlfriend. (I am 38 years old btw)
You know @Zabuza, if you would have told me twenty-five years ago that some day you'd be standing here about to solve the world's television watching problems, I would've said you're crazy…
Now let's push this giant ball of oil out the windowI feel I see a lot of repeats. When I watch it even twice in a couple of days. I suspect that it may have a 24hr playlist that they repeat every day. Would be good to confirm. Total runtime is 66 hours for the show, but still seems odd that the few times I've put it on it would be an episode I saw recently.
Because it’s so popular, I’ve tried to watch several episodes over the years whenever I catch it on TV but I still just don’t get it.
Which comedies do you like?
Probably something with/by Kevin Hart
or josh thomas
with/by Kevin Hart
Then, there's no comparison
Friends, the nanny, Big Bang theory, will and grace, third rock from the sun… Everybody loves Raymond is tolerable
Basically the ones I don't like, but that's okay.
I love Seinfeld, but I don't quite get the attachment people had with Friends. I've watched a lot of it since it filled prime time slots on repeat in the '90s so I definitely gave it a fair go.
I know this will sound pretentious af, but liking Friends and BBT explains the not getting Seinfeld bit.
Just complete opposite ends of the comedy spectrum. That's fine, not everyone has to like the same thing.
What’s with this artistic integrity? You’re not artistic and you have no integrity….
Black Saab rules!
Ad break… Damn. I forgot those existed.
Black Saab
You better believe it buddy!
These pretzels … are making me thirsty.
The thing is George, I’ve been living a lie…..just the one?
Hey Ma! What I gotta do to get some food around here? I’m starvin’! And if it’s peanut butter again I’m gonna shove it in your face!
thanks for the PSA, this is actually brilliant for watching in bed.
This has been available for a while if you want the ad free experience https://watchseinfeld.net/