• expired

BWS: 27% Cashback ($25 Cap) + [Westpac, StG, BoM, BSA] 10%/15% Bonus Cashback ($20 Cap, 1 Order Only) @ ShopBack


Westpac: 10% bonus cashback
St George, Bank of Melbourne, BankSA: 15% bonus cashback

We calculate Cashback based on the order amount, excluding:
Service charges
Shipping and delivery fees

This Cashback deal is not valid together with:
Vouchers or Promo codes not featured on our platform

Terms and conditions

Cashback tracking
Cashback is available only if you visit the BWS website via our platform.
BWS can only confirm to us that an order is recorded if you accept all cookies that appear on their pages.
Your Cashback may be tracked at a different rate initially and adjusted to the correct rate when we confirm the transaction details.
Refunds, cancellations and no-shows
Any rejected, cancelled, refunded, exchanged or returned purchases will not be eligible for Cashback.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3583)

$30 for referrer, $5 for referee after referee qualifies.

Qualifying requirements for referee: 1. Made a minimum $20 online purchase (below exclusions apply), 2. Received a minimum $10 confirmed cashback online, 3. Added banking details to account.

Users will need to fulfil the referral criteria within 180 days from referee's sign-up date to unlock cashback. See all terms

Related Stores

ShopBack AU
ShopBack AU
BWS - Beer Wine Spirits
BWS - Beer Wine Spirits

closed Comments

  • +1

    Shows only 1.65%

  • Not active yet, but says all day… Cmon @gotyourback!

  • active now

  • Coles fight…like it

  • huge

  • +17

    Remember to order before your local store closes later today otherwise you won't be able to complete checkout for pickup (happened to me recently).

    • So if it's not collected today you're not eligible for the cashback?

      I placed an order for collection today but they never sent me an SMS and now the shop is closed

    • Daaaaahhhhhhhh….F…………………………..

      Invisible trap…..got me….again…

  • any idea how long BWS holds C&C orders before cancelling?

    • +1

      around 5 days

    • Never noticed any pick up time rules. I’ve ordered Wed and picked up Sat morning before

    • +2

      I've had stuff waiting weeks at my local bws, they will call you to check and just tell them when you will get it.

    • Had my last order waiting 2 weeks and then collected without issue.

    • +2

      Picked up my order after a 3 or so months after I forgot about the order and remembered after auditing my expenses. A bit of a hassle emailing and advising them of the situation as they marked someone picked up.

      Was selected for a random check shortly after the order and never updated me after

      Also happened in a seperate order 2 days after i made the order and went to go pickup and wasted 10 mins for them checking cctv footage but didnt see me taking the order

  • +6

    Hasn't tracked properly for me the last 3 times so good luck

    • Are you using shopback app?

      • +3

        Yep and failed on desktop too

        • +3

          Desktop has always failed for me but SB app has 100% success rate

  • +1

    Is the 27% per order or just once?

    • Keen to know this also, the $25 cap… @gotyourback

      • +2

        Hey there @Three @NoDowt! Thanks for checking about the Cashback cap. Just to clarify, the $25 cap applies to each individual transaction you make.

        • Perfect! Thanks for the reply.

  • Hey, how do I apply the St George bonus cashback? is it just a matter of paying with a st george credit card?

    • +1

      First Register your card on the app

    • +1

      Your card must be registered in the shop back app

      • But can you checkout via the shopback desktop website with that card. Or does it need to be via the mobile app that the card is linked to?

        • +1

          Westpac has tracked bonus cashback for me using the desktop website.

    • sorted, thank you

  • -1

    some items are cheaper in BWS app. This cashback works in app?

    • No. Does not work in app

  • Does this stack with 40% off Jameson or 35% off XXXX beer shopback offers?

    • actually I'm guessing because you need to click different links on shopback for the offer, they probably don't stack

    • +1

      The Jameson one is considered a Jameson cashback via Jameson and not BWS, the transaction doesn’t even refer to BWS even though I purchased through them (I did it recently) so I assume probably no

  • +8

    They must have the worst site I've ever used.

    Is there any way to filter beer so it just shows beer in cartons?

    • +2

      Agree -worst site ever. I wish there was a way to filter out all the clearance stuff that isn't actually in stock.

      You could probably zero in on just cartons by setting the price filter for $30+

      • Yeah that's what I do, tick the boxes for the price ranges. That helps. But as you say 75% of it is stuff they've stocked at one point and then not removed from their site. Sometimes I just drive to my local store, walk around and make a note of what I want and then order on the app.

        • +8

          Seriously how hard is it to add an 'in stock only' filter.

          BWS IT guy is giving off some major "you can't sack me, I know all the passwords" vibes.

  • Any idea if the use of woolworths rewards dollars would void cashback?

    • +2

      Just read T&C on SB site:
      Transactions paid using WOW Rewards or Woolworths Dollars are not eligible for Cashback.

  • Can this cashback deal be used in conjunction with the bws 6 for $60 wine deal?

    • @gotyourback

      • +1

        Yes you may use the deal to earn Cashback with the BWS 6 for $60 wine deal

        • +1

          I guess staff discount would void the cash back?

  • Can someone explain to me how the WestPac cashback works? Do you need to use the app to get it? I tried using my WestPac card on another deal through the website and only one cashback tracked. Does the cashback show as two items or just one?

    • You have to register your Westpac card to the shopback app

      • I've done that. Does it show as two separate trackbacks? Do I need to purchase through the ShopBack App ?

        • +2

          Yes 2 seperate transactions it tracks as

    • +1

      Have you registered your Westpac card with shopback? It shows two separate items, so you know what is normal cashback and what is Westpac bonus

      • Yes done that. Do I need to purchase via the ShopBack App ?

        • +1

          Yes, use the app I reckon

          • @BigBTrain: Thanks. I did it via the website last time and the Westpac bonus didn't track so that makes sense.

          • @BigBTrain: My cashback eventually tracked for the WestPac purchase I did via the website and my WestPac card so it does work if you have registered your card on the app and make a website purchase.

  • Clicked through at 9:33am; Ordered confirmed at 9:37am; Text saying ready to pick up at 9:41am.
    Tracking at ???????? We'll see. ;)

  • +2

    What's the optimal amount to spend to get the 27% bws cashback, 10% Westpac cashback, 5 dollar bonus (excluding taxes etc…)

  • With St George card what amount gets the best percentage off ? $135 ?

    • Wait is $92 the cap for 27 percent off approx $25 ?

  • I've yet to have an issue with westpac but st george hasn't tracked (on a smaller sample size). Never an issue with regular cashback.

    Anyone else have similar?

  • St George always a gamble but fight for it and usually tracked

  • Decent deals using the BWS app, shame you can't get cashback using the app.

  • Per transaction?

    • Looks like Westpac 10% is 1x per user, not sure about normal 27%

      • if u have st geroge its 15%

  • +3

    browsing the website all products keep showing "free asap delivery with $100 spend". get to $104, go to checkout - "spend another $26 for free delivery with $130 spend" F U BWS

    • Hah yeah saw that. Wrong amount!

  • +1

    I do not get delivered wait till I see it tracked

    • +1

      it's when they bring it to your house for you

      • they what now? :D

  • if you use everyday rewards for some and pay the balance with a westpac card does that track the bonus on the full amount?

  • Be careful with this dodgey as setup.


    The app has quite a few discounted prices that barely makes the cashback worth it (most products are already so inflated).

    • +4

      That seems kind of obvious though doesn't it? As there is no way to even access the BWS app through Shopback.

      • It’s a pop at the bottom of the page (“open in the app”) for me after ShopBack redirects to the bws website. Might be obvious to some and not others.

        • Ah ok sorry - have never received that prompt.

  • +1

    So frustrating… I ordered (and paid for) four items that were all allegedly in stock at my local store.

    One turned out to be out of stock, and BWS automatically refunded me for that item (which was $9 of an $80 order).

    What's the bet that the cashback for the whole order is now void? Seems unfair that the customer loses when its BWS whose website doesn't accurately reflect inventory.

    • +4

      Yikes. Call them up to cancel the order and do it again.

      • Yeah I've cancelled. It's unclear whether ShopBack is going to classify this cancelled transaction as me having used today's cap already… I think I'm just gonna have to cop the defeat.

  • https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/849216
    $69 Balvenie since BWS matched Coles before the code.

  • order delivered within about 30 min of paying. not bad
    now fingers crossed it tracks properly

    • tracked FYI. main CB and westpac bonus

  • Whats the max to spend to maximise both discounts

  • +2

    Bought 2x 1L Southern Comfort on clearance for $42.70 each - $31 per bottle after CB

    • Store specific. $45 for 700ml and $75 for the litre

      • +1

        Yeah all clearance is store specific. But if you search around a few stores, it's sometimes the same products that are on clearance.

        Turns out they were OOS so they gave me 3x 700ml instead - even better deal in the end.

  • Can someone reconfirm that using of the BWS gift or Woolworths Wish Card are ineligible for the cashback?

    • doesnt usually work with gift cards anywhere else does it?

    • +1

      ShopBack exclusions:

      This cashback deal is NOT valid together with:
      Any Gift Card redemption

  • Any idea of when this Shopback deal expires? Can I do it in 2 shops as BWS stores around me are short on stock?

    • +2

      I imagine it'll just be for today. And as others have said, it's important to get the order in before the time that the physical stores close.

    • Today's SB email lists it as
      10th Birthday Deal of the day…

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