Probably targeted like usual. Must activate before paying.
$15 cashback for $75 spend at Expires 30 June 2024.
Probably targeted like usual. Must activate before paying.
$15 cashback for $75 spend at Expires 30 June 2024.
Probably the only time I feel bad when something is not targeted towards me. Lol!!
Edit : woahh. I was targeted !!
Must be targeted
Edit did see half price binge offer in there though $9 p/m
Not me.
I’ve noticed Friday morning is when they usually push out most of their cash back offers.
I am yet to receive an Amazon or eBay one, hopefully something pops up today.
Thanks, I found the offer in Yello. It's weird I was targeted and others weren't, as I already use Amazon alot.
Interesting, I was thinking i wasn't targeted as i spend $$ at amazon. Starting to wonder how this c b a thing works.
I realised later that I don't usually use my CBA card for Amazon purposes - I use a different card. So that could be it.
Though with consumer data sharing between the big companies guess I figured they would know everything about my purchase history anyway.
Absolutely as if I’d get targeted for this.
I'm kind of impressed with CBA's commitment to disappointing me in new ways. Every time I reset my expectation lower, they find a way to limbo.
You mean that $4 a month you get back for having a mortgage with them doesn't send you into ecstatic delight? How strange.
nah, I became a shareholder for that kind of thrill. CBA's ruthless efficiency at screwing me and everyone else financially results in handsome dividends.
Got this one and an offer for $10 off $50 at JB Hi-Fi.
That is still better. Mine is 10 off 75 spend at JB Hi-Fi
lol they must hate me, 10 off 100
Damn my Yello offer was $10 off $75 YMMV :(
Just got some dud drinks offer.
I received this offer, and it does not mention anything about gift cards. So, I assume purchasing an Amazon gift card is also eligible for this offer?
Nothing in the T&Cs so I reckon you'd be fine
did you try buying GC and worked?
Can confirm it works with giftcard, just received the cashback.
My offer was $15 off but after I activated, it changed to $10. What a rip off.
Went in viewed offers scrolled down saw nothing started to get angry was about to come and post about it then scrolled back up and noticed next to the $5 off Pizza Hut was a weird orange Amazon logo! OMG!
No love for me just Pizza Hut and appliances online :(
lel purchased something last night
I haven't been targeted.
That being said with the previous Yellow offer…
6 months disney plus free i wasnt targeted but last week it appeared.
Hoping i get targeted soon lol
I got the $10 offer.
Much happier with the Binge offer, just in time for HotD.
$10 as well
I got $6 cheesecake shop :)
yeah i must use amazon way tooooomuch for them to even think about targeting me.
Possibly. In the same boat, everyday has an Amazon transaction. The Mrs got the offer because we don't use her card on Amazon.
I feel like these Yello offers shouldn't be posted as bargains any more because the way they are targeting customers is completely random - so these posts end being more of a reminder to check what offers you have, and not much else.
Didn't get the offer I reckon.
I got Pizza Hut spend $10 get $5 cash back woohoo
I got the cheese cake one and the Amazon, but only $10. anyway, those will make my little one a happy kid :) thx op
Can you buy gift cards from amazon and get cashback?
I just purchased an Amazon gift card using this offer. I'll let you know in two weeks time if I receive the cashback or not.
following… thnx
following :-D
I generally get notified if I qualified in around 5 days, then a couple more days for the funds to clear.
hoping we will get the cashback :)
Yes, and just received my cashback.
meh, cheesecake.
Thank you! saved
I got $10 cashback from $50 spend at JB Hifi, no Amazon
I got SCU same amounts. No Amazon.
Same as mine
Nothing for me :(
target me, thanks
been with cba since i was a kid (dollarmite) so back in 90's, and never get these deals. wtf has to be targetted, give it to blood everyone cba geez stingy fks
I got $10 back. Probably gonna just buy an Airbnb $75 giftcards with it because I think the 15% deals are probably in the past now.
Nada, but I got a discount off the cheesecake shop like always despite never having purchased from them lol..
Mine says “$15 cashback when you spend $75 or more in one or more transactions.” There’s no mention of a limit though. Is this what everyone’s seeing as well?
Cashback offers can only be claimed once unless stated otherwise
yeah, I'm only getting trash deals atm. $5 of $15 of Pizza Hut, trash.
I know that buying a gift card at Coles qualifies for a similar offer and earns cashback. Maybe this offer work the same way? I don't know…
New ones that appeared today:
$10 off $75 jb hifi
$10 off $100 dan murphy
A few other niche ones i have no interest in.
Honestly these Yello deals never appeared for me. Bit disappointed ngl.
Disappointed, didn't get this either.
This is a great deal, but did not get it.
Never targeted for the good ones!
I always get crap like $10 off $100 spend at Canningvale. I haven't even heard of them.
They actually sell pretty good towels and bedding. Great customer service/support.
I'm yet to ever get a JB, eBay, Amazon or any offer i'd actually use. They must look at my transactions, see that I shop there plenty anyway and think nope, he don't get it.
I got JB Hi-Fi 15 for 75
I wonder if you targeted if you don’t spend a fortune at Amazon like I do…
Yello doing me dirty
got 75 spend for 10 back :)
Thanks CBA… $5 off Pizza Hut. Clearly I spend too much at Amazon.
Not targeted:(
Got the $9 for 3 months of Binge a few days ago .. but that has seemingly been replaced by the Kayo offer of $15mth for 12 mths of Kayo one … WTF
If I purchase Prime membership for $79, is it also eligible for 15 off 75?
Valid concern, but I would say yez. As long as you being charged by …
This is what came up for my latest Prime membership charge back in March. Maybe worth asking the plethora of other members here who purchase stuff with their actual CBA card (instead of discounted GC 🤯), what do they see on their statement for actual products purchased via
I got "Amazon AU Retail Sydney" for the $75 gift card I bought for this deal.
Then I assume high chance they’ll honour the cashback 😇 pls let us know!
Amazon Gift cards?
@MiscOzB: Can you use with this offer code GCPRIME?…
For those interested, it works with buying a $75 giftcard:
How bout you unlock damn Yello CBA? I got your bloody transaction account now and have made 30+ transactions on my eligible credit card in the previous month or month before that as per your T&C's.. yet it remains locked and when I finally navigate through the stupid virtual chat agent to get a message to a person they tell me to wait another month?
Finally unlocked…
No offers :(
I talked to a cba rep and they said you need to make 5+ eliglble transactions for 2 consecutive months to unlock yello benefits. If you only made transactions for 1 month you wont qualify.
Nah think they got it wrong. In the T&C's it says "in either the previous calendar month or the calendar month before that." but not both.
I ended up calling as well, reckons it should unlock automatically around the 10th.
I did give it a go on the messaging one more time today though, what a joke. I don't know if it's still a bot after ceba says I'm supposedly messaging a person or someone offshore (there was a bit of broken english that made it seem un-bot like) but either way they need better AI or better CSRs.
Just looking back at the chat now, it went something like:
Them: Explain the details of your request..
Me: Like to unlock Yello, have the eligible accounts and made the transactions as per the T&Cs but it's still locked.
Them: Long message about which transactions are eligible and a definition of what outbound transactions are, then asks if I can provide the date and month of the transaction.
Me: What are you on about, i don't have a query about a transaction I just want Yello unlocked
Them: Sorry for the confusion, you can unlock benefits by making 30+ transactions (the amount for Plus level) etc etc, a long description of transaction types. May I know if you follow above steps? If yes let me know the dates when you completed
Me: Yes I have. Not going to list dates of 30+ transactions, you can see them.
Them: Thank you, I see you have multiple cards, can you provide the last 4 digits?
Me: (I do so, and think finally we are getting there..)
Them: So I can assist you further, can you provide the date amount and merchant name of the transactions you are wanting to dispute
Me: (Banging head against wall) I give up.
Them: Just to confirm, do you wish to lodge a dispute of the 30 transactions you have mentioned above?
Me: #@#%$@#%@#%@#%@!@!@#!
I got a real person. This is their response.
You will have to do minimum 5+ transactions in June as well.
So, if you do 5+ transactions, then you will get Everyday (base eligibility criteria) benefits.
If you do 30+ transactions in continuous 2 months, then you get Everyday Plus benefits.
In June, you have to do at least 5+ transactions first."
Update. Yello benefits just opened up for me. I don't know if it is because I did another 30 transactions last week.
Any offers?
I think the system checks eligibility after the first week of the month (the csr did say it would be around the 10th). If you did 30+ in either of the previous 2 months you should have Plus. Basically there is 1 month grace period on the transactions before you get locked out/drop back to Everyday.
Mine unlocked at Plus, but at the moment it's Plus zero, nothing on offer apart from the 500 reward points or if I'm lucky enough to win the monthly $300. Hopefully some worthwhile ones come through.
I got offers but not good ones.
@Bricksfanatic: Also got some offers now but all junk (like the Little Birdy stuff before Yello), no cashback.
Isn't Yello supposed to you discounted More NBN/Mobile? Haven't even got that one
I am never offered these deals, only generic shops ill never visit
I'm not targetted. I guess I already spend too much at with my CBA card.
Woah. Come on! Target me!