Netflix Basic Plan INR₹199 (~A$3.68), Premium INR₹649 (~A$11.50) @ Netflix India (VPN to India Required)


My Turkey subscription broke when my CC expired previously so I have been holding off on buying till now.

I managed to get it to work with Nord via India.

The process is:

  • Wait for your plan to cancel (I don't know if it will work on existing plans)
  • Stay OFF the VPN
  • Sign in to
  • Connect to the VPN
  • Go to the renewal page
  • Subscribe to India prices.
  • Mobile Plan ₹149 (~A$ 2.75)
  • Basic Plan ₹199 (~A$ 3.68)
  • Standard Plan ₹499 (~A$ 9.22)
  • Premium Plan ₹649 (~A$ 11.50)

I've had my plan back on for about two weeks now and it seems to be working.

I'm sure I'll need to update this post with other info as you all comment and tell me everything I didn't know or factor into this.

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        • They'll get you soon. They're rolling out Netflix households which will eventually out a stop to all Netflix account sharing.

  • +18

    Stremio + rdb is the way.

    • +1

      I use Stremio. What's rdb?

      • +1

        real debrid

        • -2

          That's very annoying to setup, isn't it? Any guides please?

          • +4

            @dealsforlife: It was easy, I used this guide

          • +3
          • +3

            @dealsforlife: It's actually really easy! You only need to set it up once too and all the settings will sync onto the Stremio account. This means you can set it up once and just use it on multiple devices


            • @herroherro: Would it work with multiple households too under 1 Stremio account?

              • @tsuitenaishoujo: stremio is free but yes, real debrid needs separate accounts

              • +1

                @tsuitenaishoujo: From what I've read it won't work if multiple households (different IP addresses) are using it at the same time. The restriction comes from the Real Debrid account sharing policy and apparently it's easy to get caught/banned

                No issues with multiple devices at the same time at the one household (same IP address) though

                • @herroherro: Thanks for the info. Thinking of setting up for my household and letting my parents use the same account, but looks like no go then.

                  What would be the initial set up cost for this, other than the $1 per week RD subscription fee for 6 months?

              • +1

                @tsuitenaishoujo: Pretty sure, but can't be on at the same time. So not worth taking the risk, if someone can confirm.

                Best to use at one location (ip address), using multiple ip's I think they'll give you a warning, then the next time cancel your account.

              • +1

                @tsuitenaishoujo: As an alternative to Real Debrid there is Premiumize. It is also a Debrid service but their account sharing policy isn’t as strict if I recall correctly. However it is more expensive.

          • @dealsforlife: What? It couldn’t be more easier if they tried?

      • +1


    • 💯

    • Any different or is it better than Kodi?

    • Never watch Netflix again.

    • Amazing. Wish I knew this sooner. Finding a way to use it on ipados and iphone now!

  • Sorry to hijack the thread, but are there any similar deals for disney+? Without having to sign up for Apple account etc.

  • +8

    By going through all these hoops to breach Netflix's terms of service just to save a few dollars, why not pirate your shows at that point?

    • -5

      This also affects people living in India. Eventually they catch on and increase the price to cover costs/discourage people from overseas using VPNs. This screws over all the people who actually live in India. These are the people who can least afford the price increase.

      • +6

        That's a stretch.

      • +7

        India has over 53x as many people as Australia, I highly doubt that middle class Australians faffing about with a VPN workaround are moving the needle on Netflix pricing in India

        • -2

          It's not only Australians who do this. I'm also not talking about just India. It's every country that people use to get cheaper prices.

          • @ozbs25: Easy solution.. Make one price and not gouge us here

            • @wako: That's not going to work. Only people in rich countries would be able to use the service.

      • +1

        Really? Who told you that - Netflix?

        Why are we getting screwed over with prices in Australia then - are people overseas signing up to Aus netflix and causing them to jack up the prices here?

        • -1

          These countries just don't have the purchasing power that we do here in Australia. If they didn't adjust the price for some of these countries then Netflix (or any sort of digital media really) would be out of reach for the average person.

      • +1

        Being the 5th GDP country, they should be able to afford them now :)

        • Average wage is still low.

          Look for India here

          • @ozbs25: GDP comes first the average will come after.

            Tho, they can watch YouTube, Facebook, and Tiktok and pirated for free. Not sure how popular the Netflix is in India.

            • @Bii: People buy $3.62 as you will hardly find upscaled TV's in India as all branded TV'S die in a few years. So people try to get cheaper to fit their budget.

    • +1

      The pirate life is the only life for me….

    • Exactly, all that effort… much easier to just torrent.

  • +4

    The price increases have really got to the point where these VPN deals are more hassle than what’s is worth, especially with the alternatives out there

  • +1

    Am in. Charged $3.62. Thanks!

  • It's different topic but I managed to get refund from HSBC last week. Have anyone managed to get the refund from your card after Neflix cancel off the membership after deduct the money for Turkey account?

    • Yep ING refunded via chargeback after my Turkey sub was cancelled on me a couple of months ago.

  • Unless you have a Indian phone no and indian payment method. You might get busted within a month

  • Can you add multiple households? So I can share

    • Yes, you can share.

      Sharing it with India,NSW, SA,VIC. Multiple devices.
      Using express VPN,For last 2 years.

      Only thing is we are sharing express VPN login also 😁.

      If this stops working I will be looking into setting up private VPN with rasp pi to get around.

  • Cheese, whose buying this junk even at $11.5 inside India!!

  • Might try this.
    Found stremio + RD is great for the newer more popular stuff, but when it comes to less popular series, and in particular older seasons, there simply are no seeds

    • What are you trying to stream? I had some trouble but was eventually able to stream Rosehaven S05 (Australian sitcom from 2021). I just had to wait for it to download to RD and then sync to Torrentio.

      • Try this current season of The Circle USA Season 6, Episodes 7, 8, 9.

        • Yeah couldn't find it using Torrentio. They are only recent though, and will prob end up available.

    • +1

      Not sure why you got the negs, some old shows do not have cache on the server and with low number of seeds, it is impossible to watch. Need example, try "Brainchild" series.

  • +5

    m done with NETFLIX, NAS +PLEX serves me better.

    • But when you factor in the price of Plex Pass, HDD, Electricity, GPU etc, may as well have paid full price for netflix…

      • Except Netflix is only a slice of the content available. And nobody said you need plex pass, a gpu, or expensive HDD. You can do it cheap and it can still be good.

      • You get what you pay for. You have what you want. You have it whenever you want it. No issues with stuff being pulled out. No issues with old movies, or just movies out of the mainstream. If you purchased PlexPass years back for $79, use it for 10 years it makes it $7.9 per year. I have my own backup needs for which I run Synology anyway, and Synology can do transcoding (just I think 4 streams, but never get to that limit). Not for everyone, for sure.

  • +15

    Funny how we go a full 360 on these things. With the introduction of streaming services, say like 10 yrs ago, it essentially stopped 70-80% of people pirating stuff, myself included.

    But now with more platforms than ever and each charging a minimal at $20pm, I find myself pirating more than ever.


    • +3

      Standard practice in numerous industries.
      1. Make better solution cheap
      2. Kill off competition
      3. Jack prices and profit
      4. Competitors emerge and step 1.

    • +2

      The beauty kicks in with apps like the 'Arr's. That is a touch more involved but if you can get your head around usenet, then it becomes set and forget.

      You don't even need an expensive NAS, I just run Plex via Xpenology on an old i5 Optiplex with 3 x 12TB HDD's. I watch and delete as I never have time to go back and there is so much new stuff released daily.

    • Any tips on a good setup? Is there an app+website combo?

  • +5

    Multiple people have reported their India netflix subscription got cancelled after 3 days
    So be prepared this might happen like the Turkey one

    My india subscription is still working after 3 months, but the auto payment fails every month (tried HSBC global debit, NAB debit card, Revolut digital card)
    So I need to manually update payment details and do a payment manually
    Also, to "play safe" I have an active india VPN connection to one of the TV client (hope this will be treated as Primary location)
    Other clients are connecting without VPN (such as Apple TV, Google TV and mobile clients)

  • +2
    Needs Google translator, I know it is pirating

    • My favourite is Super Nervous Armed Robbery Case (Part 2).

      • @McFly - is that on Netflix

  • +8

    Ayo how rude is it to still get emails to come back to Netflix Turkey after getting booted out lmao

    • Nothing better than a passive aggressive slap on the face… :D

  • +1

    I would be very surprised if your subscription lasts long.
    I gave up after having it cancelled after trying multiple different countries.

    The answer is stremio + real debrid. Takes all of 5min to setup and then you’ll be streaming everything under the sun for less than $5 a month. The streaming companies have decided they would rather get $0 from us instead of some money at least.

    • Never heard of stremio but I’m curious .. tell me more haha

      • Stremio aggregates all content into a nice simple interface with apps on all major devices an TVs now, other than Apple TV. With real debrid which is the only paid content you will have easy access to that content in stremio with high quality instant streams.…

        • Sounds so good. I was just reading about it on reddit.

          So, let me get this straight ..

          I can’t stream from my Apple TV? How will I watch it on my tv?

          secondly, can I get it on my phone?

          Thirdly, with ONE subscription, can all 4 of us in my household use it?

          • +1

            @Yafuturefavorite: No Apple locks down the Apple TV too much to allow stremio on the App Store. If you have a fire stick, google tv etc, or any modern Sony, LG or Samsung TV the stremio app is available on there. Pretty much available on every streaming device other than Apple now.

            You can use the web interface + VLC on iOS which works pretty well. Or if on android there is a stremio app.

            The subscription is purely to real debrid. Where content is effectively cached.

            You can use the real debrid account on as many devices as you like on your home network. You can only use 1 real debrid account per externally visible IP though or they are known to disable your account. It’s so cheap that people outside your home should be using their own account anyway. Or if you’re travelling and using your real debrid account then no one back at home should be using it.

            • +1

              @dwhes: Legend man, thanks heaps.

              I will give it a go when I get home. If my tv has the app, I’ll definitely get it 🙌🏽

            • @dwhes: so basically if someone is using it at home, I cant use it on my mobile while in the train for example?

              • @avitherock: Pretty much. Well it will work but you risk them closing your account. If you know you’re going to regularly be in such a situation you might want to buy a second account. Would still be less than $10 a month for everything you could ever want.

    • Tbh seems a bit tricky usong an apple iPhone .. I’m not sure I can be bothered setting it all up

  • Looks like I am moving to Bombay!

    • +1

      The city is called Mumbai now!

      • Mumbai is for politicians. Bombay still sounds nostalgic. The city which never sleeps.

        • Its been Mumbai for everyone for literally decades now (name changed in 1995). Time to get with the times for anyone still calling it Bombay.

    • @serpserpserp: I will catch-up with you in Bombay!!!😄

  • +3

    Both Turkey and Nigeria sub both nuked by Netflix. Now I’m on stremio and won’t go back.

  • I've given up with signing up from other countries. I'm content with paying for the Aussie sub with 2 Extra members (+$7.99 each) then we split the total cost by 3.
    Ends up being around $13.5 each. Not amazing pricing, but beats worrying about setting up new payment methods when a crackdown happens like with Turkey/Nigeria.

    • How does that work with different IPs though?

      • It's a Netflix feature meant to stop account sharing.
        Example, you pay for Netflix and were account sharing with a friend (they use their own viewing profile), you can pay the Extra member fee and your friend can move their viewing profile to a whole new Netflix account.

        From there you are both just treated as you have your own accounts. IP's are not an issue.

  • +1

    AGL netflix plan seems good if you are with AGL
    And they charge you per day so if you are using only 15 days per month you will be charged half of monthly subscription.

    • That sounds pretty good, although from WA.

      This offer isn’t available in your state :(

  • +1

    I believe it's the credit card associated with the accounts that is the issue.

    I've been using Turkish Netflix gift cards and haven't had any problems. Around $10 a month for the premium service, shared between 2 households.

    • I'm the same. I was nuked by Netflix with a Turkey account. Removed my Aussie CC and now get digital Turkish Netflix gift cards from G2A or Turgame every 2 months. Has been going about a year with no issues (touch wood) and my parents also use my account in another city. To be safe (not sure if it is necessary), I use a VPN to Turkey and login to my Netflix every now and then

      • Just have a question about G2A and Turgame? Are they reliable? Do you prefer one over the other?

  • +3

    I had my brother sign up for Netflix from Pakistan using my Australian credit card. This was at least a year ago. Then at the start of this year, Netflix refused to accept my credit card and I figured I'd try with my brother's Pakistani credit card, for which I had my brother login to my account from Pakistan and put his Pakistani card details. Yesterday, Netflix randomly decided to cancel my subscription and their rep on the phone told me that because I'm in Australia, I cannot use Netflix here and I need to sign up and live in Pakistan to use Netflix. I think they're now even cracking down on people situations who are actually using an overseas debit/credit card. Similar thing happened to a friend of mine in the US who signed up in Pakistan using a Pakistani credit card.

    Sorry if it's an incorrect use of a neg, but I think this might not work after a few days/weeks and people will end up having their subscription cancelled and potentially Netflix not honouring the full month that you had paid for.

    • I had the same issue but I got the option asking if I was travelling in Australia and I clicked yes . Crack down coming maybe in the future
      - sent from iPhone

      • They didn't even give me this option. My Netflix just randomly got signed out and it asked me to resume my subscription with AUD prices.

        • Looks like someone at Netflix manually did something in the account(my guess). There are people selling slots for Netflix maybe that might be cheaper .

        • Exactly what's happened with mine today via Nigeria. No notification, just signed out. I've just re-signed on the basic Aussie plan. I'm not paying $25 to watch the garbage on there.

  • +1

    I have done the exact same thing when they stopped Turkey, however I had to use 2 different cards including Wise for 1 month & CommBank for second. After Reserve Bank of India have stopped all these international cards from getting used I could not go ahead for the 3rd month. I discussed it with my dad & using PAYTM from his account for the 720p resolution for $3.82.

  • +4

    I just used Stremio and RD … Stopped bothering with Netflix once they kicked me off.. saved me a good $10 a month

    • +2

      Agree, Stremio with RD and Torrentio is a significantly cheaper option.

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