Would You Use an App to Get a Discount on Your Car Insurance?

My annual car insurance premium is due, and so I was being a good OzBargainer, and searching around to see if I could get a better deal.
My search uncovered an option (Carpeesh) that was cheaper than others, but required you to "download and link" their driver safety app, which "samples how safely your car is driven and the distance travelled". If you don't download and link the app within 14 days of signing up, you will be subject to an additional $1000 excess in the event of any claim.

So this got me thinking. What would the Ozbargain collective do? Would you download the app? Sign up for the discounted price but not use the app and risk the additional excess? Are you concerned about the privacy/data sharing of this app, and would that put you off signing up?

The Carpeesh quote was $726/yr with $745 excess (assuming app download). Next best was $863/yr with $800 excess.

ETA: I didn't want to bias poll results as I was curious about opinions, but I have not and never planned to sign up for this policy. Turns out the renewal amount at my current provider is cheaper than any other quote anyway.

Poll question

For clarity, the poll question is: Would you sign up for this policy?

Poll Options

  • 7
    Yes, I would sign up and use the app
  • 1
    Yes, I would sign up, but not use the app
  • 8
    No, I would not sign up because of privacy concerns
  • 4
    No, I would not sign up because I'm worried about data sharing
  • 48
    No, other reason(s)
  • 9
    No, not a big enough discount to be worthwhile
  • 12
    No, because I'm concerned they'll use the data to deny a claim

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  • +3

    Add to the poll, I wouldn't sign up for policy, just because its cheap… peesh

    • Done, thanks for the suggestion.

    • I choose policies that have people whom I can understand when I inevitably need to contact a call centre. I'm not very good with understanding accents different to mine (came out with first fleet), so really appreciate a person I can understand sitting in an office somewhere in Australia who also have a B&M presence with real people should I need them, in a location near me.

      Been with RACQ for all cars since 1986, cost em a lot of money there in the early days hangs head in shame, insured numerous cars, trailers, boats, jet skis, house, contents, specifics - only thing we don't insure through them is life insurance, PHI and pet insurance.

      Never had an issue with them, claims dealt with promptly and not afraid to negotiate a new premium.

      When COVID first hit and it seemed we would lose our jobs, both RACQ & BUPA gave us 6 months free premiums.

      I'll be loyal to them till I die

  • -1

    Looks like you have to pay for the app too.

    • I think it's free as long as you don't cancel your policy within 14 days? Not sure, as I haven't actually done it, just saw that somewhere I think

  • +10

    They most likely use the app data against you when filing a claim and make an excuse not to pay out. "The app said you were going 61 in a 60 zone, sorry no payout".

    What happens if you don't have your phone on you during an accident and you quickly went out for a quick run?

    • Or you just "accidentally" blocked access to the location data for the app?

    • +1

      Great minds think alike, fools rarely differ.

  • +8

    As soon as you attempt to make a claim they will download your driving history, identify a rules breach and then void your claim.


    • That's actually a really good point. I'll update the poll. Probably a few already in that category currently living in "other"

  • +6

    Driver Safety App FAQ: Carpeesh uses a complex algorithm based on hundreds of millions of pieces of historical driving behaviour data in order to generate your DrivePoints. The higher your DrivePoints (scored from 0.1 to 5.0) the better driver we consider you to be. You share your driving data on speeding, use of accelerator, use of brake and length of journey amongst other parameters such as time of day, fatigue and distraction to create your DrivePoints rating. We provide you with hints and tips to help you become a better driver. Source

    This has to be a joke. Is the idea that they use your phone's location data and possibly accelerometer data to keep tabs on how how you're driving???

    I suppose if my phone falls out of my pocket when I'm driving they'll think I've been in a car accident (Minus 1 DrivePoint). Damn, my phone's location says that I'm driving in the oncoming lane (Minus 2 DrivePoints).

    • Agree, so many ways this could go wrong!
      Edit: Jeepers, that FAQ sheet from them is scarily bad.

    • +1

      You could drop or gain points as a passenger in a car, bus, tram, or riding a bicycle. You could points by being sped to hospital in an ambulance

  • +1

    Yeah, nah. If a corporation wants to track my driving, theyll be looking at ways to get out of paying a claim, not rewarding me for safe driving.
    Im not giving them more excuses to make life difficult when its claim time .

  • +1

    No, I am teaching my 16 year old daughter to drive so my premiums would be so expensive.

    • Thanks, hadn't seen them but should've done a search first. Was never planning to sign up myself, just wondered what the opinions were.

  • +5

    Aami attempted to get me to install a similar driver monitoring app. Doing so would have gone into a draw for free fuel or something. I declined their offer. All they want to do is have the app so they can deny claims. Eventually they will all be doing it. Until then, resist.

  • +2

    You'll really be "peesh'd" when they find a technicality to not pay out your claim!

  • +1

    So no more asking your phone in an uber, taxi, or bus. Sounds like the perfect app for a burner phone that stays at home so they think you drive less than 100km a year.

    • +2

      Thats a pretty good point. Unless the app can determine whether you are drivng or not is a very inportant distinction. What if your partner or workmate is a terrible driver? How does it know the uber driver that you just gave 1 star becasue you got carsick wasnt you driving?

      What if youre supervising a learner that has yet to drive smoothly? Hate to think what they'd think of my kid stalling at the lights and swerving back into a lane after a shoulder check when my phone is linked to my car.

      How does it determine if you are driving your insured car or another?

  • +2

    Get a cheap phone, install app and put it in the drawer. Problem solved.

    • Maybe claiming on an accident will be harder as the app said they were at home at the time?

      • One could argue they forgot the phone at home

  • +1

    I've been using the Rollin app for months. Scores you and gives a 5-15% discount on an every increasing monthyl premium based on driving. It's generally not too bad, but it punishes you for harsh acceleration and braking too hard. This is averaged out over KMs driven each trip. So for long country drives on the freeway, you're grand. If most of your driving is in the city, prepare to be punished for stopping for the idiots who run out in front of you, cruise control use, and not hesitating at the lights.

    It also logs all public transport (even bikes and boats) as you driving unless you manually tell it otherwise.

  • +1

    Aren't there enough devices monitoring your behaviours without adding extra ones into your life?

    Willing to bet all the money in my pocket, this data collection gimmick is a lot more beneficial to the supplier than it is to you.

    Not ready to get chipped like a dog yet.

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