Carpeesh Insurance (Comprehensive Car Insurance) - Any Reviews?

Anyone use this company?

So my insurance is up for renewal.
Being lazy i plugged in some details into an aggregator.

Carpeesh insurance came up and as it stands it is about 40% cheaper than my other insurer (Bingle).
And about 35% cheaper than all other insurers.

I have googled the company but i cannot see too much about them online (maybe my googlefu isn't that good).

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  • Hmm Bluetooth locater has to be installed permanently and paired with your phone…

    Carpeesh Driver Safety App
    means the Carpeesh software application designed to run on your Android or Apple mobile phone. This app has the ability to process and sample trip data, to analyse driving patterns to create a DrivePoints rating factor used by us for premium calculations.

    And this in turn affects your rating

    • +4

      Umm. No thanks. Get lost. Capiche!

  • +1

    i plugged in some details into an aggregator

    I did the same yesterday.

    My order of results was :

    • eric
    • huddle
    • carpeesh
    • PD

    Never heard of any of them.

    Reviews on productreview vary as expected.

    AAMI and GIO both have free roadside assistance deal with comprehensive at the moment.

  • They are reslling RACQ insurance

  • Having a tracker is actually good for some drivers who are lumped with high risk demographics.

    For example a P plate driver who actually drives like a reasonable, mature 65 year old person. Or you have a really under powered car.

    For some people it is about right to privacy.

    • +2

      No thanks. This gives them 1000 more reasons to deny a claim. Don't think they won't use it against you if given the opportunity.

      "It was raining, you were doing 60 in a 60 zone. You should have been doing 50 therefore you were being negligent. Claim denied".

      What you think is safe driving in your favour can suddenly be twisted against you. "You were driving for 2 hours at night, you were tired and you should have stopped".

      • There is always that one dreamer who decides to dream up on unlikely scenarios.

        • +1

          As much as I don't buy into conspiracy theories… Insurance companies using any excuse to avoid paying a claim, especially budget insurers, is hardly an unlikely scenario.

          • @robberbutton: Don't pay for an iphone SE expecting iphone 11 features. It is priced for a purpose, if you stay within that purpose then you're okay.

  • There's a thread about them on the Whirlpool Automotive > Insurance board if you're interested OP.

    • thanks

    • Hopefully he finds his answers on WP before the mods ban him for not agreeing with the pack.

  • What's bingle like.? Their premiums are low.

    • Similar to AAMI but you have to pay all excess first regardless of fault. If not at fault you get a refund.

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