Teach Me How to Drive Better - Speeding Fine


Same thing every time on this road, 80km/h zone people go about 65…..

  • I know I got to turn left
  • Traffic take off at a snail rate
  • Guy sitting in my blind spot with a row of cars behind him since the lights
  • As I lane change get nabbed…

What to do differently…. please explain

Edit: I haven't had a fine in 8 years btw…


  • +3

    It is disappointing how indoctrinated and self righteous people here are.

    There are real road safety issues that warrant severe penalties and strict enforcement.

    Accelerating up to less than 10% over the posted limit for a couple of tens of seconds to get far enough ahead of someone sitting in your left mirror so that you can change lanes safely into their lane ahead of them and turn left further down the road isn't one of them. Not doing that would have more likely created a real road safety problem.

    People who sit doggedly in the other lane at exactly the same speed preventing other drivers from changing lanes when they need to are a bigger road safety problem than what the OP did. When you see a car signalng it needs to changes lanes, dropping back a couple of car lengths so they see they can do it safely is the courteous thing to do.

    (Edit: I haven't had a fine for 34 years BTW …)

    • Very well said. There are certain ways we can all drive that help the flow of traffic and increase safety of everyone. One of those may be to temporarily speed on occasion. A HWP is unlikely to book you in that scenario but a speed camera has no discretion. Doggedly following the rules instead of using your common sense can be more dangerous than breaking them. Unfortunately only about 1 in 50 drivers actually drive in such a way and the rest drive like drones.

    • +1

      Yes, but this sort of speed kills.
      It's been proven by the police billboards that I see regularly advising me of such.
      The scientific and research articles show that this isn't the case, but science and researchers are incorrect, I mean, they had to study at a university! Cops are super smart hence why they don't need the university degree and can throw this 'science' and 'statistics' BS out the window

    • +4

      I hate slow drivers just as much as the next person but the main issue here is they didn't get into their lane early enough. This recorded incidence isn't bad but if this is typical of how they take this exit then what about all the other ones they have done? They could have sped faster or cut off people. It's dangerous when people leave it to the last second to change into a lane they need and end up cutting someone off or causing an accident.

  • +3

    Anticipate the traffic. It's usually pretty obvious when a line of traffic will have gaps open up and when you'll get boxed in.

    If you're going to get trapped join the back of the queue instead. If you are less alert than normal join the queue. If you can never anticipate the gaps join the queue.

    If you do get trapped, just take the next turn, don't be dangerous - that's a cost against all the wins when you do slot in.

  • +1

    If it's 9km/h or less over the speed limit, appeal for a warning. There's a template somewhere on here and Reddit.

    I've been lucky the past 2 times, people were kind enough to flash their lights. Most cars going 60 in a 50 zone.

  • You should be going closer to 200km/h and you'll be faster than the camera!

    • midnight club

  • +5

    The issue was that you just didn't get in your lane early enough. You rushed cause you needed that spot, sped up to overtake and got done by a camera. Next time just suck up the slow traffic and move into left lane earlier. It will save you from getting a fine and everyone hates it when someone waits till the last moment to get into the lane they need and end up cutting people off or could cause an accident.

  • +1

    Starting at 0:12, if you had turned your indicator to move left, accelerated to 55-60km/h then wouldn't a lane change into left been easily possible?

  • +2

    Be patient, keep calm and let it go!

    • +3

      Thus makes a massive difference to your driving experience.

      Half the drivers out there are worse than average.
      The other driver will not hear ylu if you yell and scream and carry on. Many of them wont care if they do hear.
      Getting yourself all worked up only decreases your driving skill.

  • +3

    Go further up and do a U turn. Yea it takes longer, but that's the price you pay for not being in the lane you needed to be in ahead of time to avoid this from happening.

    Don't fix a mistake with another mistake.

  • +1

    You need to put your left blinker on and keep it on and slow down slightly…. and wait in your own lane checking over your left shoulder…..someone will let you in… if they don't then slow down a bit more and wait in your own lane checking over your left shoulder…. and wait…. if they don't then move slightly over to the left still in your lane and slow down a bit more…..and wait….checking over left shoulder. (All this with your left blinker blinking away). As you slow down slightly… you might get beeped from the car directly behind you… that's fine, ignore it, he is a (profanity). You might also get flashed by the car on your left who is letting you in (you will see this if you keep checking over your shoulder); if you get flashed don't miss your opportunity. Make sure you give a wave if someone lets you in.

    …… if still no luck…. take the next left or right or roundabout and circle back.

    (U-turns are illegal in NSW at traffic lights; and legal in Victoria unless marked otherwise).

    • U-turns are illegal in NSW at traffic lights

      Apparently there is one exception to that - at traffic lights where a "U-turn permitted" sign is displayed.

      I've only remember seeing this once quite a while back so I don't know if these actually exist any more.

      • There's a few of those scattered around in the ACT.

  • +3

    love these type of posts. keep em coming

  • You said the speed limit is 80 and your speed dropped quickly around the speed camera location, what did you get pinged at?
    You noticed the car in front reacted to the speed camera right?

  • +1

    I wonder why speed cameras are positioned on the straightest, widest roads - where it's safest to break the speed limit?

    • +3

      probably because people falsely think it is safe to break the speed limit and hence some of the worst accidents happen on those Safe straight sections of road.

  • Teach Me How to Drive Better - Speeding Fine

    Simple! Follow the road rules!

    Own your mistakes - at least this mistake of yours didn’t put anyone in hospital!

    Don’t try and blame other road users for your speeding fine! They weren’t driving your car.

  • +2

    Best attribute is to learn patience and head off to work earlier than you need to. It starts your work day more calmer. If I arrive early I just kill time with something enjoyably like a mobile game eg. Pokemon Go.

    Best skill for driving is learn to look ahead and how to read traffic. There's no point of accelerating hard to get ahead of 1 car if you have to stop at a traffic light together.

    I use to speed when I was younger and more impatient. I'm much older now, gave up the track days, steering wheel racing simulator games, street racing. Been there done that and had multiple incidences with over zealous Police and kind judges.

    I never speed in residential or city areas for pedestrian safety reasons. I relax, let drivers in. I smile whenever I reach my destination the same time as the speeders because I've negotiated traffic better. I also smile when I catch up to all the crazy swerving lane changers at each traffic light.

    You got to look at both the pro's versus con's. The practical benefits and mental benefits. I hated starting the day off in a bad state after dealing with road rage drivers, swearing at new speed traps, prematurely wearing out my car just to get to work 60 seconds quicker than somebody else. There isn't a daily 1st place golden trophy for getting to work quickest and no amazed fans that will remember you or your car. There however is a driver license history and criminal record which judges and Police prosecutors will pull out should you find yourself inside a court room in future.

  • +5

    Oh so you're one of those (profanity) who know they have to turn but decides to take a 'faster' lane to cut everyone off…I have a simple rule…if I choose a lane that doesn't turn where I want to, and I can't merge without interfering with traffic, then too bad for me…I'm missing that turn.

    • +1

      Then theres the oppisute. Must change lanes NOW and barges in, only to turn off after 7 blocks.

      • Omg yes…slows down dramatically, indicates, pushes themselves in and doesn't turn for like 5 minutes

    • if I choose a lane that doesn't turn where I want to, and I can't merge without interfering with traffic, then too bad for me…I'm missing that turn.

      Would you please consider taking up working as a driving instructor?

  • Leave earlier, so you are not in a rush.

  • +2

    A good driver sometimes misses the exit. A bad driver will NEVER miss their exit.

  • You deserve the fine and I hope you get fined again until your terrible attitude changes

  • did the OP have a question here ?

    title: 'Teach Me How to Drive Better - Speeding Fine'

    uh … maybe … 'don't speed'

    also safe following distance of 2 seconds - OP was typically 1.5 and sometimes only 1 second behind the car in front - may not be enough for emergency braking

    OP: 'Honestly i dont speed' - okay so the speed camera lied ? Or just you.

    Suck it up girlfriend, and try dropping your entitled attitude when you're dicing with other people's lives in a speeding metal box.

  • -1

    Is going 1 km/h over okay?
    Asking for a mate

  • +1

    If you're not good at lane changing then you just need to plan your route better i.e. make sure you're in the correct lane earlier.

    Also generally cars ease off if you indicate to change lanes (though yes there is the odd (profanity) who'll block but not much you can do about that).

  • +3

    Put your indicator on, slow down and ask to be let in. People think they need to rush into a gap or be aggressive in order to change lanes, but you can just ask. Someone will be considerate enough to let you in.

    • +2

      Diss gives a good answer that nicely does without all the judgement that afflicts so many other posters in this thread. I try to follow this advice, and occasionally fail because of my own impatience with other drivers being either too inattentive or bloody minded to let me change lanes. The good plan B is to miss the intended turn and take a later one and loop back, rather than be tempted to accelerate and nip in. Do I get it right every time? No.

  • +2

    Once you realise that you cannot do a damn thing about other drivers behaviour on the road it changes your mindset a bit and it's just easier to predict what they're going to do. Getting frustrated with other drivers is a huuuge attention and energy black hole that only ever has bad outcomes for you. People are largely pretty shit drivers. And the amount of people on the road who just…shouldn't be is sizeable too. Assume everyone is a bad driver and leave it at that, try to do what you want to do early and account for the fact that people wont do what you want them to. When they do it is just a bonus. You can't control them, they wont behave predictably or rationally so just drop it as an expectation.

  • -2

    OP isn't looking for advice as they're not interested in changing how they drive.

    OP was hoping people will watch the video and say "there's nothing you could've done mate, bad luck".

  • -2

    You don't know how to read the flow of traffic and make poor driving decisions.

    You're in the right lane but it's not moving as fast as you would like, and when the taxi turns left creating space, you stay in the right lane (even though you want to turn left, and at no point do you overtake anyone) anyway until you later speed up to change lanes even though you know there's been speed cameras there before.

  • From the comments it seems op is beyond help 🙄

  • Shoulda used Waze.

  • Edit: retracting most of my comment as it was assuming the camera is a Radar based camera, looks like Vic is now also using laser based systems which almost certainly would have detected. Still quite possible you weren't pinged if it's a radar based camera due to the 22 degree radar beam angle across the road.

  • +1

    I think there's a broader issue. Why were you in the right lane in the first place if you wanted to turn left? If the answer is "I was frustrated by how slow the traffic was going and the right lane seemed faster for a second so I switched", then your issue is a lack of patience. Presumably as you know the traffic is always slow, you also knew where you were going and the left turn wasn't a surprise. Slow down a bit and leave your blinker on, someone will make room for you, if they don't then that's a bummer, and you miss your turn and take the next one. Frustrating, but not the end of the world. Save yourself a few hundred bucks and some points

  • I think I found out where you went wrong, check my analysis in the screenshot from your dashcam footage: https://imgur.com/a/fjO9epM

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