Hi All…
Saw this on the liveconnected FB page….
Unsure if its going to be a one off… or just a re-open for new business only special.
Free starter deal starts November 19.
Upgrade deal starts Dec 2.
Hi All…
Saw this on the liveconnected FB page….
Unsure if its going to be a one off… or just a re-open for new business only special.
Free starter deal starts November 19.
Upgrade deal starts Dec 2.
Wonder if they will let me upgrade for free?
Have been stuck on the same outdated plan for ages.
Can't see why not once it's launched. There's been no signs that it will be for new plans only.
Can't wait!
You will be able to upgrade and downgrade for free! Voicemail call backs will also be included in cap value
I signed up last month and didn't have to pay the $20 starter fee… ??
Different promo. Possibly what led to a mass signup which affected their service levels.
People invariably go nuts when this is listed on FB/OZb pages. Ah, but it is a fee I take for granted on prepaid, always sans fees. ..'should be a hoot.
Sorry but I don't see this as a deal:
The $20 join fee has already been waived for months. Unless they add Nano SIM to that, nothing's changed
Change plan fee never made sense for upgrading plan, so it's more of a service improvement than anything
They also plan to release new plans, all of which will be more expensive and/or have less data. That's also been mentioned numerous times on their FB page.
They also plan to release new plans, all of which will be more expensive and/or have less data. That's also been mentioned numerous times on their FB page.
Could you link to this? I can't seem to find it.
They're not advertising it, but it's tucked away in comments they leave on posts (that is, unless they were deleted!). They've also mentioned that existing customers will not be affected. Confirmation of new plans is on their "Service First" page: "The store will launch with a refreshed set of BYO plans."
I signed up about the month ago and
a) wasn't charged $20 for the SIM
b) won't be charged to change my plan according to the website
Live Connected - the plans are going to be more expensive with lower data allowances as has been the trend in the industry. And yes you can stay on the plan your on.
hidden within their replies in comments on their facebook wall news
Update - International Roaming
To our LC Travellers, we've listened to your feedback and have re-designed International Roaming. For more info, please see: http://support.liveconnected.com.au/entries/21500920-interna…
You'll now be able to keep-in-touch without breaking the bank. What do you think?
Considering how much love LC were getting anyway (even when they had the $16 change of plan fee), this was bound to be seen as a bargain.
Just wait until their new BYO plans are announced with reduced data. Those wouldn't be considered a bargain but I certainly think this is. Only then will we see people b!#$*ing.
I have a feeling they may also come out with a telephone support line. I think it'll be too difficult for them to do contracts purely over the internet.
They would risk losing more customers to Vaya if they change for the worse.
It will be interesting to see if Vaya magically change their plans at about the same time. ;)
Do they support 4G LTE ???
not yet
4g with these guys will will be 6-12 months away if its optus or vodafone. Telstra rocks on 4g and u can get it now for $10/month
They're hinting at a 4G announcement on the 19th and they're also going to be pricing the 920.
Hey Gavman, do you get it for $10/month? Is it by purchasing that $30 prepaid pack for $10?
Vaya… Plus bonus Potential upgrade to 4G
how do u buy it?
You've got to wait until they relaunch, due 19 November.
do we buy it online?
You signed up for it, you should watch your data usage!
3g watchdog is your friend.
or the default android thing on ICS/Jellybean works wonders too.
They are pretty clear about the fact that they have no idea how much data you are using until 2 days later.
That's by design, not due to some technology issue.
In 2012, they - & -all- of our phones - should be able to tell us EXACT data usage in Real Time
…not 2 days later.
PS We use & love LC's service… but have never had issues with over-quota usage.
Indeed. That two day thing is bulls*it
I thought it was because they are a reseller of Optus networking and the data isn't provided to them real time.
Why aren't you asking: WHY NOT? :-/
Hint: It's by design, not due to limitations of technology.
pure prepaid is the way to go my freind.. extra few bucks a month, beter services and no surprises.. plus no anoying 30 day cancellation notice.. pay peanuts get monkeys!
I hope you're not including vodafone in that sweeping statement…quite a bit more per month, for less services & piss-poor 3G; plus, every day is a surprise…your ph/sms service may not be working at all. Yay!!! :/
I've saved a shitload on LC & gotten better service to boot…
agreed. i pay 10 dollars a month for 450/450 mins (LC/Other mobile) phone calls. combined with the use of viber and skype (local and international calls), i still cant finish the 2gb data every month! if i had tried to maintain my current usage patterns on Vodafone, i would probably be paying $80 + above each month! of course, going over the limit is quite expensive, but if you get a plan that suits your needs, you'll do fine. (the highest i've ever paid was $50, and the auto block on my service prevents me from exceeding!)
Going over your limit is hardly a retailers way to scam their customers.
With a massive range of apps available to check your data limits within seconds, you are only to blame for any penalty rates passed onto you.
What I think is underhanded is that telco's say that they can't give postpaid customers any accuracy other than within two days, yet prepaid customers get cut off the moment they reach their limit.
If these apps can give us to-the-second accurate usage information, why can't the poor telcos use these types of apps too?
They can and do, when it's their excess data and call time that matters (prepaid).
Sounds like a Business Idea here, eg, for Android app developers:
"Monitor Mobile Data-Usage & Warn" with notifications, as you approach quota limits
…& flashing, user-specific warnings when you're over-quota & about to use (& later pay) "poverty-trap" post-quota rates for any data you use.
Messages might look like:
"Think of the children's Education Fund"
"Hey, you're saving up for an Electric Car!"
etc. ;-)
Great idea, just a bit late…there's already quite a few good ones available!
MyDataManager & Onavo Count come to mind…
Oh, well, back to the drawing board…
How about a safer source of nuclear power, eg:
from LFTR's: Thorium-based nuclear reactors?
(Cf Soronsen's TED talk -or- search YouTube for "Thorium Remix")
I think the Facebook page is actually pretty clear about it - the starter pack fee and the plan change fee have been abolished. (Plan change fee from 2nd December).
Ive always wanted to know which ozbarginers had LC as a service provider… I think I know now! lol
Is the service Optus?
Yes it is.
Woo finally ditched the $16 plan change fee!
yep LC roll with Optus
thankyou OP - I need to start a new plan plus change one
we are a LC fam here - have wife and 2 kids on their plans and ready to connect one more
no issues, easy web interface and CHEAP
yeah, voda have increased their fees for prepaid. time to change.
I'm waiting for their Lumia 920 plan which to be announced on 19th.
Thought Lumia 920 was exclusive to Telstra but seeing Telstra has been asking ppl who is interested in Lumia to get Motorola on their FB I guess Nokia and Telstra are breaking up…
What does a mobile Windows handset do for you? :-/
IMHO, I think Vaya are better. I've got a month left on pre-paid and then I'm switching to post-paid. Been tossing up Vaya and LC for a while.
If you read the fine print for LC;
"If you exceed the Talk to Live Connected mobile category allowance, the excess will be charged ON TOP of your plan access fee."
Whereas Vaya;
"Vaya Value is used for voice calls AND sms to any other service on the Vaya network. Once you have used all your included Vaya Value; Vaya to Vaya calls and sms will come out of your standard included credit. "
I think this is really a big decider because I'm switching with mates, so the included sms from Vaya is a deal winner.
If you read the fine print for LC;
"If you exceed the Talk to Live Connected mobile category allowance, the excess will be charged ON TOP of your plan access fee."
Are you sure about that? Pretty sure that when you use up the LC allowance it starts eating into your regular credit.. At least, that's what I read when I signed up a month ago.
No. You get charged excess. And it's a hell of a lot. Think, half a grand easily.
Sure.. If you're crazy enough to not pay attention to your usage, I suppose you could end up with a bill like that.
But that can happen on any provider.
RE: Talk to LC usage vs regular; found it here - http://www.liveconnected.com.au/terms-and-conditions - pick a plan, same T&C for low end ones.
Swear it didn't used to be that way. =/
Well sure. If you have people you know on Vaya? Otherwise that Vaya to Vaya credit is absolutely 100% useless. And it would be for me.
You're just looking at one aspect of their servies.
Don't forget that Vaya have a $30 disconnection fee for when you leave.
But, I do agree with you that if you have many friends on LC and many friends of Vaya and you think you might use up your credit to LC/Vaya, then Vaya is probably better for you.
The $30 disconnection fee doesn't apply for porting away, so shouldn't be a factor for most people.
WOAH, hold the presses!
I have read through their Facebook page. The suggestion is that the coming new plans will be dearer and possibly have less data. The LC rep is pointing out that the (previous) industry price war is over etc.
So save $16 plan change fee for what? A worse plan? A dearer one. Possibly…
May want to stay with that which you have. All will be revealed soon.
Di Bryant Are the new plans going to be more expensive?
Live Connected Hi Di Bryant - yes
If the new plans are dearer and have less data then I don't plan on changing. They can force me of course, but I wouldn't willingly do it.
I've been a Telstra customer on my iPhone 4 for 2 years. Recently changed to LC. Couldn't fault Telstra's service. Top quality, SMS voice mail, 5 bars of signal almost everywhere. LC uses Optus therefore every now and then I get echoes on the line and signal levels are usually 2 to 3 bars in most places. Still works fine and for $17 a month compared to $72.50 (paying off iPhone) it's a bargain.
They've had two plan changes since I've been with them IIRC, I haven't been asked to change! :)
Looking forward to their phone line up, price dependent of course :)
All of us better be careful with these tricky LC connections ( the ones with no contract but fixed monthly amounts) as quite a few of my friends and colleagues are sick and tired of their pathetic and unhelpful customer service. Quite a few of them have also been charged harandous amounts for the inadvertent use of the data on their fixed monthly billing connection. Apparently the data service was supposed to be automatically stopped once the limit was crossed but it never happened in actual leading to heavy charges to be paid by the consumers
Whether the your cap is supposed to be automatically stopped or not, you should never completely rely on it. Its your own responsibility to look after yourself.
"Quite a few of them have also been charged harandous amounts"
You guys watch too much youtube on the go! What is so important to watch that it cant wait till you get home to check out?
Simply put: YT = chews up ur data. 2GB in about 2 hours (non-stop viewing + HD) with HSDPA speed.
Also remember to turn off auto app updating!
One of the biggest problems with Live Connected is they don't allow international roaming
They will shortly - see their FB page.
It's Clayton's International Roaming however, you can't actually receive phone calls.
People that call you can leave a message that will be sent as SMS. It may still suit some.
how long will this last for?
re excess charges the default setting is BLOCK MY SERVICE when limit reached - so excess charges are avoided
you would have to change that setting to incur excess charges
Although I haven't come close to incurring excess, so dont know first hand whether they do so, the wording under the 'block my service' option doesnt give the impression they will block your service the moment you are about to incur excess charges:
"We'll block your service when we feel that your excess is too high and presents a credit-risk."
Their update is delayed so despite having the block in place you can still have 2 days worth of excess which is ridiculous . Their service is second , fourth a distant last to every other telco . Expect to wait over a week for a billing inquiry . Check users experiences out on Whirlpool for some horror stories .
I think this ^^ is also caused by not having realtime updates from optus.
If you decide to leave (cancel or number porting) is there any fee or charge?
Cheap plans but looks like international calls not included. Pass.
So, use some of your data for SkypeOut calls (unlimited calls for US$ 149 / year, for over 40 countries, some incl calls to their mobiles; AU included, but - of course - NOT to AU mobiles)
Question is if you change plan now in your setting will they give you the new plan or the current offering. I only ask because I'd rather pay $16 now to upgrade rather then pay excess fees later.
Like the comments above the billing for this company is a dogs breakfast when things go wrong. I've been charged multiple times, service blocked even after paying excess fees.
Oh well the price you pay for the cheapest plans in the country.
We need a dual-SIM (w/ both tel.no's always active)
version of Samsung's Galaxy Note II…
a. Nice little Android device (OK, we may need a magnifying glass for some screens & might be forced to by shirts w/ huge pockets ;-)
b. SIM 1 - a sufficient-to-our-usage $18 LC deal for outgoing & text
c. SIM 2 - a Telstra Next G pre-paid $10 / month (via a $60 payment, last time I checked) for emergencies & incoming
Total cost (both SIMs): $28 (plus new big-pocket shirts… ;-)
But Samsung are too busy aiming high - at 4G - to give us what we need!
Meanshile, there may be a dual SIM Sony Ericsson handset for us; but is it Next G…?
i wonder if it uses more battery because it has double the internal components
It could be multiplexed from some point out to the antenna
…or a dual-SIM phone could do polling:
(any calls for SIM-1's tel.no?
any calls for SIM-2's tel.no?
That would need fewer less parts to be added
to a single-SIM model…
You might want to explain WTF it is somewhere in the title or description!
Hey, LC is a legend… sold by word-of-mouth (almost).
It's something you tell your friends about… ;-)
Oh, how hard / costly / long to process
is it to take one of our mobile numbers
over to LiveConnected?
From Telstra - almost instant, couple of hours
From Optus - days, maybe weeks. Kind of retarded when its from Optus to Optus - go figure!
Others apparently only takes hours as well. It's all on their site somewhere.
They told me to allow 4hrs from Yodafone, but it was actually done in under an hour! :)
I had to connect my iPhone 4 to iTunes to get it ported from Telstra to Optus. In the morning Telstra's connection dropped out and I expected to see the Optus connection pop up. Not so. After many restarts and hours of waiting I looked online and noticed connecting the phone to iTunes works. Bingo, Optus connected instantly.
Ported from Voda to Woolworths/Optus, took 90 minutes. Could not have been easier.
Went from Woolworths/Optus to Sure/Optus, took a day and a half. Asked why it took so long and the answer was, "that is how long it takes".
Not sure what the next jump will be. Hope it is not a day and a half!
I like my $5 plan deal
Now I just need to figure-out wth LiveConnected is supposed to be.
Hmm, it's the 19th and still can not sign up to a new plan.
They are doing the final testing right now, they say it will be all announced later today (From their facebook page).
thanks for the update!
Where does it say this? I can't see anything posted today at all.
Deals are up, they're worse than before. neg from me
me too! now is too expensive.. a $16 plan last year is equal to $22 now.. and the $16 last yr include free sms overseas. now only free sms natuionally. TPG $18 plan is better now.. cheaper rates too when you compare.. eg 1min = 90c on tpg and 99c on LC
They are nearly double the price with less inclusions and higher prices per minute.
They utterly suck!
Guess if you're already with LC, stay on a grandfathered plan if not sign up to Vaya (depending on your individual needs).
Sooo pissed! Stupid new plans!
I got friends and family on LC before my Optus contract ended mid October, now after waiting to signup myself I get shafted with the New Spring plans…
Oh well telling the fams and friends to go to Lyca Mobile and use the home WIFI for data.
For an extra $7.50 a month I can stay with Optus and get the same coverage/deal (more data) but with telephone customer support!