Going Back to Claim Being Short Change at ALDI?

Some young guy shortchanged someone I know. The receipt didn't say how much was given and she didn't want to go back and argue with it.

It's been hours… Is it possible to go back and respectfully ask for the right change or will be a scene?

NOTE: This happens to someone I know not me. (Same thing happened to me at Woolworths years ago too)

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  • +1

    What is the amount?

    • +6

      50 cents.

      • +5

        50 cents

        "Thats 50 cents man!"

        "50 cent alot of money! You save 50 cent here then maybe you go somewhere else and you save another 50 cents. Then you have one dollar! Then you take your dollar and go to the dollar store and buy something else!!"

        • Username checks out

        • Was that from a tv show

          I think i remember some old asian guy saying it but i cant completely recall from where

        • +1

          I see the actual skid - you forgot to mention that the Chinese guy sells $35 purse and after consulting his wife, considering the customer is a nice guy and it's best price at $34.50 :)

    • +4

      The amount is Irrelevent

      Cannot be proven.

      Anyone could roll up hours later and argue they were short changed.

      Needs to be pointed out when the change is in your hands..

      End of story and discussion

      • +2

        They can spot check the till & if it's up (especially if by the exact same amount) refund them.

        When I ran a bottle shop had someone claim to be short changed by me, so I spot check infront of them and it balanced; sorry not sorry.

        • Yeah right

          Good luck getting that done with Aldi

          Their motto is:

          Good, different, Zero service!

  • +4

    Question, are you purposely trying to be a top forum poster or is it just by accident?

    • +4

      Cool, didn't know that stats page existed. Has anyone pointed out before that @jv is responsible for 0.8% of total comments across Ozb?

      • +4

        that explains why jv is in every thread/deal, I thought he was just a mentally ill person

      • +7

        0.8% also happens to be the percentage of jv's posts that are actually helpful

    • I don't think the Historical Most Popular Deals it's updated.

      • It has, it only gets updated when something beats that vote count… so far nothing has beaten +2840 since 2019, which is just insane

        • There is 79 vote deal in the historical most popular deals.

  • Fat chance to Buckley's.

  • No evidence, no claim.
    End thread./

    • +7

      No evidence, no claim.

      They count the till at the end of each shift.

      • +1

        If the till was short/over it is evidence for O.P.'s friend only if their claimed amount is the same as the till's discrepancy.
        If it was a deliberate/fraudulent act, till operator could have removed amount and till would balance. QED no evidence.

        • +2

          till operator could have removed amount and till would balance

          That would be on the camera.

      • +1

        JV with a positive comment, Wowzers.

    • +5

      George: Alright, let's just examine the situation for a second. Who, in this situation, would be more likely to make a mistake? Me, who had access to my wallet, knew exactly what was in there? Or you—

      Cashier: You.

  • +2

    This is why I use my phone to pay. No one wants to do math. Not the cashier, not the customer, nobody.

    • -1

      This is why I use my phone to pay.

      Do you make calls with your credit card?

      • +6

        Uses a shoe for calls

        • +5

          Missed it, by thaaaat much….

        • +2

          That's smart…

          To the max

    • +2

      Still have to pay attention when they scan products, a few times I didn't get the sale price and had to go back and ask for a partial refund.

      • +1

        Yeah i think that’s happened to me too actually. Buying stale food for full price feels bad.

  • +2

    It's worth to ask. This happened to me before at Coles. They can do the register count in the middle of the day (to get the difference between opening balance vs cash earnings up to the specific time, the delta between actual vs what should be, would be either shortfall/excess). I got my money back.

    The reason I say to try Aldi is because cash registers are usually counted before and after closing. Large retailers generally would leave/place an amount of money (say $300) in the till. The remaining cash (different between cash earning minus $300) is posted/banked at the closing time. I saw at ALDI, that when a register is about to be opened or closed, the casher would place/remove the till-box. This might be because the person who opens/closes the register is responsible for the cash earnings during his/her shift.
    Hope this helps.

  • +3

    Yeah, I wouldn't bother unless it's a significant amount- anything over $1.25.

  • Maybe they charged for an Aldi Bag?

  • People still use cash in these days?

    • +4

      Tbf Aldi surcharges for credit card payments, so yes

    • Yes, where not too onerous, to avoid card surcharges

  • -2

    One of the big reasons I don't use cash. This happened to me once and it was a large amount. It took ages and ages for them to count the till.

    Edit: Wasn't at Aldi though.

    • Indeed, cash reigns supreme. The exorbitant surcharges I had to fork over because of my own foolishness in misplacing my wallet were utterly absurd.

  • thats why everyone should be wearing body cams, with live stream to tik tok, facebook and x

    solve all world problems

  • +5

    I would ask for interest on those hours that have gone by too

      • +5

        Says the person who thought it was appropriate to stalk women in shopping centres. See topic called Walking Around Malls

        • -4

          and where else do you suggest? nowhere?

          • +2

            @ilove: Precisely. Women are not objects for you to stalk.

            • -4

              @kerfuffle: you stalk online people don't you… that's okay? what is stalking if not looking and what is object??

              • +2

                @ilove: No, I just have a good memory of your many inane posts that you seem incapable of finding out the answer to yourself.

                • -5

                  @kerfuffle: personal answers I prefer to a dictionary definition.. ok kerfuffle?

  • Asking for a friend?

    Just ring Dick Smith and he will give you an Aldi "love" lesson.

  • +1

    Would you go back if you got too much change?

    • -5

      I was shorted $10 once… at a viet bakery for a bahm mi… $20 given and only $3.. back…

  • +2

    Just say you're $5 short changed - you go back to that Aldi, ask the manager to check the till report - I'm guessing they write down their ups and downs of the particular staff of that day's register. If it's $5 or more, it should be true that you're short changed - if $0 - there is nothing else you can do.

    Note I do not know exactly how Aldi register works, I'm guessing it's that way.

    • thankyou!

      • What was the amount?

        • -4

          more than you think

        • +1

          It would appear they are short 2 cans of a 6 pack.

  • +2

    Aldi workers do not key in amount of money given. All change is worked out by the worker. You could only approach the store and let them know and if the till is over there ‘may’ be a chance of getting the money back

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