My partner and I are debating the statistics of the genders on the site. So vote if you're male or female or whatever else so I can win the debate.
Hi OzBargainers, What Gender Are You?
Last edited 07/05/2024 - 18:20 by 1 other user
Poll Options
- 850Male
- 121Female
- 95Something else (add in comments)
Got em
I'm curious about the full stop that always makes it's way into your comments on a new line.
What's the deal? Does your phone automatically do it? Do you just like some more space before the next comment?Some people like to be bold, and have a particular character trait. Like typing in ALL CAPS for instance.
Me? I refuse to be different,,,
Yes it does.
sent from my iphone
I'm curious about the full stop that always makes it's way into your comments on a new line.
Broken keyboard.
I'm a GPU.
But do you have raytracing?
If yes, then it's a male.
Clue is in the name (Ray, like from Scary Movie 1),,,,
You need to add "cis two spirited" in front of "ozbargainer".
Pronouns Ozbey and Ozbem
i'm an eneloop with two positive terminals
ozbargainers unite-d?
Did you also debate whether you'd get a serious response to your poll?
Male: 67.6% Female: 32.4% || February: Male: 67.1% Female: 32.9% || March 2023: Male: 71.9% Female: 28.1%
AKA a sausage-fest
Need consent first…
Only from Bunnings
Gender balanced is defined as >40% male and >40% female. 32.9% is 82% of the way to 40%. So you're actually not that far off of being "gender-balanced".
Based on this trend, we're going to become 99% male in 32 months, a real sausage fest, can't wait!
degenerate matter
Baked beans for lunch?
.Did someone say KFC?
Data harvesting exercise
Wow, pronouns get weirder every day!
Aka a survey
I identify as a duck
I knew you were quackers
You used the wrong vowel.
Or the wrong consonant, if you're being particularly mean.
I identify as a hen-pecked rooster.
I am Sam Smith's gender
Im transparent, pronouns are who/where.
I identify as a 19th Century German countess. My pronouns are Ich Sie ihr.
Surely there's a cream for that…
How can I vote if I don't know which gender you need to win debate.
I'm whatever you want me to be.
I'm a dinosaur!
I'm a Non-binary dinosaur!
Please don't go away! identify as a roadrunner, "going faster miles an hour"
I thought it was a well known fact that the majority of ozbargainers are male.
Said the male male, maling all over the place!
“Prefer not to answer” according to all the forms I have been filling out lately…
For job applications, that's one of the best ways to filter someone OUT! haha
You don't want rainbows in your workforce
On all my forms i've been crossing out all the options and just writing "yes please". Then sit there laughing at myself.
I'm Batman.
So, Robin then?
I’m so damned confused
Sounds like you need some paid gender affirmation leave. Most modern workplaces offer 6 weeks.
6 weeks off and i can use both bathrooms at will?
No wonder people are signing up 😂
Do I get another 6 weeks off if I change my mind on my gender later on? Asking for a friend…
@RiseAndRuin: I doubt any company that allows for this in their eba would have the (mind the pun) balls to say no 😂
The secret to private clean bathrooms at work is going disabled
01001101 01100001 01101100 01100101
i aM A rAinBoW UniCorN
I said the statistics, so we're trying to work out the ratio of genders on here.
But it's rather stupid so not sure why you commented.
69th post.. nice
According to Gerry Harvey we are professionals!
I am a teapot.
I am a ghost
chicken nugget
It’s rude to ask people about their gender.
I'm a when/where.
i identify as a doctor
I identify as a $300k+ income per year earner
I'm a chap-chap-cha Chihuahua
I'm the smallest dog in town
I never have to walk
Because they carry me aroundWhen I am a puppy
I'm no bigger than a cup
And I get no bigger
Even when I am grown upI am Cher.
I identify as a mentally ill person
That's sad
That's option 3.
I'm an Individual expecting Jacko
There’s only 2 genders and science confirms this.
Gender is a made-up construct, it should be "what sex are you?"
I identify as the number 7. I felt like a 7, think like a 7. I like the number 7. If a man can imagine he is a women, it seem like you can be anything. I will be the first to feel like a number.
At work, I'm already just a number.
Many years ago a bunch of us were talking about our job applications. One of the guys thought spouse meant next of kin so he’d been putting his dad’s name down. This was back in the early ‘80s so I think there might’ve been a few startled HR people. The rest of us thought it was hilarious.
These days he would be fast tracked to multiple promotions.
i think you are confusing gender and sex, male and female would be sex instead of gender (which would be man/woman)
Something else: Extraterrestrial
PS: Humans aren't a racional specie, continuing to explore the universe to find such creatures ….
What is a woman?
A person who complains when you buy something you see on this website…
I don't care what nobro25 buys, at least I have solid evidence that I'm not a woman now.
I identify as an ozbargainer