This was posted 10 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Tradfri Zigbee Wireless Smart Outlet $12 (Was $20) + Delivery ($5 C&C/ $0 In-Store) @ IKEA (Family Membership Required)


These are Zigbee based so should be easy to set up with local control through Home Assistant. Apparently they also act as Zigbee repeaters/extenders.
Unfortunately they are a little bulky.
I picked up a few at the Tempe store where there was lots of stock.

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closed Comments

  • Thanks OP. They don't look as bulky as the timer plugs I'm currently using.

  • +6

    They act as a Zigbee range extender which is what I use them for. The annoying thing apart from being too wide to fit anything else on a double power point is no physical power switch. But $12 is a great price.

    • +1

      Totally agree…..not having an on/off button is a silly design

  • +1

    they are very bulky and dont like to work great with the hue ecosystem which supposedly they should be able to do

    • You're probably aware, but home assistant will allow you to combine all the different ecosystems. I use these with a sonoff bridge and have no issues. I also use hue devices with that bridge.

  • +2

    If only it had energy usage!

      • +4

        The Arlec ones are very much not ZigBee devices

        • +1

          They are not. It is unfortunate the Aqara zigbee switches with power usage are not available anymore. These worked well, although the plugs could be a bit narrow sometimes.
          If you just need monitoring of power, the Tuya based wifi ones are quite cheap and easy with local Tuya.

          • +2

            @Commodore64: Grab a Mercator ikuu one (same parent company as arlec?). ZigBee and energy monitoring, wall plug though, not a unit like this.

            • @kiwizz: I haven’t seen those for sale, though sounds like a useful lead… could be pricey

      • Id only it had ZigBee!

      • I had problems with these being killed by resistive loads (e.g. exhaust fans), ended up getting them all returned and going for Meross. That’s not Zigbee either, but I didn’t have an Ikea (or other suitable) bridge at the time!

  • +10

    After using Zigbee I don’t know why anyone would torture themselves with wifi devices. It’s fast, stable and works when your router goes down.

    • +1

      I watched a few yt videos on zigbee vs bt vs wifi and it seems to me like u need some sort of hardware to get the zigbee to work? Is my understanding wrong? Most of my crap is wifi cause i didn’t wanna buy an addition zigbee hardware thingy

      • Not exactly. You can buy one Zigbee lightbulb, and one motion sensor to control it, for example.
        But usually you want some sort of bridge to connect Zigbee to your home network and the internet, and make it easier to manage.

        I started with an Amazon Echo controlling a few bulbs, ended up with a Hue bridge controlling all lights in the house, and then Home Assistant.

    • I am currently experiencing difficulties with displaying current instantenious power draw from a zigbee aliexpress plugs(square boxes/tuya i guess), while tp link wifi successfully exposes current power draw as a sensor.
      in zigber plug it sits under diagnostics section, rather than sensors, and i cant access it via the card view for the room. I use mqtt

      • Wifi is always better for instantaneous power monitoring say for detecting dishwashing cycle.

      • +1

        I have a few of those. It may be under diagnostic but power still has an entity ID you can use to display in different ways on your dashboard. The most simplistic being something like..

        type: entities
        - sensor.tv_power_1_power

        • Yeah,thanks heaps! i am thinking about writing my own config, but it seems bizzare the sensor.plug_power goes to diagnostic section, unless i missed some hidden mqtt setting

          • @HungryRussian: No that's normal for mqtt. It's just how it's categorises entities on the device screen.

            • @djgrazzy: I see. Yeah, i got a separate basic card to display the power draw, but nice’ish type: area cards with pictures wont detect it,since it is not part of "sensor classes"

              - temperature
              - humidity
              - power
              type: area

      • i had that issue with zigbee aliexpress ones, it was solved by a firmware update (updated using zigbee2mqtt)

  • FYI when I bought some last night at the self checkout the discounted price didn't scan (might be because I scanned my Ikea Family card after the products) and I needed to get the staff member there to manually override. If you are self checking out try scanning your Ikea Family card prior to the product to see if the price drops automatically.

  • +8

    These are shit. I've had 4 ones fail after a year or two, one one of my warranty replacements was dead on arrival necessitating another 90 minute round trip to IKEA.

    These are huge, blocking the outlet next to them, they don't have a power button on them, they don't default to on upon power cycle, they don't have energy monitoring, and jamming a paperclip into a power outlet to pair it seems like a stupid decision.

    Never buying these again

    • thanks for the heads up, i will stay clear then

    • What would you recommend instead?

      • +2

        I've had okay success with these square type ones (haven't purchased from this store specifically)

        They aren't perfect either, they say they're rated to 16A but if you use them on a high power load (clothes dryer in my case) they will occasionally turn themselves off as an overcurrent protection feature - which, I'm at least glad is a safety feature built in, even if it doesn't always work lol.

        Clipsal wiser is the only other "legit" ZigBee range I've seen in Australia, but at $100 per socket, I will continue to ignore their existence

        • I purchased the same ones via aliexpress for a around $8 each delivered. Look great, have button for local control and report energy usage.

    • From the comment below sounds like you been using these smart plugs constantly for high load devices to the point of them tripping? Maybe it’s your usage problem. I have about 8 of the ikea ones for years, even using them for heaters sometimes and never had one fail. For $12 each there is no equivalent deal for any other HomeKit compatible smart plugs out there.

  • +4

    They’re probably clearing them out for the new smart outlets to come onto the Aus market. Newer, less bulky versions have been sold in Europe for a couple of months now. They also come with physical buttons which is nice.

    • Thanks, will hold off and see when those come

  • Thanks OP. Have a few around the house - using a non-Ikea hub and Home Assistant. Have been rock solid - including in internet outages - and it's a great price.

    Best use is pre-warming the coffee machine in the morning (and turning it off if no one's downstairs for a long period) and turning on hard to access fans.

    Lacking a physical switch is a bit of a pain, but with voice control, HA and cheap switches it's a small gripe for the price.

    • Do they work with non IKEA out of the box

      • Yep!

        From memory I had to google how to put them in pairing mode (wordless cartoon instructions are not the best here) but took just a few moments and the Ikea lights/outlets work well with a mix of Aliexpress and Ikea switches and sensors. My controller (a Conbee II, running Phoscon/deCONZ on a Raspberry Pi) can also even do Ikea firmware updates in-house.

  • I bought two to extend my Home Assistant Zigbee range. I have a lot of lamps that I have been re-wiring with in-line Sonoff Basic Wifi switches for many years and continue to do so. Everything is pretty reliable but after getting a Zigbee dongle I have slowly started introducing more Zigbee based products.

    Bought two of these to improve the Zigbee mesh coverage. Although they do indeed block most of a double powerpoint, I try to use these in low touch out-of-reach places (e.g behind TV) - ironically reducing their range a bit - d'oh.

    As someone mentioned above, yes it looks like Ikea will be introducing a new, smaller power switch model like they have in other markets, hence the price drop. I am also awaiting the Zigbee PARASOLL door/window sensor which is apparently possible in June, which might line up with the new switch release date. That will enable me to possibly get rid of my RF window and door sensors.

    I know Ikea smart home stuff is more expensive than waiting for AliExpress but sometimes you just want to get on with things!

  • Keep your receipts handy because these can fail pretty quickly, but if you have easy access to IKEA I guess it's not a big deal.

  • +4

    The new generation of IKEA smart switches named TRETAKT( is now available on the Australian IKEA website. They are far less bulky, and hopefully, they've addressed some of the issues with the failure rates that others have mentioned.

    • +1

      Looks like it has an On/Off button on top which was lacking on the "Tradfri" ones.
      Interesting that the description says Max. output power: 3680W. yet the device says 2400w.

      • Peak power - not constant max… 3680w is similar to the older Kasa hs110.

    • +2

      Smaller size always nice, but the integrated power switch is a game changer. Thanks for sharing.

    • +1

      Also the same price ($12)

    • These look great - very very similar to the aliexpress zigbee units that go for $8 each in bulk.

  • I just bought the new gen ones. For $12 seems really good value.

    Not exactly sure what I bought them for but I'll work it out!

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