I was bringing some timber home from Bunnings, I had it in the inside of my station wagon laying over the passenger seat through to the boot.
On the way home a car merged into my lane with no notice and I had to slam on the brakes to avoid them. The timber went flying forward and cracked my windscreen.
If I hadn't slammed the brakes they would have been liable for repairs to my car. Given that I did slam my brakes, I've copped a broken windscreen.
Like in another post, I considered following the car and confronting them, but as I'm not a nutjob I settled for beeping them for a good while.
What's everyone's take in the legal, moral and ethical approaches here? Should I have done anything differently? If I had my time again I'd let them hit my car and they'd obviously be liable.
You did not appropriately secure the load in your vehicle. Simple as that.