PSA: Avoid Sharing Your Leaptel Referral Code Publicly

Hey everyone, I wanted to give you all a heads up about something important regarding Leaptel referral codes. It turns out that sharing them publicly, whether here on OzBargain or on Reddit, goes against the terms of Leaptel's referral program.

I learned this the hard way when I shared my code, thinking I was doing a good thing by spreading the word. Unfortunately, Leaptel revoked my referral privileges, even for sharing it through private messages.

So, if you're a Leaptel customer and you want to refer friends, please do so, but make sure to not to share your referral code to anyone publicly.


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  • -1

    Point 13 of the T's&C's clearly states

    You must not advertise, market or publicly list your referral details in any manner. Should you do so any Reward obtained from your code will be voided including any associated account credits


    • Always gotta look at the T&C before you leap.

  • +1

    How did they track you down? Were you posting your referral code publicly?

    • I am not sure. They have not answered that. I was sending the code privately.

      • +1

        they can probably see the referrer http header when you go from ozbargain to leaptel to sign up. Not that hard to put up a block list on their side.

  • I referred one connection and got the discount applied, but have since referred maybe 4 others and not got the bonus, can’t be bothered reading the terms, probably says 1 per account or something

    • Same here, I now refer people to Launtel

  • +3

    But if i share the code with my friends, I am advertising for Leaptel. What a weird T&C.

    • My guess: Standard short sightedness.

      Some idiot C-level made the conclusion that if the codes are shared publicly, then people who were going to sign up anyway but like to check for discounts will find codes that they otherwise wouldn't have access to, ignoring that they'll also lose a ton of potential customers who would only sign up if a discount was available.

      • Unlikely to be the case as their referral program is set up such that the person getting referred only gets a benefit if they are not receiving another promotion. All Leaptel plans have an initial promotion upon signup. The person referring the customer receives $50 account credit regardless.

        • +1

          ahh, I spoke too soon obviously. I figured sharing it publicly wouldn't even work for the average person because there's no incentive for some rando to use your code.

  • Sounds like a well managed company /s

  • Sounds like they are useing the following the get out of it.
    "14. Leaptel reserves the right, in our sole discretion, to remove your access to this program if you breach our fair
    and acceptable use policy, or we have otherwise formed the view that you are scamming this program. In
    the event of a dispute arising out of this Promotion, the decision of Leaptel shall be final."

    Since they cannot prove that you and whoever are not friends, even if they can see it's from ozbargain that is not proof you and this person is not friends, me and you could become friends right now satisfying the friendship requirement of the referal program.

    • +1

      They cited sections 13 and 14. It seems they view private messaging on sites like Ozbargain and Reddit as public. They claimed to possess screenshots of my responses to code requests on Reddit, suggesting that I sent the code via private message, despite not knowing the message's content.

      • +4

        Scummy behaviour, i'd of changed ISP already tbh.

        • They emailed me Wednesday afternoon and they at least are finally going to honour the referral credits just no more referring people.

  • +5

    Sounds like a good reason NOT to take up with Leaptel.

    Besides, I would have thought that anyone signing up would be considered a win. They literally want more sign-ups, that's precisely why they set up this system.

    • Apparently, they consider sharing the code publicly as an illegitimate referral because the person was going to sign up regardless. Here's what the owner, Matt, said when I asked why they don't allow public sharing of referral codes like Launtel does: “The reason is simple; we're happy to pay for legitimate referrals, but when people post their code on Reddit, it's not a legitimate referral because the person signing up was going to do so anyway.”

  • +3

    I assume you're fried_bacon_Markus on Whirlpool?

    Matt posted the following over there in response to you:

    It may have been shared privately but it was all over a thread on reddit that you would pm people who were asking for a code and you replying to their posts indicated you had sent the pm on the posts. The posts in question have now been deleted but I have seen the screenshots taken prior to the deletion.

    We have agreed to pay all the 20+ you have got so far but we are not accepting any more using your code.

    Clause 14 says: 14. Leaptel reserves the right, in our sole discretion, to remove your access to this program if you breach our fair and acceptable use policy, or we have otherwise formed the view that you are scamming this program. In the event of a dispute arising out of this Promotion, the decision of Leaptel shall be final.

    We have formed that view so therefore we have locked your code out.

    I'm honestly not surprised they've cut you off if that was what you were doing.

    • -1

      I just posted here to warn/remind everyone not to do what I did.

    • +8

      Yeah 20+ referrals is taking the piss

      • +2

        Especially when you consider that it's $50 credit per referral - so at minimum that's $1000 of credit on their account. Depending on their plan that's at least 10 months of free service.

    • +6

      Oh wow. OP seems to have forgotten to add that to their little story.

  • "The reason is simple; we're happy to pay for legitimate referrals, but when people post their code on Reddit, it's not a legitimate referral because the person signing up was going to do so anyway.” I'm sorry I don't agree with that….. how do you know the person was going to sign up anyway…?

    • Agreed. The potential exists that they signed up for that particular provider because "hey look, with this I can save a few bucks vs that other provider"

      • The truth is new customers won't get the $50 credit because they are on a new customer discount only the referrer get it. I atleast made that clear to people who were asking for the code and most was happy i told them.

        • Well if the person signing up is made aware and still happy to use your referral code, I don't really see the problem.

          • +1

            @ipiok: They 'referred' 20+ people and made at least $1k in account credit out of this. I don't at all blame Leaptel for putting a stop to it.

            • +2

              @recycledrevenge: I'm not taking sides and I can't blame leaptel for taking action.. but ultimately if the person signing up is happy to use the referral code and hasn't been deceived in any way, how is that a problem…

    • Have a look at this

      I don't buy the "Just a scenario he has have observed generally."

      Looks to me spying on customer's internet connections by mentioning seedbox and location of it

      • +1

        Damn that is all types of wrong. This matt guy seems to be on a power trip. For one, a paying customer has the right to use their connection anyway they want, provided it doesn't go against T&Cs..

        • Well he is the owner of the company Leaptel and the spying checking google/reddit for referrals is just as bad

          You don't see Telstra/Optus/other companies pulling this stunt

  • Can someone send me a referral code please

  • Anyone feel like sending me a referral code for either Leaptel or AussieBB?

    Can PM to send personal email maybe to avoid them tracking?

  • Can someone send me a referral code please?

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