Swanson NA202 Metric Speed Square Layout Tool (Aluminum)
normally over $40 on Amazon and currently over $50 on eBay
Swanson NA202 Metric Speed Square Layout Tool (Aluminum) $32.30 + Delivery ($0 over $59 Spend / Prime) @ Amazon US via AU

Last edited 30/04/2024 - 15:58 by 2 other users

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So, you're saying everyone should buy two of them to check the other one is square? 😂
That might not work if they are from the same batch.
You don't need a second square to check if a square is a square. Find a straight edged timber piece, and draw a line perpendicular to the edge using the square. Now flip it, draw the same line again. The two lines should perfectly align.
It was a joke… Like a reason to buy more of them. Too subtle it appears.
It is a metric speed square which of course comes with a 100° angle. I would complain if I am short-changed by 10°.
It's not square because it's a Triangle.
I've had one of these for many years. Sturdy and the right angle is square on mine.
Like everything (especially tape measures), you need to check them. A line on a straight surface, flip and another line should be parallel. If not send it back.and the right angle is square on mine.
How do you know for sure ?
I tested it as above. Flipping it and scribed parallel as a nuns. I am Sure. Thanks for asking.
Also compared it to two precision squares I have. It passed the test.
is this too big? or the 180 better? see a few at bunnings for ~$25
I saw this last night and was also thinking of it.
Is it Ron approved?
you can buy these for $20 at bunnings… https://www.bunnings.com.au/empire-180mm-aluminium-rafter-sq…
That's a baby one.
Size Matters…Doesn't have the notches for scribing.
Quite a few reviews stating it's not square, one has a video to demonstrate it…