This was posted 10 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Tineco Floor One S5 Pro Cordless Hard Floor Cleaner $434.50 + Shipping @ Godfreys eBay


Godfreys are clearing there stock via eBay store and this is a great deal. I recently purchased the s6 Pro which is very similar and it's been great and paid substantially more for the same unit.

Item Description:

An exciting addition to Tineco's hard floor cleaning range. The Tineco FLOOR ONE S5 PRO Hard Floor Cleaner vacuums and washes simultaneously to leave your floors clean, dry and streak-free in a matter of minutes. Meanwhile, its superior edge brush design allows you to clean right to the edge of rooms without missing a single spot. Clean for even longer without interruptions thanks to larger tank capacities, while the LCD display provides real-time cleaning updates on battery, suction levels and more.

We recommend only the Tineco Deodorising & Cleaning Solution is used. Using unapproved chemicals or solutions can damage the machine and void the manufacturer’s warranty.

Vacuums and washes simultaneously
LCD display with vivid 3D animation for easy monitoring and guidance
iLoop™ Smart Sensor detects dust and automatically adjusts water flow and suction power
Three suction modes for versatile cleaning
HEPA filtration captures dust and improves air quality
Self-cleaning system cleans the roller brush and dirty water channel at the touch of a button
Edge-brush design cleans against walls and in corners

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closed Comments

  • -5

    Better get a robot vacuum lol.

    • Yes better pay $$$ to have a robot vacuum (most of which are owned by Amazon one way or another ) collect and send as much data on you, your house and your network as possible.

      Yeah, nah.

  • +4

    Note that the email address and phone number for customer service for Godfreys models such as this are run by Godfreys so it's highly likely that there will be no warranty

    • Tineco is a separate company. They also sell on Amazon. I'm not aware of the warranty arrangements here, are you saying that Godfrey's is the sole distributor and touch point for all warranty issues and there is no direct channel?

    • Where do we check this?
      I'm looking to buy "Hoover SmartWash™+ Automatic Carpet Washer" from eBay.. Thanks.

        • Is this the point that you are referring to? - "Express, voluntary or extended warranties on Godfreys owned or manufactured products. (Wertheim, Pullman, Hoover, Sauber, i-VAC) "

          It talks about extended warranties and stuff.. Looks like normal warranty is still covered.. Or may be I'm reading it wrong.

          • @samp365: Generally, voluntary warranty is another name for normal warranties

            • +1

              @shxhshzhz: Thanks for confirming that.. Appreciate your time.

            • @shxhshzhz: Contacted them on eBay and got this.

              Thank you for your enquiry.

              Yes, the warranty on this machine is 3 years as advertised.

              The Godfreys Team

  • How is this different to the mop and bucket I have successfully used on our hard floors for the last 20 years?

    Or is this like those gimmicky karcher window cleaners that lazy people buy?

    • +1

      Mop and bucket just moves dirt all over the place doesn't it? Unless you're replacing the water in the bucket every few mops…which would be quite time consuming.

      This actually separates the dirty water into a canister, so your floor is actually cleaned.

    • +1

      It vacuums and mops at the same time and is less of a hassle then organising a mop with bucket.

      If you have kids that spill things, vomit, and you can't be asked to get the mop out regularly then it's great

    • +1

      I'd say it's a bit like a shower VS a bath. I don't have the Tineco but I have a similar machine. The dirty water goes into a reservoir so when you get to the end of your clean, you're not just painting the last parts with the sum of dirt accumulated.

      Fair point with karcher window cleaners but not comparable and you are squigeying away the dirt.

    • +2

      I have the s5 steam (corded), cleans floors amazingly well, cleaner than anything else I've tried and uses nothing but water.

      • Me too. It just works. Using plain tap water.

        • Would advise not to use straight tap water on any steam device. Eventually, lime scale build up will break the device. Happens with everything that uses steam (irons, garment steamer, steam cleaners). Always use demineralised water.

          • +2

            @keejoonc: Just need to throw in some vinegar into water once in a while to descale it

            I do this once a year to my black and decker steamer, still going nearly 10 years

      • I have it and have always wondered if you could use a cleaning solution in it for extra effect. Even a diluted one.

    • Window vacuums are game changers. I got a cheap Kogan one and it makes cleaning at least 3 times faster. No repeating wiping and rinsing clothes. Presume this floor vacuum is similar.

      • Which window vacuum to you use?

    • If you have less strength to use the good old fashioned way, this is the way.

  • +2

    Amazon also has some units on sale:

    Tineco FLOOR ONE S5 STEAM - $449…

    Tineco Floor ONE S6 - $629…

    • The s5 linked is corded.

    • The Pro edition costs substantially more as it has a few extra accessories and a different screen. Same device otherwise to the standard S6.

      S5 Steam is a different device all together

      • Thanks for that, I'm thinking perhaps I should go the steam version as it's rated better in a few reviews including Vacuum Wars although the cord will be a bit of a pain it requires less passes to remove spilt items from the floors and I guess with pets it might offer a bit more clenliness?

        Any suggestions on going with the S5 Steam or spending a bit more and go with the S6 perhaps if steam is not all that important… interested if any one's tried a few before?

    • The s5 steam is regularly on sale for that price.

      When I did some research a while ago, it was generally suggested to avoid the non-corded versions, so I then bought the s5 steam.

      • I’m thinking of getting the steam too. After ownership have you had any issues to report or buyer remorse for having corded?

        • +1

          No issues or buyer remorse. If anything, I'm glad to have the corded version for steam as I find it hard to see how the battery version powers the steam for very long haha. Although others have commented it works in previous deals.

          Edit: Link to previous deal comments

        • +1

          It's a great unit. No remorse, but the fact its corded definitely means it gets used less. It does feel like a bit of an event to do the mopping, even though the cord design is good. I could imagine with cordless I'd be more inclined to use it more often for quick mops.

          • @basilv: The part that's the event for me is filling up and emptying the two tanks, and then after the self cleaning cycle swapping the roller out and wiping lint away.

            So yes, there's still a bit of maintenance involved and I imagine its the same for non steam / battery operated models. But maybe no need to do it after every single clean like I do haha.

            • @Ultraman: I don't think I've swapped out the roller once yet 🤣

  • Is there a good site comparing the different models? I found their own webpage rather poor.. also I assume the current version/generation is the s7 range going on the website but not sure how they all stack up (also can't find the s7 on Amazon/Godfreys sale.etc)

  • Can you use these on floating laminate floors? I keep reading you shouldnt but has anyone got one or similar they use with out issues?

  • +1

    I have this. These are the bomb! My whole house is vinyl flooring - it cleans them to perfection. Only issue is only one side goes close to the skirting board.

    • I have a karcher version and although it's supposed to replace the vacuum in theory, I find it cannot. I run out of battery trying to pick up small bits and hairs start building up in the rollers. To get the most out of it, you really need to run the vacuum over once to get the larger items then use it as a mop only. Is the tineco different?

      • We have 2 german shepherds - the robot vacuums every other day but I do not do a vacuum before using this and it works great and picks up everything. Sometimes I feel the battery could last longer, but my house is quite big so I do one floor then charge and then complete the other floor once fully charged.

        • Lmao are you me! We have two German shepherds with the same set up! Robot vacuum goes every other day and then the Tineco one a week or so. Absolutely amazing.

  • I'm keen to cut down on our vacuums.

    Can this lightly vac area rugs etc? Not looking for it to wash them per se as we have a carpet washer.

  • Damn that's cheap, my sister paid $950 2 years ago. I use the s3 almost every day, life safer with kids around but it does have its issues

  • Tineco has terrible after sale support here.

  • Bought one. 8 available now.

  • did click and collect from a Godfrey store…

  • Anyone able to connect their tineco to the app wifi? I tried everything zzzz

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