I was comparing electricity plans via the Energy Made Easy government website seeing as my Nectr plan is going up soon and the "Nothing Fancy" Momentum energy plan came up the cheapest for me in NSW. But here's a tip - if you go to Momentum's website, they also have an EV plan which I found to be a bit cheaper. For the EV plan they'll also give you a $100 EVIE charging Voucher. Win!
Of course YMMV depending on where you are located but might be worth a look - it still came out much cheaper for me than any of the other plans I looked at. Prices are not fixed.
A payment processing fee of 0.53% will apply to all card payments but otherwise no charge for Direct Debit from bank account. One $100 Evie voucher per house, valid for 12 months.
To be eligible for this plan:
1. the Supply Address must be located in Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales or the Energex distribution zone of
2. the Supply Address must have a Smart Meter, and
3. you must
(a) be a residential customer (which means a customer who purchases energy principally for personal, household or
domestic use)
(b) be the registered owner of an Electric Vehicle or Plug-In Hybrid at the same address as your electricity Supply
Address and you must provide the vehicle registration at sign up
(c) pay your bills in full by direct debit for the life of the plan, and
(d) receive your bills, notices and other communications Electronically.
I hope some find it useful!
Referral solicitation removed. Referral offer does not meet deal posting guidelines. — Mod
As far as I understand, you need to subscribe to something and pay for it to get that voucher, right? It's not that I can just register and get it?
edit: A mod fixed the content, all good.