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2Pcs Xiaomi Mijia Thermometer Hygrometer US$9.89 / A$15.08 + US$2.99 Delivery ($0 to Select Areas) @ Banggood

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A very good price for 2Pcs Xiaomi Mijia Thermometer, including the Goods and services Tax and free shipping. Free shipping only to areas eligible for $0 Banggood Priority Shipping. Ineligible areas incur US$2.99 standard delivery. — Mod.

  • After use the coupon: BGd7a8a4, the price will be US$9.89 / A$15.08, including the Goods and services Tax.
  • New users can get an additional US$4 off here:, you can get the 2Pcs Xiaomi Mijia Thermometer at US$5.89 / A$9.04!


  1. Home hygrometer, data can be clearly read in various brightness and angle.
  2. High sensitivity and accurate sensirion from Switzerland, sense subtle change of temperature and humidity a breath away.
  3. An expression to spell over comfort level, cute and simple.
  4. Low consumption screen, a CR2032 button battery for one-year.
  5. Built-in advanced Sensirion temperature and humidity sensor, temperature accuracy: 0.1 degrees, humidity accuracy: 0.1 percent RH
  6. Via Mi app to switch on humidifier when indoor humidity is too low and air-conditioner when indoors temperature is too high
    LED digital display, you can get temperature, humidity easily

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Note: Title prices include GST & Shipping. Approximated AUD price, based on today's MasterCard rates, paying in USD.

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closed Comments

  • How do these work? Do they connect to an app, or some sort of master unit? Or are they stand alone units?

    • +3

      Can be used standalone, but they can also broadcast their current results via Bluetooth. (Either by advertisement or direct connection)

      The stock firmware encrypts said advertisements by default, so many people flash 3rd party firmware onto them. (Although this may not be easily possible with later units now)

      Additionally, there is also 3rd party firmware that'll convert these into Zigbee compatible sensors as well. (The battery life though…)

      • +1

        I've flashed mine to custom firmware but didn't realise they could be ZigBee as well. They work well in BTLE mode using home assistant anyway

        • That's how I use them. They have been great!

      • +2

        What is the best way to read the broadcasts (without a home assistant server).

        At the moment I use a Mijia specific app, but would load custom firmware them if there are better options!

  • The free shipping doesn’t seem to work for me, I get $20.11 including $4.56 shipping.

    I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.

    • yeah free shipping doesn't work - it charges something for it

    • works for me, you change to banggood shipping

  • +1

    Are these similar quality and sensor as the thermopro you can buy on amazon

  • @banggood

    do you reckon its easy to remove the logos from the Duka Atuman model?

  • +1

    Be aware that newer versions of the firmware aren't flashable to pvvx firmware (if that matters to you). See: https://github.com/pvvx/ATC_MiThermometer/issues/378

    • +2

      Well, if you have a USB to TTL and a Torx… 4? 5? (Can't remember the size right now), it should still be flashable.

      Although if you're opening the top case up you might as well solder the extra capacitor onto pads C24 or C25 while you're there, as battery life will benefit…

    • Bugga, i want the version that can flash… 😔

    • Mine turned up today. Luckily has the old software, so no need to solder or open up. Just connect using the flashing page and upload custom firmware OTA. Now to look for a BLE gateway for pulling the data into homeassistant/node-red.

      • You can integrate using Home Assistant natively provided you have a USB BT adapter or integrated BT adapter. I do this using my laptop's Bluetooth

        • I'm running HA on my Nas in a docker container. Doesn't have any Bluetooth.

          Have ordered an esp32. Will likely run tasmota on it to give me flexibility. Looked at esphome but it looks like it needs its own backend, I want to keep things as simple as possible.

  • Can the battery be replaced in these when depleted?

  • I've the e-ink version of this from a deal a while back and they look very nice. The sad and happy face thing is handy too.

  • The thermal imager isn't cheap

  • Wall mount included?

    • +4

      It would be double sided tape. (I am guessing)

      Note the size of these 43mm square, they are tiny.

      • Yep, comes with a round felt sticky thing. I used blutac until I was happy with the position, but now I’m happy, I’m a round felt sticky guy.

  • -3

    It must be bad luck, but everything I buy that is Chinese owned tech, seems to fall apart. Like my recent Porche Tayca….I mean Xiaomi SU7

    • +3

      This is a thermometer not a car.

      • -1

        It was a joke, i don't actually own a Porche or a Xiaomi car.

        But just about evey thing I've purchased that is Chinese own products seem to be good on spec then just fall appart.

        My most recent : I followed the forum poll here on OzB for the best budget headphones - soundPEATS was talked up, build quality was ok but full of issues. Even the voice that indicates a change in modes or connection, sounded like someone standing a bathroom recorded on a mobile phone.

      • Imagine crashing at 4000 kph.

        • Imagine power off at 4m mph.

        • +1

          At least it'll be quick

      • -3

        With quakes, no they wont be going that fast. Like Xi's billion dollar train station that is now under water…? Have you even heard of that?

        The guys that host this channel, love China (or what it used to be 10 years ago), have Chinese wives and children, but couldn't stay any longer (I've got friends that had to move away after the last decade, also married and wanted to spend thier life there) Xi is getting a little heavy.

        I'm not picking on Chinese people, I had a visa to go visit, but plans changed. If things weren't so politically hot I would go, the rural areas the people are meant to be super friendly- the channel below the guys miss all thier friends and family back there and loved travelling through the rural areas also.

        The CCP is the issue. Plus cheap rip off products. The companies can do better, but…


        • It's fast. Qantas has invested in hyperloop for a decade now. By then the flight industry will change again.

          China's products are not cheap these days unless you buy the cheap and expect more. It's like Apple to Pixel and Huawei to Xiaomi. I agree that there are many companies out there that are regulated and should be aware of.

          Still good to have a competitor either CCP or Diplomacy to see something new. An individual is still an individual despite where they live.

  • +1


    BGd7a8a4 Coupon can only be used 50 times.
    Looks like it’s been used 50 times

    I’m trying to buy 2 x 2 pieces.

    Already have three of these small, hard to read, but pretty good.

    CR2032 lasts four or five months or so, I’ve never gotten more than six months using a CR2032 - despite it saying 12 months. However the batteries I was using were generic, not name brand. Panasonic CR2032 shows shipping in June or July on Aliexoress. Faster shipping from eBay, but a lot of people claim Panasonic batteries are fakes. Look for someone who has sold lots and has a high customer satisfaction rate. Can’t understand why some people say all name brand batteries on eBay AU are fake. EBay Australia usually shuts down fake sellers very quickly.

    Using MiHome app on iOS or Android these can be read via Bluetooth.

    Flashing not standard firmware can only be done via Android I think. Xiaomi only just released new firmware which can be flashed using Mihome software.

    A Xiaomi BT Gateway will extend the distance these can communicate.
    the particular units are good because they keep a long history. Up to six months iirc.

    Any other advice before I press buy please? $14.99 for 2 units is cheap. They normally sell on Aliexpress for $12-$16 each but my currency is showing in USD using an existing account, maybe Banggoid doesn’t show AUD?

    The newer E-Ink versions do not work with MiHome on iOS. On iOS and Android if you switch the MiHome app into language of Mainland China.
    Then they can be added and read but if you do not read mandarin you will find app a bit difficult to operate.

    Set to Australia and the E-Ink models don’t seem to be supported.
    I Have written to Xiaomi multiple times in China and never had a reply why E-Ink only work on Mainland China language and cannot be Added when switching back to Australia. Even after adding in Mainland China switch back to Australia and they disappear as added devices.

    Since these are not the E-Ink units - that is mostly irrelevant.

    There is an Android app you can use that reads the E-Ink models, however it is stand alone it reads all the Xiaomi units.

    These work fine with Home Assistant just keep an eye on the battery - figures on the screen will disappear and it will show an empty battery symbol iirc on the bottom. Somewhat easy to open once you get the hang of it or very small (jewellery size) flat blade screwdriver will help you open there is recess for such a tool.

    None of the codes on OzBargain seem to be working for me. :-(
    As noted by the price, but got shipping down to $2.99, possibly free. Standard shipping seems to be 3-4 weeks.

    • thank you for the information, we have renewed the coupon:BGd7a8a4, you can try again.

  • This coupon can only be used 50 times.

    • added more times, can try again.

  • BGd7a8a4 expired?

  • Bought one a couple of years ago. Can't comment on the connectivity- I assume that it is garbage, per earlier comments.

    Regarding the temp reading, it seems pretty good but does take 15+mins to work it out.

    • Connectivity is fine (though mine connect to the Xiaomi Gateway Hub I got in another deal).

  • I highly advise flashing with the zigbee firmware. Makes 100000x better

    • Why? What is the advantage of flashing? How do you use it?

      I have a few of these and I mostly just directly read the screen. Occasionally, I'll use the Mi Home app to read them remotely.

    • Pls let us know how to flash this with Zigbee firmware. Where to download and How to flash it? TIA

      • +2

        BLE Only: https://github.com/pvvx/ATC_MiThermometer
        Zigbee Only: https://github.com/pvvx/ZigbeeTLc
        Zigbee + BLE (experimental): https://github.com/pvvx/BZdevice

        Obviously have a working Zigbee gateway and/or (TTL/UART adapter and correct size Torx screwdriver) if you flash the latter two, if you want to go back.

        Sending firmware updates to the unit when it's on the Zigbee firmware, is somewhat draining on batteries as well if I recall? So a nice stable <=3.6V (higher will damage/degrade the board) supply might be a consideration (if you have one on hand) and don't wish to prematurely drain batteries when experimenting with firmware.

        I think you might require going to the BLE firmware first as the OTA firmware size might be too large for the stock OTA protocol to handle.

  • Thanks. Will get them to test if the thermostat on my air conditioning control is accurate. Wish I could just buy one for half the price though.

  • I have a couple of these and find them quite handy, I put them in my wine fridges and can check the temp and humidity on the Mi Home app via Bluetooth.

    • Can this be set to alert you when something is wrong? If so this might be useful for my freezer.

      • I use these with HomeAssistant and using it sends me notifications when Temp is +/- whatever.

  • +1

    Regarding battery life, the original batteries lasted 12 months but using generic batteries I only got 5-6 months for each one (I have 3 of these). Will be switching to Panasonic batteries, hopefully to get 12 months again.

    • +1

      Yeah the voltage will dip out to the point where it resets itself when it tries to transmit (So basically under 1.8-2.0V). Obviously this ends up being earlier on the generic batts.

      That said, it should be quite a bit longer but Xiaomi shaved a whole 2c off the bill of materials by not placing the capacitor on the power stage. Oddly enough they still put the pads and tin them, even on the later board revisions.

    • Same experience, generics just do not last.

  • +2

    Hi everyone, We have renewed the coupon:BGd7a8a4

    • thanks.. just ordered a few more. This code still working.

  • Got slapped with $4 delivery fee for nsw but guess it’s acceptable. At least the coupon worked again

    • Update. I received them earlier than expected and the parcel sat with reception for over a week lol without me realizing. Happy with the purchase.

      I placed them on top of the aircon panels. The temp readings on xiaomi correlated well with the Daikin ones. Xiaomi is more accurate though as they had it to first decimal place. Plus they had the humidity too

  • $15.60 and free shipping for me (Vic)

  • Received today, manufacture date 04/2023 and had old firmware so was trivial to flash via https://pvvx.github.io/ATC_MiThermometer/TelinkMiFlasher.htm…

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