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BOSCH BWA500 Windshield Washer Fluid 500ml $10.30 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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  • +23

    Noob here, is this the liquid that you pour into car when it runs out of washer fuild? Or something that you use externally on screen to clean manually?

    • +1

      Internal, you pour it into windscreen washer bottle

    • +2

      yeah its the water that comes out when you spray jet your screen/use the wipers…

      open engine bay - put it in your reservoir 50ml and top rest off with water…

      isnt spray on screen and wipe off - ie rainX
      they'll be marketed as windshield cleaner not windshield washer fluid

      • Rain-X has windscreen washer fluid as well and I rate it.

    • +1

      goes into the wiper reservoir - you would normally mix with water - it should be a concentrate

    • +14

      Not sure why someone would downvote you. Valid question if you dont know.

      This goes in the washer bottle in the car.

    • +3

      You also need to mix it with water, ideally distilled water, but for automotive applications demineralised water is good enough and also cheaper.

      There are different water purification processes, the process to deionise (to remove ion from water) also demineralises (to remove minerals from water), so sometimes people refer to demineralised water as deionised water. They are different but same for car use, for example, to mix with concentrated washer or coolant (to avoid minerals in pumps and pipes).

      Distilled water also removes bacteria, but car doesn't care.

      This is suitable: https://www.bunnings.com.au/2pure-5l-demineralised-water_p02…

      • Thank you for the comment.
        I usually just use filtered water from the kitchen but why not give a bit more love? Found this one from woollies at $5, is this distilled or just demineralised?

        • Neither distilled nor demineralised, just filtered like your kitchen filtered water. Best to use demineralised water from Bunnos as @browser recommended.

          • @gyrex: It says”The secret is a patented steam distillation process that purifies water the same way nature makes rain- by evaporation and condensation.”

            So I assume it is not just filtered?

            Happy to get the one from Bunnings but just a bit far from me so…

    • also was confused , lmao if you didnt have this answered wouldnt have bought it.

    • Nothing stops you from using it externally. Mix right ratio in a spray bottle. Then spray it on rub it down with old undies. Give it a final spray then squeegee or use the wipers if lazy. Then again I prefer Morning Fresh for glass but dont fill up the car washer tank with dish washing detergent, no good for paint.

  • +7

    how does this compare with Bar's Bugs cleaner?

    • +1

      Apparently it does bad things to washer bottles?. But I've never had an issue before in multiple cars. I use Bars Bugs all the time.

    • +2


      This is down to $4.99 at the moment. Sounds like it will eat into your paint being lemon flavored turbo concentrate. Bosch is almost double the price. I would say the majority of cars on the road worldwide just have straight tap water in the washer tank anyway.

    • +3

      I find the overspray from Bars Bugs leaves a really white residue.

      • +1

        @willsy01:I had the same issue leaving white residue, so when I contacted the company, they advised me to reduce the concentration that is mentioned in the bottle. Well, it did it and it stopped the white residue issue, but what I found is the wiper blades lasts far more less.
        Usually, wiper blades lasts me around 2 to 3yrs (YMMV), but when I use Bar Bugs the wiper blade lasts around a year. (I have been using Bar Bugs for nearly 12yrs now and I use only Bosch focus/ aerotwin blades) When contacted Bosch, they advised me to use their washer liquid for longevity and Bar Bugs tell me they have tested on many brands and they have not seen this issue. So, for the past 3 yrs, I have been using only filtered water in one of my car and to my surprise the blades are still going strong. Of course, water will not give you a squeaky-clean window like bosch/Bar Bugs washer liquid.

        • I've since moved to Bowdens WipeOut. It's excellent.

      • I find that very surprising. It gets perhaps one of the best reviews around. I've never really noticed an issue with it.

    • I just use bar bugs. Haven't really noticed any issues at all.

      • I’ve used that and amor all. Both have been effective. I recently moved to armour all as it’s cheap and is ammonia free.

  • -4

    just get this its already premixed you just pour in

    • +5

      You're paying for water. The premix works out to be 6.5 times the cost of the concentrate

      • -8

        its premixed though 5L of it I just pour it I don't have to do shit.

      • +1

        That is the way it works for most products sold as pre-mix vs. concentrate - you pay for the convenience.
        One argument for the pre-mix is in cars where you want to top up the fluid but can't easily see how much you will need.

  • +1

    4 years owning my car and I have never run out of the windshield washer fluid. Never thought about it but maybe it gets topped up at service

    • +28

      Or maybe you’re not using it often. I use mine pretty much every time I drive. Dirty screen annoys me… but what’s worse, is when it’s raining and you have something trapped under your blades and it leaves that line

      • Seems most likely. I do use it every once in a while though

    • -8

      You might have one of those cars that has water collection points, between the hood and the front screen. As long as the water filters are clean/replaced and it rains often enough, you never should have to refill.

      • Oh wow, didn't realise some cars had that…that's pretty cool.

      • +3

        Are you sure this is a thing? I'd like some sources or list me a make/model of a car that has such a feature.

        • It's not a thing in current production vehicles.

        • +1

          Didn't know that this is ever existed

      • +6

        Um no. They drain the water not fill it. Toral bs.

      • +1

        Lol a slightly delayed April fool's joke.

    • +1

      Tesla owner.

      • Its actually a Corolla

    • +1

      Maybe because every time you service your car, they top it up. Some provide that as a complementary service

    • Wow. About the only time I open the hood is to replace the wiper fluid.

    • It's included in most services.

  • +7

    Just put a bit of mentholated spirits in with water. All you need.

    • +7

      Lol. Thanks for the down votes.
      Genuinely, that's all I use for my wipers. Cleans the windscreen beautifully. Only a little bit of metho required (perhaps 1:50 with water)

      • +2

        OzBargainers are easily triggered.

      • +2

        maybe because it can strip coatings if used in stronger ratios

        • Oh yeah, you don't want to fill it up with 100% metho. Even the 1:50 ratio is probably stronger than I use - typically just a bit more than a splash works fine.

          Only annoyance is a little smell when you use it, but it's not bad.

    • I didn't downvote you, but methylated spirits is highly flammable and should be out of direct sunlight, away from heat and ignition sources.

      Not sure I would be game enough to use it in my car, even at 1:50 water

      • +4

        metho wont light that well when mixed with that much water. Even at much stronger ratios

        Ethanol + petrol will, but once it absorbs water it will start to go down hill from there and the car will misfire, may not even run depending how much it has absorbed. Most people running e85 will run their tank fairly low if its just a weekend car so they can fill up with fresh stuff

        • +1

          Awesome, have my upvote and @DirtyBoots

    • +3

      Great way to dry the rubber on your blades

    • -3

      For the sake of your car and wallet, do not do this, it could potentially damage parts in the circuit, i.e. corrode / melt tubing or plastics, damage the pump etc.

    • BTW this is also known as Ethanol 95%

    • Does it smell minty? Gives me 80s Marlboro menthol ad vibes.

  • -1

    Dishwashing liquid and vinegar 🙃

    • +1

      Awesome for your paint and plastics.

      • +1

        That's what Big Paint and plastics want you to think.
        Now where's my tin foil hat

        • +1

          I ordered one for you from temu.

    • That is corrosive FYI.

    • +1

      You just mixed alkaline + acid.

  • +2

    how does this compare to rain-X?

  • Plain water works just fine

  • +2

    Just put a few drops of car wash liquid in the washer tank.

    Save $10.

  • I wonder how snow cannon concentrate would go. Could aim the nozzles outwards and pretend to be a snowmaker.

    P.s. before hecklers start, I know this won't actually work, low pressure, wrong nozzle etc.

  • if your car has glass coating or hydrophobic rain repellent, just use water.

    • +4

      My car ain't no hydrophobe.

      • might be worth stocking up then

      • Can you be certain it didn't post any problematic tweets in the past?

        • What?! Nobody is safe if you dig far back enough…

  • +2

    This and RainX washer fluid additive work great together.

    • Rain-X washer fluid works perfectly on it's own. What advantage is there to mixing it?

      • +2

        Rain-X is an addictive to assist in rain beading on your glass. It's best to use an auto grade washer fluid as well as it has mild cleaning agents for bugs and dust.

  • Im using Aldi dishwasher as best voted to clean dishes . I wonder if I can use this Bosch to wash dishes ?

    • Not sure if this is food grade for your intention.

      Dishwasher liquid is supposed to be foams and soapy.
      Windscreen liquid is not supposed to have foams.
      I guess they are very different …

    • +2

      I know someone who used dishwasher liquid and it ended up eating away at the washer fluid hose and connectors.

    • if you have a coated windscreen, use something milder

      I used dish washing liquid, metho and water to strip ceramic coating

    • Dishwasher detergent is corrosive. Best to avoid for any auto use.

  • Is this better than a few drops of dishwashing liquid?

  • Showing $21.95 for me :(

    • +3

      Same, but if you scroll down you'll see other sellers have it for $10.30. Wont be dispatched for a while though unfortunately.

  • For $10 and will last me afew years, sure why not.

    • +1

      Looks like you can change the buying option for $10.30 but now delivery timeframe looks like: FREE Prime delivery 23 April - 12 May

  • i've always wondered about this.. does it clean that much better than just water if windshield has been treated?

    • +3

      Yes. Especially if there are bugs or oil based contamination.

  • I have diluted in a 5L container and after a few weeks, black clumps of moules developed and floating in the solution. I am afraid that it will clog up my windscreen nozzles if I use it.

    • I think the trick is to only mix what you need. Probably not a good idea to squirt mouldy water through your windscreen washers :)

  • Good stuff, being Bosch I use it as a cheaper alternative to what BMW charge me for genuine blinker fluid. Works just the same.

    • I wouldn't use this as blinker fluid, need to get the genuine purpose made blinker fluid. Just ask at any reputable blinker fluid specialist store

      • Dealership wanted to charge me $200 for my blinker fluid. Thought I'd save money and DIY with $100 blinker fluid from eBay. Now my headlights and tail lights don't work.

    • I just wait for the rain and condensate build up in my brittle plastic BMW headlamps works everytime.

  • Usually dispatched within 1 to 2 months

    wow, no deal. At lest not for WA

  • +1

    I use deluted windex is that ok?

    • I do the same as well, it seems to work well.

    • +1

      For the sake of your car and wallet, do not do this, it could potentially damage parts in the washer circuit, i.e. corrode / melt tubing or plastics, damage the pump etc.

      • Better off using vinegar. Cheaper

        • you know vinegar is acidic right?

          • @Aus Falcon: Acid + Base = Kaboom!

            Well at least that's as far as I went in yr 11 chemistry

            • @0 0 0: so why would you put acidic stuff in your car's washer system which was designed for water?

    • I do the same too. So far so good.

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