Where Do You Buy Kittens or Cats from?

Gumtree quality is questionable with a lot of backyard breeders. Where does one go to buy a cat or kitten?



  • +94

    Local shelter

    • +3

      This! Have a look here for your state, these are shelters that are no kill shelters for animals they take in:

      • +7

        'No-kill shelters' aren't all run by saints, they simply reject or palm off problem dogs and cats to other shelters that do their dirty work. Fact is, many animals which pass through the system are simply unsuitable as pets (aggressive dogs, feral cats, terminally ill, etc.), so they are inevitably euthanised. This should not be demonised.

        To the OP: ignore the 'holier than thou' myth of no kill shelters, and cast a wider net, including the RSPCA. Come Sep-Oct, kitten season will be in full swing and most shelters will be overflowing with them, you can get a vaccinated, chipped, and desexed kitten for a small adoption fee.

        • +27

          As a volunteer of many years for a "No-Kill" charity I can assure you that we don't pass on "problem" dogs and cats to anybody.

          We don't "reject" any animals that come into our care - we take responsibility for them with us and our foster carer network until they are rehomed or reach the end of their natural lives.

          Nor do we "palm off" any animals to other facilities to euthanise them for us. That allegation is stupid, damaging and would go against the principle of a "no-kill" charity.

          Very few animals are "problem" animals; generally any "problem animals" are a result of "problem" owners.

          Re: the original post, please consider an animal rescue charity for your cat or kitten. Many have a range of breeds and ages and the beauty of being in care either in a facility or foster care is that you can find out the exact personality and nature of your animal companion to suit what you are looking for.

          If you are looking for a particular breed, please take the time to visit the breeding facility and ask to see their living conditions (at the very least). Thankfully you seem averse to the scourge of Backyard Breeders.

          Good luck with your search and hope you have many happy years to come with your new companion!

          • +7

            @Amanda3724: Its great to hear that the charity that you volunteer with doesnt pass on the problem animals.

            But my Aunty use to volunteer at 2 "No kill" east Melbourne shelters and they both did refuse animals all the time. It was very upsetting for her at the time.

            It does happen.

          • +1

            @Amanda3724: They just don't have to accept animals, like pounds, RSPCA etc do.

          • @Amanda3724: So if I called up with a dog with history of child aggression or a ranger came in with an adult feral cat that can't be handled, your no kill shelter would gladly take it off my hands without telling me to go to LDH or the RSPCA? Please. I've personally been on the receiving end of countless calls like this. No kill shelters don't touch these cases, which is the definition of palming them off.

            Fact is, there is always a minority of cats and dogs which are simply unsuitable as pets, and have ZERO prospect of being rehomed. Where do the no kill shelters think they wind up? A farm in the sky, or a magical shelter for behavioural problem dogs that houses them indefinitely and for free?

            • @SydStrand: In answer to your question, any animal deemed unsuitable to live with families go into kennels or a cattery, thanks to the lovely facility owners who support animal rescue.

              They also go to experienced foster carers who live on acreage.

              They are not turned away unless we don’t have foster carers or facilities to take them in.

              I think your anger is distorting your thought process, but I’m happy to answer other questions you have.

              Animal rescue volunteers do the best we can. We’re not the bad guys here.

        • -2

          beware scumbag rspca they are a major KILL shelter

          • @chrisd262: Please go on and tell us in all your experience how the RSPCA shelters are 'scumbags.' It sure sounds like you're putting your hand up to adopt all the shelter dogs that can't find homes.

        • Absolute bs. Have worked for them before and it's the opposite of what you say: we get all the 'problem' pets with a vet and a network of foster carers who care for them while they're found a forever home.

      • I agree with SydStrand.

        The touting of 'no kill' is likely just really about advertising and well, manipulation. Ok, for good reasons. But let's be honest, it done to get people to adopt unwanted animals instead of some designer dog or backyard puppy.

        I mean when you think about it, would you want to adopt from a 'no kill shelter' which implies we'll take care of them regardless….or would you want to save a dog from….

        But….as i point out in my other comment….there's a reason these dogs are ACCEPTED by the 'no kill' shelters, why the risk is accepted. So you'd really want to ask yourself why'd you risk any other shelter and the types of un-vetted dogs they may have.

    • -7

      A Pet Shop for kittens

      • +1

        Often come from shoddy breeders

      • From cat farms - don't support them

  • +29

    A kitten is for life, not just for Easter.

    • +31

      Well a kitten is for like 12 years, not just for Easter. A baby Galapagos Tortoise, now that is for life.

      • +3

        For the life of the animal, not the human silly Billy.

        Our last cat to pass, a blue British Shorthair lived for 16 years.

        • I haven't seen someone called a silly billy for 3 decades. Thanks for that.

      • +3

        Our second to last cat lasted for just short of 23 years from when she was purchased from a local Pet store (she was a Sept 1999 kitten, and passed in mid-2022).

        A pet should not be considered a short-term proposition.

    • Ty.

  • +3


    • +32

      Crevention of pruelty?

    • +2

      Really should consider pussycat adoption

  • +29

    Also consider adopting an adult cat from your local shelter. Often they're only a year or two old, and you get to see their personality. Kittens sometime start off skittish and remain that way for life. Adopting an adult gives you a chance to see what you're getting. Either way (adult or kitten), adopt, don't buy unless they're registered breeders.

    • +18

      Also you don't have to litter train them.

      Money shouldn't be a key thought when adopting (if it is, get a fish), but that I was able to adopt a gorgeous, 3 year old cat that's healthy, litter trained, spayed, vaccinated and affectionate for minimal cost ($50 or something) makes it a no brainer to go to a shelter.

      The kitten area was full of people wanting to adopt when I went there (school holidays) and I was alone in the adult area, despite as you say we're talking 1-3 year old cats, not exactly geriatrics.

    • +1

      This is a very good point. When our very affectionate cat died of old age the kids wanted a kitten. The kitten we got from the rspca is now 2 years old and very unaffactionate, she spends far more time outside than in and doesnt like sitting on laps or being patted much. She has neen a disappointment to her parents.

      • +2

        That's understandable, but how about the cat?

  • +7


    • They said gumtree QUALITY is questionable.

      Not sure screensaver offers (profanity) that can be put into the same sentence with the word quality.

      • +1

        She's out of her gumtree… but provides priceless expert advice.

        Seems cats got her tongue in this instance though ..

  • +3

    Buy from your local crazy cat lady.

  • +10

    Usually straight from the Catalogue.

    • +1

      Just kitten, that was pawsome!

  • Usually from flower power ornament section, but I make sure they are not plastic.

  • +13

    Please rescue one from a shelter!

    • For some reason that brought images and sounds of Raiders of the Lost Ark to mind.

  • +5


    • -8

      no they are scumbags

  • +7

    Please rescue from a shelter, go to Pet Rescue online.

  • +5

    Your mention of backyard breeders make me think you're looking for a pedigree cat? I note that you're in NSW - if it is a pedigree you're after then NSW Cat Fanciers Association is the largest registering body and will have legit breeders listed on their website. http://www.nswcfa.asn.au/ . Next biggest is Cats NSW https://catsnsw.com.au/ followed by Ancats http://ancats.com.au/.

    Otherwise just look for Animal Welfare League or smaller rescue groups on Facebook.

    • Anything similar for dogs?

  • Put out a box held up by a stick outside your front door, lure them with some canned tuna.

    • Only in urban areas otherwise what you catch may eat kitty.

  • +1

    Registered breeder with GCCFSA or FASA. While many breeders might be registered with Dogs and Cats Online (State Govt), it means squat in terms of quality.


    Do you have a specific breed in mind?

  • Do your research properly before you buy. Some breeds are a bit more chewy than others.

  • +1

    Go to a local cat show. You will see a full range of cats there. The people who take their cats there are all registered breeders. You can talk to them about their specific breeds as they are all crazy about cats and love nothing better. Sometimes they will have waiting lists but other times of year they will have lots of kittens.

  • +3

    There are plenty of cats for adoption, consider those first.

  • We got our two cat dudes from Cats of Melbourne, volunteers who rescue and rehome.

    • Whoops. Cat People of Melbourne

  • +3

    The pound / shelter / rspca

  • -6

    get a dog instead

    • Dogs must encroach on every aspect of society, thanks for doing your bit to support the cause.

  • +7

    Unless you can guarantee the cat will not leave your property.

    Dont get one!

    I have possums visit and i witnessed a cat kill one in a tree cats are killing machines.

    • I have a possum that comes in to my house via the cat door. My cat just stares at it. The possum is the size of my cat . The cat is intimidated by it.

      My cat is murderer of rats and mice

    • Or just don't let it go outside

  • +2

    I agree with getting a young cat rather than a kitten. They are already house trained.

  • Dogs and Cats Home.

  • Depends on wether you are just looking for a cat or kitten of any type or a specific breed.

    There lots of groups on Fb that will give you information. If you're buying a specific breed you'd want get it from a legitimate breeder. Most have websites and a lot use Fb and communicate through there.

  • Dont forget some pet shops have kittens as well, eg: Petbarn.

    • where do they get them from - cat farms perhaps

      • There's no such thing as a 'cat farm.' Perhaps you're referring to puppy farms, but there's no such equivalent system for domestic cats, because there's already a huge problem with feral kittens. There are only breeders for pedigree cats, some more legitimate than others.

  • +1

    adopt one from a shelter.

  • +1


  • +1

    Mini Kitty Commune: A no kill rescue group who looks for forever homes for their rescue cats.
    Please consider a rescue instead of purchasing.

  • +1

    Got ours thru RSPCA, everything properly documented, desexed, vaccination done, toilet trained etc.

  • +4

    Don’t get any kittens until they are at least 3 months old. 8 weeks is not enough no matter what you’ve been told. Those first few months are critical and well worth the wait.

    Gumtree is where you would get them, visit the kitten, inspect the environment and get a feel of the breeder before you commit. Only buy from the crazy cat lady, not the ones with a lot of commitments or breeding for cash.

  • +1

    If you're after a purebred kitten, then some random advice I was given at a show was to check tradingpost.com.au, as there are plenty of older retiree breeders who just never transitioned to the internet era with websites etc.

    Far fewer backyard breeders and scammers than other classifieds, but of course still need to be diligent and visit in person to make sure they're proper fanciers and not profiteers.

  • -3

    Cats are Wayne Kerrs.

    Get a dog instead

    Thank me later.

  • +1

    Don't buy cats. Environmentally disastrous creatures.

    • -1

      Yep. Domestic cats have been genocidal for Australian wildlife.

      Horrible, destructive creatures.

  • +2

    Get a rescue.

  • +2

    Please adopt.

  • +1

    Ideally you let the cat find you you know unexpectedly on the roadside, in the library, by the pond etc everyday thousands of YouTube and Instagram stories of how this cat found me of all places, in the cinema and landed on my lap throughput the whole movie and after the show I decided to adopt it and now we’re living the happiest life ever!

    • RSPCA adoption is very invasive, they want to see rental contracts with pets allowed clause and they may even come by for inspection, even though you are the one forking out the money.

      Beggars can't be choosers does not exists IN RSPCA vocabulary and totally run in parallel universe to them as it does not exist in their realm of reality.

  • +3

    Adopt dont shop.

  • The rspca in nsw cup a bad rap, due to the absorb amount of surrendered once loved pets they have to deal with.
    I am sure the over whelming majority of their employees/volunteers can do other things that might pay more but they have to deal with so many irresponsible pet owners where the pets have been mistreated or poorly trained, ignored etc. If you have ever known someone that works there, its a thankless job.

  • Yea I would echo those voices that suggested not to get a cat, as they kill tons of local wildlife (birds, marsupials, etc). Please do some due diligence before making a decision and if you do get a cat, ensure you keep it indoors at all times (unless you have a outdoor enclosure) and consider adopting one from a shelter.

  • https://www.petrescue.com.au/
    adopted my last doggie here and you can filter by location, size, age, etc

  • We got ours from RSPCA/Petbarn and he's been great.

  • You don't look to "buy" a cat, a cat will find you once your name is pulled from the cat distribution system raffle…

    Seriously though, adopt one from a shelter.

  • 100% adopt. I have a friend who bought an overpriced ragdoll kitten (which is supposedly known for their 'affectionate', 'cuddly', 'limp when picked up' nature etc) that is absolutely unfriendly and violent as all hell.

    I adopted a 3 year old domestic long hair cat from a Rescue who is more ragdoll in behavior than the supposed ragdoll my friend has. Cuddly and loves to be with her humans. Doesn't scratch any furniture and never bites or scratches anyone.

    Point is, breed doesn't determine anything (sure, it might have a certain look you like). But each cat will have their own personality and you will especially be taking a gamble with kittens. Most rescues lets you have 'meet and greets' as well so you can have a feel of the cat before you decide to adopt too.

  • I recently got one from gumtree which comes with pedigree papers and all. But you really need to do your research. Contact ANCATS to confirm if the breeder is ethical they respond quickly.

  • Local breeder..but better adopt, there are so many of them that need adoption

  • Adopt, don't shop

  • There is a stray cat and a kitten at my place. Can you take them away please?

  • I am still sticking with adopt one, don't shop.

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